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Images of Famous Dogs

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8 Below; famous dog in movie, Eight Below Abu; famous dog in movie, The Thief of Bagdad Ace; famous dog in movie, Ace of Hearts Ace Hart Private Eye Dog; famous dog in TV, Dog City Ace the Bat-Hound; famous dog in comics, Bat Man Ace the Wonder Dog; famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Rusty Adolph; famous dog in comics, Dinglehoofer und His Dog Adolph Adolph; famous dog in movie, Ruthless People Agent 11; famous dog in movie, See Spot Run Akamaru; famous dog in TV, comics, Naruto Albert; famous dog in comics, Klaus Vonderwerth Albert; famous dog in movie, Live a Little Love a Little Alec; famous dog in comics, Alec the Great Alex; famous dog in ads, Stroh's beer Alexander; famous dog in comics, Fullmetal Alchemist Algonquin; famous dog in movie, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark Alistair; famous dog in TV, Crystal Tipps and Alistair Allen; famous dog in TV, The King of Queens Alonzo; famous dog in comics, Have You Seen Alonzo Alphonse; famous dog in comics, Luc Junior Ambrosius; famous dog in movie, Labyrinth Andrew; famous dog in movie, Mary Poppins Andy; famous dog in comics, Mark Trail Andy; famous dog in comics, Pearl Before Swine Angel; famous dog in movie, This Side of the Law Angus; famous dog in movie, Mr. Magoo Anni; famous dog in book, Hello Love Anwar Sadat; famous dog in movie, I Love You Man Apollo and Zeus; famous dog in TV, Magnum-P.I. Archie; famous dog in movie, Behave Yourself! Argos; famous dog in Odyssey Argus; famous dog in movie, Familiar Strangers Arnold; famous dog in TV, Life Goes On Arnold; famous dog in TV, Entourage Arrow; famous dog in movie, The Point Arthur; famous dog in movie, Beginners Arthur; famous dog in movie, Arthur the King Asta; famous dog in movie, book, The Thin Man Asta; famous dog in TV, The Thin Man Astro; famous dog in TV, The Jetsons Atlas; famous dog in movie, Topper Takes a Trip Audrey; famous dog in TV, Neighbours Augie Doggie; famous dog in TV, The Quick Draw McGraw Show Aussie; famous dog in movie, Aussie and Ted's Great Adventure Ava; famous dog in movie, The Noel Diary Axel; famous dog in comics, Fusco Brothers Axelrod; famous dog in ads, Flying A Service Station Böwser vön Überdog; famous dog in comics, The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama Baby; famous dog in movie, Clean Slate Babydoll; famous dog in movie, Heavy Petting Backup; famous dog in movie, TV, Veronica Mars Bailey; famous dog in movie, Bailey's Billion$ Bailey; famous dog in Harry Bliss Bailey; famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Pup Balto; famous dog in serum run to Nome Balto; famous dog in movie, Balto Balzac; famous dog in movie, Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj Bamse; famous dog in World War II Bandit; famous dog in book, TV, Little House on the Prairie Bandit; famous dog in TV, Jonny Quest Bandit; famous dog in book, comics, We3 Banjo; famous dog in movie, Banjo Banks; famous dog in comics, Barkeater Lake Banner; famous dog in movie, More Than Puppy Love Barabbas; famous dog in movie, My Dog, the Thief Barfy; famous dog in comics, Family Circus Barkley; famous dog in TV, Sesame Street Barkley; famous dog in movie, Clean Slate Barkley; famous dog in TV, Meego Barkleys, the; famous dog in TV, The Barkleys Barky Marky; famous dog in movie, Tiny Toon Adventures Barnabas; famous dog in book, comics, The Sandman Barney; famous dog in TV, Blue Peter Barney; famous dog in movie, Gremlins Barney; famous dog in TV, Barney Barney; famous dog in President George W. Bush Barnyard Dawg; famous dog in movie, Walky Talkly Hawky Barry; famous dog in Great St. Bernard Pass Bars; famous dog in comics, Franka Bart; famous dog in movie, Kate & Leopold Bascomb Mr.; famous dog in movie, Hollywood or Bust Baskerville the Hound; famous dog in ads, The Muppet Show Bastian; famous dog in movie, Game Night Baxter; famous dog in movie, Baxter Baxter; famous dog in movie, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Bayard; famous dog in movie, Alice in Wonderland Bazuka; famous dog in movie, Step by Step Beagle Boys; famous dog in comics, Beagle Boys Beans; famous dog in comics, Little Jimmy Bear; famous dog in TV, Person of Interest Beasley; famous dog in movie, Short Circuit Beast; famous dog in movie, The Hills Have Eyes Beast; famous dog in movie, The Sandlot Beatrice; famous dog in movie, Best in Show Beau; famous dog in movie, Iron Will Beauregard Bugleboy; famous dog in comics, Pogo Beautiful Joe; famous dog in book, Beautiful Joe Beck; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Beck Beegle Beagle; famous dog in TV, The Great Grape Ape Show Beethoven; famous dog in movie, Beethoven Beethoven; famous dog in TV, Beethoven Belka and Strelka; famous dog in movie, Space Dogs Bella; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Way Home Belle; famous dog in book, TV, Belle et Sébastien Bello; famous dog in comics, De Avonturen Van Bello Bello; famous dog in book, comics, Bussi Bar Bello; famous dog in book, Dirk's Dog, Bello Belvedere; famous dog in comics, Belvedere Bendico; famous dog in TV, The Leopard Benji; famous dog in movie, Benji Berkley; famous dog in TV, Bad Dog Bessie; famous dog in movie, Period of Adjustment Bessy; famous dog in comics, Bessy Betty; famous dog in movie, Under Cover of Night Betty Jane; famous dog in movie, Three Wishes Biff & Riley; famous dog in comics, Biff & Riley Big Dog; famous dog in TV, 2 Stupid Dogs Big Jeeter; famous dog in movie, Lauta mancia Big Mo; famous dog in ads, Alpo Big Red; famous dog in movie, book, Big Red Big Shirley; famous dog in comics, Big Shirley Bijou; famous dog in TV, Hooperman Bill; famous dog in comics, Boule et Bill Billy Beagle; famous dog in TV, Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Billy Dog; famous dog in book, TV, The Busy World of Richard Scarry Bimbo; famous dog in movie, Betty Boop Bingo; famous dog in ads, Cracker Jacks Bingo; famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear Bingo; famous dog in movie, Bingo! Bingo and Rolly; famous dog in TV, Puppy Dog Pals Binky; famous dog in movie, TV, Girl's Best Friend Binky Barnes; famous dog in TV, Arthur Birba; famous dog in movie, The Truffle Hunters Biscuit; famous dog in comics, Stone Soup Biscuit; famous dog in book, Biscuit Storybook Collection Bismarck; famous dog in TV, Checkmate Bitsy; famous dog in movie, H. M. Pulham Esq. Bitsy; famous dog in comics, Marvin Bitzer; famous dog in movie, TV, Shaun the Sheep Black Bob; famous dog in book, comics, The Dandy Black Hayate; famous dog in TV, comics, Fullmetal Alchemist Blackie and Whitey; famous dog in ads, Black and White Blair; famous dog in movie, first dog movie star  Blake; famous dog in comics, Little Dee Bleeker; famous dog in comics, Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog Blitzen; famous dog in movie, Torchy Gets Her Man Blood; famous dog in movie, A Boy and His Dog Blu; famous dog in book, comics, Monica and Friends Blue; famous dog in TV, Blue Clues Bluey; famous dog in TV, Bluey Bo; famous dog in President Barack Obama's Bob; famous dog in book, Bob, Son of Battle Bob; famous dog in movie, book, Owd Bob Bob; famous dog in book, TV, Dumb Witness Bob the Railway Dog; famous dog in South Australian Railways Bobbie The Wonder Dog; famous dog in traveling 2800 miles Bobby; famous dog in Greyfriars Bobby Bobby; famous dog in movie, The Uninvited Bobi; famous dog in oldest dog Bobje; famous dog in comics, Berts Bobje Boby; famous dog in comics, Boby Bodger; famous dog in movie, book, The Incredible Journey Bodi; famous dog in movie, Rock Dog Bolivar; famous dog in movie, book, comics, Donald Duck Bolt; famous dog in movie, Bolt Bombón; famous dog in movie, El Perro Bonaparte; famous dog in movie, Beau Brumell Bonny; famous dog in movie, Seven Psychopaths Bonzo the dog; famous dog in movie, comics, ads, advertisements Boomer; famous dog in TV, Here's Boomer Boomer; famous dog in movie, Independence Day Boomer; famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe Boot; famous dog in comics, The Perishers Boots; famous dog in book, Thy Servant a Dog Boots; famous dog in TV, Emergency! Bosco; famous dog in movie, The Voices Bouncer; famous dog in TV, Neighbors Bowser; famous dog in comics, Moose & Molly Bowser; famous dog in book, Woof Boy; famous dog in movie, Talk About a Stranger Bradley; famous dog in comics, On a Claire Day Bradley, Jr.; famous dog in movie, Feast of Love Brain; famous dog in TV, Inspector Gadget Brainy Barker; famous dog in TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog Brandon; famous dog in TV, Punky Brewster Brandon; famous dog in TV, It's Punky Brewster Brandy; famous dog in TV, After Life Brandy Harrington; famous dog in TV, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Braveheart; famous dog in TV, Inch High, Private Eye Brian; famous dog in TV, Family Guy Bridget T. Dog; famous dog in comics, My Cage Brinkley; famous dog in movie, You've Got Mail Brown; famous dog in TV, The Westerner Brownie; famous dog in Brownie's Little Venus Bruce; famous dog in President Woodrow Wilson Bruiser; famous dog in movie, Legally Blonde Bruno; famous dog in movie, Cinderella Bruno; famous dog in movie, Les Triplettes de Belleville Brutus; famous dog in movie, book, The Ugly Dachshund Buck; famous dog in movie, book, Call of the Wild Buck; famous dog in movie, The Great Adventure Buck; famous dog in TV, Married... with Children Buck; famous dog in movie, Summer School Buck; famous dog in movie, Buck and the Magic Bracelet Buck; famous dog in movie, Hanging Up Buckles; famous dog in comics, Buckles Buckley; famous dog in movie, The Royal Tenenbaums Buckley; famous dog in movie, Buckley's Chance Buddha; famous dog in movie, Space Buddies Buddy; famous dog in movie, My Dog Buddy Buddy; famous dog in movie, Air Bud Buddy; famous dog in President Bill Clinton Buddy; famous dog in movie, Bring Him Home Buddy; famous dog in TV, Doc Martin Buddy; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Purpose Buford; famous dog in TV, The Buford Files Bug; famous dog in movie, Strays Bugle Ann; famous dog in movie, book, The Voice of Bugle Ann Bugsy; famous dog in movie, The Babadock Bul Super & Hiel Hieper; famous dog in comics, Tom Puss Bulle Bas, Officer; famous dog in comics, Tom Puss Buller; famous dog in movie, book, The Human Factor Bullet; famous dog in TV, comics, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith Bullet; famous dog in TV, The Roy Rogers Show Bulletdog; famous dog in book, comics, Bulletman Bullseye; famous dog in movie, book, TV, Oliver Twist Bullseye; famous dog in ads, Target Bumper; famous dog in comics, The Middletons Bumpy; famous dog in book, TV, Noddy Burp; famous dog in movie, TV, Gerald McBoing-Boing Buster; famous dog in book, The Five Find-Outers Buster; famous dog in book, TV, The Fantastic Flying Journey Buster; famous dog in TV, The Wonder Years Buster; famous dog in movie, Toy Story Buster; famous dog in movie, Bruce Almighty Buster; famous dog in comics, Oh, Brother! Butch; famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Butch; famous dog in movie, Swing Shift Maisie Butch; famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs Butch; famous dog in TV, The Rocketeer Butkus; famous dog in movie, Rocky Buttons; famous dog in movie, Lady Be Good Buttons; famous dog in TV, Animaniacs Cagney; famous dog in comics, Zack Hill Cameo; famous dog in dog actor Camille; famous dog in movie, Hounded Candy; famous dog in movie, Little Dog Lost Canine; famous dog in TV, Glenn Martin, DDS Canine; famous dog in TV, Glenn Martin, DDS Canturro; famous dog in comics, Gaturro Captain McTavish; famous dog in movie, The Kennel Murder Case Carface V. Malone; famous dog in movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven Carl; famous dog in book, Good Dog Carl Caruso; famous dog in President Howard Taft Celine; famous dog in TV, Summer Heights Cerberus; famous dog in Greek mythology Cerberus; famous dog in movie, Man About Dog Ceri; famous dog in TV, Llan-ar-goll-en Chalky; famous dog in Rick Stein Chamsky; famous dog in TV, Everyone Loves Raymond Chance; famous dog in movie, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey  Chance; famous dog in book, One Good Dog Channing Tatum; famous dog in movie, Puppy Love Charkie; famous dog in movie, book, TV, Curious George Charlene; famous dog in movie, Open Season 2 Charley; famous dog in book, Travels With Charley Charlie; famous dog in movie, The Absent-Minded Professor Charlie; famous dog in movie, Joe Dirt Charlie B. Barkin; famous dog in movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven Charlie Dog; famous dog in movie, Little Orphan Airedale Charlie the Wonder Dog; famous dog in TV, The Late Show Charlie, the Ranch Dog; famous dog in book, Charlie the Ranch Dog Chaser; famous dog in book, smartest dog in the world Checkers; famous dog in President Richard Nixon Checkers; famous dog in movie, Dick Cheddar; famous dog in TV, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Cheeka; famous dog in ads, Hutch  Cherokee; famous dog in movie, Scream 3 Chester; famous dog in movie, Looney Tunes Chester; famous dog in TV, The Nanny Chestnut; famous dog in movie, Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Chet; famous dog in book, Dog On It Chico; famous dog in movie, Secret Window Chief; famous dog in movie, book, The Fox and the Hound Chief Mutt; famous dog in comics, Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids Chiffon; famous dog in movie, The Shaggy Dog Chilly; famous dog in movie, Chilly Christmas Chinook; famous dog in first of the sled dog Chinook; famous dog in movie, Hero Dog: The Journey Home Chip the Dog; famous dog in Cookie Crisp Chips; famous dog in World War II Chips; famous dog in movie, Chips the War Dog Chloe; famous dog in movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua Cho Cho; famous dog in movie, The Karate Dog Chomps; famous dog in movie, C.H.O.M.P.S. Choppy; famous dog in TV, The Yogi Bear Show Christmas; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog Named Christmas Chubb and Chauncey; famous dog in comics, Chubb and Chauncey Chuchu; famous dog in TV, The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan Chum; famous dog in movie, Spanglish Churchill; famous dog in ads, Churchill Insurance Company Cinders; famous dog in TV, Casey Jones Cinnamon; famous dog in TV, The Big Bang Theory Cirano; famous dog in book, comics, Alan Ford Cisco; famous dog in book, Raine Stockton Dog Mysteries Claude; famous dog in TV, The Beverly Hillbillies Cleo; famous dog in book, TV, The People's Choice Cleo; famous dog in book, TV, Clifford the Big Red Dog Clifford; famous dog in book, TV, Clifford the Big Red Dog Clive; famous dog in comics, My Own Genie Clown; famous dog in movie, Billie Cobb; famous dog in comics, Deflocked Coco; famous dog in TV, The Donna Reed Show Cody; famous dog in comics, U.S. Acres Cofi; famous dog in movie, Amores Perros Cognac; famous dog in movie, Wild and Wonderful Colin; famous dog in TV, Spaced Colin Curly; famous dog in book, comics, Quaver Colossus; famous dog in movie, Van Wilder Comet; famous dog in TV, Full House Cookie; famous dog in TV, Pound Puppies Cooler; famous dog in movie, TV, Pound Puppies Cooper; famous dog in movie, Angel Dog Copper; famous dog in movie, book, The Fox and the Hound Cora; famous dog in movie, book, To Dance with the White Dog Corneil; famous dog in TV, Corneil and Bernie Cosmo, the Spacedog; famous dog in TV, comics, Guardians of the Galaxy Courage; famous dog in TV, Courage the Cowardly Dog Crab; famous dog in TV, Two Gentlemen of Verona Cubitus; famous dog in comics, Cubitus Cudlow; famous dog in comics, <i>Goosemyer</i> Cujo; famous dog in movie, book, Cujo Daisy; famous dog in movie, comics, Blondie Daisy; famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield Daisy; famous dog in movie, Snatch Daisy; famous dog in movie, Grand Torino Daisy; famous dog in movie, John Wick Danny; famous dog in book, comics, Phantom Blood Danny Boy; famous dog in movie, Danny Boy Dante; famous dog in movie, Coco Daphne; famous dog in movie, Look Who's Talking Now Dash; famous dog in President Benjamin Harrison Dash; famous dog in movie, TV, Young Victoria Dave; famous dog in movie, My Stepmother Is an Alien David; famous dog in movie, Sabrina Dawg; famous dog in comics, Hi and Lois Delgado; famous dog in movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua Dennis; famous dog in TV, Toytown Deputy Dawg; famous dog in TV, Terrytoons Devil; famous dog in movie, comics, The Phantom Devon; famous dog in movie, A Dog Year Dewey; famous dog in movie, Firehouse Dog Diamond; famous dog in movie, Dog Gone Diefenbaker; famous dog in TV, Due South Digby; famous dog in movie, Digby the Biggest Dog in the World Digby; famous dog in TV, Pushing Daisies Digger; famous dog in TV, Valley of the Dinosaurs Digger; famous dog in TV, Big Barn Farm Diggs; famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Dill; famous dog in TV, The Herbs Dinah; famous dog in movie, Mickey Mouse Ding Dong; famous dog in TV, The Houndcats Dingo; famous dog in book, Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen Dinko; famous dog in TV, Astro Farm Dinky; famous dog in ads, Taco Bell Dinky Dog; famous dog in TV, Dinky Dog Diogee; famous dog in TV, Milo Murphy's Law Diogenes; famous dog in book, Dombey and Son Dirty Dawg; famous dog in TV, The Kwicky Koala Show Disreputable Dog; famous dog in book, Old Kingdom: A Trilogy Ditto; famous dog in comics, Monica & Friends DJ Dog; famous dog in book, comics, Housebroken Django; famous dog in TV, Your Honor Djinn Djinn; famous dog in TV, I Dream of Jeannie Doc; famous dog in TV, Grey's Anatomy Dodger; famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company Dog; famous dog in TV, Petticoat Junction Dog; famous dog in TV, Columbo Dog; famous dog in movie, comics, Footrot Flats Dog; famous dog in movie, Road Warrior Dog; famous dog in TV, CatDog Dog; famous dog in movie, Cowboys and Aliens Dog Man; famous dog in book, Dog Man Dogbert; famous dog in comics, Dilbert Dogfather; famous dog in movie, The Dogfather Dogger; famous dog in TV, The Adventures of Portland Bil Doggie Daddy; famous dog in TV, The Quick Draw McGraw Show Dogmatix; famous dog in comics, Asterix Dogpool; famous dog in book, comics, Deadpool Corps Dogs of C-Kennel; famous dog in comics, Dogs of C-Kennel Dogtanian; famous dog in TV, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds Doidle; famous dog in TV, The Fairly OddParents Doki; famous dog in TV, Doki Dolce; famous dog in movie, Young Adult Dolce Sinfonia; famous dog in Show dog champion Dollar; famous dog in book, TV, comics, Richie Rich Dolores; famous dog in movie, Double Take Doogie; famous dog in TV, FARMkids Dooley; famous dog in movie, The Misfits Dorothy; famous dog in movie, 5 Flights Up Dotty Dog; famous dog in TV, The Get-Along Gang Doug; famous dog in TV, The Sarah Silverman Program Doug; famous dog in movie, The Mitchells vs. the Machines Dougal; famous dog in movie, Little Lord Fauntleroy Dougal; famous dog in movie, TV, The Magic Roundabout Douglas; famous dog in TV, Microscopic Milton Douglas Dog; famous dog in TV, Henry’s Cat Dreyfuss; famous dog in TV, Empty Nest Drooly; famous dog in TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog Droopy; famous dog in movie, Droopy Duchess; famous dog in book, The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan Dudley; famous dog in TV, T.U.F.F. Puppy Dug; famous dog in movie, Up Duggee; famous dog in TV, Hey Duggee Duke; famous dog in movie, book, Penrod's Double Trouble Duke; famous dog in movie, Bathing Beauty Duke; famous dog in TV, The Beverly Hillbillies Duke; famous dog in comics, Kelly & Duke Duke; famous dog in TV, Captain N: The Game Master Duke; famous dog in TV, Captain N: The Game Master Duke; famous dog in ads, Bush's Baked Beans Duke; famous dog in movie, Bad Boys Duke; famous dog in movie, The Quiet American Duke; famous dog in movie, TV, Barnyard Duke; famous dog in movie, Seven Pounds Duke; famous dog in movie, The Secret Lives of Pets Dukey; famous dog in TV, Johnny Test Dum Dum; famous dog in TV, Touche Turtle and Dum Dum Duncan; famous dog in comics, Raising Duncan Dusty; famous dog in movie, Dusty Dynomutt; famous dog in TV, Dynomutt Dog Wonder Earl; famous dog in comics, Mutts Eddie; famous dog in movie, Four's a Crowd Eddie; famous dog in movie, The Fabulous Baker Boys Eddie; famous dog in TV, Frasier Eddie; famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield Eddie McDowd; famous dog in TV, 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd Edgar; famous dog in comics, For Better or Worse Edison; famous dog in movie, book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Edward; famous dog in movie, The Accidental Tourist Ein; famous dog in TV, Cowboy Bebop Einstein; famous dog in comics, Einstein Einstein; famous dog in movie, Back to the Future Einstein; famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company Einstein; famous dog in movie, book, Watchers Einstein; famous dog in movie, Breakfast with Einstein Electra; famous dog in comics, Cathy Eliot Shag; famous dog in TV, Dog City Elmer; famous dog in movie, The More Love Grows Elvis; famous dog in movie, A Waggily Tail Elvis; famous dog in TV, Butch Cassidy Elway; famous dog in movie, The Smurfs Elwood; famous dog in movie, The Shaggy D. A. Endal; famous dog in book, service dog Engels; famous dog in movie, Hail, Caesar! Enzo; famous dog in movie, book, The Art of Racing in the Rain Ernie; famous dog in movie, Sweet November Eugene the Jeep; famous dog in movie, comics, Popeye Evie; famous dog in movie, We Think the World of You Faith; famous dog in two legs Fala; famous dog in President Franklin Roosevelt Fang; famous dog in TV, Get Smart Fang; famous dog in comics, The Duplex Fang; famous dog in movie, book, Harry Potter Fang; famous dog in movie, Vampire Dog Fanny, the Wonder Dog; famous dog in Julian Clary Fanto; famous dog in movie, It All Came True Farfel; famous dog in ads, Nestlé's Quik  Farley; famous dog in comics, For Better or Worse Fat Dog Mendoza; famous dog in TV, Fat Dog Mendoza Fay Ray; famous dog in William Wegman Feller; famous dog in President Harry S Truman Ferdinand; famous dog in movie, Tom and Jerry: The Movie Fergus; famous dog in comics, Citizen Dog Fern Walters; famous dog in TV, Arthur Fetch; famous dog in TV, Histeria Fido; famous dog in President Abraham Lincoln Fido; famous dog in movie, Bobby Bumps Fido; famous dog in movie, Fatty's Faithful Dog Fifi; famous dog in comics, Jommeke Fifi; famous dog in TV, Rugrats Fifi; famous dog in movie, Open Season 2 Fifi the Peke; famous dog in movie, Pluto Fikske; famous dog in comics, Rikske and Fikske Flame; famous dog in Rusty Flash; famous dog in TV, The Dukes of Hazzard Flash; famous dog in TV, The Dukes Flash the Wonder Dog; famous dog in TV, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Fleabag; famous dog in TV, The Oddball Couple Flealick; famous dog in movie, Babe: Pig in the City Fleegle; famous dog in TV, The Banana Splits Flike; famous dog in movie, Umberto D Floyd; famous dog in book, comics, Crabby Road Fluffa; famous dog in TV, Summerton Mill Fluke; famous dog in movie, book, Fluke Flush; famous dog in movie, book, The Barretts of Wimpole Street Fly; famous dog in movie, book, Babe Fokkie Flink; famous dog in comics, Fokkie Flink Foofur; famous dog in TV, Foofur Francis; famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company Francis; famous dog in movie, Superstar Frank; famous dog in book, The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa Frank the Pug; famous dog in movie, Men in Black Frankie; famous dog in Frankenmuth Brewery Fred; famous dog in movie, Smokey and the Bandit Fred Bassett; famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett Freeway; famous dog in TV, Hart to Hart Freeway; famous dog in movie, Darling Companion Friday; famous dog in movie, Eyes in the Night Friday; famous dog in movie, book, Hotel for Dogs Frisket; famous dog in TV, Reboot Fritz; famous dog in movie, Koko the Clown Fritz; famous dog in comics, Jane Frou Frou; famous dog in movie, Dulcy Fu; famous dog in TV, American Dragon: Jake Long Fuji; famous dog in TV, The Osmonds Fumbles; famous dog in TV, Where's Huddles? Fuzz; famous dog in comics, Ziggy Fuzzby; famous dog in TV, Grandma Bricks of Swallow Street Gai Luron; famous dog in comics, Gai Luron Gander; famous dog in World War II Garbage; famous dog in TV, Dogs in Space Garrick; famous dog in book, TV, Poldark Gaspard and Lisa; famous dog in book, Gaspard and Lisa Gaspode; famous dog in book, Discworld Gecko; famous dog in TV, Duckman Geddown; famous dog in comics, The Flibbertys Gelert; famous dog in Beddgelert Gelert; famous dog in movie, Gelert Genevieve; famous dog in movie, book, TV, Madeline George; famous dog in movie, The Devil to Pay George; famous dog in movie, Bringing Up Baby George; famous dog in movie, TV, George! Georgette; famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company Gigi; famous dog in movie, Leroy & Stitch Gin; famous dog in TV, comics, Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin Gin; famous dog in TV, Kate and Gin Ginger; famous dog in book, Ginger Pye Gladstone; famous dog in movie, Sherlock Holmes Gnasher; famous dog in comics, Dennis the Menace and Gnasher Gnipper; famous dog in comics, Gnasher and Gnipper Goddard; famous dog in movie, TV, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Goliath; famous dog in TV, Davey and Goliath Goliath; famous dog in TV, Samson and Goliath Gonker; famous dog in movie, Dog Gone Goober; famous dog in TV, Goober and the Ghost Chasers Goodyear; famous dog in movie, Finch Goofy; famous dog in movie, A Goofy Movie Goopy Geer; famous dog in Merrie Melodies Goosers; famous dog in TV, The Twisted Whiskers Show Grace; famous dog in movie, Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Granite; famous dog in book, Child of the Wolves Greta; famous dog in movie, Play Dead Greyfriars Bobby; famous dog in movie, book, Greyfriars Bobby Grimm; famous dog in comics, Mother Goose and Grimm Grits; famous dog in President Jimmy Carter's Gromit; famous dog in movie, comics, Wallace and Gromit Gumbo; famous dog in comics, Adam@home Gus; famous dog in movie, Iron Will Gus; famous dog in TV, King Gus; famous dog in TV, Saving Grace Gyp; famous dog in book, Adam Bede Gyp; famous dog in book, Only One Woof Gypsy; famous dog in movie, Johnny Eager H. G. Wells; famous dog in movie, TV, Father Dear Father Hachiko; famous dog in movie, book, Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog Hacker T. Dog; famous dog in TV, Hacker T. Dog Hagen; famous dog in movie, White God Ham and Ex; famous dog in movie, I Haven't Got a Hat Hambone; famous dog in movie, Hambone and Hillie Hamlet; famous dog in movie, Head Over Heels Hank; famous dog in movie, The Truth About Cats & Dogs Hank; famous dog in Milwaukee Brewers Hank the Cowdog; famous dog in book, Hank the Cowdog Happie; famous dog in comics, Stargazing Dog Happy; famous dog in TV, 7th Heaven Happy Walter Higginbottom; famous dog in TV, The Mighty B! Hardly Boys; famous dog in movie, The Hardly Boys in Hardly Gold Harrie; famous dog in comics, Joop Klepzeiker Harry; famous dog in comics, Oor Wullie Harry; famous dog in book, Harry by the Sea Harry; famous dog in TV, Stanley Harvey; famous dog in movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Hector; famous dog in The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries Hector; famous dog in movie, TV, Heck’s Way Home Heidi; famous dog in President Dwight D. Eisenhower Hercules; famous dog in movie, The Sandlot Higgins; famous dog in Benji Him and Her; famous dog in President Lyndon Johnson Hintza; famous dog in movie, A Far Off Place Hobo; famous dog in movie, TV, The Littlest Hobo Homeless Hector; famous dog in comics, Homeless Hector Honey; famous dog in TV, Housebroken Hong Kong Phooey; famous dog in TV, Hong Kong Phooey Hooch; famous dog in movie, Turner and Hooch Hope; famous dog in TV, Madam Secretary Horand von Grafrath; famous dog in first German Shepherd Horrie; famous dog in World War II Hosehead; famous dog in movie, Strange Brew Hot Dog; famous dog in TV, comics, Archie Howard Huge; famous dog in comics, Howard Huge Howie; famous dog in TV, Almost Naked Animals Hoze Hounds; famous dog in TV, Hoze Houndz Huan; famous dog in book, The Silmarillion Hubble; famous dog in movie, Good Boy! Hubert; famous dog in movie, The Duke Hubert; famous dog in movie, Best in Show Huckleberry Hound; famous dog in TV, The Huckleberry Hound Show Huddersfield Ben; famous dog in first Yorkshire Terrier Humphrey; famous dog in comics, Superkatt Hundley; famous dog in movie, Curious George Hunter, The; famous dog in TV, King Leonardo and his Short Subjects Hush Puppy; famous dog in TV, Shari Lewis Show Iggy; famous dog in comics, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Isis; famous dog in TV, Downton Abbey Islay; famous dog in TV, Victoria Itchiford (Itchy); famous dog in movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven Ivana; famous dog in TV, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody J.B.; famous dog in movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service Jack; famous dog in book, TV, Little House on the Prairie Jack; famous dog in TV, Tales of the Gold Monkey Jack; famous dog in movie, Lost & Found Jack; famous dog in book, The Last Dog on Earth Jack; famous dog in movie, The Lake House Jack; famous dog in movie, The Artist Jackyl; famous dog in movie, Dude Where's My Car? Jake; famous dog in movie, Theodora Goes Wild Jake; famous dog in movie, The Last Chance Detectives: Escape from Fire Lake Jake; famous dog in TV, Adventure Time Jake; famous dog in movie, Puppy Love James Hound; famous dog in TV, Dr. Ha-Ha Jane; famous dog in movie, The Young in Heart Jason; famous dog in ads, Hush Puppies Jasper; famous dog in movie, book, Rebecca Jasper; famous dog in book, I Want to Kill the Dog Jax; famous dog in movie, Lou Jean; famous dog in Vitagraph Dog Jeb; famous dog in TV, VR Troopers Jed; famous dog in movie, The Journey of Natty Gann Jelly Roll; famous dog in TV, Jibber Jabber Jenna; famous dog in movie, Balto Jennie; famous dog in movie, book, Higglety Pigglety Pop! Jerry; famous dog in book, Jerry of the Islands Jerry Lee; famous dog in movie, K9 Jerry the Tyke; famous dog in movie, silent film era Jessie; famous dog in movie, Animal Farm Jigg and Mooch; famous dog in comics, Jigg and Mooch Jim; famous dog in movie, Station Jim Jim; famous dog in TV, Mike and Molly Jim the Wonder Dog; famous dog in remarkable abilities Jip; famous dog in movie, book, TV, David Copperfield Jip; famous dog in book, Doctor Dolittle Jitters; famous dog in TV, Raw Toonage Jo-Fi; famous dog in Sigmund Freud Jock; famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp Jock; famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett Jock of the Bushveld; famous dog in movie, book, Jock of the Bushveld Joe; famous dog in TV, Run Joe Run Joey; famous dog in movie, Fool's Parade John Joiner; famous dog in book, The Roly-Poly Pudding Johnny One-Eye; famous dog in movie, Johnny One-Eye Jollipop; famous dog in comics, Panda Jollop; famous dog in TV, Engie Benjy Jonnie; famous dog in movie, Ring of Bright Water Joost; famous dog in comics, Tom Puss Josef; famous dog in book, Heidi Judy; famous dog in World War II Jump; famous dog in book, Protector of the Small Junior; famous dog in comics, Muggs and Skeeter Junkyard; famous dog in movie, Race to Witch Mountain Just Nuisance; famous dog in Royal Navy K-9; famous dog in movie, Marvin the Martian Kambyses; famous dog in book, The Hound of Florence Kashtanka; famous dog in book, Kastanka Katie; famous dog in movie, book, What Dreams May Come Kavik; famous dog in movie, book, The Courage of Kavik the Wolf Dog Kazak; famous dog in book, The Sirens of Titan Kazan; famous dog in movie, Jaws of Justice Kelly; famous dog in movie, Kelly and me Kemlo; famous dog in book, comics, Top 10 Kep; famous dog in book, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck Kewpie; famous dog in comics, Born Loser Khyi Yang Po; famous dog in movie, The Shaggy Dog King; famous dog in TV, comics, Challenge of The Yukon King; famous dog in movie, You Never Can Tell King; famous dog in movie, A Dog's Best Friend King Tut; famous dog in President Herbert Hoover Kipper; famous dog in book, TV, Kipper Kitty; famous dog in book, A Dog Called Kitty Kiwi; famous dog in TV, Code Lyoko Kleberg; famous dog in Study of Kleberg Koko; famous dog in comics, The Other Coast Koko the Pup; famous dog in The Beano Book Kolin Kelly; famous dog in comics, Krazy Kat Kreeg; famous dog in comics, Sojourn Krypto; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Superman Krypto the Superdog; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog Kyle; famous dog in movie, Despicable Me Lad; famous dog in movie, book, Lad: A Dog Ladadog; famous dog in movie, TV, Please Don't Eat the Daisies Laddie Boy; famous dog in President Warren G. Harding Lado; famous dog in movie, TV, The Loud House Lady; famous dog in movie, book, Goodbye My Lady Lady; famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp Lady Geryhound; famous dog in ads, Greyhound Lines Ladybird; famous dog in TV, King of the Hill Lafayette; famous dog in movie, The Aristocats Laika; famous dog in first dog in space Lampo; famous dog in book, Lampo, the Traveling Dog Lassie; famous dog in book, Lassie Come Home Lassie; famous dog in movie, TV, Lassie Come Home Laughing Gravy; famous dog in movie, Laughing Gravy Lenny; famous dog in movie, Lenny the Wonder Dog Leonard; famous dog in movie, Ghost Town Lester; famous dog in movie, Halloween Levi; famous dog in TV, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye Liberty; famous dog in President Gerald R. Ford Liberty and Moocher; famous dog in movie, The Pooch and the Pauper  Lightning; famous dog in movie, Two in Revolt Lily; famous dog in book, Lily and the Octopus Lincoln; famous dog in movie, Soccer Dog-The Movie Liquidator; famous dog in TV, Darkwing Duck Little Ann; famous dog in movie, book, Where the Red Fern Grows Little Brother; famous dog in movie, Mulan Little Dog; famous dog in TV, 2 Stupid Dogs Little Dog; famous dog in comics, Little Dog Lost Lloyd; famous dog in movie, Norbit Lobo; famous dog in Thunderbolt Lockjaw; famous dog in comics, Fantastic Four Lomax; famous dog in TV, Lomax, the Hound of Music Lorelei; famous dog in book, The Dogs of Babel Lotje; famous dog in comics, Jack, Jacky and the Juniors Lou; famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs Louie; famous dog in comics, Overboard Loula; famous dog in TV, Pocoyo Loyal Heart Dog; famous dog in movie, TV, The Care Bears Movie Luath; famous dog in movie, book, The Incredible Journey Lucky; famous dog in comics, Hawkeye Lucky; famous dog in movie, TV, Dr. Dolittle Lucky; famous dog in TV, Married with Children Lucky; famous dog in movie, My Magic Dog Lucky; famous dog in movie, You Lucky Dog Lucky; famous dog in movie, The Dogwalker Lucky; famous dog in movie, Doggie Tails, Vol. 1: Lucky's First Sleep Over Lucky; famous dog in movie, You Lucky Dog Lucky; famous dog in TV, Pound Puppies Lucy; famous dog in movie, Wendy and Lucy Luiz; famous dog in movie, Rio Lulu; famous dog in movie, Dog Ma-Mutt; famous dog in TV, ThunderCats Mabel; famous dog in book, Naughty Mabel Magenta; famous dog in TV, Blue Clues Maggie; famous dog in movie, The Wild River Maggie; famous dog in book, Suspect Major and Champ; famous dog in President Biden's Mammoth Mutt; famous dog in TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog Man Ray; famous dog in William Wegman Marc Anthony; famous dog in movie, Feed the Kitty Marley; famous dog in movie, book, Marley and Me Marlowe; famous dog in movie, Cop Dog Marmaduke; famous dog in movie, comics, Marmaduke Martha; famous dog in book, TV, Martha Speaks Martin; famous dog in TV, Downward Dog Marvin; famous dog in movie, Paterson Matisse; famous dog in movie, Down and Out in Beverly Hills Max; famous dog in TV, Jake and the Fatman Max; famous dog in movie, The Little Mermaid Max; famous dog in movie, Man's Best Friend Max; famous dog in movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas Max; famous dog in comics, Lola Max; famous dog in comics, Ben Max; famous dog in movie, Max Max; famous dog in movie, Max Max; famous dog in movie, The Secret Life of Pets Max; famous dog in movie, Show Dogs Max Goof; famous dog in movie, TV, Goof Troop Maximilian; famous dog in movie, Hugo Maximillion; famous dog in TV, The Bionic Woman McBarker; famous dog in TV, What's New Mr. Magoo McDuff; famous dog in movie, Too Many Wives McDuff; famous dog in book, McDuff McGruff; famous dog in ads, National Crime Prevention Council McKinley; famous dog in book, The Good Dog McTavish; famous dog in movie, book, The Kennel Murder Case McTavish; famous dog in book, Good Dog McTavish Meat; famous dog in TV, The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show Meatball; famous dog in TV, Baa Baa Black Sheep Meathead; famous dog in movie, Screwy Squirrel Melba; famous dog in movie, Five Golden Hours Merle; famous dog in book, Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog Merlin; famous dog in book, TV, Merlin the Magical Puppy Metal; famous dog in comics, Tibetan Rock Dog Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog; famous dog in TV, Tom Terrific Mignon; famous dog in TV, Green Acres Miguel; famous dog in TV, Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty Mike; famous dog in movie, comics, Ginger Meggs Mike; famous dog in book, Irish Red, Son of Big Red Mike; famous dog in movie, Bait Miles; famous dog in comics, Farley Millie; famous dog in First Lady Barbara Bush Milo; famous dog in movie, TV, The Mask Minnie; famous dog in comics, Mike du Jour Minus; famous dog in TV, Poko Miss Agnes; famous dog in movie, Best of Show Miss Skippy; famous dog in movie, Midnight Alibi Missus; famous dog in book, The Hundred and One Dalmations Mo; famous dog in book, Mo: The Talking Dog Mo; famous dog in TV, Undateable Mogley; famous dog in movie, Dog Park Monroe; famous dog in TV, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee Montmorency; famous dog in book, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing Of The Dog...) Monty; famous dog in movie, The Hidden Room Mooch; famous dog in movie, Mooch Goes To Hollywood Mop Top; famous dog in TV, The Brady Kids Moreover; famous dog in movie, book, The Biscuit Eater Mortimer; famous dog in comics, Jump Start Mosé; famous dog in book, comics, Lupo Alberto Moses; famous dog in movie, Dogville Moses; famous dog in movie, Meet the Fockers Mother Teresa; famous dog in movie, book, Must Like Dogs Mouse; famous dog in book, Blood Rites Moxy; famous dog in TV, The Moxy Show Mr. Beefy; famous dog in movie, Little Nicky Mr. Bones; famous dog in book, Timbuktu Mr. Jones; famous dog in movie, Murder on a Honeymoon Mr. Mosely; famous dog in book, Just a Dog Mr. Peabody; famous dog in movie, TV, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show Mr. Peanutbutter; famous dog in TV, BoJack Horseman Mr. Smith; famous dog in movie, The Awful Truth Mr. Twixzle; famous dog in movie, Rent-a-Kid Mr. Weenie; famous dog in movie, Open Season 2 Mrs. Brown; famous dog in movie, Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter Ms. Lion; famous dog in TV, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends Muffin; famous dog in movie, Screwed Muffit II; famous dog in TV, Battlestar Galactica Muffy; famous dog in movie, Anatomy of a Murder Mumbly; famous dog in TV, The Mumbly Cartoon Show Mungo; famous dog in TV, Mary, Mungo and Midge Muppy; famous dog in TV, The Muppet Show Murphy; famous dog in movie, They Only Kill Their Masters Murray; famous dog in TV, Mad About You Mussel Mutt; famous dog in TV, The Houndcats Mutt; famous dog in book, The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Mutt Potter; famous dog in movie, Tom Sawyer Muttley; famous dog in TV, Dick Dastardly My Little Darling; famous dog in movie, Shall We Dance Mystery; famous dog in movie, Vicky and her Mystery Nabuko Donosor; famous dog in comics, Urbanus Nana; famous dog in book, Peter and Wendy Nana; famous dog in movie, Peter Pan Nanook; famous dog in movie, The Lost Boys Napoleon; famous dog in comics, Napoleon and Uncle Elby Napoleon; famous dog in movie, Riff Raff Napoleon; famous dog in movie, The Aristocats Napoleon; famous dog in movie, Once Upon a Crime Napoleon; famous dog in movie, Napoleon Nathaniel; famous dog in book, City Ned; famous dog in movie, The Number 23 Neil; famous dog in TV, Topper Nelson; famous dog in movie, The Little Hut Nemo; famous dog in hero war dog in vietnam Nerak; famous dog in movie, book, The Watcher in the Woods Nero; famous dog in TV, F.C. De Kampioenen Nevins; famous dog in movie, The Cat in the Hat Newshounds; famous dog in comics, Newshounds Newt; famous dog in TV, Animaniacs Nikki; famous dog in movie, Nikki Wild Dog of the North Nipper; famous dog in ads, The Gramophone Company Norbert; famous dog in comics, Norbert Nosonja; famous dog in book, comics, Alan Ford Nugget; famous dog in book, comics, Adventures of Big Boy Number One; famous dog in TV, Star Trek: Picard Nunzio and Stinky; famous dog in TV, Dharma and Greg Oddball; famous dog in movie, OddBall Odie; famous dog in movie, comics, Garfield Offissa Bull Pup; famous dog in comics, Krazy Kat Old Dan; famous dog in movie, book, Where the Red Fern Grows Old Drum; famous dog in movie, The Trial of Old Drum Old Yeller; famous dog in movie, book, Old Yeller Ole Rex; famous dog in movie, Old Rex Olive; famous dog in movie, book, Olive, the Other Reindeer Ollie; famous dog in movie, book, The Sundowners Oscar; famous dog in TV, Curb Your Enthusiasm Oso; famous dog in comics, Sheldon Otis; famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Milo and Otis Otis; famous dog in movie, Son of the Mask Otto; famous dog in comics, Beetle Bailey Owney; famous dog in U.S. Postal Office Ozzie; famous dog in movie, Epic Ozzie; famous dog in movie, My Spy P. B.; famous dog in movie, Babe: Pig in the City Paddlefoot; famous dog in TV, Clutch Gargo Pajamas; famous dog in comics, Tumbleweeds Pal; famous dog in Lassie Come Home Pal; famous dog in TV, Arthur Pal; famous dog in TV, Wind at my Back Pard; famous dog in movie, High Sierra Pard; famous dog in movie, I Died A Thousand Times Pat; famous dog in TV, Pat the Dog Patch; famous dog in comics, Mandy  Patches; famous dog in comics, Gamin and Patches Patou; famous dog in movie, Rock-a-Doodle Patrasche; famous dog in movie, book, TV, A Dog of Flanders Patrick; famous dog in movie, Patrick Patsy; famous dog in movie, Storm in a Teacup Paul Anka; famous dog in TV, Gilmore Girls Paw Patrol; famous dog in TV, Paw Patrol Paws; famous dog in movie, Search for Santa Paws Pax; famous dog in TV, Longstreet Pazuzu; famous dog in TV, Neighbors form Hell Pearl; famous dog in comics, Beryl the Perl Pearl; famous dog in movie, Spencer Confidential Pedro; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Sexton Blake Peeves; famous dog in comics, Pet Peeves Peewee; famous dog in movie, Breakfast for Two Pekkie; famous dog in comics, Jommeke Pencil; famous dog in movie, Year of the Dog Penny; famous dog in movie, Skippy Percy; famous dog in movie, Pocahontas Perdita and Pongo; famous dog in movie, One Hundred and One Dalmatians Peritas; famous dog in Alexander the Great Pete; famous dog in President Theodore Roosevelt Pete; famous dog in movie, The Silent Call Peter Puppy; famous dog in TV, Earthworm Jim Petey; famous dog in movie, Our Gang Petey; famous dog in book, TV, The Puppy's Further Adventures Petey; famous dog in TV, The Little Rascals Petula; famous dog in movie, book, Molly Moon Phiz; famous dog in Helen Keller Pickles; famous dog in book, Ginger and Pickles Pickles; famous dog in movie, The Spy with a Cold Nose Picpak; famous dog in comics, Picpak Dog Pierrot; famous dog in movie, Designing Women Pif; famous dog in TV, comics, Spiff and Hercules Pigger; famous dog in TV, Braceface Pijo; famous dog in movie, Doggie B Pilot; famous dog in movie, book, TV, Jane Eyre Pilot; famous dog in movie, Rachel and the Stranger Pilot; famous dog in movie, The Retrievers Pimpa; famous dog in TV, comics, Pimpa Pinky; famous dog in TV, Phineas and Ferb Pip; famous dog in comics, Pip, Squeak and Wilfred Pippin; famous dog in TV, Come Outside Plugger; famous dog in movie, A Millions Ways to Die in the West Pluto; famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse Pluto; famous dog in movie, The Stray Poe; famous dog in movie, Wonder Boys Poky; famous dog in book, The Poky Little Puppy Polgas; famous dog in comics, Pugad Baboy Poncho; famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe Pongo and Perdy; famous dog in movie, 101 Dalmatians Pongping; famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear Ponta Koizumi; famous dog in comics, Guru Guru Pon-chan Pooch; famous dog in comics, Sinfest Poochie; famous dog in comics, Nancy Poochini; famous dog in TV, Poochini’s Yard Pooka; famous dog in movie, Anastasia Poopoo; famous dog in movie, Cat and Dog Poppy; famous dog in movie, Mars Attacks! Poppy; famous dog in movie, Easy Virtue Poppy; famous dog in comics, Off the Leash Porkchop; famous dog in TV, Doug Porsche; famous dog in movie, Enemy of the State Porthos; famous dog in TV, Star Trek Enterprise Porthos; famous dog in movie, Finding Neverland Potsworth; famous dog in TV, Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone Pouch; famous dog in TV, Chicago Fire Precious Pup; famous dog in TV, The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show Pretzel; famous dog in TV, In the Dark Prince; famous dog in movie, The Case of the Howling Dog Prince; famous dog in movie, The Falcon in Danger Prince Dansker; famous dog in movie, Death of a Champion Prince Terrien; famous dog in movie, book, Bridge to Terbithia Puddles; famous dog in comics, Luann Puddy; famous dog in comics, Little Eva Puddy the Pup; famous dog in movie, Terrytoons character Pudgy; famous dog in movie, Betty Boop Pudsey; famous dog in TV, Ashleigh and Pudsey Puff; famous dog in TV, Proud Family Puffy; famous dog in movie, Something About Mary Pumpkin; famous dog in TV, The Gilded Age Pup Parade dogs; famous dog in comics, Pup Parade Pupcake; famous dog in TV, Strawberry Shortcake Puppy Paws; famous dog in movie, Santa Buddies Puppy Purple; famous dog in TV, The Blobs Pushinka; famous dog in President John F. Kennedy Quark; famous dog in movie, TV, Honey I Shrunk the Kids Queequeg; famous dog in TV, The X Files Quigley; famous dog in movie, Quigley Quill; famous dog in movie, Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog Rab; famous dog in book, Rab and his Friends Rabelais; famous dog in movie, Out of the Blue Radar; famous dog in book, comics, Supreme Raffles; famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield Raggedy Dog; famous dog in book, TV, The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy Rags; famous dog in World War I Rags; famous dog in TV, Spin City Ragsy; famous dog in movie, Fog Over Frisco Rainy; famous dog in movie, Cool Dog Ralph; famous dog in TV, The Secret Files of the Spy Dogs Ralphie; famous dog in TV, Lazer Tag Academy Rambo; famous dog in movie, Mannequin Randolph; famous dog in book, A Dog About Town Rantanplan; famous dog in book, TV, comics, Lucky Luke Raving Beauty; famous dog in movie, The Gay Dog Rebel; famous dog in TV, The Adventures of Champion Reckless; famous dog in TV, The Waltons Red; famous dog in movie, Red Red Dog; famous dog in movie, book, Red Dog Reddy; famous dog in TV, Ruff and Reddy Reggie; famous dog in TV, Jesse Stone: No Remorse Reggie; famous dog in movie, Strays Rembrandt; famous dog in movie, Woman on the Run Ren; famous dog in TV, The Ren and Stimpy Show Renni; famous dog in book, Renni der Retter: Das Leben eines Kriegshundes Reno; famous dog in movie, Top Dog Rex; famous dog in President Ronald Reagan Rex; famous dog in TV, Inspector Rex Rex; famous dog in movie, Cybermutt Rex; famous dog in movie, Megan Leavey Rex; famous dog in TV, Hudson & Rex  Rex the Wonder Dog; famous dog in comics, Rex The Wonder Dog Rhapsody in White; famous dog in movie, Best in Show Rhubarb; famous dog in TV, The Houndcats Ribbon and Hayward; famous dog in comics, Ribbon and Hayward Ribsy; famous dog in book, Henry Higgins Ricochet; famous dog in book, Surfing Dogs Riff; famous dog in TV, Tractor Tom Rimshot; famous dog in movie, Ernest Scared Stupid Rin Tin Tin; famous dog in World War I Rin Tin Tin; famous dog in movie, TV, The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin Rita; famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company Rivets; famous dog in comics, Rivets Road Rovers; famous dog in TV, Road Rovers Rob Roy; famous dog in President Calvin Coolidge Roberto; famous dog in movie, Open Season 2 Rocco; famous dog in movie, The Drop Rock; famous dog in movie, Git! Rocket; famous dog in comics, Chacha Chaudhary Rocket; famous dog in ads, The Life is Good Company Rocket; famous dog in book, How Rocket Learned to Read Rocks; famous dog in movie, Look Who's Talking Now Rocky; famous dog in comics, Rocky Rodney; famous dog in movie, It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog Rodney; famous dog in comics, Trudy Roger; famous dog in book, TV, The Durrells  Roger; famous dog in TV, Bobby's World Roger; famous dog in movie, Pets United Roger; famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs: Paws 3 Unite! Rollo; famous dog in TV, Outlander Roly; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Rontu; famous dog in movie, Island of the Blue Dolphins Roobarb; famous dog in TV, Roobarb Roscoe; famous dog in comics, Pickles Rosebud; famous dog in comics, Bloom County Rosie and Ruff; famous dog in TV, Rosie & Ruff in Puppydog Tales Rosie O'Grady; famous dog in TV, Dog City Rover; famous dog in movie, Rescued by Rover Rover; famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield Rover; famous dog in comics, Red and Rover Rover Red Charlie; famous dog in book, Rover Red Charlie Rowdy; famous dog in movie, Summer of the Monkeys Rowf; famous dog in movie, book, The Plague Dogs Rowlf the Dog; famous dog in movie, TV, ads, The Muppet Show Roy; famous dog in TV, Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy Ruby; famous dog in movie, Rescued by Ruby Rude Dog; famous dog in TV, Rude Dog and the Dweebs Rudy; famous dog in TV, Katts and Dog Ruff; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Dennis the Menace Ruff Ruffman; famous dog in TV, FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman Rufferto; famous dog in book, comics, Groo the Wanderer Ruffy; famous dog in TV, Timmy Time Rufus; famous dog in movie, Fluke Rufus; famous dog in movie, Open Season 2 Rump; famous dog in TV, DinoSquad Runt; famous dog in TV, Animaniacs Ruppert; famous dog in comics, Deflocked Rusty; famous dog in movie, For the Love of Rusty Rusty; famous dog in movie, Rusty: The Great Rescue Rusty; famous dog in movie, Home on the Range Sadie; famous dog in movie, The Conjuring Sakura; famous dog in comics, The Other Coast Sam; famous dog in movie, It Happened on Fifth Avenue Sam; famous dog in movie, Hondo Sam; famous dog in comics, Family Circus Sam; famous dog in TV, comics, Sam & Max Sam and Brandy; famous dog in Dog Days Sam Jr.; famous dog in movie, Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency Sam Sheepdog; famous dog in movie, A Sheep in the Deep Samantha; famous dog in movie, book, I am Legend Sammy; famous dog in TV, Ox Tales Sammy; famous dog in movie, Mr. Destiny Sammy Davis Jr. Jr.; famous dog in movie, book, Everything Is Illuminated Samson; famous dog in movie, TV, Samson en Gert Samson; famous dog in TV, Braceface Sandy; famous dog in movie, comics, Little Orphan Annie Santa Paws; famous dog in book, Santa Paws Santa Paws; famous dog in movie, Santa Buddies Santa's Little Helper; famous dog in TV, The Simpsons Sapphie; famous dog in TV, comics, Jewelpet Satchel; famous dog in comics, Get Fuzzy Savage Sam; famous dog in movie, Savage Sam Scamp; famous dog in movie, comics, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure Scamper; famous dog in book, The Secret Seven Schaeffer; famous dog in TV, The Racoons Schotzie; famous dog in TV, That '70s Show Schultz; famous dog in comics, Sweetie Pie Scooby-Doo; famous dog in movie, TV, Scooby-Doo Where Are You Scoot; famous dog in movie, Scoot & Kassie's Christmas Adventure Scout; famous dog in TV, Finley the Fire Engine Scrappy-Doo; famous dog in TV, Scooby-Doo Scraps; famous dog in movie, A Dog's Life Scraps; famous dog in movie, Corpse Bride Scratch; famous dog in TV, Dot. Scruff; famous dog in TV, Scruff Scruff; famous dog in TV, Little Princess Scruffty; famous dog in TV, Bob the Builder Scruffy; famous dog in movie, TV, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Scud; famous dog in movie, Toy Story Scuppers; famous dog in book, Scuppers The Sailor Dog Señor Dog; famous dog in comics, Gordo Seaman; famous dog in Lewis and Clark Seamus; famous dog in Presidential candidate in 2012, Mitt Romney Searchlight; famous dog in movie, book, Stone Fox Sensation; famous dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Sergeant Murphy; famous dog in book, TV, The Busy World of Richard Scarry Seymour; famous dog in TV, Futurama Shadow; famous dog in TV, The Centurions Shadow; famous dog in movie, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey Shadow; famous dog in book, The Sorcerer in the North Shagg E. Dawg; famous dog in comics, Ask Shagg Shamus; famous dog in TV, Q. T. Hush Shane; famous dog in movie, Radio Flyer Sharky; famous dog in TV, Eek! The Cat Shasta; famous dog in movie, Snow Buddies Sheba; famous dog in movie, The Women Shelby; famous dog in TV, Smallville Shelly; famous dog in movie, Wiener Dog Nationals Shep; famous dog in movie, My Dog Shep Shep; famous dog in movie, The Painted Hills Shep; famous dog in TV, Horseland Sherlock; famous dog in movie, Sherlock: Undercover Dog Sherlock Hound; famous dog in TV, Sherlock Hound Shiloh; famous dog in movie, book, Shiloh Sieg and Kleine; famous dog in comics, Gasoline Alley Simba; famous dog in movie, Oh My Dog Simone; famous dog in TV, The Partridge Family Sinbad; famous dog in book, U.S. Coast Guard Sinbad; famous dog in book, comics, Sinbad Again! Skeletor; famous dog in movie, 50/50 Skip; famous dog in comics, Kapitein Rob Skip; famous dog in movie, book, My Dog Skip Skipper; famous dog in movie, Robinson Crusoe Skits; famous dog in book, TV, Martha Speaks Slinky; famous dog in movie, Toy Story Slugger; famous dog in book, A Dog Named Slugger Smedey; famous dog in Chilly Willy Smiley; famous dog in TV, Hazel Smirnov; famous dog in comics, Blacksad Smoky; famous dog in World War II Snert; famous dog in comics, Hagar the Horrible Sniffy; famous dog in comics, Sniffy Sniffy the Pup; famous dog in book, comics, Sniffy the Pup Snitter; famous dog in movie, book, The Plague Dogs Snoopy; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Peanuts Snots; famous dog in movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Snowdogs; famous dog in movie, Snow Dogs Snowplow; famous dog in movie, Nine Dog Christmas Snowy; famous dog in movie, book, TV, comics, The Adventures of Tintin Snuff; famous dog in book, A Night in the Lonesome October Snuffles; famous dog in TV, The Quick Draw McGraw Show Snuffy; famous dog in movie, Pal Joey Snuppy; famous dog in first cloned dog Soda; famous dog in movie, Since You Went Away Sonny; famous dog in movie, Due Date Sonny; famous dog in movie, The Dogfather Sophie; famous dog in comics, Dog eat Doug Sorry O-O; famous dog in book, TV, comics, Moomin Sounder; famous dog in book, Sounder Sounder; famous dog in movie, TV, Sounder Sparky; famous dog in comics, Smokey Stover Sparky; famous dog in National Fire Protection Association Sparky; famous dog in movie, Frankenweenie Sparky; famous dog in movie, Michael Sparky; famous dog in TV, South Park Sparky; famous dog in TV, The Fairly OddParents Speedy; famous dog in TV, The Drew Carey Show Spencer; famous dog in comics, Best in Show Spike; famous dog in Tom and Jerry Spike; famous dog in comics, Peanuts Spike; famous dog in movie, Looney Tunes Spike; famous dog in Old Yeller Spike; famous dog in TV, Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats Spike; famous dog in TV, Rugrats Spike; famous dog in movie, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas Spike; famous dog in movie, The Game Plan Spitsy; famous dog in comics, Big Nate Spot; famous dog in book, Dick and Jane Spot; famous dog in comics, The Timbertoes Spot; famous dog in movie, Shaft in Africa Spot; famous dog in movie, See Spot Run Spot Helperman; famous dog in TV, Teacher's Pet Spot the Dog; famous dog in book, TV, Spot the Dog Spots; famous dog in movie, Isle of Dogs Sprocket; famous dog in TV, Fraggle Rock Spuds Mackenzie; famous dog in ads, Budweiser Spunky; famous dog in TV, Happys Days Spunky; famous dog in TV, Rocko's Modern Life Stan; famous dog in TV, Dog With a Blog Stella; famous dog in TV, Modern Family Stella; famous dog in book, Stella is a Star Stella; famous dog in comics, Furbabies Stickeen; famous dog in book, Stickeen: An Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier Stogie; famous dog in TV, Mission Hill Streak; famous dog in book, comics, Green Lantern Stringer and Tubby; famous dog in TV, The Beagles Stripe; famous dog in comics, Tiger Strongheart; famous dog in movie, White Fang Struppi; famous dog in comics, Tobias Seicherl Stubby; famous dog in movie, Sgt._Stubby:_An_American_Hero Sucker; famous dog in movie, They Shall Have Music Sunny; famous dog in movie, Due Date Sweep; famous dog in TV, The Sooty Show Sweetie; famous dog in movie, book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Tag Barker; famous dog in book, TV, Go, Dog, Go Tagg; famous dog in TV, The Adventures of Gulliver Talking Dog; famous dog in TV, The Powderpuff Girls Taz; famous dog in movie, Rabbit Hole Tazzie; famous dog in movie, Honest Thief Teddy; famous dog in movie, The Extra Girl Tekko Taks; famous dog in comics, Tekko Taks Tequila; famous dog in TV, Tequila and Bonetti Terence; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Tet; famous dog in TV, Airfwolf The Doberman Gang; famous dog in movie, The Doberman Gang The Dog; famous dog in TV, Family Dog The Mighty Celt; famous dog in movie, The Mighty Celt Thor; famous dog in movie, Bad Moon Thurber; famous dog in TV, Party of Five Tickie; famous dog in movie, book, TV, Agaton Sax and the Bykoebing Village Festival Tige; famous dog in TV, comics, ads, Buster Brown Tiger; famous dog in TV, The Brady Bunch Tiger; famous dog in book, TV, Kipper the Dog Timmy; famous dog in book, TV, The Famous Five Tippie; famous dog in comics, Cap Stubbs and Tippie Tito; famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company Titus; famous dog in comics, Batman TNT; famous dog in comics, Rip Haywire Tobias; famous dog in comics, Spike and Suzy Tobias; famous dog in book, comics, Jommeke Toby; famous dog in movie, The Great Mouse Detective Toby; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Journey Tock; famous dog in movie, book, The Phantom Tollbooth Togo; famous dog in 1925 Serum Run to Nome Top Dog; famous dog in comics, Top Dog Toto; famous dog in movie, book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Toto; famous dog in TV, Tin Man Towser; famous dog in book, Towser Dog's Story Towser; famous dog in book, TV, Towser Trakr; famous dog in 9-11 attacks Tramp; famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp Tramp; famous dog in TV, My Three Sons Trouble; famous dog in TV, Superstretch and Microwoman Trouble; famous dog in movie, Trouble Truffles; famous dog in TV, George & Mildred Trusty; famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp Tubby; famous dog in comics, Take It From The Tinkersons Tucker; famous dog in movie, Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery Tuesday; famous dog in book, Until Tuesday Tuffy; famous dog in comics, Tuffy and his Magic Tail Tulip; famous dog in movie, book, My Dog Tulip Turbodogs; famous dog in TV, Turbo Dogs Tutu; famous dog in TV, Little Bear Tyko; famous dog in movie, Life is Ruff Tyrone; famous dog in TV, The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty Ubi; famous dog in book, Sit, Ubu, Sit Underdog; famous dog in TV, Underdog Underdog; famous dog in movie, Underdog Valentine; famous dog in movie, Year of the Dog Verdell; famous dog in movie, As good As It Gets Vince; famous dog in movie, The Burbs Vincent; famous dog in TV, Lost Vinny; famous dog in TV, Family Guy Vivian; famous dog in comics, Cathy Wag; famous dog in movie, Dean Spanley Wally; famous dog in comics, Drabble Walter; famous dog in book, Walter the Farting Dog Watson; famous dog in book, comics, Kid Sherlock Wee Jock; famous dog in book, TV, Hamish Macbeth Wee Reg; famous dog in TV, Fluffy Gardens Weed; famous dog in book, TV, comics, Ginga Legend Weed Weederman; famous dog in comics, Mister Boffo Weenie; famous dog in TV, Oswald Weiner Dog; famous dog in TV, Norm Wellard; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Wesley; famous dog in movie, Who Gets the Dog What-A-Mess; famous dog in book, TV, What-A-Mess Wheely Willy; famous dog in book, paraplegic chihuahua on wheels Whimper; famous dog in TV, Clue Club White Dog; famous dog in movie, book, White Dog White Dog; famous dog in movie, book, To Dance with the White Dog White Fang; famous dog in movie, book, TV, White Fang Whitey; famous dog in movie, TV, Boston Blackie Wiener-Dog; famous dog in movie, Wiener-Dog Wilby Daniels; famous dog in movie, TV, The Return of the Shaggy Dog Wildfire; famous dog in movie, It's a Dog's Life Wilfred; famous dog in TV, Wilfred William & Elizabeth; famous dog in TV, Bob and Margaret Willie; famous dog in movie, George S. Patton Willie; famous dog in book, TV, Whistle for Willie Willy; famous dog in TV, Sport Billy Willy; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Winky; famous dog in movie, Best in Show Winn-Dixie; famous dog in movie, book, Because of Winn-Dixie Winoma; famous dog in movie, TV, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Winston; famous dog in TV, Hector Heathcote Winston; famous dog in comics, Winston Wishbone; famous dog in TV, Wishbone Wolf; famous dog in Rip Van Winkle Wolf; famous dog in movie, My Pal Wolf Wolf; famous dog in TV, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Won Ton Ton; famous dog in movie, Won Ton Ton - The Dog Who Saved Hollywood Wonder Dog; famous dog in book, TV, comics, Super Friends Woof; famous dog in TV, Woof Woof; famous dog in TV, Where’s Waldo Woofer; famous dog in TV, Winky Dink and You Woofer; famous dog in TV, Clue Club Woofer; famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Ociee Nash Woofster; famous dog in TV, Super Why Wordsworth; famous dog in TV, Jamie and the Magic Torch Wylie Burp; famous dog in movie, An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Yakult; famous dog in TV, Suburgatory Yankee Poodle; famous dog in comics, Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! Yellow; famous dog in movie, Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog Yippee, Yappee, Yahooey; famous dog in TV, Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey Yowp; famous dog in TV, Yogi Bear Yukk!; famous dog in TV, Mighty Man Zed; famous dog in TV, Ben 10: Omniverse Zero; famous dog in comics, Little Annie Rooney Zero; famous dog in movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas Zeus; famous dog in movie, Zeus and Roxanne Zeus; famous dog in movie, The Dog Who Saved Christmas Zip; famous dog in movie, Last of the Dogmen Zochor; famous dog in movie, The Cave of the Yellow Dog Zoe Trent; famous dog in TV, Littlest Pet Shop Zoltan; famous dog in movie, Zoltan Hound of Dracula Zoonie; famous dog in movie, The Southerner Zorba; famous dog in heaviest dog Zowie; famous dog in movie, Pet Sematary Zuky; famous dog in comics, Beano 

