Some words look like they could have antonyms but really do not. For example, "aftermath" suggests the made-up opposite of beforemath, a phantom antonym. The word candid, meaning open and frank, suggests the opposite non-word, cannotdidnot, meaning hidden. Here is a list of odd words accompanied by plausible sentences showing their phantom antonyms.
aftermath — Ivan Itch found the beforemath of a struggle quite relaxing.
ambidextrous — Being ambiclumsy, Buck Aroo couldn't use a fork with either hand.
backfire — After his scheme frontfired, Paul Bairer became a wealthy man.
become — It was during anatomy class that Art Deco decided to bego a doctor.
bigamist — After his wives won a class action divorce, Al Amony became a smallamist.
bigot — Since he hated only a few people, Mike Krobe considered himself a smallot.
candid — When it came to his love life, Carl Mell was quite cannotdidnot.
curfew — Heidi Hoe found the streets crowded that night, possibly because of the curmany.
extravaganza — With so few friends, Jo King's party was only a vaganza.
farfetched — Eileen Onyu used only nearfetched experiences on her resume.
fastidious — Since Polly Glot was a slowidious eater, she usually dined alone.
forthwith — Being a procrastinator, May O'Naize filed her taxes forthwithout.
furthermore — Furtherless, I take back what I just said.
handsome — When Neal Downe looked in the mirror each morning, he saw a footsome guy.
hereafter — Liz Ard thought she had been a pigeon in the herebefore because she liked statues.
horseback — The saddle was so loose that Aaron Sturun ended up riding horsefront.
longevity — Eating uncooked bacon three times a day promotes shortevity.
nearly — When Val Ubull jumped from the moving train, he was farly killed.
nevertheless — Rod Enreal's position in the company was minor, but alwaystheless unimportant.
nowadays — Thenadays money could not always buy happiness.
offing — For Lynn Gweeny, marriage was very much in the onning.
outstanding — Rumors had it Bob Enweve was an instanding scholar.
overhaul — Not big on change, Chick Fliik preferred to give her car an underhaul.
posthumously — Donnie Brook wanted to spend his money prehumously.
precocious — Being a postcocious child, Willie spent hours counting his feet.
procrastinate — Being a anticrastinator, Eddy Torial filed his taxes immediately.
reckless — Not being a reckful driver, Robin Cheet was never asked to be the designated driver.
shortcoming — After the honeymoon, Ma discovered Pa had no longcomings.
shortly — The receptionist told Drew Ling the doctor would see her longly.
stopgap — With his finger in the dike, Hans Ellengrettle yearned for a startgap solution.
surplus — Rene Saunce noticed a surminus of meatballs in her spaghetti.
tailspin — Once Cal Sifye sold Bald Barbers, Inc., the price of the shares went into a headspin.
tomboy — Pete Moss, like any judygirl, liked putting on his mother's makeup.
underdogs — Artie Fishel's heart was with the Dodgers but his money was with the overdogs.
understand — Men overstand women because they defy logic.
uneasy — The laxative made Izzy Kidding feel undifficult.
upholstered — Upon returning home, Molly Koddle found her cat had downholstered her sofa.
utmost — Having beaten her boyfriend in the first two games, Fran Tikk did her utleast to win the next one.