The number of All Dogs For All Years is 1350

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famous dog in movie, Eight Below

NAME: 8 Below (Including Dewey, Max, Maya, Old Jack, Shorty, Truman, Buck and Shadow)

In the movie Eight Below; based upon the 1958 ill-fated Japanese scientific expedition to the South Pole and a remake of the 1986 Japanese film Nankyoku Monogatari.

BREED: Siberian Husky

Buck and Shadow were Alaskan Malamutes

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, The Thief of Bagdad


The dog that the evil Jaffar turns the boy thief into in the movie The Thief of Bagdad; about the adventures of a naive King of Bagdad and a young thief, with a beautiful princess, a flying carpet, an all-seeing eye and a genie (djinn).

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1940.


famous dog in movie, Ace of Hearts


Dan's dog in the movie Ace of Hearts; about a K-9 dog accused of mauling a police suspect and his trainer's efforts to clear him

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Dog City

NAME: Ace Hart Private Eye Dog (See also Eliot Shaq and Rosie O'Grady)

The detective in the animated TV series Dog City; created by Jim Henson. (Also in the series are dogs Ace Yu, Bubba, Bugsy, Colleen, Frisky, Mac, Mad Dog, Miss Belle, Rowlf, Scruffy and others.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1995.


famous dog in comics, Bat Man

NAME: Ace the Bat-Hound

Bruce Wayne's dog in the comics Bat Man; as dog partner with Batman and Robin; by DC Comics. (More about Ace the Bat-Hound.)

BREED: German Shepherd

Later Ace was a Puggle.

YEARS: Comic strip: 1955-1964.


famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Rusty

NAME: Ace the Wonder Dog

Dog actor in the movie The Adventures of Rusty and many others from 1938-1946 including the 1943 serial The Phantom. (More about Ace.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1947.

Movies: 1938-1946.


famous dog in comics, Dinglehoofer und His Dog Adolph

NAME: Adolph

In the comic strip Dinglehoofer und His Dog Adolph; by Harold Knerr. (In 1939, the title of the strip became Dingle-Hoofer and his Dog)

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1926-1949.


famous dog in movie, Ruthless People

NAME: Adolph

Sam's dog in the movie Ruthless People; about a millionaire who plans on murdering his wife to get her $15 million family fortune and run off with his mistress but her kidnapping changes everything; starring Danny DeVito and Bette Midler. (Also in the movie is dog Muffy.)

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Movie: 1986.


famous dog in movie, See Spot Run

NAME: Agent 11 (Also known as Spot)

Gordon's dog in the movie See Spot Run; about a mailman who takes in a stray bullmastiff only to learn that it is a trained FBI dog. (Also in the movie is dog Talia.)

BREED: Bullmastiff

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in TV, comics, Naruto

NAME: Akamaru

Kiba Inuzuka's ninja dog in the Japanese comic (manga) and animated TV series (anime) Naruto; about an adolescent ninja whose team seeks out various antiheros; created by Masashi Kishimoto.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Comic: 1997-2014; TV series: 2002-2007.


famous dog in comics, Klaus Vonderwerth

NAME: Albert

A dog in the German comics by Klaus Vonderwerth who made short humorous comic strips for the children's magazine Der Trommel

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1964-1965.


famous dog in movie, Live a Little Love a Little

NAME: Albert

Greg's dog in the movie Live a Little Love a Little; about a photographer who divides his time working for a skin magazine and a conservative newspaper and falls in love with a fashion model; starring Elvis Presley.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1968.


famous dog in comics, Alec the Great

NAME: Alec

Subject of several poems in the comic strip Alec the Great; created by one of the first woman syndicated cartoonist, Edwina Dumm.

BREED: Generic small fluffy dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1931-1969.


famous dog in ads, Stroh's beer

NAME: Alex (Also known as Banjo)

In advertisements for Stroh's beer, currently made by the Pabst Brewing Company.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Ads: 1980s.


famous dog in comics, Fullmetal Alchemist

NAME: Alexander

Nina Tucker's dog in the Japanese comic (manga) Fullmetal Alchemist; about two alchemist brothers searching for the legendary Philosopher's Stone which would allow them to recover their bodies. (Also in the comic are dogs Black Hayate and Den.)

BREED: Great Pyrenees

YEARS: Comic: 2004-2010.


famous dog in movie, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark

NAME: Algonquin

The dog Elvira inherits in the movie Elvira, Mistress of the Dark; about famed horror hostess Elvira who goes to a stuffy New England town to claim her inheritance of a haunted house.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in TV, Crystal Tipps and Alistair

NAME: Alistair

Crystal's friend in the British animated TV series Crystal Tipps and Alistair; 5 minute shows; created by Hilary Hayton and Graham McCallum and shown on the BBC.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1971-1974.


famous dog in TV, The King of Queens

NAME: Allen

Spence's dog in the TV series The King of Queens; about a parcel delivery man whose father-in-law comes to stay with his family in Queens, New York.


YEARS: TV series: 1998-2007.


famous dog in comics, Have You Seen Alonzo

NAME: Alonzo

Feisty dog in the comic strip Have You Seen Alonzo; about various comic situations; drawn by several cartoonist including Paul Terry.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1909.


famous dog in comics, Luc Junior

NAME: Alphonse

Luc's faithful dog in the French comic strip Luc Junior; about a boy reporter and his dog; created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1954-1957.


famous dog in movie, Labyrinth

NAME: Ambrosius

Sarah's dog in the movie fantasy Labyrinth; about a woman's quest to reach the center of an enormous otherworldly maze to rescue her infant brother; starring David Bowie.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 1986.


famous dog in movie, Mary Poppins

NAME: Andrew

The family dog in the movie Mary Poppins; about a magical nanny who comes to work for a unhappy family; starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.

BREED: Bearded Collie


YEARS: Movie: 1964.


famous dog in comics, Mark Trail

NAME: Andy

Mark's faithful dog in the comic strip Mark Trail; about an outdoor magazine writer whose assignments lead him into danger and adventure; created by Ed Dodd.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Comic strip: 1946- now.


famous dog in comics, Pearl Before Swine

NAME: Andy

A dog chained to a post in the comic strip Pearl Before Swine; about the daily lives of a group of suburban anthropomorphic animals; written and illustrated by Stephen Pastis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2001-now.


famous dog in movie, This Side of the Law

NAME: Angel

Deceased Mr. Taylor's dog in the movie This Side of the Law; about a vagrant who is bailed out of jail by an attorney to impersonate a missing millionaire whose estate is worth $3,000,000; starring Kent Smith and Janis Paige.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 1950.


famous dog in movie, Mr. Magoo

NAME: Angus (See McBarker for cartoon version)

Mr. Magoo's dog in the movie Mr. Magoo; about a myopic millionaire (based upon the cartoon character) who defeats jewel smugglers in his usual bumbling manner; starring Leslie Nielson.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in book, Hello Love

NAME: Anni

Andrea's dog in the book Hello Love; about a dog who brings two lost souls in need of a second chance at happiness; written by Karen McQuestion.

BREED: Hound

YEARS: Book: 2014.


famous dog in movie, I Love You Man

NAME: Anwar Sadat

Sydney's dog in the movie I Love You Man; about a friendless guy who goes on a series of man-dates to find a Best Man for his wedding.

BREED: Puggle

Crossbreed of a Beagle and a Pug

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in TV, Magnum-P.I.

NAME: Apollo and Zeus

Guard dogs of the estate called Robin's Nest in the TV series Magnum-P.I.; about a private detective who lives on the estate; starring Tom Selleck and John Hillerman in the original series; Jay Hernandez and Perdita Weeks in the later series.

BREED: Doberman Pinschers

YEARS: TV series: 1980-1988, 2018-2021.


famous dog in movie, Behave Yourself!

NAME: Archie

Bill Denny's accidental anniversary gift to his wife in the movie Behave Yourself!; about a gangland's messenger dog that instead follows a husband home and gets him involve with the mob, money and murder; starring Farley Granger and Shelley Winters.

BREED: Welsh Terrier


YEARS: Movie: 1951.


famous dog in Odyssey

NAME: Argos

Odysseus' faithful dog in the Greek epic poem Odyssey by Homer. (More about Argos.)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Dog: 8th century BC.


famous dog in movie, Familiar Strangers

NAME: Argus

The family dog in the movie Familiar Strangers; about a four-day Thanksgiving family gathering.

BREED: Irish Red and White Setter

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in TV, Life Goes On

NAME: Arnold

The family dog in the TV series Life Goes On; about the problems and joys of a family one of whose members has Down syndrome but goes to ordinary school.

BREED: American Pit Bull

and Terrier Mix

YEARS: TV series: 1989-1993.


famous dog in TV, Entourage

NAME: Arnold

Turtle's dog in the HBO TV series Entourage; about the life of an actor trying to find success. The series was created and largely written by Doug Ellin.

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: TV series: 2004-2011.


famous dog in movie, The Point

NAME: Arrow

Olio's dog in the animated movie The Point; a fable about a boy named Oblio, the only round-headed person in the Pointed Village; based on the album by American songwriter and musician Harry Nilsson.

BREED: generic

blue pointy dog

YEARS: Movie: 1971.


famous dog in movie, Beginners

NAME: Arthur

Oliver's adopted dog in the movie Beginners; about a young man who has to deal with his elderly father who he finds out has terminal cancer and has a young male lover; starring Ewan McGregor.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Arthur the King

NAME: Arthur

Mikel's dog in the movie Arthur the King; about a captain of an adventure racing team that befriends a wounded stray dog who accompanies the team on an endurance race through the Dominican Republic; starring Mark Wahlberg.

BREED: Mongrel

YEARS: Movie: 2024.


famous dog in movie, book, The Thin Man

NAME: Asta

The Charles' dog in the book and several films such as the movie The Thin Man; about a murder solving couple; their dog played by Skippy; starring William Powell and Myrna Loy; the book by Dashiell Hammett.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

(Book dog was a Schnauzer)

YEARS: Book: 1934.

Movies: 1934 and 5 sequels.

Dog: 1931-1940.


famous dog in TV, The Thin Man

NAME: Asta

The Charles' dog in the TV series The Thin Man; about a couple solving murders with their dog always underfoot; starring Peter Lawford and Phyllis Kirk; based on the book by Dashiell Hammett.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1959-1960.


famous dog in TV, The Jetsons

NAME: Astro

The family dog in the animated TV series The Jetsons; about a family in the future; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: TV series: 1962-1963, 1985-1987.


famous dog in movie, Topper Takes a Trip

NAME: Atlas

Marion Kirby's dog in the movie Topper Takes a Trip; about a ghost and her dog who get Cosmo Topper and his wife back together; starring Constance Bennett and Skippy, the dog famously known as Asta.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1938.


famous dog in TV, Neighbours

NAME: Audrey

The Kennedy's dog in the TV series (Australian) Neighbours; about people who live and work in Erinsborough, a fictional suburb of Melbourne.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1985-2012.


famous dog in TV, The Quick Draw McGraw Show

NAME: Augie Doggie (See also Doggie Daddy and Snuffles)

Doggie Daddy's pup in the animated TV series The Quick Draw McGraw Show; by Hanna-Barbera. (More about Augie Doggie.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1959-1960.


famous dog in movie, Aussie and Ted's Great Adventure

NAME: Aussie

Young Laney's companion in the movie Aussie and Ted's Great Adventure; about an Australian mutt who embarks on a mission to return his young owner's missing Teddy Bear.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in movie, The Noel Diary


Jake's dog in the rom-com movie The Noel Diary; about a man who returns home to settle his estranged mother's estate and discovers a diary that holds mysterious secrets.

BREED: Australian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in comics, Fusco Brothers

NAME: Axel

The brothers' dog in the comic strip Fusco Brothers; created by J.C. Duffy.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in ads, Flying A Service Station

NAME: Axelrod

In advertisments for Flying A Service Station; owned by Tidewater Oil Company.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Ads: 1965-1966.


famous dog in comics, The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama

NAME: Böwser vön Überdog

A villain in the web comic strip The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama; about "a high-flying llama, a sword-swinging cat, and a rocket as loyal as a cowboy hero's horse". (Also in the comic is Jetpack Dog and Camwyn Godfrey.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007- now.


famous dog in movie, Clean Slate

NAME: Baby

Pogue's dog in the movie Clean Slate; about a private eye who suffers total amnesia every day and gets entangled in a murder case; starring Dana Carvey.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1994.


famous dog in movie, Heavy Petting

NAME: Babydoll

Daphne's dog in the movie Heavy Petting; about a guy who falls in love with his girlfriend's dog and out of love with her.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in movie, TV, Veronica Mars

NAME: Backup

Veronica's dog in the TV series Veronica Mars; about a high school girl who solves mysteries. Also in the movie; starring Kristen Bell.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: TV series: 2004-2007.

Movie: 2014.


famous dog in movie, Bailey's Billion$

NAME: Bailey

Constance's heir to a fortune in the movie Bailey's Billion$; about a talking dog whose devoted owner leaves him a billion-dollar fortune. (Also in the movie is Border Collie Tessa.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in Harry Bliss

NAME: Bailey

Dog appearing regularly in the cartoon by Harry Bliss; an American cartoonist and illustrator who has illustrated many books and produced hundreds of cartoons and covers for The New Yorker. His single-panel comic titled Bliss is syndicated through Tribune Content Agency.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Cartoon: 2005.


famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Pup

NAME: Bailey

In the movie The Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Pup; about a family who moves to a new home and mistakenly leaves their puppy behind.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2010, 2017.


famous dog in serum run to Nome

NAME: Balto

The dog who led a team on the final leg of the 1925 serum run to Nome. A statue of Balto sculpted by Frederick Roth was erected in NYC's Central Park on Dec. 17 1925. (More about Balto.)

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Dog: 1919-1933.


famous dog in movie, Balto

NAME: Balto (See also Jenna)

In the animated movie Balto; based on a true story. (Also appearing are dogs Steele, Kaltag, Star, Nikki, Dixie and Sylvie. Sequels include Balto II and Balto III.)

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Movie: 1995, 2002-2004.


famous dog in movie, Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj

NAME: Balzac

Taj's faithful bulldog in the movie Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj; about a guy who finds himself helping an uptight student make the most out of her academic career.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Bamse

The heroic mascot during World War II of the Free Norwegian Forces. (More about Bamse.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1944.


famous dog in book, TV, Little House on the Prairie

NAME: Bandit (See also Jack)

The family's second dog in the books and the TV series Little House on the Prairie; based on the memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood in the Midwest region of the United States during the late 19th century.

BREED: Bulldog

(mixed breed in TV series)

YEARS: Book: 1935-1943, 1962, 1971, 1974.

TV series: 1977-1983.


famous dog in TV, Jonny Quest

NAME: Bandit

Jonny's dog in the animated TV series Jonny Quest; about a boy who accompanies his father on extraordinary adventures; by Hanna Barbera.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: TV cartoon: 1964-1965.


famous dog in book, comics, We3

NAME: Bandit

One of the 3 animal weapons fleeing captivity in the comic book series We3; created by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic books: 2004.


famous dog in movie, Banjo

NAME: Banjo

Patricia's dog in the movie Banjo; about a orphaned girl and her beloved dog who must reside with her hard-hearted aunt who won't allow the dog in her house. When the dog is sent back down South, the girl runs away to find him.

BREED: English Setter

YEARS: Movie: 1947.


famous dog in comics, Barkeater Lake

NAME: Banks

An erudite dog in the comic strip Barkeater Lake; about the surreal misadventures of a big-city expatriate, eccentric locals, and the two owner of local gathering spot; created by cartoonist Corey Pandolph.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Comic strip: 2004-2009.


famous dog in movie, More Than Puppy Love

NAME: Banner

The Barnett family dog in the movie for TV More Than Puppy Love; about an serive puppy adopted by a family who find it hard to part with it when the time comes.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2012.


famous dog in movie, My Dog, the Thief

NAME: Barabbas

Jack's dog in the movie My Dog, the Thief; about an traffic reporter who discovers that his dog has accidentally stolen a priceless necklace from a jewel-smuggling gang; starring Dwayne Hickman and Mary Ann Mobley.

BREED: Saint Bernard

YEARS: Movie: 1969.


famous dog in comics, Family Circus

NAME: Barfy

The first family dog in the comic strip Family Circus; about a typical American family; created by Bil Keene.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 1960- now.


famous dog in TV, Sesame Street

NAME: Barkley

In the animated TV series Sesame Street; a puppet originally named Woof-Woof.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1969-1999.


famous dog in movie, Clean Slate

NAME: Barkley

Pogue's dog one-eyed dog in the movie Clean Slate; a private detective who forgets everything when he goes to sleep and becomes the key witness in a murder trial.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1994.


famous dog in TV, Meego

NAME: Barkley

The family dog in the TV series Meego; about a shape-shifting alien living with a human family.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1997.


famous dog in TV, The Barkleys

NAME: Barkleys, the

A dog family in the animated TV series The Barkleys; inspired by hit sitcom All in the Family; produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises. (The family includes Arnie his wife Agnes and their children Terry Roger and Chester.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1973.


famous dog in movie, Tiny Toon Adventures

NAME: Barky Marky

In the animated movie Tiny Toon Adventures; about a group of young cartoon characters who attend a school called Acme Looniversity to be the next generation of Looney Tunes characters; created by Tom Ruegger.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 1990.


famous dog in book, comics, The Sandman

NAME: Barnabas

Talking canine companion of first Destruction and later Delirium in the comic book series The Sandman; revolves around Delirium's wish to reconcile with her brother Destruction; published by DC Comics.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Comic books: 1992-1993.


famous dog in TV, Blue Peter

NAME: Barney

Blue Peter's dog in the British TV series for children Blue Peter where the presenters show the viewers how to make things, how to care for your pet and other features. Blue's prior dogs were Petra, Patch, Shep, Goldie, Bonnie, Mabel, Lucy and Meg.

BREED: Irish Setter

(Dachshund cross)

YEARS: TV series: 1958- now.


famous dog in movie, Gremlins

NAME: Barney

Billy's dog in the movie Gremlins; about a group of teens who must deal with a foul beast during their last outing together.

BREED: Border Terrier mix

YEARS: Movie: 1984.


famous dog in TV, Barney

NAME: Barney

In the British animated TV series Barney; about a dog who has many adventures with a mouse friend. (Also in the series are dogs Desmond an Afghan Hound, Prophet a Spaniel, and Camelia a Chihuahua.)

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: TV series: 1988-1989.


famous dog in President George W. Bush

NAME: Barney (See also Millie)

Pet dog of President George W. Bush. Also the president had English Springer Spaniels Spot Fetcher and Scottish Terrier Miss Beazley.(More about Barney.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 2000-2013.


famous dog in movie, Walky Talkly Hawky

NAME: Barnyard Dawg (Also known as George P. Dog and Mandrake)

In the animated movie Walky Talkly Hawky; a Looney Tunes cartoon about Foghorn Leghorn.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 1946-1963.


famous dog in Great St. Bernard Pass

NAME: Barry

The mountain rescue dog who saved 40 lives at the Great St. Bernard Pass. (More about Barry.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Dog: 1800-1814.


famous dog in comics, Franka

NAME: Bars

Franka's dog in the Dutch comic strip Franka; about a strong female Dutch sleuth who solves mysteries in exotic locales; created by Henk Kuijpers.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1970- now.


famous dog in movie, Kate & Leopold

NAME: Bart

Stuart's dog in the movie Kate & Leopold; about an Englishman from the 1870s who comes to the 21st century and falls in love with a successful business woman; starring Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman.

BREED: Anatolian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, Hollywood or Bust

NAME: Bascomb Mr.

Malcom Smith's drooling dog in the movie Hollywood or Bust; about a singer who can't pay his bookie and a nerdy movie fan with his Great Dane in a convertible ride to Hollywood; starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1956.


famous dog in ads, The Muppet Show

NAME: Baskerville the Hound (See also Rowlf)

In the puppet TV series The Muppet Show; a puppet dog created by Jim Henson for advertisements for Purina Dog Chow. (More about Baskerville.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Ads: 1962.

The Muppet Show: 2015.


famous dog in movie, Game Night

NAME: Bastian

Gary's dog in the movie Game Night; about a group of friends whose regular game night turns into a tangled real-life mystery when the boastful brother of one of them is kidnapped by thugs; starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams.

BREED: West Highland White Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in movie, Baxter

NAME: Baxter

Madame Deville's dog in the movie (French) Baxter; about a murderous bull terrier who tells the story of his search for a proper master.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in movie, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

NAME: Baxter

Ron's dog in the movie Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy; about a macho narcissistic news anchor from the 1970s; starring Will Ferrell.

BREED: Terrier


YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in movie, Alice in Wonderland

NAME: Bayard

The Red Queen's dog in the movie Alice in Wonderland; a fantasy with live-action and animation directed by Tim Burton and based on the 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Step by Step

NAME: Bazuka

Johnny's dog in the movie Step by Step; about an ex-marine and chance acquaintance who find themselves caught up in a plot involving Nazi spies.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1946.


famous dog in comics, Beagle Boys

NAME: Beagle Boys

A gang of criminals who constantly try to rob Scrooge McDuck in the Walt Disney comic series Beagle Boys; created by Carl Barks.

BREED: Beagles

YEARS: Comics: 1951.


famous dog in comics, Little Jimmy

NAME: Beans

Jimmy's dog in the comic strip Little Jimmy; about little boy who was constantly forgetting what he was supposed to do and ended up getting into trouble; created by Jimmy Swinnerton. The comic strip was one of the first continuing features and one of the longest running.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1904-1958.


famous dog in TV, Person of Interest

NAME: Bear

Reese's dog in the TV series Person of Interest; about a former CIA agent who is recruited by an reclusive billionaire to prevent violent crimes.

BREED: Belgian Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 2011-2016.


famous dog in movie, Short Circuit

NAME: Beasley

Stephanie's 3 legged dog in the movie Short Circuit; about an endearing little robot that escapes from an experimental electronics firm and takes refuge with a loopy woman who thinks it is an extraterrestrial; starring Ally Sheedy.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1987.


famous dog in movie, The Hills Have Eyes

NAME: Beast (and Beauty)

The Carter family pet in the movie The Hills Have Eyes; about a family being stalked by a group of psychotic people who live in the desert.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1977, 2006.


famous dog in movie, The Sandlot

NAME: Beast (Real name is Hercules)

The dog beyond the fence in the movie The Sandlot; about a bunch of boys playing baseball and having to deal with the a ferocious dog who has their ball.

BREED: Mastiff English

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in movie, Best in Show

NAME: Beatrice (See also Winky, Miss Agness, Hubert, and Rhapsody in White)

Meg and Hamilton Swan's dog in the movie Best in Show; about five dogs and their owners at the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show held in Philadelphia.

BREED: Weimaraner

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Iron Will

NAME: Beau

Will's lead sled dog in the movie Iron Will; about a man who needs money and so joins a cross country dogsled race.

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Movie: 1994.


famous dog in comics, Pogo

NAME: Beauregard Bugleboy

In the comic strip Pogo; set in the Okefenokee Swamp of the southeastern United States and engaging in social and political satire; created by Walt Kelly. (The dog is also known as Beauregard Chaulmoogra Frontenac de Montmingle Bugleboy.)

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Comic strip: 1948-1975.


famous dog in book, Beautiful Joe

NAME: Beautiful Joe

In the book Beautiful Joe; about an abused dog who is rescued; written by Margaret Marshall Saunders.

BREED: Bull Terrier

and Fox Terrier mix

YEARS: Book: 1893.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Beck

NAME: Beck

Ryusuke's dog in the Japanese comic books, animated TV series and the movie Beck about a teenage boy and his pursuit of a music career.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comics: 1999-2008.

TV series: 2004-2005.

Movie: 2010.


famous dog in TV, The Great Grape Ape Show

NAME: Beegle Beagle

Great Ape's friend in the animated TV series The Great Grape Ape Show; about a 40-foot-tall purple gorilla and his canine pal who travel the countryside; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: TV series: 1975-1978.


famous dog in movie, Beethoven

NAME: Beethoven

The Newton's dog in the movie Beethoven and its five sequels. (Also in the second movie are dogs Missy, Chubby, Dolly, Tchaikovsky, and Moe. And in the fourth movie dog Michelangelo. See also the animated television series entry Beethoven.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Movies: 1992-2003.


famous dog in TV, Beethoven

NAME: Beethoven

A talking dog and his friends in the animated TV series Beethoven; inspired by the live-action films. (Also in the series are dogs Ginger, Caesar, Sparky and Killer. See the live-action films Beethoven.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: TV series: 1994-1995.


famous dog in movie, Space Dogs

NAME: Belka and Strelka

A space dog and companion in the Russian animated movie Space Dogs; about two dogs and a rat in the Russian space program.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Way Home

NAME: Bella

Lucas's dog in the book and movie A Dog's Way Home, about a dog who treks 400 miles to return to her former home; the movie stars Ashley Judd, and is based on the book by Bruce Cameron.

BREED: Pit Bull


YEARS: Book: 2018.

Movie: 2019.


famous dog in book, TV, Belle et Sébastien

NAME: Belle

In the book and the TV series broadcast in France and later in England Belle et Sébastien; about a six-year-old boy named Sebastien and his dog; written by Cécile Aubry. Also a Japanese animated TV series Meiken Jolie.

BREED: Pyrenean Mountain Dog

YEARS: Book: 1965.

French TV series: 1965-1970.

Japanese TV series: 1981-1982.


famous dog in comics, De Avonturen Van Bello

NAME: Bello

A scampy dog in the Dutch comic strip De Avonturen Van Bello (The Adventures of Bello); by cartoonist Marten Toonder.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1939.


famous dog in book, comics, Bussi Bar

NAME: Bello

Companion of Bussi Bar in the German comic book series Bussi Bar; about a orange bear with a golden heart.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic book: 1966-2016.


famous dog in book, Dirk's Dog, Bello

NAME: Bello

Dirk's dog in the Dutch book Dirk's Dog, Bello; about A little Dutch boy who helps rescue a Great Dane washed up on the dike of his village; written by Meindert DeJong.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Book: 1980.


famous dog in comics, Belvedere

NAME: Belvedere

Pet of Orville and Emma in the comic strip Belvedere; about an intelligent and spoiled dog who causes lots of problems for his family; created by Nat Greenwood and George Crenshaw.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1962-1995.


famous dog in TV, The Leopard

NAME: Bendico

The Prince's faithful dog in the TV series The Leopard; about Prince of Salina and his family in nineteenth century Sicily that is undergoing a historic social upheaval. Bendico provides a constant throughout the story, marking the passage of time and the changes that occur within the Salina family.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2025.


famous dog in movie, Benji

NAME: Benji (See also actor dog Higgins)

A lovable stray dog in a small town befriended by the locals each of whom call him by a different name in the movie Benji and its sequels played by dog Higgins. (More about Benji.)

BREED: Terrier


YEARS: Movies: 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1987, 2004.


famous dog in TV, Bad Dog

NAME: Berkley

In the animated TV series Bad Dog; about a dog who, when told he was a bad dog, would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was a good dog; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1998-2002.


famous dog in movie, Period of Adjustment

NAME: Bessie

George's dog in the movie Period of Adjustment; about two married couples both in a difficult period of their relationships; starring Anthony Franciosa and Jane Fonda and based on the play by Tennessee Williams.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Movie: 1962.


famous dog in comics, Bessy

NAME: Bessy

Andy's dog in the Belgian comic strip Bessy; about a dog and her owner with whom she has many adventures involving cowboys and native Americans; created by Willy Vandersteen.

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: Comic strip: 1952-1997.


famous dog in movie, Under Cover of Night

NAME: Betty

Professor Janet Griswald's dog in the movie Under Cover of Night; a professor is about to announce a great discovery in physics when her jealous husband, who collaborated with her, causes her to have a heart attack by throwing her dog out a window. When he can't find her notebook containing the discovery details, he ends up killing several other people; starring Henry Daniell, et. al.

BREED: Terrier mix

YEARS: Movie: 1937.


famous dog in movie, Three Wishes

NAME: Betty Jane

McCloud's dog in the dream in the movie Three Wishes; about a drifter and his dog who temporarily move in with a family who discover the magic of kindness.

BREED: Portuguese Podengo

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in comics, Biff & Riley

NAME: Biff & Riley

Two canine brothers in the comic strip Biff & Riley; who are at opposite ends of the personality spectrum, one silly, the other serious; created by Jeff Payden.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2010-2014.


famous dog in TV, 2 Stupid Dogs

NAME: Big Dog (See also Little Dog)

In the animated TV series 2 Stupid Dogs; about a big dog and a little dog who aren't very smart and their everyday misadventures; created by Donovan Cook.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1993-1995.


famous dog in movie, Lauta mancia

NAME: Big Jeeter

A lost dog in the movie (Italian) Lauta mancia; about a runaway dog who make friends with a young boy then must decide between his old home and his new young friend. (Also known by the title Big Dog Lost.)

BREED: Great Date

YEARS: Movie: 1958.


famous dog in ads, Alpo

NAME: Big Mo (Also known as Moses)

In advertisments for Alpo dog food a subsidiary of Nestlé.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Ads: since 2005.


famous dog in movie, book, Big Red

NAME: Big Red

A show dog in the book and the movie by Disney Big Red; about a dog that would rather run through the woods than be the perfectly-trained and groomed show dog; written by Jim Kjelgarrd. (Also in the book and movie is dog Molly.)

BREED: Irish Setter

YEARS: Book: 1945.

Movie: 1962.


famous dog in comics, Big Shirley

NAME: Big Shirley

Alice's grandmother's dog in the comic strip Big Shirley; about a four-year-old girl and her suburban life experiences on a cul-de-sac; created by Richard Thompson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2004-2012.


famous dog in TV, Hooperman

NAME: Bijou

Harry's mean dog in the TV series Hooperman; about a plainclothes policeman and his girlfriend in San Francisco; starring John Ritter.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1987-1989.


famous dog in comics, Boule et Bill

NAME: Bill

Boule's dog in the Belgian comic strip Boule et Bill; about a typical family and their cocker spaniel; created by Jean Roba in collaboration with Maurice Rosy. From 1961 to 1965, the strip appeared as a British comic strip It's A Dog's Life with Boule's name was changed to Pete and Bill's to Larry.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1959- now.


famous dog in TV, Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures

NAME: Billy Beagle

The announcer in the children's animated TV series Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures; about the Sensational Six (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto) as they race around their town of Adventures; originally titled Mickey and the Roadster Racers; voiced by Jay Leno; produced by Disney Television Animation.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: TV series: 2017.


famous dog in book, TV, The Busy World of Richard Scarry

NAME: Billy Dog (See also Sergeant Murphy)

One of the characters in the children's books and animated TV series The Busy World of Richard Scarry; about anthropomorphic animals in the fictional city of Busytown; based on the books drawn and written by Richard Scarry.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Books: 1963.

TV series: 1994-1997.


famous dog in movie, Betty Boop

NAME: Bimbo (See also Pudgy)

Betty's companion in the animated movie about Betty Boop; about a curvaceous Jazz age flapper; created by Max Fleischer. (More about Bimbo.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie cartoon: 1930s.


famous dog in ads, Cracker Jacks

NAME: Bingo

In advertisements for Cracker Jacks, a U.S. brand of snack consisting of caramel-coated popcorn and peanuts.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Ads: 1918- 2021.


famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear

NAME: Bingo

One of Rupert's friends in the British comic strip Rupert Bear; about a bear who lives with his parents in a fictional idyllic English village with several anthropomorphic animals friends; created by Mary Tourtel and since 1935 written by others. (See also Pong Ping)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1920- now.


famous dog in movie, Bingo!

NAME: Bingo

A runaway circus dog in the movie Bingo! who saves the life a young boy; starring Cindy Williams.

BREED: Collie


YEARS: Movie: 1991.


famous dog in TV, Puppy Dog Pals

NAME: Bingo and Rolly (Bingo on the right)

Bob's dogs in the children's animated TV series Puppy Dog Pals; about two puppies who have fun in when their owner leaves home; created by Harlan Williams.(Also in the show are many other dogs)


YEARS: TV series: 2017- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Girl's Best Friend

NAME: Binky

Mary's inherited friend in the movie for TV Girl's Best Friend; about a disgruntled music critic who travels cross-country with her dog.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: TV movie: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Arthur

NAME: Binky Barnes (See also Fern Walters and Pal)

One of the characters in the animated TV series Arthur; about an 8-year-old boy an anthropomorphic aardvark his friends and family; created by Cookie Jar Group.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1976-2022.


famous dog in movie, The Truffle Hunters

NAME: Birba

Aurelio's dog in the documentary movie The Truffle Hunters, about a handful of men, seventy or eighty years old, hunt for the rare and expensive white Alba truffle.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in comics, Stone Soup

NAME: Biscuit

Holly and Alix's dog in the comic strip Stone Soup; about a family household (a widow with two young daughters) where squabbles and arguments are not resolved; written and illustrated by Jan Eliot.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1990.


famous dog in book, Biscuit Storybook Collection

NAME: Biscuit

A puppy in the children's book series, including Biscuit Storybook Collection. The books, published over recent years, are easy reading for youngsters; written by Alyssa Satin Capucilli and illustrated by Pat Schories.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1999- 2019.


famous dog in TV, Checkmate

NAME: Bismarck

Dr. Hyatt's dog in the TV series Checkmate; about the detective agency Checkmate, Inc. run by Don Corey and his partner who solves mysteries with the advise of Professor Hyatt.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1960-1962.


famous dog in movie, H. M. Pulham Esq.

NAME: Bitsy

The Pulham family dog in the movie H. M. Pulham Esq.; about a successful man who reflects on the past wondering if he is now happy; starring Robert Young and Hedy Lamarr.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 1941.


famous dog in comics, Marvin

NAME: Bitsy

The family dog in the comic strip Marvin (later call Marvin & Family); about a young baby boy named Marvin and his father and mother; created by Tom Armstrong.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1982- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Shaun the Sheep

NAME: Bitzer

Shaun's friend in the British animated TV series and animated movie Shaun the Sheep; about an anthromophic sheep and farm associates; created by Nick Park. (Also in the series is dog Slip.)

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: TV series: 2007- now.

Movie: 2015.


famous dog in book, comics, The Dandy

NAME: Black Bob

Shepherd master Andrew Glenn's dog in the the comic The Dandy and the book Black Bob: The Dandy Wonder Dog; drawn by Jack Prout.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Comics: 1944-1982.

Book: 1950-1965.


famous dog in TV, comics, Fullmetal Alchemist

NAME: Black Hayate

Riza Hawkeye's dog in the Japanese comic (manga) and animated TV series (anime) Fullmetal Alchemist; about the adventures of two alchemist brothers and set in a fictional universe where alchemy is an advanced scientific technique; created by Masashi Kishimoto.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Comic: 2001-2010; TV series: 2002-2007.


famous dog in ads, Black and White

NAME: Blackie and Whitey

The two mascots in the advertisement for Black and White; a blended Scotch whisky, originally produced by the London-based James Buchanan & Co Ltd.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

and a Westie

YEARS: Ads: 1890s.


famous dog in movie, first dog movie star

NAME: Blair

Director Cecil Hepworth'sfirst dog movie star and who played Rover in the movie Rescued by Rover.

BREED: Collie

YEARS: Dog: 1904-? Movie: 1905.


famous dog in comics, Little Dee

NAME: Blake

Dee's dog in webcomic Little Dee; about a little girl lost in the woods who is befriended by three talking animals; created by Christopher Baldwin.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Webcomic: 2004-2010.


famous dog in comics, Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog

NAME: Bleeker (Originally named Hoover)

Skip's dog in the comic strip Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog about a boy and his a robotic dog with Spock-like sensibilities and his own programmable training manual; created in 2006 by Johnathan Mahood, relaunched by King features in 2011.

BREED: Robotic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2006.


famous dog in movie, Torchy Gets Her Man

NAME: Blitzen

Torchy's rented dog who tracks notorious counterfeiters and later leads rescuers to save her in the movie Torchy Gets Her Man; one of nine in the series of Torchy Blane movies. The fast-talking reporter was the inspiration for the Lois Lane character in Superman stories.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1938.


famous dog in movie, A Boy and His Dog

NAME: Blood

Vic's dog in the movie A Boy and His Dog; about an orphan boy who doesn't understand morality as he wanders a desolate world; based on the science fiction novella by Harlan Ellison.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1975.


famous dog in book, comics, Monica and Friends

NAME: Blu (See also Ditto)

Franklin's pet in the Brazilian comic book series Monica and Friends (previously Monica's Gang); about the adventures of Monica and her many friends; created by Mauricio de Sousa. (Also in the comic are dogs Fluffy {Floquinho}, Duke {Duque}, and Rufus {Rúfius}.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1959-now.


famous dog in TV, Blue Clues

NAME: Blue (See also Magenta)

A character in children's animated TV series Blue Clues; a program intended to get preschoolers to learn through active participation in activities grounded in their everyday lives; on Nickleodeon.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2002.


famous dog in TV, Bluey

NAME: Bluey (Bluey is in front with his family)

Member of the Heeler family of dogs in the Australian animated TV series for preschoolers Bluey; about an anthropomorphic 6-year-old Blue Heeler puppy who lives with his family and has adventures with other dogs;

BREED: Australian Cattle Dog

(nicknamed a "Red Heeler" or "Blue Heeler")

YEARS: TV series: 2018- now.


famous dog in President Barack Obama's


Pet dog of President Barack Obama's family. Companion Portuguese Water Dog Sunny joined family August, 2013.)

BREED: Portuguese Water Dog

YEARS: Dog: 2009-2021.


famous dog in book, Bob, Son of Battle


James Moore's herder in the children's book Bob, Son of Battle; about a boy who is caught in the rivalry of his father and another sheep herder and their sheep dogs; written by Alfred Ollivant. (Also in the story is dog Red Wull.)

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: Book: 1898.


famous dog in movie, book, Owd Bob


Widower Adam's dog in several movies, the latest being Owd Bob; about an old man and his sheepdog who is pulled into a old feud with his neighbor when his orphaned grandson visits for the summer; based on the 1898 novel Bob, Son of Battle by Alfred Ollivant.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Book: 1898.

Movie: 1924, 1938, 1998.


famous dog in book, TV, Dumb Witness


Emily's pet in the book and TV show Dumb Witness; a murder mystery featuring the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot; about a wealthy spinster who believes she has been the victim of attempted murder.

BREED: Fox Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1937, TV show: 1996.


famous dog in South Australian Railways

NAME: Bob the Railway Dog

A dog in the folklore of South Australian Railways in the later part of the 19th century and was known widely to railwaymen of the day. (More about Bob.)

BREED: Collie


YEARS: Dog: 1881-1895.


famous dog in traveling 2800 miles

NAME: Bobbie The Wonder Dog

The dog famous for traveling 2800 milesfrom Indiana to Oreon to return to his owners. (More about Bobbie.)

BREED: Scotch Collie


YEARS: Dog: 1921-1927.

Ordeal: 1923.


famous dog in Greyfriars Bobby

NAME: Bobby

The loyal dog of John Gray, also known as Greyfriars Bobby, a dog who became famous in 19th-century Edinburgh for supposedly spending 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until he died himself. (See Greyfriars Bobby.)

BREED: Skye Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1855-1872.


famous dog in movie, The Uninvited

NAME: Bobby

Pamela's dog in the movie The Uninvited; about a brother and sister who discover their beautiful Gothic mansion is bedeviled by a ghost; starring Ray Milland.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1944.


famous dog in oldest dog

NAME: Bobi

The world's oldest dog (until his death) according to Guinness World Records, born May 11, 1992. (More about Bobi.)

BREED: Rafeiro do Alentejo

(Translated from Portuguese as "mongrel of the Alentejo region".)

YEARS: Dog: 1992-2023.


famous dog in comics, Berts Bobje

NAME: Bobje

Bert's dog in the Belgian comic strip Berts Bobje which appeared exclusively in the French magazine HUMO; about an anthropomorphic dog with a human face often seen doing things only humans can; created by Kamagurka.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1991- now.


famous dog in comics, Boby

NAME: Boby

A fun loving dog in the Spanish comic strip Boby; about the romps of a dog; created by Francisco Sifre Pardo.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1968.


famous dog in movie, book, The Incredible Journey

NAME: Bodger (See also Luath)

In the book and the movie The Incredible Journey; about two dogs and a cat; written by Sheila Burnford. (In the 1993 remake Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey; Bodger is Shadow, a Golden Retriever.)

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1961.

Movie: 1963.


famous dog in movie, Rock Dog

NAME: Bodi

A guitar playing dog in the animated movie Rock Dog; about a village guard dog who pursues a dream of becoming a musician when a radio falls from the sky into his hands.

BREED: Tibetan Mastiff

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, book, comics, Donald Duck

NAME: Bolivar

In the animated movies and comic strip Donald Duck; by Walt Disney. (More about Bolivar.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Movies: 1938- now.

Comic books: 1938- now.


famous dog in movie, Bolt

NAME: Bolt

In the animated movie Bolt; about a small white dog who thinks he has super powers having spent his entire life on the set of a television show.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, El Perro

NAME: Bombón

Coco's dog in the movie (Argentine-Spanish) El Perro; about an unemployed man has his luck change after being given a dog for helping a stranded woman on the highway.

BREED: Dogo Argentino

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in movie, Beau Brumell

NAME: Bonaparte

Brumell's dog in the movie Beau Brumell; about a penniless soldier who gains favor with the Prince of York at the end of the 18th century; starring Stewart Granger, Peter Ustinov, and Elizabeth Taylor.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 1954.


famous dog in movie, Seven Psychopaths

NAME: Bonny

Charlie's dog in the movie Seven Psychopaths; about two guys who steal a gangster's beloved dog; starring Colin Farrell and Woody Harrelson.

BREED: Shih Tzu

YEARS: Movie: 2012.


famous dog in movie, comics, ads, advertisements

NAME: Bonzo the dog

A comic strip dog famous for branded advertisements created by British artist George E. Studdy in 1924 as an animated film short. The character was crafted in all kinds of merchandise.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie short: 1924.

Comic strip: 1926.

Ads: 1924-1927.


famous dog in TV, Here's Boomer

NAME: Boomer

In the TV series Here's Boomer; about a stray dog that travels around helping people in trouble.

BREED: Mixed breed terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1980-1982.


famous dog in movie, Independence Day

NAME: Boomer

The Hiller family dog in the movie Independence Day; about aliens invading Earth and causing havoc; starring Will Smith.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe

NAME: Boomer (See also Poncho)

Poncho's friend in the comic strip Pooch Cafe; about the humorous antics of a self-serving, squirrel-fearing, food-obsessed, toilet-drinking mutt; created by Paul Gilligan. (Also in the comic are dogs Hudson, Droolia, Gus, Beaumont and Poo Poo.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, The Perishers

NAME: Boot

In the British comic strip The Perishers about a group of urban children and a dog drawn by Mauarice Dodd. (Also in the comic are dogs "B. H. (Calcutta) Failed and Tatty Oldbitt.)

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1958-2006.


famous dog in book, Thy Servant a Dog

NAME: Boots

The narrator in the book Thy Servant a Dog; about the adventures of a dog as seen through the eyes of a dog; written by Rudyard Kipling. (Also in the book is dog Slippers.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1930.


famous dog in TV, Emergency!

NAME: Boots (Henry was another mascot)

Squad 51's mascot in the TV series Emergency!; about two specially trained firefighters who were part of the then innovative field of paramedics; starring Robert Fuller and Julie London.

BREED: mixed breed

(Henry was a Basset Hound.)

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1977.


famous dog in movie, The Voices

NAME: Bosco

One of Jerry's pets in the movie The Voices; about a cheerful guy who hallucinates that his cat prods him to be a serial killer while his dog insists that he be good.

BREED: Mastiff, English

YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in TV, Neighbors

NAME: Bouncer

Toby's dog in the Australian TV series Neighbors; about three families who are friends living on Ramsay Street, a cul-de-sac.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Dog's appearance in TV series: 1987-1993.


famous dog in comics, Moose & Molly

NAME: Bowser

The Miller's pets in the comic strip Moose & Molly; about the daily life of a loafer and his wife; created by Bob Weber. (Also in the comic is dog Butch.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965-2020.


famous dog in book, Woof

NAME: Bowser

Birdie's dog in the book series beginning with Woof; about a young girl and her dog solving mysteries; written by Peter Abrahams under the alias Spencer Quinn.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Books: 2015-2017.


famous dog in movie, Talk About a Stranger


Bud's dog in the movie Talk About a Stranger; about a boy who thinks a new neighbor has poisoned his dog and tries to find justice.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1952.


famous dog in comics, On a Claire Day

NAME: Bradley

Claire Bennett's pet in the comic strip On a Claire Day; about an insecure and naive young woman who has left her parents' home to live on her own; created by Henry Beckett and Carla Ventresca.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2006-2014.


famous dog in movie, Feast of Love

NAME: Bradley, Jr.

Bradley's dog (which he names after himself) in the movie Feast of Love; about a college professor who finds himself involved in the romantic lives of people around him; starring Morgan Freeman.

BREED: Springer Spaniel, Welsh

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in TV, Inspector Gadget

NAME: Brain

Inspector Gadget's and Penny's faithful pet dog in the Canadian animated TV series Inspector Gadget; about the adventures of a clumsy simple-witted cyborg detective; from DIC Entertainment.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1982-1986.


famous dog in TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog

NAME: Brainy Barker (See also Kryto the Superdog, Drooly and Mammoth Mutt)

A dog that possesses telekinetic powers in the anmiated TV series and comic book series Krypto the Superdog; about a dog from Superman's planet living on Earth as the pet of a 9 year old boy. (Also in the series are dogs Ace the Bathound, Bulldog, Paw Pooch, Tail Terrier, Tusky Husky, HotDog.)

BREED: Saluki

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2006.

Comics: 2005-2006.


famous dog in TV, Punky Brewster

NAME: Brandon

Punky's pet in the TV series Punky Brewster; about a girl named Punky Brewster being raised by her foster parent.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 1984-1986.


famous dog in TV, It's Punky Brewster

NAME: Brandon

Punky's pet in the animated TV series It's Punky Brewster; about a girl and her dog abandoned by her mother; animated by Ruby-Spears Productions; based upon the TV series Punky Brewster.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1985-1986.


famous dog in TV, After Life

NAME: Brandy

Tony's dog in the British TV series After Life; after his wife dies, a newspaper writer's nice-guy persona changes into an impulsive, cavalier character; starring Ricky Gervais.

BREED: German Shepard

YEARS: TV series: 2019-2022.


famous dog in TV, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers

NAME: Brandy Harrington

In the animated TV series Brandy & Mr. Whiskers; about a dog and a hyperactive rabbit that get stuck in the Amazon Rainforest together; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2004-2006.


famous dog in TV, Inch High, Private Eye

NAME: Braveheart

Inch's dog in the animated TV series Inch High, Private Eye; about a miniature detective, her niece and dog who solve mysteries; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1973-1974.


famous dog in TV, Family Guy

NAME: Brian (See also Vinny)

The family dog in the animated TV series Family Guy; about the Griffins a dysfunctional family; created by Seth MacFarlane. (Also in the series is dog Jasper.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2002, 2005- now.


famous dog in comics, My Cage

NAME: Bridget T. Dog

Norman T. Platypus's wife in the comic strip My Cage; an anime-inspired anthropomorphicworld of animals where the main character, a platypus, tries to supervise a corporation and pursue his love of freelance writing; created by Melissa DeJesus and Ed Power. (Other dogs in the strip are Rex, a Doberman, Max, a red dog, Violet, a chihuahua, and Squishy.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007.


famous dog in movie, You've Got Mail

NAME: Brinkley

Joe's dog in the movie You've Got Mail; about two letter-writing lovers completely unaware they are emailing each other; starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, The Westerner

NAME: Brown (Played by Spike)

Dave Blassingame's dog in the TV series The Westerner about a basically decent, ordinary man who was handy with a gun; starring Brian Keith.

BREED: Blackmouth_Cur

YEARS: TV Series: 1960.


famous dog in Brownie's Little Venus

NAME: Brownie (The Wonder Dog)

Film star dog in silent films such as Brownie's Little Venus. His fame was linked to child star Baby Peggy.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1919-1924.


famous dog in President Woodrow Wilson

NAME: Bruce

Pet of President Woodrow Wilson. The president also had an Airedale Davie and Geyhound Mountain Boy.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1918.


famous dog in movie, Legally Blonde

NAME: Bruiser

Elle's dog in the movie Legally Blonde; about a sorority girl who struggles to win back her ex-boyfriend by earning a law degreeand; starring Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, Cinderella

NAME: Bruno

Cinderella's dog in the animated movie Cinderella; produced by Walt Disney and based on the fairy tale Cendrillon by Charles Perrault.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 1950.


famous dog in movie, Les Triplettes de Belleville

NAME: Bruno

Champion's dog in the animated movie Les Triplettes de Belleville or The Triplets of Belleville, about an elderly woman who goes on a quest to rescue her grandson who has been kidnapped by the French mafia.

BREED: Generic hound

YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in movie, book, The Ugly Dachshund

NAME: Brutus

Mark's dog in the movie The Ugly Dachshund; about a large dog who grows up with dachshund puppies thinking he is one of them; starring Dean Jones and Suzanne Pleshette; based on a novel by Gladys Bronwyn Stern. (Also in the movie are dogs Danke, Norma, and Pesky.)

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Book: 1938.

Movie: 1966.


famous dog in movie, book, Call of the Wild

NAME: Buck

In the book and in the several movies such as Call of the Wild; about a previously domesticated dog who ends up serving as a sled dog in the Yukon; written by Jack London. (2020 movie titled The Call of the Wild).

BREED: St. Bernard mix

YEARS: Book: 1903.

Movies: 1923, 1935, 1972, 1997, 2020.


famous dog in movie, The Great Adventure

NAME: Buck

Jim's dog in the spaghetti western movie The Great Adventure; a rambling story of a rambling boy and his dog in the Yukon; starring Jack Palance and Joan Collins.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1976.


famous dog in TV, Married... with Children

NAME: Buck (See also Lucky, the dog that replaced him)

The family dog in the TV series Married... with Children; about the lives of a hard luck salesman, his obnoxious wife, their dimwitted and promiscuous daughter, and their girl-crazy son.

BREED: Briard

YEARS: TV series: 1987-1997.


famous dog in movie, Summer School

NAME: Buck

Mr. Shoop's dog in the movie Summer School; about a teacher forced into teaching a summer-school class but rather than put up with rowdy students he tries to spend his time with a pretty history teacher.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1987.


famous dog in movie, Buck and the Magic Bracelet

NAME: Buck

Guardian of a camp of gold miners in the movie Buck and the Magic Bracelet; about a boy and his dog who, after narrowly escaping from an attack on the camp, use a shaman's magical bracelet to hunt down the assailants.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in movie, Hanging Up

NAME: Buck

Maddy's large dog in the movie Hanging Up; about three sisters who bond over their ambivalence toward the imminent death of their grouchy father; starring; Meg Ryan, Diane Keaton, Lisa Kudrow and Walter Matthau.

BREED: Newfoundland

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in comics, Buckles

NAME: Buckles

A guileless and innocent dog in the comic strip Buckles; created by David Gilbert. (Also in the comic strip is a crippled dog, Lester, and a street dog, Rusty.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1996-2021.


famous dog in movie, The Royal Tenenbaums

NAME: Buckley

The family dog in the movie The Royal Tenenbaums; about three siblings after their eccentric father leaves them in their teens; starring Gene Hackman and Anjelica Huston. (Also in the movie is dog Spark Plug.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, Buckley's Chance

NAME: Buckley

Ridley's dog in the 2021 Australian/Canadian movie Buckley's Chance; about an American boy in lost in the outback of Australia who befriends a dingo; starring Bill Nighy and Milan Burch as Ridley.

BREED: Dingo

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in movie, Space Buddies

NAME: Buddha (and others)

One of the talking dogs in the movie Space Buddies; about the dog buddies getting aboard the space shuttle and rocket to the Space Station. (Included in the movie are dogs B. Dawg, Mudbud, Rosebud, Spudnick, and Shasha.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movies: 2009.


famous dog in movie, My Dog Buddy

NAME: Buddy

Little Ted's dog in the movie My Dog Buddy; about a boy who is orphanded in a tragic car accident and his dog is left behind when he is taken to hospital. The dog is played by London.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1960.


famous dog in movie, Air Bud

NAME: Buddy

A dog who has the uncanny ability to play basketball in the movie Air Bud.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in President Bill Clinton

NAME: Buddy

Pet dog of President Bill Clinton, died after being hit by a car. Clinton's next dog was Seamus, pronounced "shay-muss" the Gaelic form of James. (More about Buddy.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Dog: 1997-2002.


famous dog in movie, Bring Him Home

NAME: Buddy

Ricky's dog in the movie Bring Him Home; about a tough street kid who loses his dog to a syndicate of vicious dognappers.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in TV, Doc Martin

NAME: Buddy

Dog owned by Martin and his wife in the British TV series Doc Martin; about the people of a sleepy Cornish village and its humorless medical doctor; starring Martin Clunes. (Also in the series is dog Bob)

BREED: Westie-Jack Russell cross

YEARS: TV series: 2004-2022.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Purpose

NAME: Buddy (First named Bailey, then Ellie, then Tino, then Waffles, finally Buddy)

Ethan's dog in the movie A Dog's Purpose starring Dennis Quaid; about one endearing dog's search for his purpose over the course of several lives; based on the book by W. Bruce Cameron. (In the book, originally the dog was a mixed breed as Toby, then a Golden Retriever as Bailey, then a German Shepard as Ellie, before ending up as Buddy). (See the book sequel A Dog's Journey and movie.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

and other breeds in the movie

YEARS: Book: 2010, 2012.

Movie: 2017, 2019.


famous dog in TV, The Buford Files

NAME: Buford

A smart but sleepy bloodhound in the animated TV series The Buford Files; about a dog who teams up with two teenagers to solves confusing mysteries; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Blodhound

YEARS: TV series: 1979.


famous dog in movie, Strays

NAME: Bug (see also Reggie)

A stray mutt in the movie Strays; about an dog abandoned by his lowlife owner who falls in with a fast-talking, foul-mouthed mutt and his gang of strays; starring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx.

BREED: Boston Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, book, The Voice of Bugle Ann

NAME: Bugle Ann

Spring Davis' dog in the book and the movie The Voice of Bugle Ann; about a farmer's love for his hunting dog and the feud it sparks in the county; in the movie starring Lionel Barrymore and Maureen O'Sullivan; the book written by MacKinlay Kantor.

BREED: Foxhound American

YEARS: Book: 1935.

Movie: 1936.


famous dog in movie, The Babadock

NAME: Bugsy

Amelia's dog in the movie The Babadock; A mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, confronts her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house; an Australian-Canadian horror story.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in comics, Tom Puss

NAME: Bul Super & Hiel Hieper (See also Bulle Bas and Joost)

Two dogs who are crooks in the Dutch comic strip Tom Puss (Tom Poes in Dutch); about a clever white cat and a bragging bear and other anthropomorphic animals in a fantasy world.

BREED: Bulldog

and a small white dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1941-1986.


famous dog in comics, Tom Puss

NAME: Bulle Bas, Officer (See also Bul Super & Hiel Hieper and Joost)

Head of the police in the Dutch comic strip Tom Puss (Tom Poes, in Dutch); about several anthromorphic animals; created by Marten Toonder. (Also in the strip is police officer Brigadier Snuf and secretary Steenbreek.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1941-1986.


famous dog in movie, book, The Human Factor

NAME: Buller

Marcus Castle's dog in the book and the movie The Human Factor; about a British spy and his South African wife; directed by Otto Preminger and starring Nicol Williamson; based on the book by Graham Greene.

BREED: Boxer

YEARS: Book: 1978.

Movie: 1979.


famous dog in TV, comics, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

NAME: Bullet

Snuffy's dog in the comic strip and animated TV series Barney Google and Snuffy Smith; created by cartoonist Billy DeBeck.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1919- now.

TV series: 1963.


famous dog in TV, The Roy Rogers Show

NAME: Bullet

Roy's dog in the TV series The Roy Rogers Show; about a rancher and friends doing good; starring Roy Rogers and Dale Evans who rescue the weak and helpless from the clutches of the "bad guys."

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1949-1971.


famous dog in book, comics, Bulletman

NAME: Bulletdog

Bulletman's dog in the comic book series Bulletman; about a man who develops powers, great muscle mass, and brain power to fight crime; created by Bill Parker and Jon Smalle for Fawcett Comics.

BREED: English Setter

YEARS: Comic books: 1939-1953.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, Oliver Twist

NAME: Bullseye

Bill Sikes's dog in the book Oliver Twist; about a orphan boy caught in the misery of old London; by Charles Dickens and in the many movie adaptations including the movie Oliver.

BREED: Bull Terrier

or Bulldog

YEARS: Book: 1837-1839.

Movies: 1922, 1948, 1968, 1988, 1997, 2005.

TV: 1999, 2007.


famous dog in ads, Target

NAME: Bullseye

In advertisements for the retailer Target. (More about Bullseye.)

BREED: Bull Terrier minature

YEARS: Ads: 1962-1968.


famous dog in comics, The Middletons

NAME: Bumper

The family dog in the comic strip The Middletons; about a white suburban American family and their neighbors; create by Ralph Dunagin and Dana Summers. (Also in the strip is dog Rusty.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in book, TV, Noddy

NAME: Bumpy

Noddy's companion in the children's books and British animated TV series for children about Noddy; a character created by British children's author Enid Blyton.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1949-1963.

TV series: 1975, 1992, 1998, 2001.


famous dog in movie, TV, Gerald McBoing-Boing

NAME: Burp

Gerald's dog in the animated TV series and film short pet of Gerald McBoing-Boing. The TV series The Gerald McBoing-Boing Show was broadcast on Sunday evenings on CBS; adapted from a story by Dr. Seuss.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie short: 1950.

TV series: 1956-1957.


famous dog in book, The Five Find-Outers

NAME: Buster

Fatty's dog who often stumbles upon clues in the children's book series The Five Find-Outers; about five children and a dog who solve mysteries; written by Enid Blyton.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1943-1961.


famous dog in book, TV, The Fantastic Flying Journey

NAME: Buster

In the book and animated TV series for children The Fantastic Flying Journey; about three kids their uncle and a dog traveling in a fantastic flying machine; written by Gerald Durrell.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1987.

TV series: 2001.


famous dog in TV, The Wonder Years

NAME: Buster

Kevin's dog in the TV series The Wonder Years; a look back at growing up during the 60s when the turbulent social times made growing up an unusual experience.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: TV series: 1988-1993.


famous dog in movie, Toy Story

NAME: Buster (See also Scud)

Andy's pet Dachshund in the animated movie Toy Story and the sequels, about children's toys having an adventure.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 1995, 1999, 2010.


famous dog in movie, Bruce Almighty

NAME: Buster

Bruce's dog in the movie Bruce Almighty; about a news reporter who gets powers from God and abuses them; starring Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston and Morgan Freeman.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie 2003.


famous dog in comics, Oh, Brother!

NAME: Buster

Lily and Bud's dog in the comic strip Oh, Brother!; about the daily interaction between two young siblings and their dog; created by by Bob Weber Jr. and Jay Stephens.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2010-2011.


famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

NAME: Butch

Pluto's arch nemesis in the animated movies and the animated TV series Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; by Walt Disney. (And in other venues.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie shorts: 1940-1947.

TV series: 1954, 2001-2017, 2006-2012.


famous dog in movie, Swing Shift Maisie

NAME: Butch

Maisie's dog in the movie Swing Shift Maisie; about a woman who loses her job as an assistant in a theatrical dog act and gets a a job at the airplane company during World War II; starring Ann Southern.

BREED: Havanese


YEARS: Movie: 1943.


famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs

NAME: Butch (See also Lou)

An experienced field agent in the movie Cats & Dogs; about the top-secret high-tech espionage war going on between cats and dogs; starring Jeff Goldblum and Elizabeth Perkins. (Also in the movie are Saluki Ivy, Chinese Crested dog Peek, Old English Sheepdog Sam, and Bloodhound Buddy.)

BREED: Anatolian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in TV, The Rocketeer

NAME: Butch

Kit's dog in the animated TV series The Rocketeer; about a 7-year-old who learns she is to become the next Rocketeer, a jet pack-wearing superhero who can fly; debuted on Disney Channel.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 2019.


famous dog in movie, Rocky

NAME: Butkus

Rocky's dog in the movie Rocky; a rags to riches story of Rocky Balboa, a debt-collector who becomes a boxing champion; starring Sylvester Stallone.

BREED: Bull Mastiff

YEARS: Movie: 1976.


famous dog in movie, Lady Be Good

NAME: Buttons

Dixie's dog in the movie Lady Be Good; about two songwriters still in love after their divorce and a friend tries to get them back together; starring Ann Sothern and Robert Young. (Watch Buttons doing some fantastic tricks during Eleanor Powell's dance routine.)

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier


YEARS: Movie: 1941.


famous dog in TV, Animaniacs

NAME: Buttons

The dog that takes care of Mindy in the animated TV series Animaniacs; produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros Animation. (More about Buttons.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1993-1998.


famous dog in comics, Zack Hill

NAME: Cagney

Zack's pet in the comic strip Zack Hill; about a young boy who lives with his widowed mother in a boardinghouse; created by John Deering and John Newcombe.

BREED: Boston Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 2003- now.


famous dog in dog actor

NAME: Cameo

Appearing in many early films, she was a dog actor in such films as Penrod and Sam; born as Camisole.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Dog: probaby 1922-1934.


famous dog in movie, Hounded

NAME: Camille

The Van Dusen's dog in the movie Hounded; about a teenager who ends up being hounded by a well-groomed and seemingly cute and tiny dog that actually turns out to be a nightmare of a beast. (Also in the movie is dog Sarge.)

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, Little Dog Lost

NAME: Candy

The family dog in the movie for TV Little Dog Lost; about the adventures of a little dog; as part of the Wonderful World of Disney television program.

BREED: Welsh Corgi

YEARS: Movie: 1963.


famous dog in TV, Glenn Martin, DDS

NAME: Canine

The family dog in the animated TV series Glenn Martin, DDS; about a man who takes his family on a cross-country road trip to strengthen the family bond; premiered on Nick at Nite.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2009-2011.


famous dog in TV, Glenn Martin, DDS

NAME: Canine

Martin's dog in the computer animated movie Glenn Martin, DDS; about a dentist who takes his family on a cross country road trip; shown originally on Nick at Nite.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2009-2011.


famous dog in comics, Gaturro

NAME: Canturro

A character in the Argentine comic strip Gaturro; about a cat who lives with his human owners but finds adventure roaming rooftops of the neighborhood; created by Cristian Dzwonik, better known as "Nik". (Also a movie, Caturro: The Movie.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1996-now.


famous dog in movie, The Kennel Murder Case

NAME: Captain McTavish

Philo Vance's dog in the movie The Kennel Murder Case; about a detective who investigates the locked-room murder of a prominent and hated collector whose broken Chinese vase provides an important cluestarring; William Powell and Mary Astor.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1933.


famous dog in movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven

NAME: Carface V. Malone (See also Charlie B. Barkin and Itchiford)

In the animated movie All Dogs Go To Heaven in which Charlie reunites with Itchy and plots his revenge against Carface by setting up a rival business; produced at Sullivan Bluth Studios in Dublin.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in book, Good Dog Carl

NAME: Carl

Madeleine's dog in the illustrated children's book Good Dog Carl; about a Rottweiler and a little girl he takes care of -- the first in a series of 22 books (as of 2016); written and illustrated by Alexandra Day.

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: Book: 1985-2015.


famous dog in President Howard Taft

NAME: Caruso

Pet of President Howard Taft, reportedly a small, white dog who was gifted to Helen by famed opera singer Enrico Caruso.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1909-1913.


famous dog in TV, Summer Heights

NAME: Celine

Mr. G's dog in the TV series (Australian) Summer Heights; lampooning Australian high school life from the viewpoints of three students; filmed in a documentary style.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: TV series: 2007.


famous dog in Greek mythology

NAME: Cerberus (Also Kerberos)

A monstrous multi-headed dog of Greek mythology, often called the "hound of Hades", it guards the gates of the underworld preventing the dead from leaving. (More about Cerberus.)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Dog: ancient.


famous dog in movie, Man About Dog

NAME: Cerberus

A racing dog owned by boys from West Belfast in the British movie Man About Dog; owing money to a bookie, three guys leave town with their dog to try their luck elsewhere.

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in TV, Llan-ar-goll-en

NAME: Ceri

Prys' dog friend in the Welsh live action/animated children's television series Llan-ar-goll-en; about the small, crazy village of Llan-ar-goll-en, Wales, where things are known to go missing all the time; created by Siwan Jobbins.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2013-2016.


famous dog in Rick Stein

NAME: Chalky

Pet of popular English chef Rick Stein who often appeared on television with his dog. (More about Chalky.)

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1989-2007.


famous dog in TV, Everyone Loves Raymond

NAME: Chamsky

Robert's dog in the TV series Everyone Loves Raymond; about Raymond and his family and his insecure brother dominating mother and crude father.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2005.


famous dog in movie, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

NAME: Chance (Right in picture. See also Shadow)

The Hunter family dog in the movie Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey ; a remake of the 1963 movie The Incredible Journey based on the book by Sheila Burnford. (In the earlier movie and book Chance is Luath a Labrador Retriever.)

BREED: Bulldog American

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in book, One Good Dog

NAME: Chance

Adam's dog in the book One Good Dog; about hard-luck man who meets a hard-luck dog, and how they save each other; written by Susan Wilson.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: Book: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Puppy Love

NAME: Channing Tatum

Nicole's dog in the rom-com movie Puppy Love, about a couple who find love when there pets show the way. (Also in the movie is dog Cloe.)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, Curious George

NAME: Charkie

Steve and Betsy's dog in the children's book, animated movie, and animated TV series Curious George; about a brown monkey who is brought from his home in Africa by "The Man with The Yellow Hat" to live in a big city; written by Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Book: since 1941.

TV series: 2004, 2006.

Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, Open Season 2

NAME: Charlene (See also Mr. Weenie, Roberto, Rufus, and Fifi.)

Rufus' girlfriend in the animated movie Open Season 2; about a rag-tag army of animals against the hunters.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in book, Travels With Charley

NAME: Charley

Steinbeck's companion in the book Travels With Charley; a travelogue by John Steinbeck as he traveled around the U.S. with his dog.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Book: 1962.


famous dog in movie, The Absent-Minded Professor

NAME: Charlie

Professor Brainard's dog in the movie by Disney The Absent-Minded Professor; about a college professor who invents an anti-gravity substance which a corrupt businessman wants for himself; starring Fred MacMurray.

BREED: Bearded Collie mix

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in movie, Joe Dirt

NAME: Charlie

Brandy's dog in the movie Joe Dirt; about a man looking for his parents who abandoned him when he was a baby at the grand canyon. (Also in the movie is dog Spot.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever


YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven

NAME: Charlie B. Barkin (See also Itchiford and Carface V. Malone)

In the animated movie All Dogs Go To Heaven in which Charlie reunites with Itchy and plots his revenge against Carface by setting up a rival business; produced at Sullivan Bluth Studios in Dublin.

BREED: German Shepherd

and Collie mix

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in movie, Little Orphan Airedale

NAME: Charlie Dog

Porky Pig's dog in the animated movie shorts such as Little Orphan Airedale; about a dog who has just escaped from the dog pound and is looking for a new master; by Looney Tunes. (More about Charlie Dog.)

BREED: Half Collie! Half Airedale! Half Pekingese! Half St. Bernard!

YEARS: Movies: 1947-1951.


famous dog in TV, The Late Show

NAME: Charlie the Wonder Dog

A Lassie-like character in the TV series (Australian) The Late Show; a parody of fictional animal shows where the animal regularly ends up saving the day.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1993.


famous dog in book, Charlie the Ranch Dog

NAME: Charlie, the Ranch Dog

A lovely dog in the several children's book Charlie the Ranch Dog; in which the family dog deals with various situation; by Ree Drummond

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Book: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.


famous dog in book, smartest dog in the world

NAME: Chaser

John W. Pilley's dog known as the smartest dog in the world, featured in the book Chaser: Unlocking the Genius of the Dog Who Knows a Thousand Words.

BREED: Border Colliw

YEARS: Dog; 2005; Book: 2013.


famous dog in President Richard Nixon

NAME: Checkers

Pet dog of President Richard Nixon, famous because of the Checker's speech. Also the president had dogs Irish setter King Timahoe, Terrier Pasha and Poodle Vicki.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Dog: 1952-1964.


famous dog in movie, Dick

NAME: Checkers

The President's dog in the movie Dick about two teenage girls who uncover the Watergate coverup and are given the job of walking Checkers; starring Kirsten Dunst.

BREED: German Shorthaired Pointer

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in TV, Brooklyn Nine-Nine

NAME: Cheddar

Kevin's dog in the TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine; about a team of detectives headed by the serious and intellectual captain in a Brooklyn Police Department.

BREED: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

YEARS: TV series: 2013-2021.


famous dog in ads, Hutch

NAME: Cheeka

In advertisemants for Hutchison Essar cellular service in India, familiarly known as Hutch , now Vodafone Essar.


YEARS: Ads: 2003.


famous dog in movie, Scream 3

NAME: Cherokee

Sidney's dog in the movie Scream 3; about a woman trying to escape the horrors of a prior horror movie; starring Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Looney Tunes

NAME: Chester (See also Spike)

Spike's cohort in the animated movies Looney Tunes; voiced by Stan Freberg; produced by Warner Bros.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1952-1996.


famous dog in TV, The Nanny

NAME: Chester

C.C. Babcock's dog in the TV series The Nanny; about a woman who becomes a nanny for three children of a Broadway producer; starring Fran Drescher.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1995.


famous dog in movie, Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park

NAME: Chestnut

In the movies Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park; about two former orphans who try to keep their loveable Great Dane a secret from their adoptive parents; starring Abigail Breslin.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in book, Dog On It

NAME: Chet

Bernie's partner and narrator in the book series, including Dog On It; about a detective and his smart canine who helps him solve his cases; written by Peter Abrahams under the alias Spencer Quinn.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 2009-2015.


famous dog in movie, Secret Window

NAME: Chico

Mort Rainey's dog in the movie Secret Window; about a writer who is accused of plagiarism by a stranger who starts to terrorize him; starring Johnny Depp.

BREED: Australian Cattle Dog

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in movie, book, The Fox and the Hound

NAME: Chief (See also Copper)

Friend of the fox in the book and animated movie The Fox and the Hound; about a red fox and a hunting dog who renew their friendship; book by Daniel P. Mannix. The movies The Fox and the Hound and The Fox and the Hound 2 are not true to the book. (In sequel are dogs Dixie, Cash, Granny Rose, Waylon and Floyd.)

BREED: Foxhound

YEARS: Book: 1967.

Movie: 1981.

Movie sequel: 2006.


famous dog in comics, Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids

NAME: Chief Mutt

A character in the comic strip Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids; a strip that features logic puzzles and an anthropomorphic fox detective who constantly matches wits with a variety of criminals; created by Bob Weber Jr.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1987-now.


famous dog in movie, The Shaggy Dog

NAME: Chiffon

Wilby's reincarnation as a dog in the movie The Shaggy Dog; about a boy who changes into a sheepdog and back again; starring Fred MacMurray. (See Khyi Yang Po for the 2006 movie. In the 1994 remake for the Disney Family Movies series, the dog is named Bundles.)

BREED: English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movies: 1959.


famous dog in movie, Chilly Christmas

NAME: Chilly

The family dog in the movie for TV Chilly Christmas; where the dog is about to be given away when a dog thief breaks into the family home and Chilly saves Christmas

BREED: Otterhound


YEARS: Movie: 2012.


famous dog in first of the sled dog

NAME: Chinook

An historic dog, first of the sled dog breed of that name derived from Husky and Mastiff and developed by Arthur Treadwell Walden. He led Byrd's 1929 Antarctic Expedition. The dog breed is also the official state dog of New Hampshire.

BREED: Chinook

YEARS: Dog: 1917-1929.


famous dog in movie, Hero Dog: The Journey Home

NAME: Chinook

Royce's guide dog in the movie Hero Dog: The Journey Home; about a man who is blind trying to get home to his family after surviving a shipwreck; starring Steve Byers.

BREED: Alaskan Malamute

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in Cookie Crisp

NAME: Chip the Dog

On of the mascots for Cookie Crisp, a breakfast cereal made to recreate the taste of chocolate chip cookies and manufactured by General Mills .

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Mascot: 1990-2005.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Chips

The most decorated war dog of World War II. Also in the movie Chips the War Dog.

BREED: German Shepherd

mix with Collie and Husky

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1946.


famous dog in movie, Chips the War Dog

NAME: Chips

Soldier Danny's dog in the movie Chips the War Dog; based upon the real dog Chips.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1990.


famous dog in movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua

NAME: Chloe (See also Delgado)

In the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua; about a dog who gets dognapped in Mexico and has to escape from an evil Doberman; starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Drew Barrymore and Andy García. (Also in the movie are dogs German Shepherd Delgado, Chihuahua Papi, and Doberman Pinscher El Diablo.)

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, The Karate Dog

NAME: Cho Cho

A talking dog who helps the police in the movie The Karate Dog; starring Jon Voight and Chevy Chase.

BREED: Briard

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, C.H.O.M.P.S.

NAME: Chomps

Brian's dog in the movie C.H.O.M.P.S.; about a young inventor who creates a robotic dog that is part of a home protection system.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1979.


famous dog in TV, The Yogi Bear Show

NAME: Choppy

The guardian of Yakky, an anthropomorphic yellow duckling, in the animated TV series The Yogi Bear Show; about a fast-talking picnic basket stealing bear named Yogi; by Hanna Barbera.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV searies appearance: 1961-1987.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog Named Christmas

NAME: Christmas

Todd's dog in the book and in the movie A Dog Named Christmas; about a mentally challenged young man living with his parents in the rural midwest; written by Greg Kincaid.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

(Black Labrador in the book, Yellow Labrador in the movie)

YEARS: Book: 2008.

Movie: 2009.


famous dog in comics, Chubb and Chauncey

NAME: Chubb and Chauncey (left is Chubb, right is Chauncey)

Canine characters in a Canadian comic strip Chubb and Chauncey; about two dogs, Chubb a lower class pooch, and Chauncey who fancied himself more refined. Created by cartoonist Vance Rodewalt, the daily strip and was syndicated in fifty to sixty newspapers in Canada and Europe.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1988-2001.


famous dog in TV, The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan

NAME: Chuchu

The children's dog in the animated TV series The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan; about the Chan family who solve mysteries around the city; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1972.


famous dog in movie, Spanglish

NAME: Chum

The Clasky family dog in the movie Spanglish; about a woman and her daughter who emigrate from Mexico to America where they start working for a family, the father a newly celebrated chef and the mother an insecure woman; starring Adam Sandler and Paz Vega.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in ads, Churchill Insurance Company

NAME: Churchill

Talking, nodding mascot in advertisements for Churchill Insurance Company based in Bromley, London. Over the years, there have been promotional toys and bobbleheads of the mascot as well as a large hot air balloon.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Ads: 1996.


famous dog in TV, Casey Jones

NAME: Cinders

The family dog in the TV series Casey Jones; about a train engineer and his family in the late 19th century living in a small town in Missouri; starring Alan Hale, Jr..

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: TV series: 1957-1958.


famous dog in TV, The Big Bang Theory

NAME: Cinnamon

Raj's dog in the TV series The Big Bang Theory; about four geeks and a girl in humorous situations.

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2019.


famous dog in book, comics, Alan Ford

NAME: Cirano

Bob Rock's dog in the Italian comic books Alan Ford; about a group of misfit secret agents based in a flower shop in New York City; created by Max Bunker.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1969-2014.


famous dog in book, Raine Stockton Dog Mysteries

NAME: Cisco

Raine's dog in the book series Raine Stockton Dog Mysteries; about a small town girl from the mountains of North Carolina who trains dogs and solves murders; written by Donna Ball.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Books: 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012.


famous dog in TV, The Beverly Hillbillies

NAME: Claude (See also Duke)

Mrs. Drysdale's pampered pooch in the TV series The Beverly Hillbillies; about a poor backwoods family transplanted to Beverly Hills after striking oil on their land.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 1962-1971.


famous dog in book, TV, The People's Choice

NAME: Cleo

"Sock" Miller's dog in the TV series The People's Choice; about an ex-Marine and politician whose dog voice his master's dilemmas; starring Jackie Cooper. Also in the Little Golden Books series of children's books.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: TV series: 1955-1958.

Book: 1957.


famous dog in book, TV, Clifford the Big Red Dog

NAME: Cleo (See also Clifford)

One of Clifford's friends in the animated TV series Clifford the Big Red Dog; about a big dog that gets in constant trouble; written by Norman Bridwell. (Also in the series are dogs Mimi, T-Bone, Hamburger, K.C., Artie, and Mac.)

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Book: 1963.

TV series: 2000-2003.


famous dog in book, TV, Clifford the Big Red Dog

NAME: Clifford (See also Cleo)

Emily's dog in the children book series and animated TV series Clifford the Big Red Dog; about a big dog that gets in constant trouble; written by Norman Bridwell. (Also in the series are dogs Mimi, T-Bone, Hamburger, K.C., Artie, Jorge and Mac.)

BREED: Bloodhound


YEARS: Book: 1963.

TV series: 2000-2003, 2019-now.


famous dog in comics, My Own Genie

NAME: Clive

Lula's pet in the British comic strip My Own Genie in the British comic The Dandy; about a schoolgirl named Lula who gets her own Genie; by artist Jamie Smart

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2005-2012.


famous dog in movie, Billie

NAME: Clown

Billie's dog in the movie Billie; about a 15-year-old tomboy whose passion for track is due to the music in her head, and who teaches the other track guys how to do the same; starring Patty Duke.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 1965.


famous dog in comics, Deflocked

NAME: Cobb (See also Ruppert, his brother)

The elder dog brother in the comic strip Deflocked; about the relationship of a wayward sheep with two dogs and their adopted young boy; written by Jeff Corriveau.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip:2006- now.


famous dog in TV, The Donna Reed Show

NAME: Coco

Donna's pet in the TV series The Donna Reed Show; about the humorous situations and problems of a middle-class family in the late 1950s and early 1960s; starring Donna Reed.

BREED: mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 1958-1966.


famous dog in comics, U.S. Acres

NAME: Cody

A dog who liked to chase barnyard animals in the comic strip U.S. Acres; about the antics of barnyard animals, with the main character being a small pig; created by Jim Davis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1986-1989.


famous dog in movie, Amores Perros

NAME: Cofi

Octavio's dog in the movie (Mexican) Amores Perros. A horrific car accident connects three stories each involving characters dealing with loss regret and life's harsh realities all in the name of love.

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Wild and Wonderful

NAME: Cognac

Giselle's dog in the movie Wild and Wonderful; about a pampered poodle who creates marital problems for his pretty owner Giselle when he becomes jealous of her new husband; starring Tony Curtis.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 1964.


famous dog in TV, Spaced

NAME: Colin

Daisy and Tim's dog in the TV series (British) Spaced; about two London adults who meet by chance while flat-hunting and who try to figure out new and largely unproductive ways of killing time.

BREED: Miniature Schnauzer

YEARS: TV series: 1999, 2001.


famous dog in book, comics, Quaver

NAME: Colin Curly

Mascot for advertising Quaver, a British snack food company. Later the dog appeared in his own comic book series; also appeared in two Amiga and Atari ST puzzle games.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Advertising: 1990.

Comic books: 1992.

Games: 1992-93.


famous dog in movie, Van Wilder

NAME: Colossus

Van Wilder's dog in the movie Van Wilder about a rich kid who likes the college life but isn't serious about it. There was also a prequel and a sequel.

BREED: English Bulldog

YEARS: Movies: 2002, 2006, 2009.


famous dog in TV, Full House

NAME: Comet

The family dog in the TV series Full House; about a man who raises his three daughters in a house he shares with two adult male friends.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 1987-1995.


famous dog in TV, Pound Puppies

NAME: Cookie

Buddy to Lucky in the 2010 animated TV series Pound Puppies; about a group of dogs who spend most of their time at a shelter. Based on an early 1986 series. The series features numerous other dogs.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2010.

Earlier series: 1986.


famous dog in movie, TV, Pound Puppies

NAME: Cooler

Leader of the Pound Puppies in the animated TV series Pound Puppies; about a girl who has a series of fun adventures with her friends, a group of zany talking dogs; based on a line of toys sold by Tonka. Also a movie Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw. In each venue, there are many other dogs.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Pound Puppy toys: 1980s.

TV Series: 1985, 1986-1987, 2010-2013.

Movie: 1988.



famous dog in movie, Angel Dog

NAME: Cooper

The family dog in the movie Angel Dog; about a man who loses his wife and children in an accident and learns how to live again with the help of their dog that survived.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in movie, book, The Fox and the Hound

NAME: Copper (See also Chief)

A hunting dog who befriends a red fox in the book and the animated movie The Fox and the Hound; book by Daniel P. Mannix. The movies The Fox and the Hound and The Fox and the Hound 2 are not true to the book. (In sequel are dogs Dixie, Cash, Granny Rose, Waylon and Floyd.)

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Book: 1967.

Movies: 1981, 2006.


famous dog in movie, book, To Dance with the White Dog

NAME: Cora

Sam's vision of a dog in the book and the movie for TV by Hallmark To Dance with the White Dog; about a mysterious dog that the old man starts to see after his wife Cora dies... which apparently is her; the book by Terry Kay; the movie starring Hume Cronym and Jessica Tandy.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 1990.

Movie: 1993.


famous dog in TV, Corneil and Bernie

NAME: Corneil

John and Beth's pampered pet in the French (dubbed to English) animated TV series Corneil and Bernie (also called Watch My Chops), about a intelligient talking dog and his "dog-sitter" Bernie Barges.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2004-2006.


famous dog in TV, comics, Guardians of the Galaxy

NAME: Cosmo, the Spacedog

A character appearing in an animated TV series and the American comic books Guardians of the Galaxy; about a telepathic Soviet dog who is the security chief of the space station Knowhere and a member of the Guardians.

BREED: Golden Retriever

- Labrador Retriever hybrid

YEARS: Comics: 2008-2010.

TV series: 2014-2015.


famous dog in TV, Courage the Cowardly Dog

NAME: Courage

In the animated TV series Courage the Cowardly Dog; about an anthropomorphic dog who lives with a married couple of elderly farmers in the "Middle of Nowhere"; created by John R. Dilworth.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2002.


famous dog in TV, Two Gentlemen of Verona

NAME: Crab

Proteus' dog in the play Two Gentlemen of Verona; about the conflict between friendship and love and the foolish behaviour of people in love; by William Shakespeare. The play was presented on TV several times.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Play: since 1590.

TV: 1952.


famous dog in comics, Cubitus

NAME: Cubitus (Dommel in the Netherlands, Wowser in English)

Semaphore anthropomorphic dog in the Franco-Belgian comic series Cubitus; about a talking dog who lives with his master a retired sailor next door to Sénéchal the black and white cat who is instinctually Cubitus' enemy; created by cartoonist Dupa.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic: 1968.

Comic albums: 1977-2006.


famous dog in comics, <i>Goosemyer</i>

NAME: Cudlow

Goosemyers's cynical dog in the comic strip Goosemyer; about a government clerk hopelessly caught in the bureaucratic red tape of Washington DC; created by Brant Parker and Don Wilder.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1980-1984.


famous dog in movie, book, Cujo

NAME: Cujo

The rabid dog in the book and in the movie Cujo; about a family terrorized by the eponymous Cujo; written by Stephen King.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Book: 1981.

Movie: 1983.


famous dog in movie, comics, Blondie

NAME: Daisy

The family dog in the comic strip and the movie Blondie; about the Bumsteads, Dagwood and Blondie and their two children; created by Chic Young.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1930- now.

Movies: 1938-1950.


famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield

NAME: Daisy (See also Eddie, Rover, and Raffles)

A friend of Rover in the the animated movie Rover Dangerfield; about a showgirl's dog who gets abducted and ends up working on a farm; by Hyperion Pictures.

BREED: Collie Rough

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in movie, Snatch

NAME: Daisy

Vinny's dog in the movie Snatch; about a bunch of unsavory characters who create mayhem while trying to track down a priceless stolen diamond.

BREED: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Grand Torino

NAME: Daisy

Walt's dog in the movie Grand Torino; about a recently widowed Korean War veteran who is alienated from his family and angry at the world; starring Clint Eastwood.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, John Wick

NAME: Daisy

John Wick's puppy in the first movie of the series John Wick, about an ex-hitman who comes out of retirement to serve retribution on a Russian crime syndicate; starring Keanu Reeves and dog Andy as the puppy. (In the sequels, there are other dogs, one named Bubba.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2014.

Sequels: 2017, 2019, 2022.


famous dog in book, comics, Phantom Blood

NAME: Danny

Jonathan's dog in the Japanese comic (manga) Phantom Blood; the comic serial follows the adventures of a young man, relatives and his father's fortune; created by Hirohiko Araki.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comic book: 1987.


famous dog in movie, Danny Boy

NAME: Danny Boy

Jimmy's dog in the movie Danny Boy; about a highly decorated war dog who returns home but is kidnapped by an animal abuser.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1946.


famous dog in movie, Coco

NAME: Dante

Miguel's companion in the animated movie Coco; about a young boy who sets out on a journey to discover a dark family secret; released by Disney Pictures.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2017.


famous dog in movie, Look Who's Talking Now

NAME: Daphne (Daphne right, Rocks left. See also Rocks)

One of the talking dogs in the movie Look Who's Talking Now; about a street-wise mutt and a spoiled pedigree poodle who have to deal with human problems; starring John Travolta and Kirstie Alley.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in President Benjamin Harrison

NAME: Dash

Pet of President Benjamin Harrison; the president had a fancy dog house built next to the White House for Dash.

BREED: Collie

mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1889-1893.


famous dog in movie, TV, Young Victoria

NAME: Dash (See also dog Islay)

The queen's dog in the movie and first TV series Young Victoria; based on the early life and reign of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom; starring Emily Blunt. The TV series Victoria starred Jenna Coleman.

BREED: King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: Movie: 2009.

TV series: 2016.


famous dog in movie, My Stepmother Is an Alien

NAME: Dave

Jessie's dog in the movie My Stepmother Is an Alien; about an attractive alien on a secret mission to Earth and a father and daughter she incounters; starring Dan Aykroyd and Kim Bassinger.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in movie, Sabrina

NAME: David

Sabrina's dog in the movie Sabrina; about a chauffeur's daughter who must sort out a tangled love affair by going to Paris; starring Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden.

BREED: Poodle Miniature

YEARS: Movie: 1954.


famous dog in comics, Hi and Lois

NAME: Dawg

The family dog in the comic strip Hi and Lois; about about a suburban family; by Dik Browne and Mort Walker.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1954- now.


famous dog in movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua

NAME: Delgado (See also Chloe)

In the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua; about a dog who gets dogknapped in Mexico and has to escape from an evil Doberman; starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Drew Barrymore and Andy García. (Also in the movie are dogs German Shepherd Delgado, Chihuahua Papi, and Doberman Pinscher El Diablo.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Toytown

NAME: Dennis

Larry the Lamb's sidekick in the British radio and animated TV series (stop action) Toytown; about misunderstandings arising from devices created by Mr. Inventor.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Radio: 1929-1932; TV series: 1972-1974.


famous dog in TV, Terrytoons

NAME: Deputy Dawg

A deputy sheriff in the Mississippi bayous in animated TV series by Terrytoons. (More about Deputy Dawg.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1959-1972.


famous dog in movie, comics, The Phantom

NAME: Devil

The Phantom's dog in the comic strip and the movie serial The Phantom; about a masked crimefighter based upon the comics; created by Lee Falk. In the series the dog is played by Ace the Wonder Dog.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Comics: 1936- now.

Movie serial: 1943.


famous dog in movie, A Dog Year

NAME: Devon

Jon's dog in the movie A Dog Year; about a guy suffering from a midlife crisis who takes in a dog that's crazier than he is; starring Jeff Bridges. (Also in the movie is dog Stanley.)

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in movie, Firehouse Dog

NAME: Dewey (Also known as Rexxx)

The dog who teams up with a young kid to get the fire station back on its feet in the movie Firehouse Dog; starring Bruce Greenwood and Josh Hutcherson.

BREED: Irish Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in movie, Dog Gone

NAME: Diamond

Owen's adopted dog in the movie Dog Gone (also titled Diamond Dog Caper), about a boy who battles a gang of bumbling thieves to rescue a dog carrying a fortune in stolen diamonds.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Due South

NAME: Diefenbaker

The Montie's dog in the TV series Due South; about the adventures of a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police based in Chicago; starring Paul Gross.

BREED: Wolf-dog Hybrid

YEARS: TV series: 1994-1999.


famous dog in movie, Digby the Biggest Dog in the World

NAME: Digby

In British the movie Digby the Biggest Dog in the World; about an Old English Sheepdog who accidentally drinks a liquid growth formula and expands to gigantic proportions.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 1973.


famous dog in TV, Pushing Daisies

NAME: Digby

Olive's dog in the TV series Pushing Daisies; about a pie-maker with the ability to bring dead things back to life for one minute with his touch; co-starring Kristen Chenoweth.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2009.


famous dog in TV, Valley of the Dinosaurs

NAME: Digger

The family dog in the animated TV series Valley of the Dinosaurs; about a family who find themselves in a prehistoric valley where they befriend a cave family; from Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1974-1976.


famous dog in TV, Big Barn Farm

NAME: Digger

One of the four animal friends in the TV series for children (British) Big Barn Farm; about the farmyard animals, exploring their friendships and discovering their roles on the farm. (Also in the series is dog Old Pop.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2008-.


famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

NAME: Diggs

Police officer Larson's dog in the movie Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore; the war between the canines and felines is put on hold when they join forces to stop a rogue cat spy with plans for conquest. (Also in the movie are Butch, a gruff Anatolian Shepherd; Lou, an adult beagle; and Sam, an Old English Sheepdog.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in TV, The Herbs

NAME: Dill

A hyperactive dog in the British animated TV series (stop action) The Herbs; about a fantasy mix of human and animal characters inhabiting the magical walled garden of a country estate.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1968.


famous dog in movie, Mickey Mouse

NAME: Dinah

Pluto's girlfriend in the animated movies about Mickey Mouse; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 1942- now.


famous dog in TV, The Houndcats

NAME: Ding Dong (See also Mussel Mutt and Rhubarb)

The right-hand man with bad timing and judgment in the animated TV series The Houndcats; loosely based on the series Mission: Impossible; produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1973.


famous dog in book, Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen

NAME: Dingo

A dog brought into the ship and offered passage to America in the book Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen; about slavery, and the African slave trade; written by Jules Verne.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 1878.


famous dog in TV, Astro Farm

NAME: Dinko

The family dog in the British animated TV series for children Astro Farm; about a family who work on an asteroid; created by David Yates and Andy Ellis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1997.


famous dog in ads, Taco Bell

NAME: Dinky

In advertisements for Taco Bell, played by Gidgit. (More about Gidgit.)

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Dog: 1994-2009.

Ads: 1997-2000.


famous dog in TV, Dinky Dog

NAME: Dinky Dog

Sandy's dog in the animated TV series Dinky Dog; about two girls living with their uncle, and a cute pup who suddenly grows to the size of a horse; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog


YEARS: TV series: 1978-1981.


famous dog in TV, Milo Murphy's Law

NAME: Diogee

Milo's dog in the animated TV series Milo Murphy's Law; about a boy who has bad luck, being a descendant of the creator of Murphy's Law, but overcomes his misfortunes by his talents; appearing on Disney XD.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2016-2019.


famous dog in book, Dombey and Son

NAME: Diogenes

A dog befriended by Paul and adopted by Florence in the book Dombey and Son; a wealthy owner of the shipping company whose dream is to have a son to continue his business; written by Charles Dickens.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 1848.


famous dog in TV, The Kwicky Koala Show

NAME: Dirty Dawg

Ratso's sidekick in the animated TV series The Kwicky Koala Show; about the adventures of Kwicky Koala; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1981.


famous dog in book, Old Kingdom: A Trilogy

NAME: Disreputable Dog

A character in the Australian fantasy book Old Kingdom: A Trilogy; the dog appears in the first two books of the Trilogy, Sabriel, Lirael; written by Garth Nix.

BREED: Various

YEARS: Book: 1995, 2001.


famous dog in comics, Monica & Friends

NAME: Ditto (See also Blu)

Monica's pet in the Brazialian comic strip Monica & Friends; about the adventures of Monica and her many friends; created by Mauricio di Sousa. (Also in the comic are dogs Fluffy {Floquinho}, Duke {Duque}, and Rufus {Rúfius}.)

BREED: King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1959- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Housebroken


In the comic strip Housebroken; about a rap artist pit bull who lives with the Watson family; created by Steve Watkins.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: Comic strip: 2003-2010.

Book: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Your Honor

NAME: Django

Dog belonging to Michael Desiato and his son Your Honor; about a judge who tries to cover up his son's hit-and run-accident; starring Bryan Cranston.

BREED: chocolate lab/hound mix

YEARS: TV series: 2020-2023.


famous dog in TV, I Dream of Jeannie

NAME: Djinn Djinn

Jeannie's dog in the TV series I Dream of Jeannie; about a United States astronaut who finds his life vastly complicated by his genie companion.

BREED: Havanese

YEARS: TV series: 1965-1970.


famous dog in TV, Grey's Anatomy


Canine companion in the TV series Grey's Anatomy; about the lives of surgical interns and residents as they gradually evolve into seasoned doctors.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2005- now.


famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company

NAME: Dodger (See also Einstein, Francis, Georgette, Rita, and Tito.)

Leader of Fagin's gang in the animated movie Oliver & Company; a dog story based on the book Oliver Twist by English author Charles Dickens; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Terrier


YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in TV, Petticoat Junction

NAME: Dog (Also called Boy)

The girls' canine companion (played by dog actor Higgins) in the TV series Petticoat Junction; about the misadventures of the family staff of The Shady Rest Hotel and their neighbors of Hooterville.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 1963-1970.


famous dog in TV, Columbo

NAME: Dog (Originally called Fang)

Columbo's dog in the TV series Columbo about a unkempt but clever police detective; starring Peter Falk.

BREED: Bassett Hound

YEARS: TV series: 1971-1978.


famous dog in movie, comics, Footrot Flats


In the comic strip and animated movie Footrot Flats; about a dog who thinks he's intelligent and tough but is actually soft and cowardly; created by cartoonist Murray Ball. The animated movie was called Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale. (Also in the comic strip are dogs Jess, Prince, Charles and Major.)

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Comic strip: 1976-1994.

Movie: 1986.


famous dog in movie, Road Warrior


In the movie (Australian) Road Warrior; also known as Mad Max 2. In the post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland a drifter agrees to help a small community against a band of bad guys.

BREED: Australian Cattle Dog

YEARS: Movie: 1981.


famous dog in TV, CatDog


One half of conjoined brothers in the animated TV series CatDog; about the adventures of a conjoined twin hybrid of a cat and dog with two heads and two personalities; created by Pete Hannan. (Also in the series are Clifford Maurice "Cliff" Feltbottom, Alice "Shriek" DuBois, and Ignatius "Lube" Catfield-McDog.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV Series: 1998-2005.


famous dog in movie, Cowboys and Aliens


Jake's dog in the movie Cowboys and Aliens; about a town in the Arizona territory attacked by aliens in the 19th century; starring Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, and Olivia Wilde.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in book, Dog Man

NAME: Dog Man

Part-dog, part-man police officer in the book series Dog Man; about a part-dog, part-man police officer who protects the city against rotten robots, catty criminals and other evils; created by Dav Pilkey.

BREED: Generic

(part-dog, part-man)

YEARS: Books: 2016-2024.


famous dog in comics, Dilbert

NAME: Dogbert

Dilbert's dog in the comic strip Dilbert; about an engineer in a typical office; created by Scott Adams.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in movie, The Dogfather

NAME: Dogfather

The top dog in the animated movie shorts The Dogfather; a parody of the film The Godfather; voiced by Bob Holt; produced by DFE Films. (Also in the story are dogs Pug and Louie.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 1974-1976.


famous dog in TV, The Adventures of Portland Bil

NAME: Dogger

Portland Bill's dog in the British animated TV series (stop action) The Adventures of Portland Bil; about situations arising in a fictional lighthouse on the Guillemot Rock.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1983.


famous dog in TV, The Quick Draw McGraw Show

NAME: Doggie Daddy (See also Augie Doggie and Snuffles)

Augie Doggie's father in the animated TV series The Quick Draw McGraw Show; by Hanna-Barbera. (More about Doggie Daddy.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1959-1960.


famous dog in comics, Asterix

NAME: Dogmatix

Obelix's dog in the French comic books Asterix; about the exploits of a village of ancient Gauls as they resist Roman occupation; created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. (More about Dogmatix.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comics: 1959-2010.


famous dog in book, comics, Deadpool Corps

NAME: Dogpool

Obelix's dog in the comic books Deadpool Corps; about the exploits of a village in ancient Gaul; published by Marvel Comics.


YEARS: Comic books: 2010- now.


famous dog in comics, Dogs of C-Kennel

NAME: Dogs of C-Kennel (Including Iggy, Kenny, Oliver, Tucker, and Willy)

In the comic strip Dogs of C-Kennel; created and written by Mick Mastroianni and illustrated by Mason Mastroianni.

BREED: Chihuahua

Husky, Great Dane, Schnauzer, and Pit Bull

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007- now.


famous dog in TV, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds

NAME: Dogtanian

The dog version of d'Artagnan in the Spanish and Japanese animated TV series Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds; an adaptation of the French classic story by Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers. (Also in the animated movie are dogs Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and Juliette.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1981.


famous dog in TV, The Fairly OddParents

NAME: Doidle

Pet dog of Vicky and her family in the animated TV series The Fairly OddParents; about the adventures of 10-year-old boy who wishes for a perfect life but has his problems; created by Butch Hartman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2006, 2008-.


famous dog in TV, Doki

NAME: Doki

A curious dog in the Canadian children's animated TV series Doki; about animal friends who are members of the Worldwide Expedition Club; produced by Portfolio Entertainment

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2013-2019.


famous dog in movie, Young Adult

NAME: Dolce

Mavis' dog in the movie Young Adult; about a fiction writer who returns to her home in Minnesota looking to rekindle a romance with her ex-boyfriend who is now married with kids; starring Charlize Theron.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in Show dog champion

NAME: Dolce Sinfonia

In advertising and a Show dog champion, a model used by some dog fashion companies and advertising for Eukanuba dog food.

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 2002.


famous dog in book, TV, comics, Richie Rich

NAME: Dollar

The family dog in comic books and an animated TV series Richie Rich; about the only child of fantastically wealthy parents and is the world's richest kid; produced by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Dalmatian

(actually Dollarmatian; like a Dalmatian but with dollar signs instead of spots)

YEARS: Comic books: 1953-1994.

TV series: 1980-1984,1996.


famous dog in movie, Double Take

NAME: Dolores

Freddy's dog in the movie. Double Take; about a man who likes to keep in his dog in a knapsack and trys to run away from trouble but finds it follows him in unexpected ways; starring Eddie Griffin and Orlando Jones.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in TV, FARMkids

NAME: Doogie

In the Australian animated TV series FARMkids; about pampered zoo animals accidentally being shipped to a dude ranch; created by Scott Strachan.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2008.


famous dog in movie, The Misfits

NAME: Dooley (Tom Dooley)

Gay's dog in the movie The Misfits; about a divorcée who falls for an over-the-hill cowboy in early-sixties Nevada; starring Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe.

BREED: Hound mix

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in movie, 5 Flights Up

NAME: Dorothy

The Carver's dog in the movie 5 Flights Up; about an older couple who tangle with the notion of moving to a new apartment; starring Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in TV, The Get-Along Gang

NAME: Dotty Dog

One of the gang of animals who form a club to tell stories in the animated TV series The Get-Along Gang; based upon the characters by American Greetings toy design and licensing division for a series of greeting cards.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1984-1985.


famous dog in TV, The Sarah Silverman Program

NAME: Doug (Played by Silverman's real-life pet, Duck)

Sarah's dog in the TV comedy series The Sarah Silverman Program; about an unemployed and childlike woman who leads an irresponsible life, often insulting friends, family, and total strangers; starring Sarah Silverman.

BREED: Chihuahua

and Pug mix

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2010.


famous dog in movie, The Mitchells vs. the Machines

NAME: Doug Dog character based upon the actual pug Doug.

The family dog in the animated movie The Mitchells vs. the Machines about a quirky and dysfunctional family's road trip that is upended when they find themselves in the middle of the robot apocalypse.


YEARS: Actual dog: 2012.

Animated movie: 2021.


famous dog in movie, Little Lord Fauntleroy

NAME: Dougal

The Earl of Dorincourt's pet and Ceddie's new friend in the movie Little Lord Fauntleroy about an English earl who's life changes when he takes in the heir to his estate; starring Freddie Bartholomew and C. Aubrey Smith.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1936.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Magic Roundabout

NAME: Dougal (Dougal in the British version, Pollux in the original French version)

The main character in the French and British animated TV series The Magic Roundabout and in 2005 the first computer-animated movie to be made in the United Kingdom; the French and English versions of the series are distinctly different.

BREED: Skye Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1963, 1965-1977.

Movie: 2005.


famous dog in TV, Microscopic Milton

NAME: Douglas

Mrs. Witherspoon's large shaggy dog in the animated TV series Microscopic Milton; about a tiny kid who lived in a clock on the mantelpiece; created and written by Tony Garth.

BREED: Generic shaggy dog

YEARS: TV series: 1997-1999.


famous dog in TV, Henry’s Cat

NAME: Douglas Dog

Friend of Henry's cat in the British children's animated TV series Henry’s Cat; about a laid-back ponderous yellow cat and his many friends and enemies; written by Stan Hayward and produced by Bob Godfrey.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1983-1993.


famous dog in TV, Empty Nest

NAME: Dreyfuss

The family dog in the TV series Empty Nest; about a father living with his two self-supporting daughters; starring Richard Mulligan and Kristy McNichol.

BREED: St. Bernard

Golden Retriever mix

YEARS: TV series: 1988-1995.


famous dog in TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog

NAME: Drooly (See also Kryto the Superdog, Mammoth Mutt and Brainy Barker)

A dog who can use his drool as a weapon in the animated TV series and comic book series Krypto the Superdog; about a dog from Superman's planet living on Earth as the pet of a 9 year old boy. (Also in the series are dogs Ace the Bathound, Bulldog, Paw Pooch, Tail Terrier, Tusky Husky, Hot Dog.)

BREED: English Sheepdog

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2006.

Comics: 2005-2006.


famous dog in movie, Droopy

NAME: Droopy

A meek dog with a deadpan voice in the animated movies about Droopy who matches wits with either a slick anthropomorphic wolf or a bulldog named Spike; created by Tex Avery and produced by MGM.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movies: 1943-1958.


famous dog in book, The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan

NAME: Duchess

The party honoree in the book The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan; about cat called Ribby and a tea party she holds for her housemate dog; written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Book: 1905.


famous dog in TV, T.U.F.F. Puppy

NAME: Dudley

A secret agent in the animated TV series T.U.F.F. Puppy; about a dim-witted secret agent working for an organization called T.U.F.F. (Turbo Undercover Fighting Force) with his partner, Kitty Katswell; created by Butch Hartman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2010-2015.


famous dog in movie, Up


A talking dog in the animated movie Up; about an elderly widower a young boy and a dog who all fly to South America in a floating house.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in TV, Hey Duggee

NAME: Duggee

Leader of the squirrel club in the British preschool animated TV series Hey Duggee; each episode shows the squirrels completing an activity or adventure relating to a badge; created by Grant Orchard.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2014- now.


famous dog in movie, book, Penrod's Double Trouble

NAME: Duke

Penrod's dog in the movie Penrod's Double Trouble; about a boy who is replaced by a look-alike by men who are after a reward; featuring the Mauch Twins based upon the books of Booth Tarkington.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1914.

Movie: 1938.


famous dog in movie, Bathing Beauty

NAME: Duke

Willis' dog in the movie musical Bathing Beauty; about a contrived misunderstanding that leads to the breakup of a songwriter and his fiancé; starring Red Skelton and Esther Williams.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1944.


famous dog in TV, The Beverly Hillbillies

NAME: Duke (See also Claude)

The family dog in the TV series The Beverly Hillbillies; about a poor backwoods family transplanted to Beverly Hills California after striking oil on their land. (In the 1st season there was dog Albie.)

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: TV series: 1962-1971.


famous dog in comics, Kelly & Duke

NAME: Duke

Kelly's bests friend in the comic strip Kelly & Duke; about a boy with an anthropomorphic dog with a Southern accent; created by Jack Moore.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1972-1980.


famous dog in TV, Captain N: The Game Master

NAME: Duke

Kevin's dog in the animated TV series Captain N: The Game Master; about a teenager from California and his dog who are taken to another universe known as Videoland; produced by DIC Entertainment.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1989-1991.


famous dog in TV, Captain N: The Game Master

NAME: Duke

Kevin's dog in the American-Canadian animated television series Captain N: The Game Master; about a teenage gamer and his friends who fight to save Videoland from the evil Mother Brain; produced by DIC Animation City.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1989-1991.


famous dog in ads, Bush's Baked Beans

NAME: Duke (Also known as Paddington)

In advertisements for Bush's Baked Beans.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Ads: 1995-2012.


famous dog in movie, Bad Boys

NAME: Duke

Julie's dog in the movie Bad Boys; about two hip detectives trying to protect a witness to a murder while investigating a case of stolen heroin; starring Will Smith and Téa_Leoni.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in movie, The Quiet American

NAME: Duke

Alden Pyle's dog in the movie The Quiet American; about a love triangle between an English journalist, a CIA agent, and a young Vietnamese girl, set in Viet Nam in the 1950s; starring Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser, and Do Thi Hai Yen; based on the book by Graham Greene.

BREED: English Mastiff

YEARS: Movie: 2002.


famous dog in movie, TV, Barnyard

NAME: Duke

The sheep's watchdog in the animated movie Barnyard; about farm animals on their own while the humans are off. The animated TV spinoff was called Back at the Barnyard. (Also in the film is dog Everett.)

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: Movie: 2006.

TV series:2007-2011.


famous dog in movie, Seven Pounds

NAME: Duke

Emily's dog in the movie Seven Pounds; about a man with a fateful secret who sets out to change the lives of seven people; starring Will Smith.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, The Secret Lives of Pets

NAME: Duke

Max's cohort in the animated movie The Secret Lives of Pets; about a dog whose leisure life is turned upside down when his owner brings home an unkempt mongrel. (Also in the film are dogs Mel, Buddy, and Gidget.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in TV, Johnny Test

NAME: Dukey

Johnny's dog in the animated TV series Johnny Test; about the adventures of a troublesome and bratty boy who lives with his brilliant 13-year-old twin sisters and an intelligent talking dog; created by Scott Fellows.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2005-.


famous dog in TV, Touche Turtle and Dum Dum

NAME: Dum Dum

The turtle's dumb associate in the animated TV series Touche Turtle and Dum Dum; about a pair of heroic fencers who battle villains and heroically saves those in distress; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: TV series: 1962.


famous dog in comics, Raising Duncan

NAME: Duncan

Big Daddy's dog in the comic strip Raising Duncan; a semi-autobiographical look at the life of the comic's creator, Chris Browne.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Comic Strip: 2000-2005.

Returned on the Internet for GoComics: 2005-now.


famous dog in movie, Dusty

NAME: Dusty

Tom's wild dog in the movie Dusty; about the friendship between a drover and his part-dingo dog.

BREED: Australian Kelpie

YEARS: Movie: 1983.


famous dog in TV, Dynomutt Dog Wonder

NAME: Dynomutt

A robot dog in the animated TV series Dynomutt Dog Wonder; about a super hero called Blue Falcon and his assistant a bumbling yet generally effective robot dog; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1977.


famous dog in comics, Mutts

NAME: Earl

In the comic strip Mutts; about the day-to-day adventures of a dog and his cat associate named Mooch; created by Patrick McDonnell. (Also in the comic strip are dogs Woofie and Guard Dog.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1994- now.


famous dog in movie, Four's a Crowd

NAME: Eddie

Lorri's dog in the movie Four's a Crowd; about a newspaper reporter who believes the paper's former editor-in-chief can convince the owner not to shut it down and to resurrect it; starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1938.


famous dog in movie, The Fabulous Baker Boys

NAME: Eddie

Jack's dog in the movie The Fabulous Baker Boys; about 2 brothers playing twin pianos at night clubs who improve their act with a singer; starring Jeff Bridges, Beau Bridges, and Michelle Pfeiffer.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in TV, Frasier

NAME: Eddie (Played by Moose)

Martin's dog in the TV series Frasier; a sitcom about a psychiatrist with a radio show who lives with his father; starring Kelsey Grammer, Jane Leeves, John Mahoney and David Hyde Pierce.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1993-2004.


famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield

NAME: Eddie (See also Daisy, Rover, and Raffles)

Rover's best friend in the animated movie Rover Dangerfield; about a showgirl's dog who gets abducted and ends up working on a farm; by Hyperion Pictures.

BREED: Generic small dog

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in TV, 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd

NAME: Eddie McDowd

The transformation of Eddie in the TV series 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd; about a schoolyard bully who is turned into a dog for his bad behavior and has to do 100 good deeds before he can be changed back.

BREED: Australian Shepherd

/Siberian Husky mix

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2002.


famous dog in comics, For Better or Worse

NAME: Edgar (See also Farley)

The second family dog in the comic strip For Better or Worse; about a regular Canadian family; created by Lynn Johnston. Since 2008, the strip continues as reruns. Edgar appears in 1995 after first dog Farley died.

BREED: English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1979- now.

Dog: 1995.


famous dog in movie, book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

NAME: Edison

The family dog in the book in the movie and stage musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang; about a wrecked racing motorcar in the early twentieth century; originally written by Ian Fleming.

BREED: English Sheepdog


YEARS: Book: 1964.

Movie: 1965.

Stage musical: 2002, 2005.


famous dog in movie, The Accidental Tourist

NAME: Edward

Muriel Pritchet's unruly dog in the movie The Accidental Tourist; about a writer of travel guides who tries to carry on with his life after his son is killed and his marriage crumbles; starring William Hurt, Kathleen Turner and Geena Davis.

BREED: Cardigan Welsh Corgi

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in TV, Cowboy Bebop


A highly intelligent dog in the Japanese animated TV series Cowboy Bebop; about the adventures of a group of bounty hunters traveling on their spaceship.

BREED: Welsh Corgi

YEARS: TV series: 1998-1999.


famous dog in comics, Einstein

NAME: Einstein

Leroy's dog in the comic strip Einstein; about a dog who posed puzzles for Leroy and readers with the solution in the following edition; created by Jay Heavilin and Frank Johnson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1964-1965.


famous dog in movie, Back to the Future

NAME: Einstein

Doc Brown's dog in the movie Back to the Future and its sequels about traveling back in time; starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

BREED: Bearded Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1985, 1989, 1990.


famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company

NAME: Einstein (See also Dodger, Francis, Georgette, Rita, and Tito.)

A member of Fagin's gang in the animated movie Oliver & Company; a dog story based on the book Oliver Twist by English author Charles Dickens; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in movie, book, Watchers

NAME: Einstein

In the book Watchers; about a boy who takes in a stray dog finding out that its an ultra-intelligent runaway from a genetic research lab; written by Dean Koontz; later in the movie and three sequels loosely based upon the book; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Book: 1988.

Movies: 1989, 1990, 1994, 1998.


famous dog in movie, Breakfast with Einstein

NAME: Einstein

Joey's dog in the movie for TV Breakfast with Einstein; about a talking dog who wreaks havoc on the household, making noise, tearing up furniture and more.

BREED: Havanese


YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in comics, Cathy

NAME: Electra (See also Vivian)

Cathy's dog in the comic strip Cathy; about a woman and her struggles with food, love, mom, and work; by Cathy Guisewite.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1976-2010.


famous dog in TV, Dog City

NAME: Eliot Shag (See also Ace Hart and Rosie O'Grady)

The muppet animator in the animated TV series Dog City with puppetry; created by Jim Henson. (Also in the series are dogs Ace Yu, Bubba, Bugsy, Colleen, Frisky, Mac, Mad Dog, Miss Belle, Rowlf, Scruffy and others.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1995.


famous dog in movie, The More Love Grows

NAME: Elmer

Helen's dog in the Hallmark movie The More Love Grows, about a woman who discovers happiness thanks to a stray dog and a helpful vet.

BREED: unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, A Waggily Tail

NAME: Elvis

Junior's dog in the cartoon A Waggily Tail; about a boy who treats his dog cruelly but changes his ways after a bad dreams in which he is a mistreated dog; a Looney Tunes production.

BREED: Hound mix

YEARS: Movie: 1958.


famous dog in TV, Butch Cassidy

NAME: Elvis

Wally's dog in the animated TV series Butch Cassidy; about a group of teens who lead double lives as popular rock stars and a secret crime fighting team

BREED: Genereic

YEARS: TV series: 1973.


famous dog in movie, The Smurfs

NAME: Elway

The Winslow dog in the movie The Smurfs; about tiny blue Smurfs who are chased from their village by the evil wizard Gargamel and end up in New York City; starring Hank Azaria, et. al.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in movie, The Shaggy D. A.

NAME: Elwood

Wilby's transformation as a dog in the movie The Shaggy D. A.; about a lawyer who finds strange things happening to him; starring Dean Jones.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 1976.


famous dog in book, service dog

NAME: Endal

Famous English service dog who helped people with mental disabilities including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and severe depression; and in the book Endal by Allen and Sandra Parton. (More about Endal.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Dog: 1995.

Book: 2009.


famous dog in movie, Hail, Caesar!

NAME: Engels

Gurney's dog in the movie Hail, Caesar!; a fictional take on the real-life fixer Eddie Mannix who works in the Hollywood movie industry in the 1950s; starring among others George Clooney.

BREED: Maltese


YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, book, The Art of Racing in the Rain

NAME: Enzo

Denny's dog in the movie The Art of Racing in the Rain; about a race car driver and his dog who believes in the Mongolian legend that a dog who is prepared will be reincarnated in his next life as a human; based on the book by Garth Stein.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

Terrier mix

YEARS: Book: 2008.

Movie: 2019.


famous dog in movie, Sweet November

NAME: Ernie

Sara's temporary dog in the movie Sweet November; about an adman whose life changes when it gets involved with a free-spirited woman; starring Charlize Theron and Keanu Reeves.

BREED: Griffon Bruxellois

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, comics, Popeye

NAME: Eugene the Jeep

A character presumed to be some type of dog in the comic strip and animated movies Popeye; a mysterious animal with magical abilities. The name "Jeep" was adopted by GIs in WW II for their 4-wheel utility vehicle because it was small, versatile and could solve seemingly impossible problems.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Comic strip: 1936.

Animated movies: 1938-1940.


famous dog in movie, We Think the World of You

NAME: Evie

Johnny's dog in the movie We Think the World of You; about an aimless young man who is to sent prison and entrusts his dog to the care of his former lover; starring Gary Oldman and Alan Bates.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in two legs

NAME: Faith

The dog with only two legs. She was born with three, but one had to be amputated. She received much publicity including a book detailing her story entitled With a Little Faith.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 2002-2014.


famous dog in President Franklin Roosevelt

NAME: Fala

Pet dog of President Franklin Roosevelt. The president also had dogs German Shepherd Major, Scottish Terrier Meggie, Llewellyn Setter Winks, English Sheepdog Tiny, Great Dane President and Bullmastiff Blaze. (More about Fala.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1952.


famous dog in TV, Get Smart

NAME: Fang (Alias Agent K-13)

Agent Smart's dog in the TV series Get Smart about a bumbling secret agent; starring Don Adams.

BREED: Briard

YEARS: TV series: 1965-1970.


famous dog in comics, The Duplex

NAME: Fang

Eno's dog in the comic strip The Duplex; about an overweight unemployed bachelor and his dog; created by Glenn McCoy.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1993- now.


famous dog in movie, book, Harry Potter

NAME: Fang

Hagrid's pet in the books and in the movies Harry Potter; a fantasy series about young children learning to become wizards; written by the British author J. K. Rowling.

BREED: Neapolitan Mastiff

YEARS: Book: 1997-2007.

Movies: 2001-2011.


famous dog in movie, Vampire Dog

NAME: Fang

Ace's dog in the movie Vampire Dog; about a boy who unwittingly adopts a 600 year old talking vampire dog.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2012.


famous dog in Julian Clary

NAME: Fanny, the Wonder Dog

The canine sidekick to British comedian Julian Clary. During the late 1980s she performed with Clary in major British theaters including the London Palladium, Hackney Empire and Edinburgh Playhouse.

BREED: Whippet


YEARS: Dog: 1980-1999.


famous dog in movie, It All Came True

NAME: Fanto

The Great Boldini's companion in the movie It All Came True; about a crooked nightclub owner who blackmails his piano player to allow him to stay at his eccentric mother's boarding house; starring Humphrey Bogart.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 1940.


famous dog in ads, Nestlé's Quik

NAME: Farfel

Ventriloquist Jimmy Nelson's dog and in advertisements for Nestlé's Quik .

BREED: Generic

puppet with long ears

YEARS: Ads: 1953-1965.


famous dog in comics, For Better or Worse

NAME: Farley (See also Edgar)

The first family dog in the comic strip For Better or Worse; about a regular Canadian family; created by Lynn Johnston. Since 2008, the strip continues as reruns. Edgar appears in 1995 after first dog Farley died.

BREED: English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1979-1995.

Dog: 1979.


famous dog in TV, Fat Dog Mendoza

NAME: Fat Dog Mendoza

In the British animated TV series for children Fat Dog Mendoza; about a smart-mouthed dog who is incredibly obese and his friends who try to fight crime; created by Scott Musgrove.

BREED: Generic but extremely obese

YEARS: TV series: 1998-2001.


famous dog in William Wegman

NAME: Fay Ray (See also Man Ray)

The second dog model in the famous photos of photographer William Wegman, named after the film actress who starred in the original film King Kong.

BREED: Weimaraner

YEARS: Dog: 1985-1995.

Photo: 2011.


famous dog in President Harry S Truman

NAME: Feller

Pet dog of President Harry S Truman. Since no one in the White House wanted the puppy Truman decided to give him to the White House physician. There was also Irish Setter Mike.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel English

YEARS: Dog: 1947-1961.


famous dog in movie, Tom and Jerry: The Movie

NAME: Ferdinand

Tom, Jerry and Figg's obese dog in the animated movies Tom and Jerry: The Movie; about the famous cat and mouse dealing with being homeless.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 1992.


famous dog in comics, Citizen Dog

NAME: Fergus

Mel's dog in the comic strip and several books Citizen Dog; about the antics of Mel and his canine companion; created by Mark O’Hare. (Also in the comic strip are dogs Arlo and Bruno.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1995-2001.


famous dog in TV, Arthur

NAME: Fern Walters (See also Binky, Barnes, and Pal)

One of Arthur's classmates in the animated TV series Arthur; about an eight-year-old male anthropomorphic aardvark; an American and Canadian educational TV series for children created by Cookie Jar Group.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2022.


famous dog in TV, Histeria

NAME: Fetch

Loud Kiddington's dog in the animated TV series Histeria; a satirical look at history with a cast of comic characters; by Warner Bros.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1998-2000.


famous dog in President Abraham Lincoln

NAME: Fido

Pet dog of President Abraham Lincoln. The dog was assasinated by a drunk shortly after the death of Lincoln. The president also had a dog named Jip. (More about Fido)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Dog: 1855-1864.


famous dog in movie, Bobby Bumps

NAME: Fido

Bobby's dog in the early animated movie shorts about Bobby Bumps in various predicaments. The silent cartoons were the first to be produced using the cel animation process; created by Earl Hurd and released by Paramount Pictures.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1915-1925.


famous dog in movie, Fatty's Faithful Dog

NAME: Fido (Fatty's real-life dog, Luke)

Fatty's dog in the short comedy silent movie Fatty's Faithful Dog; a confrontatial setting with many fights; starring Fatty Arbuckle.

BREED: Pitbull

YEARS: Movie: 1915.


famous dog in comics, Jommeke

NAME: Fifi (See also Pekkie and Tobias)

The huge dog of the Countess Elodie from Stiepelteen in the Flemish comic strip Jommeke; about a young boy who lives with his parents and loves adventure; created by Jef Nys

BREED: Large white dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1955- now.


famous dog in TV, Rugrats

NAME: Fifi (See also Spike)

Spike's girlfriend in the animated TV series Rugrats; about eight babies as well as two dogs and their day-to-day lives; on Nickleodeon.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 1991-2005.


famous dog in movie, Open Season 2

NAME: Fifi (See also Mr. Weenie, Roberto, Rufus, and Charlene.)

Roberto's companion in the animated movie Open Season 2; about a rag-tag army of animals against the hunters.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, Pluto

NAME: Fifi the Peke (See also Pluto)

Pluto's girlfriend in the animated movies with Pluto, a gregarious dog; by The Walt Disney Studios. (More about Fifi.)

BREED: Pekingese

YEARS: Movies: 1933-1942.


famous dog in comics, Rikske and Fikske

NAME: Fikske

Rikske's dog in the Flemish comic strip Rikske and Fikske; about the adventures of a boy and his dog; written by Nonkel Fons and drawn by Lionel Graham Croucher.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1920-1971.


famous dog in Rusty

NAME: Flame

Dog actor in the series of 1940s movies about Rusty, gaining fame in the 1946 movie My Dog Shep and father of Golden Boy Jr. who played Rin Tin Tin II.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1940s.


famous dog in TV, The Dukes of Hazzard

NAME: Flash

Rosco's loyal companion in the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard; about two cousins living in a rural part of Georgia racing around in their customized 1969 Dodge Charger.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: TV series: 1979-1985.


famous dog in TV, The Dukes

NAME: Flash

Roscoe's dog in the animated TV series The Dukes; about an automobile race around the world; based upon the live action series; produced by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: TV series: 1983.


famous dog in TV, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers

NAME: Flash the Wonder Dog

Beloved television star in episode 4 of the animated TV series Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers; about a dog, a TV star dressed up like a supere hero, who gets his costume stolen by bad characters.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV episode: 1989.


famous dog in TV, The Oddball Couple

NAME: Fleabag

In the animated TV series The Oddball Couple; about the misadventures of a messy dog and a neat cat who lived together; by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises; a parody of the play The Odd Couple by Neil Simon and the movie and TV series of the same names.

BREED: Generic large dog

YEARS: TV series: 1975-1977.


famous dog in movie, Babe: Pig in the City

NAME: Flealick

One of Babe's friends in the movie Babe: Pig in the City; about Babe the pig who has to go to the big city to save the farm. (Also in the movie are dogs Nigel a Bulldog, Alan a Neapolitan Mastiff, Punk a Poodle, and Snoopy a Beagle.)

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, The Banana Splits

NAME: Fleegle (Note: the dog is actually an actor wearing a dog costume.)

The guitar player in the TV series The Banana Splits; a live-action hour-long TV variety program featuring a fictional rock band composed of four costumed funny animal characters; developed by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1968-1970.


famous dog in movie, Umberto D

NAME: Flike

Umberto's dog in the movie (Finnish) Umberto D; about an aged pensioner who can't afford to his rent and tries desperately to raise the money by selling his books and watch.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1952.


famous dog in book, comics, Crabby Road

NAME: Floyd

Maxine's dog in the Maxine series for Hallmark cards and the comic strip Crabby Road; created by John Wagner for Hallmark, then as a comic strip and books, and continuing as a web comic to the present.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Hallmark cards: 1986- now.

Comic strip: 1990-2002.

Books: from 1999.


famous dog in TV, Summerton Mill

NAME: Fluffa

Dan's companion in the British animated TV series for children Summerton Mill; about a beautiful valley where when the rains turns the old waterwheel a little bit of magic takes place; created by Pete Bryden and Ed Cookson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2005- now.


famous dog in movie, book, Fluke

NAME: Fluke (See also Rufus)

The reincarnated human in the movie Fluke; about a workaholic who dies in an auto accident and comes back to life as a dog; based on the book by James Herbert.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Book: 1977.

Movie: 1995.


famous dog in movie, book, The Barretts of Wimpole Street

NAME: Flush

Elizabeth's dog in the movie The Barretts of Wimpole Street; about the real-life romance between poets Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning; starring Norman Shearer and Fredrick March. Also an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel by Virginia Woolf. (More about Flush).)

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Movie: 1934.

Book: 1933.


famous dog in movie, book, Babe


Babe's companion in the movie and the book Babe; about a pig who befriends a dog that teaches him to herd sheep; the book was titled The Sheep-Pig; by Dick King-Smith. (Also in the movie is dog Rex.)

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Book: 1983.

Movie: 1995.


famous dog in comics, Fokkie Flink

NAME: Fokkie Flink

In the Dutch comic strip Fokkie Flink; about an anthropomorphic, pipe-smoking detective dog who solves mysteries.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1944-1945.


famous dog in TV, Foofur

NAME: Foofur

Heir-apparent in the animated TV series Foofur; about a dog who inherits his owner's estate but can't take possession; by Freddy Monnickendam at Hanna-Barbera. (Also his dog friends: Louis, Annabell, Fritz-Carlos, Hazel, Dolly, and Burt.)

BREED: Generic hound

YEARS: TV series: 1986-1988.


famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company

NAME: Francis (See also Dodger, Einstein, Georgette, Rita, and Tito.)

A member of Fagin's gang in the animated movie Oliver & Company; a dog story based on the book Oliver Twist by English author Charles Dickens; by Walt Disneyy.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in movie, Superstar

NAME: Francis

Mary's dog in the movie Superstar about a homely girl who wants to become a superstar by performing in her school's talent show; starring Will Ferrell and Molly Shannon.

BREED: Mexican Hairless

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in book, The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa

NAME: Frank

Don's dog in the children's book The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa; about a family in a mining town in the 1950s with many problems and a dog who tries to make everyone happy; the last of 37 dog stories by author Bill Wallace.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Book: 2009.


famous dog in movie, Men in Black

NAME: Frank the Pug

A alien in disguise in the movie Men in Black. Frank is also in the 2002 sequel and the 2007 movie Frank. (More about Frank.)


YEARS: Movie: 1997-2002.


famous dog in Frankenmuth Brewery

NAME: Frankie

In advertising for the Frankenmuth Brewery, a brewery and restaurant in Frankenmuth, one of the oldest breweries in Michigan.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Advertising: 1930's.


famous dog in movie, Smokey and the Bandit

NAME: Fred

Snow's dog in the movie Smokey and the Bandit; a science fiction comedy about buddies running a tractor trailer full of beer over county lines in hot pursuit by a sheriff; starring Sally field and Burt Reynolds.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett

NAME: Fred Bassett (See also Jock)

In the comic strip Fred Bassett; about a snobbish dog who appreciates the finer qualities of life; created by Scottish cartoonist Alex Graham.

BREED: Bassett Hound

YEARS: Comic strip: 1963- now.


famous dog in TV, Hart to Hart

NAME: Freeway

The Hart's dog in the TV series Hart to Hart; about a self-made millionaire and beautiful freelance journalist who spend their free time as amateur detectives; starring Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers.

BREED: Löwchen

YEARS: TV series: 1979-1984.


famous dog in movie, Darling Companion

NAME: Freeway

Beth's dog in the movie Darling Companion; about a woman who loves her dog more than her husband who proceeds to lose the dog; starring Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2012.


famous dog in movie, Eyes in the Night

NAME: Friday

Duncan's dog in the movie Eyes in the Night; about a blind detective and his seeing-eye dog who solve a murder and capture the perpetrator; starring Edward Arnold and dog actor Friday. This movie and the sequel The Hidden Eye were based on the novel series by Baynard Kendrick. (In the book series, Duncan has two German Sheperds, Schnucke and Driest.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movies: 1942, 1945.


famous dog in movie, book, Hotel for Dogs

NAME: Friday (In the book, Sadie)

Andi and Bruce's dog in the movie Hotel for Dogs; about 2 orphans who hide their dog at an abandoned hotel when their guardians forbid pets at home; based on the book by Lois Duncan. (Also dogs Angela, Cooper, Friday, Georgia, Henry, Juliet, Lenny, MacTavish, Madison, Preston, Romeo, Red Rover and others.)

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1971.

Movie: 2009.


famous dog in TV, Reboot

NAME: Frisket

Companion of the Guardians in the Canadian computer animated TV series Reboot; about the adventures of a Guardian and his companions as they work to keep the computer system safe from viruses

BREED: Robot dog

YEARS: TV series: 1994-2001.


famous dog in movie, Koko the Clown

NAME: Fritz

Koko's dog in the early animated movie Koko the Clown; created by animation pioneer Max Fleischer who invented the rotoscope a device that allowed for animation to be more lifelike.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 1919-1929.


famous dog in comics, Jane

NAME: Fritz

Jane's pet in the adult comic strip Jane (originally Jane's Journal); the misadventures of a woman who frequently and often inadvertently lost her clothes; created by Norman Pett.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1932-1959.


famous dog in movie, Dulcy

NAME: Frou Frou

The dog at the resort in the movie Dulcy; about a ditsy woman who tries to arrange a meeting for her inventor-friend with a possible investor and all goes wrong.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1940.


famous dog in TV, American Dragon: Jake Long


Lao's companion in the animated TV series American Dragon: Jake Long; about a 13-year-old boy who can change into a dragon and protect the magical creatures living in the city; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Shar Pei

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2007.


famous dog in TV, The Osmonds

NAME: Fuji

The musician's dog in the animated TV series The Osmonds; depicting the real-life musical family as cartoon characters.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1974.


famous dog in TV, Where's Huddles?

NAME: Fumbles

Huddles' dog in the animated TV series Where's Huddles?; about a professional football quarterback and his neighbor; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1970-1971.


famous dog in comics, Ziggy

NAME: Fuzz

Ziggy's dog in the comic strip Ziggy; featuring a small bald trouserless barefoot character with a large nose who seems to have no friends other than a menagerie of pets; created by Tom Wilson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1969- now.


famous dog in TV, Grandma Bricks of Swallow Street

NAME: Fuzzby

In the British animated TV series Grandma Bricks of Swallow Street; one of many series from Cosgrove Hall Films a British animation studio.

BREED: Generic shaggy dog

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1978.


famous dog in comics, Gai Luron

NAME: Gai Luron

An anthropomorphic dog in the French comic strip Gai Luron; about an apathetic dog and his fox-friend reading their fan mail usually written by the same reader, a little boy. (Also in the comic is his girl friend Belle-Lurette.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965- now.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Gander (Originally called Pal)

A dog with the Royal Rifles a regiment of the Canadian Army during World War II who was killed saving the lives of several wounded Canadian soldiers in 1941. (More about Gander.)

BREED: Newfoundland

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1941.


famous dog in TV, Dogs in Space

NAME: Garbage

Captain of the ship in the animated action-adventure streaming television series Dogs in Space; about a fleet of genetically enhanced dogs exploring the galaxy in search of a new planet to call home. Also in the crew are Stella (a Sheltie), Nomi (a Shih tzu), Ed (a Jack Russell terrier), Chonies (a Chihuahua), Loaf (a Bulldog), Kira (a Husky), Duchess (a St. Bernard), Pepper (a Labrador Retriever).

BREED: Corgi

YEARS: TV series: 2021-2022.


famous dog in book, TV, Poldark

NAME: Garrick

Demelza'a dog in the book series and TV series Poldark, about the lives of a British army officer, his relatives and friends in the late 18th and early 19th century in Cornwall; creator of the 12 book series, Winston Graham. There were two TV series, the latest in 2015, starring Aidan Turner as Poldark.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1945-2002.

TV series: 1975, 2015.


famous dog in book, Gaspard and Lisa

NAME: Gaspard and Lisa

Two canine friends in the children's book series Gaspard and Lisa; about two dogs, Gaspard (the black dog with a blue scarf) and Lisa (the white dog with a red scarf) who go on various adventures; created by wife and husband Anne Gutman and Georg Hallensbelen.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Books: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2012.


famous dog in book, Discworld

NAME: Gaspode

A thinking and speaking dog in the fantasy books Discworld. In particular he appears in the 1990 novel Moving Pictures; written by Terry Pratchet.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1990.


famous dog in TV, Duckman

NAME: Gecko

Duckman's purple dog in the animated TV series Duckman; based on characters created by Everett Peck in his Dark Horse publication.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1994-1997.


famous dog in comics, The Flibbertys

NAME: Geddown

The family dog in the comic strip The Flibbertys; about a family with a dog, cat, and mouse who talk to each other; by Ray Helle.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1954-1972.


famous dog in Beddgelert

NAME: Gelert

The dog of legend associated with the village of Beddgelert in Wales made famous in a poem by William Robert Spencer. (More about Gelert. Image shown is a painting by Richard Ansdell.)

BREED: Irish Wolfhound

YEARS: Poem: 1800.

Dog: 13th Century.


famous dog in movie, Gelert

NAME: Gelert

A dog of legend in the animated movie Gelert; about Prince Llywelyn and his faithful hound in old Wales; based upon the legend.

BREED: Irish Wolfhound

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, Madeline

NAME: Genevieve

Madeline's dog in the children's book series, in the movie, and animated TV series for children Madeline; about a girl who lives in Paris and attends a boarding school; written by Ludwig Bemelmans.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Books: 1939-1967.

TV series: 1991-2007.

Movie: 1998.


famous dog in movie, The Devil to Pay

NAME: George

Willy's dog in the movie The Devil to Pay; about a free-spirited but lovable man who returns home penniless and falls in love; starring Ronald Colman and Loretta Young.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1930.


famous dog in movie, Bringing Up Baby

NAME: George

Susan's dog in the movie Bringing Up Baby; about a paleontologist pursued by a flighty heiress and her pet leopard; starring Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1938.


famous dog in movie, TV, George!

NAME: George

Jim's dog in the movie George! and the TV series (Swiss-Canadian), about an airplane pilot living in Switzerland whose sister gives him her 250-pound St. Bernard.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Movie: 1972.

TV series:1972-73.


famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company

NAME: Georgette (See also Dodger, Einstein, Francis, Rita, and Tito.)

Foxworth family's poodle in the animated movie Oliver & Company; a dog story based on the book Oliver Twist by English author Charles Dickens; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in movie, Leroy & Stitch

NAME: Gigi

Mertle's dog in the animated movie Leroy & Stitch; about an intergalactic struggle between two eccentric and mischievous individuals; the film debuted on the Disney Channel.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in TV, comics, Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin


Daisuke's dog in the Japanese comic series and animated TV series Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin; about a dog who leaves his master to join a pack of wild dogs from all over Japan to fight a deranged bear and his minions.

BREED: Akita

YEARS: Comic series: 1983-1987.

TV series: 1986.


famous dog in TV, Kate and Gin


Kate's dog in the TV team Kate and Gin, made famous on Britain's Got Talent 2008.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Dog: 2001.

TV fame: 2008.


famous dog in book, Ginger Pye

NAME: Ginger

Jerry's dog in the book Ginger Pye; about a smart dog who gets stolen; written by Eleanor Estes.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1952.


famous dog in movie, Sherlock Holmes

NAME: Gladstone

Watson's dog in the movie Sherlock Holmes; about Holmes and Watson's efforts to prevent the ritual murder of a woman; starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law.

BREED: English Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in comics, Dennis the Menace and Gnasher

NAME: Gnasher (See also Gnipper)

Dennis' dog in the British comic strip Dennis the Menace and Gnasher; about a boy and his dog who cause problems for everyone; originally appearing in the British comic book The Beano; published by D. C. Thomson & Co. (More about Gnasher and Gnipper.)

BREED: Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound

YEARS: Comic strip appearance: 1974- now.


famous dog in comics, Gnasher and Gnipper

NAME: Gnipper (See also Gnasher)

Gnasher's son in the British comic strip Gnasher and Gnipper; about a boy and his dog who cause problems for everyone; appearing in the British comic book The Beano published by D. C. Thomson & Co. (More about Gnasher and Gnipper.)

BREED: Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound

YEARS: Comic strip appearance: 2011- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

NAME: Goddard

Jimmy's robot dog in the animated TV series The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius; about a boy genius who creates gadgets, his robot dog and his friends and family in Retroville; on Nickelodeon. Also the movie, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.

BREED: Robot dog

YEARS: Movie: 2001.

TV series: 2002-2006.


famous dog in TV, Davey and Goliath

NAME: Goliath

Davey's talking dog in the children's Christian stop-motion animated TV series Davey and Goliath; 15 minute episodes dealing with issues such as respect for authority, sharing and prejudice.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1960-1975.


famous dog in TV, Samson and Goliath

NAME: Goliath

Samson's dog in the animated TV series Samson and Goliath; about a superhero teenager and his dog as they ride around the country on a motorbike fighting evil; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1967.


famous dog in movie, Dog Gone

NAME: Gonker

Fielding's dog in the movie Dog Gone; about a father and son who repair their relationship during a trek on the Appalachian trail to find a lost dog. Based on the book Dog Gone by Pauls Toutonghi, which was based on a true story.

BREED: Yellow Labrador

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in TV, Goober and the Ghost Chasers

NAME: Goober

The Partridge kids' dog in the animated TV series Goober and the Ghost Chasers; about a group of teenagers solving spooky mysteries with their dog who can become invisible; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1973-1975.


famous dog in movie, Finch

NAME: Goodyear

Finch's dog in the movie Finch; a man on a journey to find a new home for his dog and his newly created robot; starring Tom Hanks.

BREED: Irish Terrier mix

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in movie, A Goofy Movie

NAME: Goofy

In animated movies such as A Goofy Movie by Walt Disney; originally Dippy Dawg. (More about Goofy.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: since 1932-2009.


famous dog in Merrie Melodies

NAME: Goopy Geer

A character in the short animated movies of Merrie Melodies; about a tall, lanky anthropomorphic dog who sings and dances his way through a musical world. (More about Goopy Geer.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated series: 1932-1943.


famous dog in TV, The Twisted Whiskers Show

NAME: Goosers

Claude's dog in the animated TV series The Twisted Whiskers Show; based on the Twisted Whiskers greeting cards; created by Terrill Bohlar. (Also in the series are dogs Jack, Von Ripper, Yawp and Zippy.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Kit Kittredge: An American Girl

NAME: Grace

Kit's dog in the movie Kit Kittredge: An American Girl; set in Cincinnati at the height of the Great Depression where a resourceful young girl helps her mother run a boardinghouse after her father loses his job; starring Abigail Breslin.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in book, Child of the Wolves

NAME: Granite

A runaway dog in the book Child of the Wolves; about a dog who doesn't want to be a sled dog so runs away and joins a wolf pack; written by Elizabeth Hall.

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Book: 1996.


famous dog in movie, Play Dead

NAME: Greta

Hester's gift to her niece in the movie Play Dead; about a woman who uses her magic powers and a vicious Rotweiller dog to murder her relatives; starring Yvonne De Carlo.

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: Movie: 1986.


famous dog in movie, book, Greyfriars Bobby

NAME: Greyfriars Bobby

Auld Jock's loyal dog in the book and the movie Greyfriars Bobby; about a dog who follows a farm worker who ultimately dies in poverty and is buried in Greyfriar's Kirkyard. Bobby returns to his grave every night; based on the book by Eleanor Atkinson.

BREED: Skye Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1912.

Movies: 1961, 2005.


famous dog in comics, Mother Goose and Grimm

NAME: Grimm

A talking dog owned by Mother Goose in the comic strip Mother Goose and Grimm which includes both one-day gags and week-long storylines involving the main characters; created by Mike Peters.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1984- now.


famous dog in President Jimmy Carter's

NAME: Grits

Pet dog of President Jimmy Carter's daughter Amy, a gift from her teacher. The dog was given back shortly afterwards. Also there was Afghan Hound Lewis Brown.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1978-1980.


famous dog in movie, comics, Wallace and Gromit

NAME: Gromit

Wallace's companion in the comic strip and several animated movies (claymation) about Wallace and Gromit; an absent-minded inventor and his companion, an anthropomorphic intelligent dog; created by Nick Park. The first full-length movie in 2005 was The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. The comic strip appeared daily in the The Sun and then a series of collection books.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1989, 1993; 1995; 2005, 2008, 2024.

Comic strip: 2010-2013.


famous dog in comics, Adam@home

NAME: Gumbo

The family dog in the comic strip Adam@home; about a stay-at-home consultant and his family; created by Brian Basset, (1984-2009); continued by Rob Harrell (2009-present). The dog was added to the strip in October, 2012.

BREED: Mixed breed


YEARS: Comic strip: 1984- now.


famous dog in movie, Iron Will


Will's dog in the movie Iron Will. about a guy who decides to join a cross country dogsled race; starring Mackenzie Astin and Kevin Spacey.

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Movies: 1994.


famous dog in TV, King


Russel's dog in the Canadian animated TV series King; about a boy who finds a portal under his bed leading to an alternate universe called Under. Also aired in the United Kingdom.

BREED: West Highland White Terrier


YEARS: TV series: 2003-2007.


famous dog in TV, Saving Grace


Grace's dog in the TV series Saving Grace; about a jaded Oklahoma City police detective when an angel gives her the chance to redeem her life; starring Holly Hunter.

BREED: American Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2010.


famous dog in book, Adam Bede


Adam's faithful dog in the book Adam Bede; about a love "rectangle" between beautiful woman, a young squire who seduces her, her unacknowledged suitor, and a fervent, virtuous Methodist preacher; written by George Eliot.

BREED: Generic Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1859.


famous dog in book, Only One Woof


One of the Wilkinson's dogs in the children's book Only One Woof; about a dog on a sheep farm that never barks; written by James Herriot.(Also in the book is dog Sweep.)

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: Book: 1985.


famous dog in movie, Johnny Eager

NAME: Gypsy (Gypsy Princess)

A dog given to Johnny in the movie Johnny Eager; about a unloving but successful racketeer who wants to open a dog racing track while dating the D.A.'s daughter. He thinks he's bad because he never had a dog when he was a kid; starring Robert Taylor and Lana Turner.

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Movie: 1941.


famous dog in movie, TV, Father Dear Father

NAME: H. G. Wells

The father's pet in the TV series (British) and the movie Father Dear Father; about a writer of trashy thriller novels who finds himself bringing up his two irrepressible daughters. An Australian sequel series followed in 1978.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: TV series: 1968-1973.

Movie: 1973.


famous dog in movie, book, Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog

NAME: Hachiko (Also known as Hachi)

A Japanese dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner and in the children's book Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog; written by Pamela S. Turner; and in the movie (2009). (More about Hachiko.)

BREED: Akita

YEARS: Dog: 1923-1935.

Book: 2004.

Movies: 1987, 2009.


famous dog in TV, Hacker T. Dog

NAME: Hacker T. Dog

One of the presenters on British TV, Hacker T. Dog, normally portrayed as being in the CBBC Office with his best friend Iain Stirling. (More about Hacker T. Dog.)

BREED: Border Terrier

(Actually a puppet)

YEARS: TV series: 2009- now.


famous dog in movie, White God

NAME: Hagen

Lili's dog in the movie (Hungarian) White God; about a mongrel who organizes a pack of 250 half-breed followers to rise up against human.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in movie, I Haven't Got a Hat

NAME: Ham and Ex

Twin pups in the short animated movie I Haven't Got a Hat; about a school talent show featuring Porky Pig and other cartoon characters; a Merrie Melodies series.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated movie: 1935.


famous dog in movie, Hambone and Hillie

NAME: Hambone

Hillie's dog in the movie Hambone and Hillie; about a dog who gets lost at an airport and treks cross country to be reunited with his owner; starring Lillian Gish and Candy Clark.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1983.


famous dog in movie, Head Over Heels

NAME: Hamlet

Jim's dog in the movie Head Over Heels; about a woman who thinks she has witnessed the man of her dreams committing a cold blooded crime; starring Monica Potter and Freddie Prinze, Jr.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, The Truth About Cats & Dogs

NAME: Hank

Brian's dog in the movie The Truth About Cats & Dogs; about a successful radio-show host with low self-esteem who asks her modeling friend to impersonate her when she is suppose to meet a handsome man; starring Janeane Garofalo and Uma Thurman.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in Milwaukee Brewers

NAME: Hank

Unofficial mascot of the Milwaukee Brewers major league baseball team beginning in 2014. (More about Hank.)

BREED: Mixed breed

(perhaps part Bichon Frise)

YEARS: Dog: 2014- now.


famous dog in book, Hank the Cowdog

NAME: Hank the Cowdog

The self-styled "Head of Ranch Security" in the book series about Hank the Cowdog; about the proud but bumbling Hank; written by John R. Erickson.

BREED: Mixed breed

(pure-bred cowdog)

YEARS: Book: 1982-2009.


famous dog in comics, Stargazing Dog

NAME: Happie

Daddy's dog who narrates the Japanese comic (manga) Stargazing Dog; about a divorced and homeless man and his dog on the road; written by Takashi Murakami.

BREED: Akita

YEARS: Comic: 2008-2009.


famous dog in TV, 7th Heaven

NAME: Happy

The family dog in the TV series 7th Heaven; about a minister father, stay-at-home mother and their seven children; starring Stephen Collins and Catherine Hicks.

BREED: Terrier


YEARS: TV series: 1996-2006.


famous dog in TV, The Mighty B!

NAME: Happy Walter Higginbottom

Bessie's companion in the animated TV series The Mighty B!; about an ambitious girlscout who believes she will become a superhero if she collects every Honeybee badge; co-created by Amy Poehler, Cynthia True and Erik Wiese for Nickelodeon.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2008-2011.


famous dog in movie, The Hardly Boys in Hardly Gold

NAME: Hardly Boys (Fay Ray, Battina, Crooky and Chundo) (See also Fay Ray)

Photographer William Wegman's dogs dressed up as people in the movie The Hardly Boys in Hardly Gold where the Hardly family has to solve some mysteries while on vacation at the Hardly Inn in Maine.

BREED: Weimaraner

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in comics, Joop Klepzeiker

NAME: Harrie

Joop's dog in the Dutch comic strip Joop Klepzeiker; about a gullible idiot and eternal loser; drawn by cartoonist Eric Schreurs

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1982-199, 1993-2003.


famous dog in comics, Oor Wullie

NAME: Harry

Wullie's dog in the Scottish comic strip Oor Wullie; about a boy and his friends whose adventures often involve unrealistic get-rich-quick schemes that lead to mischief; created by R. D. Low and drawn by cartoonist Dudley D. Watkins until 1969; then by others.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip:1936-1969, 1989-1997, 2005- now.


famous dog in book, Harry by the Sea

NAME: Harry

A friendly little dog in the children's book Harry by the Sea who visits the seashore only to be mistaken for a sea serpent when a big wave covers him with seaweed; written by Gene Zion and illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham. Also in the book Harry and the Lady Next Door.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Book: 1976, 1978.


famous dog in TV, Stanley

NAME: Harry

Stanley's dog in the children's animated TV series Stanley; about a boy who learns how to deal with difficult situations; created by Jim Jinkins.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2004.


famous dog in movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

NAME: Harvey

The family dog in the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; about a meek and alienated little boy who finds a stranded extraterrestrial; starring Dee Wallace, Peter Coyote and Drew Barrymore.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1982.


famous dog in The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries

NAME: Hector

Granny's bulldog and Tweety's bodyguard in the animated movies The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries; by Warner Brothers. (More about Hector.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Cartoons: since 1947.


famous dog in movie, TV, Heck’s Way Home

NAME: Hector

The family dog in the movie for TV Heck’s Way Home; about a dog who escapes from the pound to journey his way back to his family; starring Alan Arkin.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: TV movie: 1996.


famous dog in President Dwight D. Eisenhower

NAME: Heidi

Pet of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

BREED: Weimaraner

YEARS: Dog: 1956-1966.


famous dog in movie, The Sandlot

NAME: Hercules

Mr. Mertle's dog in the movies The Sandlot; about a group of young baseball players during the summer of 1962.

BREED: English Mastiff

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in Benji

NAME: Higgins (See also character Benji)

Dog actor known mainly for his role as Benji in films and as the uncredited dog who played the character of "Dog" on the television sitcom Petticoat Junction. (More about Higgins.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1954-1975.


famous dog in President Lyndon Johnson

NAME: Him and Her

Pet dogs of President Lyndon Johnson. Her died at the White House in November 1964 after she swallowed a stone. Him died in June 1966 when he was hit by a car while chasing a squirrel. Also the president had Collie Blanco, Beagles Edgar and Freckles, and mongerl Yuki.

BREED: Beagles

YEARS: Dog: 1963-1966.


famous dog in movie, A Far Off Place

NAME: Hintza

Harry's dog in the movie A Far Off Place. Survivors of a massacre must flee across the kalahari desert; starring Reese Witherspoon.

BREED: Rhodesian Ridgeback

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Littlest Hobo

NAME: Hobo (Never actually named on-screen)

In the movie and the TV series (Canadian) The Littlest Hobo; about a stray dog who wanders from town to town helping people in need. He was often given names by his many temporary owners.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1958.

TV series: 1963-1965, 1979-1985.


famous dog in comics, Homeless Hector

NAME: Homeless Hector

A homeless dog in the comic strip Homeless Hector; about the humorous adventures of a stray dog; created by Harry Hershfield.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1899.


famous dog in TV, Housebroken

NAME: Honey

An anthropomorphic dog in the animated TV series Housebroken; about a therapy dog who runs group sessions to help neighborhood animals manage their neuroses; starring Lisa Kudrow. (Also are dogs Elsa, a know-it-all Corgi Chief, a sloppy St. Bernard, and Diablo, an anxious Airedale Terrier.)

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 2021-2023.


famous dog in TV, Hong Kong Phooey

NAME: Hong Kong Phooey

The superhero in the animated TV series Hong Kong Phooey; about a dog who uses Chinese martial arts to fight crime; produced by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1974-1976.


famous dog in movie, Turner and Hooch

NAME: Hooch

Turner's dog in the movie Turner and Hooch; about a detective who adopts the dog of a dead man to help him find the murderer; starring Tom Hanks.

BREED: Dogue de Bordeaux

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in TV, Madam Secretary

NAME: Hope

The first family's dog in the TV series Madam Secretary; about a woman president facing tough decisions every day; starring Téa Leoni.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog in the TV series: 2019.


famous dog in first German Shepherd

NAME: Horand von Grafrath

The first German Shepherd; developed in Germany by "Captain" Max von Stephanitz. (More about Horand von Grafrath.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1895-1899.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Horrie (The Wog-Dog)

Mascot of the Second Australian Imperial Force in World War II acting as a guard dog and giving early warning of enemy aircraft. (More about Horrie.)

BREED: Terrier mix

YEARS: Dog: 1941-1942.


famous dog in movie, Strange Brew

NAME: Hosehead

Bob and Doug's dog in the movie Strange Brew, a comedy about two dimwit brothers and a murdering brewmaster.

BREED: Mongrel

YEARS: Movie: 1983.


famous dog in TV, comics, Archie

NAME: Hot Dog

Jughead's dog in the comics Archie; a long running series about teenage friends (the dog first appeared in 1968); created by publisher/editor John L. Goldwater. Also an animated TV series The Archie Show"

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comics: 1968- now.

TV animation: 1968-1969.


famous dog in comics, Howard Huge

NAME: Howard Huge

A family dog in the comic strip Howard Huge; about a dog who, by his very size, gets in the way of his family... and sometimes himself; created by Bill Hoerst and now written by Bunny Hoerst. (Image reprinted courtesy of Bunny Hoest.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Comic strip: 1981- now.


famous dog in TV, Almost Naked Animals

NAME: Howie

Manager of the Banana Cabana in the animated TV series Almost Naked Animals; about Howie and his staff and their unusual adventures in the tropical resort; created by Noah Z. Jones.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2011-2013.


famous dog in TV, Hoze Houndz

NAME: Hoze Hounds (Including dogs Hozer, Squirt, Steamer, Fontaine, Crystal and Brooke)

Six fire dogs in the Canadian animated TV series Hoze Houndz; about the misadventures of a fire-fighting team.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: TV series: 1999- now.


famous dog in book, The Silmarillion

NAME: Huan (Also known as the Hound of Valinor)

Celegorm's companion in the book The Silmarillion; written by J. R. R. Tolkien a Middle-earth hound. (More about Huan.)

BREED: Wolfhound

YEARS: Book: 1977.


famous dog in movie, Good Boy!

NAME: Hubble

An intergalactic pilot in the movie Good Boy!; about a alien dog visiting Earth to verify that dogs don't control the planet; starring Matthew Broderick.... (Also in the movie are Poodle Barbara Ann, Boxer Wilson, Italian Greyhound Nelly, Bernese Mountain Dog Shep.)

BREED: Border Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in movie, The Duke

NAME: Hubert

The heir to a fortune in the movie The Duke; about a dog Hubert inheriting an English country mansion. (Also in the movie are a Poodle Coquette and a Basset Hound Daisy.)

BREED: Black and Tan Coonhound

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in movie, Best in Show

NAME: Hubert (See also Beatrice, Miss Agness, Winky, and Rhapsody in White)

Harlan Pepper's dog in the movie Best in Show; about five dogs and their owners at the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show held in Philadelphia.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in TV, The Huckleberry Hound Show

NAME: Huckleberry Hound

In the animated TV series The Huckleberry Hound Show; about a blue dog that speaks with a Southern drawl with a relaxed sweet and well-intentioned personality; produced by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1958-1962.


famous dog in first Yorkshire Terrier

NAME: Huddersfield Ben

The first Yorkshire Terrier who won many prizes as a show dog and in ratting contests. (More about Hudderfield Ben.)

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1865-1871.


famous dog in comics, Superkatt

NAME: Humphrey

A character in the comic series Superkatt; about an anthropomorphic cat who wears a bowtie, bonnet, and diaper as a superhero costume but has no super powers; created by Dan Gordon.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic series: 1944-1955.


famous dog in movie, Curious George

NAME: Hundley

A dachshund who lives in Ted's apartment in the animated movie Curious George; about an oddball museum employee who looks after his pet monkey; written by Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in TV, King Leonardo and his Short Subjects

NAME: Hunter, The

A private eye in the animated TV series King Leonardo and his Short Subjects; King Leonardo the lion, an inept ruler of the land of Bongo Congo, tries to stop the evil plans of Biggy Rat. The Character also appears in Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Animated TV series: 1960-1963; 1963-1966.


famous dog in TV, Shari Lewis Show

NAME: Hush Puppy

In the TV show for children Shari Lewis Show; a puppet on the hand of Shari Lewis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1960s.


famous dog in comics, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

NAME: Iggy

A dog with super powers in the third story, Stardust Crusaders, of the Japanese comic (manga) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; about a family whose members have unique powers, who discover they must take down supernatural forces; created by Hirohiko Araki.

BREED: Boston Terrier

YEARS: Comic: 1989-1992.


famous dog in TV, Downton Abbey

NAME: Isis

In the TV series (British) Downton Abbey; which depicts the lives of an aristocratic family and their servants in a well-appointed country estate during the post-Edwardian era. (Also before Isis was dog Pharoh, and after was dog Tiaa.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2010-2016.


famous dog in TV, Victoria

NAME: Islay (See also dog Dash)

Queen Victoria's dog in the second season of the TV series Victoria; about the early years of the Queen of England; starring Jenna Colmen. The series was shown a year later in the U.S.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 2015-2016.


famous dog in movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven

NAME: Itchiford (Itchy) (See also Charles B. Barkin and Carface V. Malone)

Charlie's cowardly friend in the animated movie All Dogs Go To Heaven in which Charlie reunites with Itchy and plots his revenge against Carface by setting up a rival business; produced at Sullivan Bluth Studios in Dublin.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in TV, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody

NAME: Ivana

Pet dog of The Tipton Hotel ditzy heiress in the TV series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody; about trouble-making twins who live at the Tipton Hotel; shown on the Disney Channel.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2008.


famous dog in movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service

NAME: J.B. (short for Jack Bauer)

Eggsy's dog in the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service; about a spy organization who recruits a street kid and whose goal is to end a global threat from a twisted tech genius; starring Colin Firth, Michael Caine, and Samuel Jackson.


YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in book, TV, Little House on the Prairie

NAME: Jack (See also Bandit)

The family's first dog in the books and the TV series Little House on the Prairie; based on the memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood in the Midwest region of the United States during the late 19th century.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Book: 1935-1939.

TV series: 1974-1977.


famous dog in TV, Tales of the Gold Monkey

NAME: Jack

Jake's trusted one-eyed terrier in the TV series Tales of the Gold Monkey; about the adventures of a 1930s Pacific Islands bush pilot, his dog and his mechanic; starring Stephen Collins.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1982-1983.


famous dog in movie, Lost & Found

NAME: Jack

Lila's dog in the movie Lost & Found; about a restaurant owner who is in love with his new neighbor and attempts to get her affections by kidnapping her dog and offering to help her find him; starring David Spade.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in book, The Last Dog on Earth

NAME: Jack

Logan's dog in the book The Last Dog on Earth; about a boy and a dog in a world threatened by an incurable disease spreading across the nation; written by Daniel Ehrenhaft.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 2003.


famous dog in movie, The Lake House

NAME: Jack

The dog that Alex and Kate share in the movie The Lake House; about two strangers who fall in love but are living in a different time; starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.

BREED: Portuguese Podengo

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, The Artist

NAME: Jack (Played by Uggie)

Valentin's dog in the movie The Artist; about a silent movie star who wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion; starring Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in movie, Dude Where's My Car?

NAME: Jackyl

Nelson's cannabis-loving dog in the movie Dude Where's My Car?; about two potheads who wake up from a night of partying and can't remember where they parked their car; starring Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott.

BREED: Chihuahua


YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Theodora Goes Wild

NAME: Jake

Michael Grant's dog in the movie Theodora Goes Wild; about a small-town woman who is the anonymous author of a scandalous novel and, after falling in love with her pursuer, ends up revealing the secret: starring Irene Dunne, and Melvyn Douglas.

BREED: Wire_Fox_Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1936.


famous dog in movie, The Last Chance Detectives: Escape from Fire Lake

NAME: Jake

Mike's dog in the movie The Last Chance Detectives: Escape from Fire Lake; about a boy and his dog who are kidnapped by two bank robbers and left in the desert to die; starring Anthony De Longis.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in TV, Adventure Time

NAME: Jake

Finn's dog in the animated TV series Adventure Time; about a 14-year-old boy and his dog with magical powers living in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo; created by Pendleton Ward.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2010-2018.

Limit TV series: 2020- now.


famous dog in movie, Puppy Love

NAME: Jake (Also called Prince)

Ben's dog in the movie for TV Puppy Love; about man whose lost dog is found by a woman and her daughter, leading to them sharing him and romance; starring Candace Cameron Bure and Victor Webster.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2012.


famous dog in TV, Dr. Ha-Ha

NAME: James Hound

In the animated TV series as in the episode Dr. Ha-Ha; about a bumbling kung-fu artist like Hong Kong Phooey; by Terrytoons.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1966-1967.


famous dog in movie, The Young in Heart

NAME: Jane (Jane of Aylesbury)

A pet given to old lady Fortune in the movie The Young in Heart; a family of con artists who are befriended by a rich old woman and from whom they hope to be inherit riches; starring Janet Gaynor and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.

BREED: Fluffy puppy

YEARS: Movie: 1938.


famous dog in ads, Hush Puppies

NAME: Jason

In advertisements for Hush Puppies, a brand of casual shoes by Wolverine Worldwide.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Ads: since 1985- now.

Dog: 1979-1990.


famous dog in movie, book, Rebecca

NAME: Jasper

Maxim de Winter's dog in the movie Rebecca; about a self-conscious bride who is tormented by the memory of her husband's dead first wife; starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and based on the book by Daphne du Maurier. Also a 2020 movie starring Lily James.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Book: 1938.

Movie: 1940, 2020.


famous dog in book, I Want to Kill the Dog

NAME: Jasper

Meredith Vieira's dog and subject of the book I Want to Kill the Dog; in which author and journalist Richard M. Cohen recounts with humor how his wife's beloved pet becomes a dominate player in the family.

BREED: Mixed breed

(probably Australian Shepherd and Poodle)

YEARS: Book: 2012.


famous dog in movie, Lou


Lou's dog in the Netflix movie Lou; about a mother who teams up with the mysterious woman next door to pursue the kidnapper of her child.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in Vitagraph Dog

NAME: Jean (The Vitagraph Dog)

Dog actor known as the Vitagraph Dog that performed title roles in early silent films. The Vitagraph Studios was the most prolific American film production company in 1907.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Dog: 1905-1916.


famous dog in TV, VR Troopers


Ryan's dog in the TV series VR Troopers; about three young men messing with virtual reality to save the planet.

BREED: Redbone Coonhound

YEARS: TV series: 1994-1996.


famous dog in movie, The Journey of Natty Gann


Nanny's wolf-dog in the movie The Journey of Natty Gann; about a tomboy in the 1930s who runs away from her guardian to join her single father who is 2000 miles away; starring Meredith Salenger and John Cusack.

BREED: Wolf-dog Hybrid

YEARS: Movie: 1985.


famous dog in TV, Jibber Jabber

NAME: Jelly Roll

The kids' dog in the Canadian children's animated TV series Jibber Jabber; about fraternal twins who have very active imaginations and share the same vision of their adventures.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2007.


famous dog in movie, Balto

NAME: Jenna (See also Balto)

Balto's love interest in the animated movie Balto; based on a true story. (Also appearing are dogs Steele, Kaltag, Star, Nikki, Dixie, and Sylvie. Sequels include Balto II and Balto III.)

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Movies: 1995, 2002, 2004.


famous dog in movie, book, Higglety Pigglety Pop!

NAME: Jennie

In the movie and the book Higglety Pigglety Pop!; about a dog who is not content with having everything but must go out in the world to find something she doesn't have; starring Meryl Streep and Forest Whitaker. The book was written by Maurice Sendak.

BREED: Sealyham Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2010.

Book: 1967.


famous dog in book, Jerry of the Islands

NAME: Jerry

Mister Haggin's dog in the book Jerry of the Islands; about a dog and his master on a whaling ship in the South Seas; written by Jack London.

BREED: Irish Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1917.


famous dog in movie, K9

NAME: Jerry Lee

A police dog in the movie K9; about a mischievous drug-sniffy dog.... Sequels include K-911 in 1999 and K-9: P.I. in 2002; starring Jim Belushi.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1989, 1999, 2002.


famous dog in movie, silent film era

NAME: Jerry the Tyke (Also known as Jerry the Troublesome Tyke)

British silent animated movie dog of the silent film era, created by Sid Griffiths and inspired by the American animated Felix the Cat.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1925-1927.


famous dog in movie, Animal Farm

NAME: Jessie

The narrating dog in the movie for TV Animal Farm; about animals on a farm who revolt against their human owner and end up with a tyranny; base on George Orwell's book of the same name.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in comics, Jigg and Mooch

NAME: Jigg and Mooch

Two dogs in the comic series Jigg and Mooch; about a large dog, Jiff, and a small dog, Mooch, romping around; a short lived series created by John Stanley

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip; 1947.


famous dog in movie, Station Jim


A dog left at the staion in the movie for TV (British) Station Jim; about a station master and orphans who fight bad guys who threaten dognapping and assassin, with the help of the dog.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in TV, Mike and Molly


Peggy's dog in the TV series (sit-com) Mike and Molly; about a couple meet at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.

BREED: Brussels Griffon


YEARS: TV series: 2010-2016.


famous dog in remarkable abilities

NAME: Jim the Wonder Dog

A dog alleged to have a variety of remarkable abilities, among them, he seemed to have the ability to guess the sex of an unborn baby. A memorial park in his name is in Marshal, Missouri.

BREED: Llewellin Setter

YEARS: Dog: 1925-1937.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, David Copperfield


Dog of David's first wife, Dora, in the movies and TV series based on the book David Copperfield; about the life of English chap in the early 19th century; written by Charles Dickens.

BREED: Unkown

(Spaniel in the book)

YEARS: Book: 1850.

Movies: 1911, 1913, 1922, 1935, 1969, 1993, 2000.

TV series: 1966, 1974, 1986.


famous dog in book, Doctor Dolittle


One of the doctor's brood in the several children's books Doctor Dolittle; about a doctor who shuns human patients in favour of animals with whom he can speak; based loosely on the books written by Hugh Lofting.

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: Book: series 1920-1933.


famous dog in TV, Raw Toonage

NAME: Jitters

A character in the animated TV series Raw Toonage; a cartoon series by Walt Disney; starring various characters.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1992.


famous dog in Sigmund Freud


Pet of Sigmund Freud to whom he was greatly attached as the dog frequently stayed in his office during psychoanalytic sessions.

BREED: Chow Chow

YEARS: Dog: 1926-1937.


famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp

NAME: Jock (See also Lady, Tramp, Scamp, and Trusty)

A friend of Lady in the animated movie Lady and the Tramp; about an American Cocker Spaniel who lives with a refined upper middle-class family and a stray called Tramp; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1955.


famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett

NAME: Jock (See also Fred)

Fred's companion in the comic strip Fred Bassett; created by Scottish cartoonist Alex Graham. (Also occasionally in the strip are dogs Yorky and Fifi.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1963- now.


famous dog in movie, book, Jock of the Bushveld

NAME: Jock of the Bushveld

The author's dog in the book Jock of the Bushveld; based on the true story about the author's travels with his dog during the 1880s in South Africa; written by James Percy Fitzpatrick. It later was made into the movie Jock: A True Tale of Friendship and still later a 3D movie, Jock, the Hero Dog (see image).

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: Book: 1907.

Movie: 1992, 2011.


famous dog in TV, Run Joe Run


Sgt. Corey's dog in the TV series Run Joe Run; about a K-9 dog who is falsely accused of attacking his master escapes being put down and while on the run helps people he encountered.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1974-1976.


famous dog in movie, Fool's Parade

NAME: Joey

Captain "Doc" Council's dog in the movie Fool's Parade; about three ex-convicts who hope to go straight and an evil prison official who wants to steal their money and kill them; starring James Stewart and George Kennedy.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 1971.


famous dog in book, The Roly-Poly Pudding

NAME: John Joiner

The carpenter in the children's book The Roly-Poly Pudding; also know as The Tale of Samuel Whiskers; written by Beatrix Potter.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1908, 1926.


famous dog in movie, Johnny One-Eye

NAME: Johnny One-Eye

Martin's dog in the movie Johnny One-Eye; about a former gangster turned legitimate businessman who ends up in trouble; starring Pat O'Brien.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1950.


famous dog in comics, Panda

NAME: Jollipop

Panda's personal servant in the Dutch comic strip Panda; about a young and intelligent panda who travels the world; created by Marten Toonder.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1946-1991.


famous dog in TV, Engie Benjy

NAME: Jollop

Engie's dog in the British children's animated TV series Engie Benjy; about a boy and his dog who save the day with their extra special fixing skills; developed by Granada plc.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2002-2004.


famous dog in movie, Ring of Bright Water

NAME: Jonnie

Mary's dog in the movie Ring of Bright Water; about a man with a pet otter who moves into a rustic cottage overlooking the sea in Scotland where he meets a woman and her dog; starring Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna; based on the book by Gavin Maxwell.

BREED: Brittany

YEARS: Movie: 1969.


famous dog in comics, Tom Puss

NAME: Joost

Bommel's loyal butler in the Dutch comic strip Tom Puss; about a white anthropomorphic cat, and his best friend, Lord Oliver B. Bumble, set in a fantasy world with many characters. (Also in the series are dogs Bul Super, Hiep Hieper, Officer Bulle Bas, and Brigadier Snuf.)

BREED: Labrador

YEARS: Comic: 1941-1986.


famous dog in book, Heidi

NAME: Josef

Heidi's dog in the children's book Heidi, about the life of a young girl in her paternal grandfather's care in the Swiss Alps; written by Swiss author Johanna Spyri. The story has been adapted in many media, but the dog is rarely feature (one exception is the 1974 Japanese anime series).

BREED: Saint Bernard

YEARS: Book: 1881.

Animation: 1974.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Judy

Mascot of the Royal Navy in World War II, only dog to be taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese.... (More about Judy)

BREED: Pointer

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1950.


famous dog in book, Protector of the Small

NAME: Jump

Kel's pet in the fantasy book Protector of the Small; the second of the quartet Protector of the Small, about a girl page who must prove herself on her way to becoming a knight; by Tamora Pierce

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 2000-2002.


famous dog in comics, Muggs and Skeeter

NAME: Junior

Family dog in the comic strip Muggs and Skeeter; about a couple of youngsters in humorous situations; created by Wally Bishop.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1928.


famous dog in movie, Race to Witch Mountain

NAME: Junkyard

The dog the kids befriend in the movie Race to Witch Mountain; about a Las Vegas cabbie who enlists the help of a UFO expert to protect two kids with paranormal powers from an evil organization; starring Dwayne Johnson.

BREED: Labrador Retriever


YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in Royal Navy

NAME: Just Nuisance

Only dog to be enlisted in the Royal Navy, serving at HMS Afrikander, a Royal Navy shore establishment in Simon's Town, South Africa where a statue honors him.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1944.


famous dog in movie, Marvin the Martian


Marvin's dog in the animated movies Marvin the Martian of Looney Tunes. (More about K-9.)

BREED: Martian dog

YEARS: Movies: since 1948.


famous dog in book, The Hound of Florence

NAME: Kambyses

Lukas's alternate form in the German book The Hound of Florence; about an adolescent who has lost his parents and lives in Vienna in poverty... but his wish to be rich living in Florence is granted, except he must be a dog every other day; written by Felix Salten.

BREED: Many types

YEARS: Book: 1923.


famous dog in book, Kastanka

NAME: Kashtanka

A dog who must choose between a circus life or a loving family in the book Kastanka; written by Anton Chekov.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1887.


famous dog in movie, book, What Dreams May Come

NAME: Katie

The Nielsen's dog in the book and the movie What Dreams May Come; about a death in the family... in fact several; starring Robin Williams; based on a novel by Richard Matheson.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: Book: 1978.

Movie: 1998.


famous dog in movie, book, The Courage of Kavik the Wolf Dog

NAME: Kavik

Andy's adopted dog in the movie The Courage of Kavik the Wolf Dog; about the travails of a sled-dog (not really a wolf-dog) who finally finds a home; based on the book Kävik the Wolf Dog by Walt Morey.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1968.

Movie: 1980.


famous dog in book, The Sirens of Titan

NAME: Kazak

Companion of Rumfoor in the book The Sirens of Titan; about the richest, most depraved man on Earth who takes a journey to distant worlds with his dog; by Kurt Vonnegut.

BREED: English_Mastiff

YEARS: Book: 1959.


famous dog in movie, Jaws of Justice

NAME: Kazan

Witness to murder in the movie Jaws of Justice; where Sgt. Kincaid of the Mounties comes to the aid of the murdered man's daughter and her mute friend Kickabout; starring Jack Perrin. Kazan starred in several other movies.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1933-1938.


famous dog in movie, Kelly and me

NAME: Kelly

Len's dog in the movie Kelly and me; about a failed vaudevillean who finds a trained dog that helps him succeed in early talking films; starring Van Johnson and Piper Laurie.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1957.


famous dog in book, comics, Top 10

NAME: Kemlo ("Hyperdog" Caesar, Sergeant)

A intelligent talking dog in a robotic exoskeleton in the comic book series Top 10; about the people of Neopolis, a city in where everyone has super powers; published by America's Best Comics.

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Comic book series: 1999-2001.


famous dog in book, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck


A friend of Jemima in the book for children The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck; about a duck who wants to keep her eggs safe; written by Beatrice (Webb) Potter.

BREED: Collie

YEARS: Book: 1908.


famous dog in comics, Born Loser

NAME: Kewpie

The family dog in the comic strip Born Loser; about a guy who can't get any breaks; created by Art Sansom and continued by his son Chip Sansom.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965- now.


famous dog in movie, The Shaggy Dog

NAME: Khyi Yang Po (Also called Shaggy)

The dog that bites Dave transforming him into a dog in the movie The Shaggy Dog; about a deputy district attorney who changes into a dog when excited, then back again when calm; starring Tim Allen. (See Chiffon for the 1959 movie. In the 1994 remake for the Disney Family Movies series, the dog is named Bundles.)

BREED: Bearded Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in TV, comics, Challenge of The Yukon

NAME: King (Also known as Yukon King)

A Mounted Policeman's sled dog in the radio and the TV series and comic book Challenge of The Yukon; aka Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, about the Monty and his dog fighting evildoers in the Northern wilderness in the 1890s; TV series starred Richard Simmons.... (More about Yukon King)

BREED: Alaskan Malamute

YEARS: Radio: 1938-1954.

TV show: 1955-1958.

Comics: 1951-1958.



famous dog in movie, You Never Can Tell

NAME: King (Played by Flame)

Rex Shepherd's incarnation in the movie You Never Can Tell; about a murdered dog who is reincarnated as a detective intent on solving his murderer; starring Dick Powell. (Also in the movie are dogs Max and Tillie.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1951.


famous dog in movie, A Dog's Best Friend

NAME: King

Pip's dog in the movie A Dog's Best Friend; about an orphaned boy who befriends a dog whose master was recently murdered and who saves him from the killer.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1959.


famous dog in President Herbert Hoover

NAME: King Tut

Pet of President Herbert Hoover. While King Tut was Hoover's favorite dog, there were Fox Terriers Big Ben and Sonnie, Scotch Collie Glen), Malamut Yukon, Setter Eaglehurst Gillette, Irish Wolfhound Patrick, German Shepherd Pat, and Elkhound Weejie.

BREED: Belgian Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1929.


famous dog in book, TV, Kipper

NAME: Kipper (See also Tiger)

The main character in a series of books and in the animated TV series Kipper; about a mischievous and funny dog and his friends; written by Mick Inkpen. (More about Kipper.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book series: 1992-2008.

TV series: 1999-2001.


famous dog in book, A Dog Called Kitty

NAME: Kitty

Ricky's dog in the children's book A Dog Called Kitty; about a boy terrified by dogs comes to cherish a helpless puppy; the first of 37 dog stories by author Bill Wallace.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 1980.


famous dog in TV, Code Lyoko

NAME: Kiwi

Ulrich's dog in the French animated TV series Code Lyoko; about a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko

BREED: Bull terrier


YEARS: TV series: 2004-2007.


famous dog in Study of Kleberg

NAME: Kleberg

Dog in the painting Study of Kleberg, by Jamie Wyeth. The Wyeth dog was named by Mrs. Wyeth after her friend Robert Kleberg breeder of Yellow Labs.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Portrait of the dog: 1984.


famous dog in comics, The Other Coast

NAME: Koko (See also Sakura)

One of the family dogs in the comic strip The Other Coast which satirizes life in the 21st century features environmental and animal rights issues; written by Adrian Raeside.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Comic strip: 2001- now.


famous dog in The Beano Book

NAME: Koko the Pup

A character in the comic book series The Beano Book; with Big Eggo, doing various antics; published by DC Thomson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Cartoons: 1943-1949.


famous dog in comics, Krazy Kat

NAME: Kolin Kelly (See also Offissa Bull Pup)

A brickmaker in the comic strip Krazy Kat; about the love triangle between a cat, an antagonist mouse and a protective police dog; created by cartoonist George Herriman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1913-1944.


famous dog in comics, Sojourn

NAME: Kreeg

Arwyn's dog in the comic book series Sojourn; about a woman, her dog and a one-eyed man who travel throughout the planet Quin looking for 5 shards of a magic arrow.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Comics: 2001-2004.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Superman

NAME: Krypto

Superman's dog in the various comic books starring Superman; published by DC comics. (More about Krypto.)

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comics: 1955- now.

TV appearances: 1966-now.

Movies: 2010, 2018, 2022.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog

NAME: Krypto the Superdog (See also Brainy Barker, Drooly and Mammoth Mutt)

Kevin's companion in the animated TV series and comic book series, and 2022 animated movie, DC League of Super-Pets. Krypto the Superdog; about a dog from Superman's planet living on Earth as the pet of a 9 year old boy; by DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation. (Also in the series are dogs Ace the Bathound, Bulldog, Paw Pooch, Tail Terrier, Tusky Husky, Hot Dog.)

BREED: Generic big dog

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2006.

Comics: 2005-2006.

Movie: 2022.


famous dog in movie, Despicable Me

NAME: Kyle

Gru's dog in the animated movie Despicable Me; about a criminal mastermind who uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in movie, book, Lad: A Dog


The author's dog in the movie Lad: A Dog; starring Peter Breck; based on a series of short stories by Albert Terhune about his real-life Rough Collie.

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: Dog: 1902-1918.

Book: 1919.

Movie: 1962.


famous dog in movie, TV, Please Don't Eat the Daisies

NAME: Ladadog

The family dog in the TV series Please Don't Eat the Daisies; about a family who moves from a crowded apartment to an old house in the country; based on the movie, starring Doris Day and David Niven.

BREED: Bearded Collie

(In the movie, Old English Sheepdog played by Lord Nelson)

YEARS: Movie: 1960.

TV series: 1965-1967, 1968-1973.


famous dog in President Warren G. Harding

NAME: Laddie Boy

Pet of President Warren G. Harding. (More about Laddie Boy). Also in the White House was a Bulldog Old Boy

BREED: Airedale Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1920-1929.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Loud House

NAME: Lado

The Casagrande family's pet dog in the animated TV series and graphic novels The Loud House; about the chaotic everyday life of the only boy in a family of eleven children; created Chris Savino. (A spin-off series The Casagrandes premiered in 2019.) (Many other dogs are in the series.)

BREED: English Mastiff

YEARS: TV series: 2016- now.

Movie: 2021.

Graphic novels: 2017- now.


famous dog in movie, book, Goodbye My Lady

NAME: Lady (Also known as Isis)

Skeeter's dog in the book and in the movie Goodbye My Lady; about an old man and a young boy living in the Georgia swamps who are brought together by the love of a dog; written by James H. Street. The movie starred Walter Brennan and Brandon DeWilde.

BREED: Basenji

YEARS: Book: 1954.

Movie: 1956.


famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp

NAME: Lady (See also Tramp, Scamp, Jock, and Trusty)

In the animated movie Lady and the Tramp; about an American Cocker Spaniel who lives with a refined upper middle-class family and a stray called Tramp; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Movie: 1955.


famous dog in ads, Greyhound Lines

NAME: Lady Geryhound

In advertisements for Greyhound Lines bus company. (More about Lady Greyhound.)

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Ads: since 1914.


famous dog in TV, King of the Hill

NAME: Ladybird

Hank's dog in the animated TV series King of the Hill; about a working-class Methodist family in a fictional small town; created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: TV series: 1997-2011.


famous dog in movie, The Aristocats

NAME: Lafayette (See also Napoleon)

A farm dog and Napoleon's companion in the animated movie The Aristocats; about a family of aristocratic cats who need the help of an alley cat after they are kidnapped; voiced by George Lindsey; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 1970.


famous dog in first dog in space

NAME: Laika

A Russian stray who became the first dog in space and who died within hours after launch. (More about Laika.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1954-1957.

Flight: 1957.


famous dog in book, Lampo, the Traveling Dog

NAME: Lampo

Elvio's dog in life and in the book Lampo, the Traveling Dog. The dog rode trains by himself to various parts of Italy and always returned. Station workers everywhere would tie rail ticket stubs to his collar showing where he'd been. His statue is at Campiglia Marittima Station.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1953-1961.

Book: 1963.


famous dog in book, Lassie Come Home

NAME: Lassie

A dog who treks many miles to be reunited with the boy she loves in the book Lassie Come Home; written by Eric Knight. (More about Lassie.)

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: Book: 1940.


famous dog in movie, TV, Lassie Come Home

NAME: Lassie

In the TV series and in the movies beginning with the film Lassie Come Home; about a boy and his dog; starring Roddy McDowall and Elizabeth Taylor. In the TV series the boy was played by Tommy Retig. (More about Lassie.)

BREED: RoughCollie

YEARS: Movie: from 1943.

TV series: 1954-1973.


famous dog in movie, Laughing Gravy

NAME: Laughing Gravy

Laurel and Stan's dog in the movie Laughing Gravy; about two men who try to hide their pet dog from their mean-tempered landlord; starring Laurel and Hardy.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1931.


famous dog in movie, Lenny the Wonder Dog

NAME: Lenny

A talking dog in the movie Lenny the Wonder Dog; about a mutt whose implanted microchip gives him special powers as he and a young boy go on a quest to save the world.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in movie, Ghost Town

NAME: Leonard

Gwen's dog in the movie Ghost Town; about a dentist whose short-lived death allows him to see dead people, among them a man who wants to stop the wedding of his widow; starring Ricky Gervais and Téa Leoni.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, Halloween

NAME: Lester

The Lindsay family dog in the movie Halloween; about a killer who gets out of a sanitarium to pursue is life's work; starring Malcolm McDowell; a remake of the 1978 thriller.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in TV, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

NAME: Levi

Sue's service hearing dog in the TV series Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye; about a deaf woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys for the FBI.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2002-2005.


famous dog in President Gerald R. Ford

NAME: Liberty

Pet dog of President Gerald R. Ford, given to the president as an 8-month-old puppy by his daughter Susan Ford and new White House photographer David Hume Kennerly. Also there was dogs Lucky and Misty. (More about Liberty.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Dog: 1974-1984.


famous dog in movie, The Pooch and the Pauper

NAME: Liberty and Moocher

The President's dog and its look-alike in the movie for TV The Pooch and the Pauper ; about a snobby dog in the White House whose friendly look-alike accidently takes his place and brings a different spirit to the place; starring Fred Willard.

BREED: Bulldog American

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Two in Revolt

NAME: Lightning

Companion of horse Warrior in the movie Two in Revolt; about a horse and dog who were born on the same farm the same day, then months later, escape trouble going into the wild where they become close friends.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1936.


famous dog in book, Lily and the Octopus

NAME: Lily

Rowley's dog in the book Lily and the Octopus; about paralegal screenwriter and his old dog with brain cancer; written by Steven Rowley.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Book: 2016.


famous dog in movie, Soccer Dog-The Movie

NAME: Lincoln

Clay's dog in the movie Soccer Dog-The Movie; about an adopted boy whose dog has an uncanny ability to play soccer.

BREED: Portuguese Podengo

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in TV, Darkwing Duck

NAME: Liquidator (Also known as Bud Flud)

A supervillain in the animated TV series by Disney Darkwing Duck; the adventures of the supposed superhero, aided by his sidekick.

BREED: Generic

(made of water)

YEARS: TV series: 1991-1992.


famous dog in movie, book, Where the Red Fern Grows

NAME: Little Ann (See also Old Dan)

One of Billy's dogs in the children's book Where the Red Fern Grows; about a boy and his quest for his own red-bone hound hunting dogs; written by Wilson Rawls. Also in the movie Where the Red Fern Grows.

BREED: Redbone Coonhound

YEARS: Book: 1961.

Movie: 1974.


famous dog in movie, Mulan

NAME: Little Brother

Mulan's dog in the animated movie Mulan; about a Chinese maiden who takes her father place in the army and becomes one of China's greatest heroes; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, 2 Stupid Dogs

NAME: Little Dog (See also Big Dog)

In the animated TV series 2 Stupid Dogs; about a big dog and a little dog who aren't very smart and their everyday misadventures; created by Donovan Cook.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1993-1995.


famous dog in comics, Little Dog Lost

NAME: Little Dog

In the comic strip Little Dog Lost; about a dog that finds the adventure of the open road is addictive; by Steve Boreman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007-2016.


famous dog in movie, Norbit

NAME: Lloyd

Mrs. Henderson's pet Pug dog in the movie Norbit; about a mild-mannered guy who is engaged to a monstrous woman and meets the woman of his dreams; starring Eddie Murphy.


YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in Thunderbolt

NAME: Lobo (the Marvel Dog)

Bobby's dog in the movie Thunderbolt about a man, his son and dog who set out to prove a cowboy innocent of murder.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Moive: 1935.


famous dog in comics, Fantastic Four

NAME: Lockjaw

An alien bulldog-like being in the comic series Fantastic Four; about super-powers on steroids. (More about Lockjaw.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic series: 1965- now.


famous dog in TV, Lomax, the Hound of Music

NAME: Lomax

A music loving pooch in the animated TV series Lomax, the Hound of Music; about a good-natured puppet pooch, his feline sidekick, and their human companion on a tune-filled train ride; created by Christopher Cerf, Norman Stiles and Louise Gikow.

BREED: Generic hound

YEARS: TV series: 2008.


famous dog in book, The Dogs of Babel

NAME: Lorelei

Paul's dog in the book The Dogs of Babel; about a man who tries to come to terms with his wife's death, witnessed only by the dog; written by Carolyn Parkhurst. (Book title is Lorelei's Secret in the United Kingdom.)

BREED: Rhodesian Ridgeback

YEARS: Book: 2003.


famous dog in comics, Jack, Jacky and the Juniors

NAME: Lotje

Family pet in the Dutch comic strip Jack, Jacky and the Juniors ((Jan Jans en de Kinderen); about a family's situations; originally created by Jan Kraus.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1970- now.


famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs

NAME: Lou (See also Butch)

The Brody family dog in the movie Cats & Dogs; about the top-secret high-tech espionage war going on between cats and dogs; starring Jeff Goldblum and Elizabeth Perkins. (Also in the movie are Saluki Ivy, Chinese Crested dog Peek, Old English Sheepdog Sam, and Bloodhound Buddy.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in comics, Overboard

NAME: Louie

Captain Crow's pet in comic strip Overboard; about pirates anachronistically placed in modern times; created by Chip Dunham.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1990- now.


famous dog in TV, Pocoyo

NAME: Loula

Pocoyo's companion in the Spanish children's animated TV series Pocoyo; about a young boy dressed in blue who is full of curiosity; created by Guillermo García Carsí, Luis Gallego and David Cantolla.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2005 2007.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Care Bears Movie

NAME: Loyal Heart Dog

A character in the animated movie The Care Bears Movie; a movie and TV series based on the characters created by American Greetings. (More about Loyal Heart Dog.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Suffed toy: 1982; Animated movie: 1985.

Animated TV series: 1986-1988.


famous dog in movie, book, The Incredible Journey

NAME: Luath (See also Bodger)

In the book and the movie The Incredible Journey; about two dogs and a cat; written by Sheila Burnford. (In the 1993 remake Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey Luath is Chance an American Bulldog.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Book: 1961.

Movie: 1963.


famous dog in comics, Hawkeye

NAME: Lucky

Barton's dog in the comic book series Hawkeye; about a superhero archer in many adventures with the Avengers.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1964- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Dr. Dolittle

NAME: Lucky

The Doctor's dog in the movie Dr. Dolittle and sequels, about a doctor who discovers he can talk to animals; starred Eddie Murphy; based loosely on the children's book written by Hugh Lofting. (In the 1967 movie and the animated TV series (1970), the dog's name is Jip.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movies: 1967, 1998, 2001, 2006.

TV series: 1970-1971.


famous dog in TV, Married with Children

NAME: Lucky (See also Buck, the dog he replaced.)

The family dog in the TV series Married with Children; about the lives of a hard luck salesman his obnoxious wife their dimwitted and promiscuous daughter and their girl-crazy son.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 1987-1997.


famous dog in movie, My Magic Dog

NAME: Lucky

An invisible dog in the movie My Magic Dog; about a dog who comes to a lonely young heir's rescue by preventing the lad's greedy aunt from bilking him out of his fortune. (Also known as My Ghost Dog.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in movie, You Lucky Dog

NAME: Lucky

The heir to his deceased master's fortune in the movie for TV You Lucky Dog; about a dog psychiatrist who is famous for literally being able to read dog's minds; starring Kirk Cameron.

BREED: St. Bernard


YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in movie, The Dogwalker

NAME: Lucky

Alma's dog in the movie The Dogwalker; about a down-on-his-luck Los Angeles schemer whose luck changes when he rescues an elderly matron who has been knocked down by her misbehaving dog. (Not to be confused with the 2002 movie.)

BREED: Bullmastiff

YEARS: Movie: 1999.


famous dog in movie, Doggie Tails, Vol. 1: Lucky's First Sleep Over

NAME: Lucky

The dog in the movie for TV Doggie Tails, Vol. 1: Lucky's First Sleep Over about a dog who spends a night in the dog kennel, making new doggie friends and learning to use her imagination. (Also in the movie is dog Patches.)

BREED: Havanese


YEARS: Movie 2003.


famous dog in movie, You Lucky Dog

NAME: Lucky

Fashion designer Lisa's dog in the movie You Lucky Dog; about a sheep dog who helps rescue children trapped in a forest fire and brings them to safety; starring Natasha Henstridge and Harry Hamlin.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in TV, Pound Puppies

NAME: Lucky

Leader of the group of dogs in the animated TV series Pound Puppies; about a group of pound dogs who place puppies with their perfect person and have lots of adventures along the way. (Also dogs Cookie, Niblet, Strudel, Squirt, Rebound, Cupcake, and Patches.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2010-2013.


famous dog in movie, Wendy and Lucy

NAME: Lucy

Wendy's dog in the movie Wendy and Lucy; about a woman who not only is down on her luck, but she also loses her dog; starring Michelle Williams.

BREED: Labrador Retriever


YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, Rio

NAME: Luiz

The dog that releases Blu and Jewel from chains in the animated movie Rio; about a domesticated macaw who meets a fiercely independent female and together they takes off on an adventure to Rio de Janeiro. Also appears in the sequel Rio 2.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2011, 2014.


famous dog in movie, Dog

NAME: Lulu

Briggs's former partner's dog in the movie Dog; about a former Army Ranger with his partner's dog who races down the west coast to get to a partner's funeral on time; starring Channing Tatum.

BREED: Belgian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in TV, ThunderCats

NAME: Ma-Mutt

Loyal dog of Mumm-Ra, the villain, in the animated TV series ThunderCats; about a team of humanoid cats who fight evil in their adopted home world. A sequel series follows the cats as they are forced to roam the planet Third Earth.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1985-1989, 2011-2012.


famous dog in book, Naughty Mabel

NAME: Mabel

The Hampton's dog in the children's book Naughty Mabel; about a pampered pup who takes center stage at her parent's party; by actor Nathan Lane and partner Devlin Elliott.

BREED: Bulldog, French

YEARS: Book: 2015.


famous dog in TV, Blue Clues

NAME: Magenta (See also Blue)

Blue's best friend in the animated TV series Blue Clues; a program intended to get preschoolers to learn through active participation in activities grounded in their everyday lives; on Nickleodeon.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2002.


famous dog in movie, The Wild River

NAME: Maggie

The family dog in the movie The Wild River; about a husband and wife and son on a white water rafting trip who encounter two men who turn out to be armed killers; starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1994.


famous dog in book, Suspect

NAME: Maggie

Scott's dog in the book Suspect; a soldier and dog have both lost their partners in the line of duty, and and both have been shot and suffering from PTSD. Yet their partnership enables them to solve the mysterious murder; written by Robert Crais.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 2014.


famous dog in President Biden's

NAME: Major and Champ

Pet dogs of President Biden's family, Major being adopted from a shelter, while Champ had been in the White House before when Biden was vice-president.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Major: 2018.

Champ: 2008-2021.


famous dog in TV, comics, Krypto the Superdog

NAME: Mammoth Mutt (See also Kryto the Superdog, Drooly and Brainy Barker)

A dog that can inflate her body enormously in the comic book series and the animated TV series Krypto the Superdog; about a dog from Superman's planet living on Earth as the pet of a 9 year old boy. (Also in the series are dogs Ace the Bathound, Bulldog, Paw Pooch, Tail Terrier, Tusky Husky, Hot Dog.)

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2006.

Comics: 2005-2006.


famous dog in William Wegman

NAME: Man Ray (See also Fay Ray)

The first dog model in the famous photos of photographer William Wegman, named after the American artist born Emmanuel Radnitzky.

BREED: Weimaraner

YEARS: Dog: 1970- 1982.


famous dog in movie, Feed the Kitty

NAME: Marc Anthony

A leading character in animated movies such as Feed the Kitty; featuring Marc Antony and Pussyfoot; a Merrie Melodies cartoon.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 1952-1957.


famous dog in movie, book, Marley and Me

NAME: Marley

The Grogan family dog in the movie and the book Marley and Me; about a man and and his family's life during the thirteen years that they lived with their dog; written by John Grogan. Also, a series of illustrated children books, the first of which was Marley's Big Adventure.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Book: 2005.

Movie: 2008.

Children's book: 2009.

Dog: 1991-2003.


famous dog in movie, Cop Dog

NAME: Marlowe

Robby's dog in the movie Cop Dog; about a boy and his dad's dog who set out to solve the death of the young boy's father.

BREED: Husky


YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, comics, Marmaduke

NAME: Marmaduke

The Winslow family dog in the comic strip and in the animated movie Marmaduke; about a big dog that gets into loads of trouble; comic by Brad Anderson. (Also in the movie are dogs Bosco, Giuseppe, Jezebel, Mazie, Thunder, Lightning, and Raisin.)

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comic strip: 1954- now.

Movie: 2010, 2022.


famous dog in book, TV, Martha Speaks

NAME: Martha (See also Skits)

Helen's talking dog in the book and animated TV series Martha Speaks; about a girl who feeds her dog alphabet soup that travels to the dog's brain; on PBS based on the 1992 book by Susam Meddaough.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1992.

TV series: 2008-2014.


famous dog in TV, Downward Dog

NAME: Martin

Nan's dog in the TV series Downward Dog; about a recently unattached working woman who finds companionship with a philosophizing dog; starring Allison Tolman.

BREED: Coonhound


YEARS: TV series: 2017.


famous dog in movie, Paterson

NAME: Marvin

Paterson's dog in the movie Paterson; about a week in the mundane life of a bus driver and his wife; starring Adam Driver . The dog is played by Nellie.

BREED: Bulldog, English

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, Down and Out in Beverly Hills

NAME: Matisse

The family dog in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills; about a rich but dysfunctional couple who save the life of a suicidal bum; starring Nick Nolte, Bette Midler and Richard Dreyfuss.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1986.


famous dog in TV, Jake and the Fatman


The Fatman's dog in the TV series Jake and the Fatman; about a veteran district attorney who solves cases with the help of his easy-going partner; starring William Conrad.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1987-1992.


famous dog in movie, The Little Mermaid


Prince Eric's dog in the animated movie The Little Mermaid; about a precocious mermaid who journeys to the surface and falls in love a handsome human; by Walt Disney; based upon the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in movie, Man's Best Friend


The genetically altered dog in the movie Man's Best Friend; about a dog that turns from man's best friend into man's worst nightmare as he attacks everything that moves; starring Ally Sheedy.

BREED: Tibetan Mastiff

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas


The Grinch's dog in the animated movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas; about the residents of Whoville preparing to celebrate Christmas; based upon the book by Dr. Seuss; starring the voice of Jim Carrey.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in comics, Lola


Lola's pet in the comic strip Lola; about a widow who, having moved in with her son and his family, reveals her independence and love of life; created by Todd Clark.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Ben


The Hatley pet in the comic strip Ben, about a recent retiree from Oshawa, Ontario, and his family.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 2009- now.


famous dog in movie, Max


Kyle's dog in the movie Max; about a dog whose handler, a U.S. Marine in Afghanistan, is killed, and who then is adopted by the soldier's family.

BREED: Belgian Sheepdog

(also called a Malinois)

YEARS: Movie: 2015.


famous dog in movie, Max


A military service dog returning from service in Afghanistan in the movie Max; about a dog traumatized by his handler's death and adopted by the Marine's family.

BREED: Belgian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2015.


famous dog in movie, The Secret Life of Pets


Katie's dog in the animated movie The Secret Life of Pets; about a dog whose leisure life is turned upside down when his owner brings home an unkempt mongrel called Duke. (Also in the film are dogs Mel, Buddy, and Gidget.)

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Animated movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, Show Dogs


Police officer Frank's companion in the movie Show Dogs, about a macho police dog who goes undercover as a primped entant in a dog show to stop an animal-smuggling scheme; starring Will Arnett. (Also in the movie are dogs Daisy, Sprinkles, Karma, Philippe, and Dante.)

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in movie, TV, Goof Troop

NAME: Max Goof

Goofy's son in the animated TV series Goof Troop; and later in the animated movie A Googy Movie as the only son of the Disney character Goofy, he has many of the same mannerisms as his dad. (More about Max Goof.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 1992.

Animated Movie: 1995, 2000.


famous dog in movie, Hugo

NAME: Maximilian

The policeman's dog in the movie Hugo; about an orphan living in the walls of a train station who seeks to solve a mystery involving his late father and an automaton; starring Asa Butterfield and Ben Kingsley.

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in TV, The Bionic Woman

NAME: Maximillion

Jamie's dog in the TV series The Bionic Woman; about a rebuilt woman with great strength and her dog that has a bionic jaw and can run as fast as 90 mph; starring Lindsay Wagner.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1978.


famous dog in TV, What's New Mr. Magoo

NAME: McBarker

Quincy Magoo's dog in the animated TV series What's New Mr. Magoo; about a nearsighted gentleman who is never aware of the situations he gets into; voiced by Jim Backus; created at the UPA animation studio.

BREED: English Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1977.


famous dog in movie, Too Many Wives

NAME: McDuff

Betty's dog in the movie Too Many Wives; about a desperate dog walker who lies about being married with children ending in confusion; starring Anne Shirley

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1937.


famous dog in book, McDuff

NAME: McDuff

Fred and Lucy's adopted dog in the children's book series McDuff; a series of illustrated books about a puppy who finds a home and the various adventures afterwards; created by Rosemary Wells (with later coauthor Susan Jeffers.)

BREED: West Highland Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1997-2005.


famous dog in ads, National Crime Prevention Council

NAME: McGruff

In advertisements for National Crime Prevention Council; created by John Young.... (More about McGruff)

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Ads: Since 1980.


famous dog in book, The Good Dog

NAME: McKinley

The canine narrator in the book The Good Dog; about a town's dogs as they face the call of the pack; written by Edward Irving Wortis. (Also in the story are dogs Duchess and Redburn.)

BREED: Malamute

YEARS: Book: 2001.


famous dog in movie, book, The Kennel Murder Case

NAME: McTavish

Philo Vance's dog in the book and the movie The Kennel Murder Case; about a private detective who solves a mysterious murder; starring William Powell and based on the 1933 novel by S. S. Van Dine. The remake of the movie in 1940 titled Calling Philo Vance starred James Stephenson.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1933.

Movies: 1933, 1940.


famous dog in book, Good Dog McTavish

NAME: McTavish

The Peachey family dog in the children's book Good Dog McTavish; about a family in crisis because the mom has taken up yoga and a rescue dog with a plan to save the family; written by Meg Rosoff and illustrated by Grace Easton.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 2017.


famous dog in TV, The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show

NAME: Meat

The cat's antagonist in the animated TV series The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show; created by Walt Disney Television Animation as a spin-off of the show Marsupilami.

BREED: Generic large dog

YEARS: TV series: 1995.


famous dog in TV, Baa Baa Black Sheep

NAME: Meatball

The squads mascot in the TV series Baa Baa Black Sheep; a group of fighter pilots based in the Solomon Islands during World War II.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1978.


famous dog in movie, Screwy Squirrel

NAME: Meathead

The victim of Screw's antics in the animated movies Screwy Squirrel; about a brash and erratic squirrel who inflicts various forms of torture on his enemy; created by Tex Avery for MGM.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1944-1946.


famous dog in movie, Five Golden Hours

NAME: Melba

Aldo Bondi's dog in the movie Five Golden Hours; about a petty crook who consoles wealthy widows until he falls in love with one of them; starring Ernie Kovacs, Cyd Charisse and George Sanders.

BREED: Poodle toy

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in book, Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog

NAME: Merle

Ted's dog in the book Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog; about the relationship between a man and a dog and how they learn from each other; by Ted Kerasote.

BREED: Labrador Retriever


YEARS: Book: 2008.


famous dog in book, TV, Merlin the Magical Puppy

NAME: Merlin

A mischievous puppy in the Australian animated TV series (stop-motion) and children's book series Merlin the Magical Puppy; whose make-believe and playful dreams become a reality thanks to his magical red collar; by Keith Littler. (Also his playmate, dog Kizzie.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Book: 2001.

TV series: 2001-2009.


famous dog in comics, Tibetan Rock Dog

NAME: Metal

A meditating dog in the Chinese comic book Tibetan Rock Dog; about a orphan dog who grows up in a Buddhist temple after his parents and siblings die protecting a peasant family; by Zheng Jun famous Chinese rock star.

BREED: Tibetan Mastiff

YEARS: Comics: 2009.


famous dog in TV, Tom Terrific

NAME: Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog

Tom's lazy sidekick in the animated TV series Tom Terrific; about a boy who lives in a treehouse and can transform himself into anything he wants; created by Gene Deitch and presented as part of the Captain Kangaroo children’s TV show.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1957-1959.


famous dog in TV, Green Acres

NAME: Mignon

Lisa's dog in the TV series Green Acres; about an attorney and his wife who try to live as genteel farmers in the bizarre community of Hooterville; starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor.

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1965-1971.


famous dog in TV, Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty

NAME: Miguel

Felicity's best friend in the children's animated TV series Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, or RBUK; about the mythical adventures of a magical cat (part rainbow, part butterfly, and part unicorn) and her friends; produced by American toy company Funrise.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: TV series: 2019- now.


famous dog in movie, comics, Ginger Meggs

NAME: Mike

Ginger Meggs' dog in the Australian comic strip Ginger Meggs; about the escapades of a red-haired young boy; created by Jimmy Bancks and drawn by several cartoonist over the years. The strip remains the most widely syndicated Australian comic strip.

BREED: generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1921-2023.

Movie: 1982.


famous dog in book, Irish Red, Son of Big Red

NAME: Mike (Irish Red)

Danny's dog and son of Big Red in the book Irish Red, Son of Big Red; about a runt bird dog who eventually proves he is as good as his famous father; written by Jim Kjelgaard.

BREED: Irish Setter

YEARS: Book: 1951.

Reissue: 1984.


famous dog in movie, Bait

NAME: Mike

Ray's dog in the movie Bait; about two men and a woman searching for gold in remote mountains; written, directed and starring Hugo Hass.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie:1954.


famous dog in comics, Farley

NAME: Miles

Dog host of KFUR radio station in the comic strip Farley (first named Travels with Farley); a satirical look at life in the San Francisco Bay Area with a reporter for a city newspaper as the title character; created by Phil Frank.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1975-2007.


famous dog in First Lady Barbara Bush

NAME: Millie (Also known as Mildred Kerr Bush) (See also Barney)

Pet dog of First Lady Barbara Bush. (More about Millie.)

BREED: English Springer Spaniel

YEARS: Dog: 1985-1997.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Mask

NAME: Milo

Stanley Ipkiss' dog in the movie and in the animated TV series The Mask; about a bank clerk who is transformed into a manic super-hero when he wears a mysterious mask; starring Jim Carrey.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1995-1997.

Movie: 1994.


famous dog in comics, Mike du Jour

NAME: Minnie

Mike's companion in the comic strip Mike du Jour; an average guy dealing with the oddities of life; created by Mike Lester.

BREED: Basset Hound mix

YEARS: Comic strip: 2012- now.


famous dog in TV, Poko

NAME: Minus

Poko's dog in the Canadian children's animated TV series Poko; about a young boy with a magic finger, his pet dog and his toy monkey; by Halifax Film.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2003- now.


famous dog in movie, Best of Show

NAME: Miss Agnes (See also Beatrice, Winky, Hubert, and Rhapsody in White)

Scott Donlan and Stefan Vanderhoof's dog in the movie Best of Show; about five dogs and their owners at the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show held in Philadelphia.

BREED: Shih Tzu

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Midnight Alibi

NAME: Miss Skippy

The gift Vance gives Abigail (Old Doll) in the movie Midnight Alibi; about a gambler who befriends an old lady who later supplies him with an alibi; adapt from Damon Runyon's 1933 short story The Old Doll's House.

BREED: Wire-Hair Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1934.


famous dog in book, The Hundred and One Dalmations

NAME: Missus (See also Pongo)

The mother dog in the book The Hundred and One Dalmations; about the travails of two Dalmatians and their puppies; written by Dodie Smith, illustration by Janet and Anne Grahame Johnstone. (Source for the 1961 film One Hundred and One Dalamtians and 1996 film 101 Dalmatians.)

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: Book: 1956.


famous dog in book, Mo: The Talking Dog


Martin's adopted dog in the book Mo: The Talking Dog; about a dog who has a voice box transplant and learns to talk; written by Michelle Booth.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 2013.


famous dog in TV, Undateable


Candice's dog in the TV series (sit-com) Undateable; about a 30-ish carefree single guy who is unable or unwilling to form a lasting commitment with a woman.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2014-2016.


famous dog in movie, Dog Park

NAME: Mogley

Andy's dog in the movie Dog Park; about a guy who loses his dog when he loses his girl; starring Luke Wilson.... (Also in the movie are dogs Peanut, Dew, Lily, Monte, and Poopy.)

BREED: Border Collie mix

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee

NAME: Monroe

Juniper Lee's pet dog in the animated TV series The Life and Times of Juniper Lee, also known as Juniper Lees; about a magically enhanced preteen girl living in two worlds; created by Judd Winick.


YEARS: TV series: 2005-2007.


famous dog in book, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing Of The Dog...)

NAME: Montmorency (Image from the cover of the Om Illustrated Classics)

In the book Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing Of The Dog...); about three young men and a dog who show the humor of roughing it; written by Jerome K. Jerome.

BREED: Fox Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1889.


famous dog in movie, The Hidden Room

NAME: Monty

Mrs. Riordan's dog in the movie The Hidden Room; about a husband who plans a devilish revenge against his wife's lover; originally released as Obsession in England and based on the book A Man About A Dog by Alec Coppel.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1949.


famous dog in movie, Mooch Goes To Hollywood

NAME: Mooch

In the movie Mooch Goes To Hollywood; about an ambitious dog who attempts to become a canine star after befriending Zsa Zsa Gabor; played by the Benji dog Higgins and starring Vincent Price.

BREED: Terrier


YEARS: Movie: 1975.


famous dog in TV, The Brady Kids

NAME: Mop Top (See Tiger for the live action series dog)

The family dog in the TV series and animated TV series The Brady Kids; about a blended family from two former marriages including three boys and three girls and the housekeeper; produced by Filmation.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1974.


famous dog in movie, book, The Biscuit Eater

NAME: Moreover (Named Faith in the early movie version)

In the movie The Biscuit Eater; about a dog who has a strong relationship with two twelve-year-old boys; a remake of a 1940 film and based upon the book by James H. Street.

BREED: German Wirehaired Pointer

YEARS: Book: 1939.

Movie: 1940, 1972.


famous dog in comics, Jump Start

NAME: Mortimer

The Cobb family dog in the comic strip Jump Start; about an average middle class couple, busy with work and raising a family revealing the humor of daily life; created by Robb Armstrong.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Lupo Alberto

NAME: Mosé

An antagonist in the Italian comic book series Lupo Alberto; about a blue wolf whose antics are usually foiled by a sheepdog; created by Guido Silvestri.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comic books: 1974- now.


famous dog in movie, Dogville

NAME: Moses

Chuck's dog in the movie Dogville; about a woman hiding from mobsters who arrives in the small town and is provided refuge in return for physical labor; starring Nicole Kidman, narrated by John Hurt. (The dog exists only as a chalk outline until the final scene.)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in movie, Meet the Fockers

NAME: Moses

The Focker's dog in the movie Meet the Fockers; about a couple who decide to meet each others family.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in movie, book, Must Like Dogs

NAME: Mother Teresa

Sarah's brother's dog in the movie Must Like Dogs; about a teacher who looks in the personals ads for a change of pace and a relationship; based on the book written by Claire Cook; starring Diane Lane and John Cusak.

BREED: Newfoundland

YEARS: Book: 2003.

Movie: 2005.


famous dog in book, Blood Rites

NAME: Mouse

Harry's extraordinary dog in the series of novels The Dresden Files first appearing in the book Blood Rites; about the world's only "consulting wizard" who accepts supernatural cases from both human and non-human clients; written by Jim Butcher.

BREED: Tibetan Mastiff


YEARS: Book: 2004-2014.


famous dog in TV, The Moxy Show

NAME: Moxy

The main character in the animated TV series The Moxy Show; about a dog who liked to spend time goofing off and having fun with his sidekick Flea; created by Brad DeGraf. Later the show was called The Moxy and Flea Show.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1993-2000.


famous dog in movie, Little Nicky

NAME: Mr. Beefy

In the movie Little Nicky; about which of Satan's three sons will succeed their father as ruler of Hell; starring Adam Sandler, Patricia Arquette and Harvey Keitel.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in book, Timbuktu

NAME: Mr. Bones

Willy's dog in the book Timbuktu; set in the early 1990s and told through the eyes of Mr Bones centering centres on his last journey with his ailing master, Willy G Christmas; written by Paul Auster

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 1999.


famous dog in movie, Murder on a Honeymoon

NAME: Mr. Jones

Phyllis's dog in the movie Murder on a Honeymoon; about a school-teacher/amateur-sleuth who suspects foul play when a fellow passenger on a sea-plane gets sick and dies; starring Edna May Oliver.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 1935.


famous dog in book, Just a Dog

NAME: Mr. Mosely

The Corey family dog in the book Just a Dog; about a dog who seems to know what everyone in family needs; written by Michael Gerard Bauer.

BREED: Great Dane

and Dalmatian mix

YEARS: Book: 2014.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show

NAME: Mr. Peabody

A intelligent and clever dog in the animated TV series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show; about the time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son; produced by Jay Ward Productions. Also in the animated movie Mr. Peabody and Sherman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1959-1964.

Movie: 2014.


famous dog in TV, BoJack Horseman

NAME: Mr. Peanutbutter

BoJack's former sitcom rival and Diane's boyfriend in the animated TV series BoJack Horseman; about the star of a once hit television now washed up living in Hollywood and complaining about everything.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2014-2020.


famous dog in movie, The Awful Truth

NAME: Mr. Smith

Lucy's dog in the movie The Awful Truth; about a married couple dealing with unfounded suspicions and each other's attempts to find new romance; starring Cary Grant and Irene Dunne. The dog is played by Skippy aka Asta.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1937.


famous dog in movie, Rent-a-Kid

NAME: Mr. Twixzle

The kids' dog in the movie Rent-a-Kid; about a salesman who hatches a scheme to rent out the kids to prospective adoptive parents; starring Leslie Nielsen.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in movie, Open Season 2

NAME: Mr. Weenie (See also Fifi, Roberto, Rufus, and Charlene.)

The deuteragonist in the animated movie Open Season 2; about a rag-tag army of animals against the hunters.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter

NAME: Mrs. Brown

Herman's dog in the British movie Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter; about an English pop rock band who play gigs to raise money to pay the dog race entry fees; starring Herman's Hermits.

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Movie: 1968.


famous dog in TV, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

NAME: Ms. Lion

Superheroine Firestar's dog in the animated TV series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends; about a trio called the Spider-Friends who fight against various villains.

BREED: Lhasa Apso

YEARS: TV series: 1981-1982.


famous dog in movie, Screwed

NAME: Muffin

Miss Crock's dog in the movie Screwed; about a chauffeur who kidnaps his rich boss's dog to hold it for ransom, but the plan goes awry.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in TV, Battlestar Galactica

NAME: Muffit II

In the TV series (science fiction) Battlestar Galactica. The robotic dog is played by a chimp in costume.

BREED: Daggit

(Robot; cross between a bear and a dog)

YEARS: TV series: 1978-1980.


famous dog in movie, Anatomy of a Murder

NAME: Muffy

A beer-drinking dog in the movie Anatomy of a Murder; about a murder trial based on the novel by John D. Voelker under the pen name Robert Traver; starring Jimmy Stewart and Lee Remick.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1959.


famous dog in TV, The Mumbly Cartoon Show

NAME: Mumbly

A detective dog famous for his wheezy laugh in the animated TV series The Mumbly Cartoon Show; about a non-talking dog who dresses up in a trenchcoat and solves crimes using his dog senses, paroding television detective Columbo; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1977.


famous dog in TV, Mary, Mungo and Midge

NAME: Mungo

Mary's dog in the British animated TV series Mary, Mungo and Midge; about a girl and her dog and her pet mouse Midge who lived in a tower block in a busy town; created by John Ryan and produced by the BBC.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1969.


famous dog in TV, The Muppet Show

NAME: Muppy (See also Rowlf)

In the TV show The Muppet Show; a puppet dog created and voiced by Jim Henson. (Also in the show was Miss Piggy's dog Foo-Foo.)

BREED: Generic shaggy

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1977.


famous dog in movie, They Only Kill Their Masters

NAME: Murphy

The victim's dog in the movie They Only Kill Their Masters; about a small-town sheriff attempts to uncover facts behind the killing of a pregnant woman by her Doberman pinscher; starring James Garner.

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Movie: 1972.


famous dog in TV, Mad About You

NAME: Murray

Jamie's dog in the TV series Mad About You; about a newly married couple and their dog in New York City; starring Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt.

BREED: Border Collie


YEARS: TV series: 1992-1999.


famous dog in TV, The Houndcats

NAME: Mussel Mutt (See also Ding Dong and Rhubarb)

The hungry herding dog in the animated TV series The Houndcats; loosely based on the series Mission: Impossible; produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises.

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1973.


famous dog in book, The Dog Who Wouldn't Be

NAME: Mutt

The author's dog in the book The Dog Who Wouldn't Be; about the author's boyhood on the Canadian prairies; written by Farley Mowat.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1957.


famous dog in movie, Tom Sawyer

NAME: Mutt Potter

An unfortunate character in the animated movie Tom Sawyer; a variation on Mark Twain's story, The Advenures of Tom Sawyer. The dog stands in for Muff Potter, a drunken fisherman; from MGM Animation.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in TV, Dick Dastardly

NAME: Muttley

In the animated TV series Dick Dastardly; about a villianous character and his dog accomplice; created by Iwao Takamoto for Hanna-Barbera. (More about Muttley.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 1968-1970.


famous dog in movie, Shall We Dance

NAME: My Little Darling (Watch the musical clip of Walking the Dog)

Linda's dog in the movie Shall We Dance; about a ballet dancer who chases after a tap dancer; starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The movie is famous for its Walking the Dog piece by George Gershwin.

BREED: Cairn Terrier


YEARS: Movie: 1937.


famous dog in movie, Vicky and her Mystery

NAME: Mystery

Victoria's dog in the movie Vicky and her Mystery; about a 8 year old girl whose mother passed away finds solace in the adoption of a puppy.

BREED: unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in comics, Urbanus

NAME: Nabuko Donosor

Urbanus' dog in the Flemish comic strip Urbanus; loosely based on Flemish comedian and singer Urbanus who portrayed as an eleven to twelve-year old version of himself despite his full-grown beard.

BREED: Alien dog

but treated like a regular dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1982- 2022.


famous dog in book, Peter and Wendy

NAME: Nana

In the book Peter and Wendy and the original play Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie and in the stage musical Peter Pan.

BREED: Newfoundland

in the play and book. In film and on stage St. Bernard.

YEARS: Play: 1904.

Book: 1911.

Stage: 1954, 1979, 1990, 1998.


famous dog in movie, Peter Pan

NAME: Nana

In the animated movie Peter Pan; based on the book and play Peter Pan or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up by J. M. Barrie; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Movie: 1953.


famous dog in movie, The Lost Boys

NAME: Nanook

Sam's dog in the movie The Lost Boys; about two Arizonan brothers who move to California and end up fighting a gang of teenage vampires. (Also in the movie is German Shepherd Thorn.)

BREED: Husky Alaskan

YEARS: Movie: 1987.


famous dog in comics, Napoleon and Uncle Elby

NAME: Napoleon

In the comic strip Napoleon and Uncle Elby; about a character based on the creator's uncle Henry Elba Eastman and his dog; created by Clifford McBride.

BREED: Irish Wolfhound


YEARS: Comic strip: 1932-1961.


famous dog in movie, Riff Raff

NAME: Napoleon

Dan Hammer's dog in the movie Riff Raff; about a less than honest private eye gets involved with finding a missing map; starring Pat O'Brien and Anne Jeffreys.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1947.


famous dog in movie, The Aristocats

NAME: Napoleon (See also Lafayette)

A farm dog and Lafayette's friend in the animated movie The Aristocats; about a family of aristocratic cats who need the help of an alley cat after they are kidnapped; voiced by Eva Gabor and Phil Harris; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 1970.


famous dog in movie, Once Upon a Crime

NAME: Napoleon

Madam Van Dougan's dog in the movie Once Upon a Crime; about a couple who find a dog with a $5000 reward whose owner turns up murdered; starring Richard Lewis, John Candy, James Belushi, Cybill Shepherd, and others.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 1992.


famous dog in movie, Napoleon

NAME: Napoleon

A pup who wishes to be with the wild dogs in the movie Napoleon; about the adventures of a dog and his parrot friend who float away from their family in a ballon.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in book, City

NAME: Nathaniel

The first of Bruce Webster's modified dogs in the sci-fi fix-up novel City, a collection of eight tales that pastoral Dogs, in some future time, recite as oral legend of a creature known as Man; written by Clifford D. Simak.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

(character based on Simak's dog, Scootie)

YEARS: Book: 1952.


famous dog in movie, The Number 23


The dog that bit Walter's hand in the movie (Australian) The Number 23; about a man who becomes obsessed with a book that he believes was written about him; starring Jim Carrey.

BREED: Bulldog, American

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in TV, Topper

NAME: Neil

The ghost couple's dog in the TV series Topper; about a stuffy old man who is haunted by the ghosts of a fun-loving married couple; based upon the 1937 film and its sequels.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: TV series: 1953-1955.


famous dog in movie, The Little Hut

NAME: Nelson

Lady Ashlow's dog in the movie The Little Hut; about a husband and wife, along with her male friend and her protective dog, marooned on a island where they try to untangle a love triangle; starring Ava Gardner, David Niven and Stewart Granger.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1957.


famous dog in hero war dog in vietnam

NAME: Nemo

Sentry dog for the 377th Security Police Squadron of the U.S. Air Force and hero war dog in vietnam; injured in December, 1966 while on duty.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: War bravery: 1966.

Dog: 1962-1972.


famous dog in movie, book, The Watcher in the Woods

NAME: Nerak

Ellie's puppy in the movie The Watcher in the Woods; about a family who moves to a country home where the young girls experience haunting events linked to the past; based on a novel by Florence Engel Randall; starring Bette Davis.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1976.

Movie: 1981.


famous dog in TV, F.C. De Kampioenen

NAME: Nero

Carmen's pet in the humorousTV series Flemish TV series F.C. De Kampioenen; about a fictional football (soccer) team who regularly visit the club canteen before or after training or a match.

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1990-2011.


famous dog in movie, The Cat in the Hat

NAME: Nevins

The Waldens' pet dog in the movie The Cat in the Hat; about two bored kids whose life is turned up-side-down when a talking cat comes to visit them; starring Mike Myers.

BREED: Terrier mix

YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in comics, Newshounds

NAME: Newshounds (Including Kevin, Rochelle, Sam, Renata, and Wolfram)

The staff of news broadcasting company, KPET in the web comic strip Newshounds; drawn and written by Thomas K. Dye and hosted by online comics syndicate Keenspot.

BREED: Golden Retriever

Cocker Spaniel, Collie, Black Labrador, Noregian Elkhound, Malmute

YEARS: Comic strip: 1997- now.


famous dog in TV, Animaniacs

NAME: Newt

The best hunting Dachshund there is in the animated movie Animaniacs; an ensemble cast of off-the-wall Warner Brothers characters, appearing in a wide variety of roles.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1994-1998.


famous dog in movie, Nikki Wild Dog of the North

NAME: Nikki

Andre's dog in the movie Nikki Wild Dog of the North; about a dog separated from his owner in the rugged Canadian wilderness.

BREED: Malamute

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in ads, The Gramophone Company

NAME: Nipper

In advertisements for The Gramophone Company, then RCA. (More about Nipper.)

BREED: Terrier


YEARS: Dog: 1884-1895.

Ads: early 1900-1977.


famous dog in comics, Norbert

NAME: Norbert (Originally called "Little No-No")

Orphan dog in the comic strip Norbert; about the life of a pup; the strip evolved from Little No-No and Sniffy (see other image); created by George Fett.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1973.


famous dog in book, comics, Alan Ford

NAME: Nosonja

A character in the Italian comic book Alan Ford; a satirical take on classic secret agents laden with surreal and black humour; created by Max bunker and Robert Raiola.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Comic book: 1969- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Adventures of Big Boy

NAME: Nugget

Big Boy's dog in the comic book Adventures of Big Boy; a promotional comic book given free to children visiting the Big Boy restaurants.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic book: 1971-1995.


famous dog in TV, Star Trek: Picard

NAME: Number One

Picarad's dog in the TV series Star Trek: Picard; the plot centers on Jean-Luc Picard who is deeply affected by the death of Data.

BREED: Pitbull

YEARS: TV series: 2020.


famous dog in TV, Dharma and Greg

NAME: Nunzio and Stinky

Dharma's two dogs in the TV series Dharma and Greg; about a married couple--a ditzy woman and an uptight man; starring Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson.

BREED: Welsh Corgi

Nunzio; Briard mix Stinky

YEARS: TV series: 1997-2003.


famous dog in movie, OddBall

NAME: Oddball

Swampy's dog in the Australian movie OddBall; about an eccentric chicken farmer who, with his granddaughter, trains his mischievous dog to protect a wild penguin sanctuary.

BREED: Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 2015.


famous dog in movie, comics, Garfield

NAME: Odie

Garfield's canine pigeon in the comic strip Garfield and the movie Garfield: The Movie; about a fun-loving cat and a stupid dog; created by Jim Davis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1978- now.

Movie: 2004.


famous dog in comics, Krazy Kat

NAME: Offissa Bull Pup (See also Kolin Kelly)

The one whe tries protect Krazy Kat in the comic strip Krazy Kat; about the love triangle between a cat, an antagonist mouse and a protective police dog; created by cartoonist George Herriman.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1913-1944.


famous dog in movie, book, Where the Red Fern Grows

NAME: Old Dan (See also Little Ann)

One of Billy's dogs in the children's book and the movie Where the Red Fern Grows; about a boy and his quest for his own red-bone hound hunting dogs; written by Wilson Rawls. Also in the movie Where the Red Fern Grows.

BREED: Redbone Coonhound

YEARS: Book: 1961.

Movie: 1974, 2003.


famous dog in movie, The Trial of Old Drum

NAME: Old Drum

Charlie's dog in the movie The Trial of Old Drum; about an orphan dog that becomes a boy's best friend and is then forced to stand trial for killing a neighbor's sheep.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in movie, book, Old Yeller

NAME: Old Yeller (Played by Spike)

In the book and the movie Old Yeller; about a boy who brings a yellow dog home; written by Fred Gipson.

BREED: Blackmouth Cur

YEARS: Book: 1956.

Movie: 1957.


famous dog in movie, Old Rex

NAME: Ole Rex

A shaggy white dog in the movie Old Rex; about a boy who nurses a stray dog back to health then runs away with him.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in movie, book, Olive, the Other Reindeer

NAME: Olive

Tim's dog in the book and animated movie Olive, the Other Reindeer; about a dog who replaces an injured reindeer so Christmas won't be canceled; voice by Drew Barrymore; written by Steve Young and based upon the children's book by the same name by Vivian Walsh.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1997.



famous dog in movie, book, The Sundowners

NAME: Ollie

Seans dog in the movie based on the book The Sundowners; about an Australian outback family torn between the father's desires to continue his nomadic sheep-herding ways and the wife's and son's desire to settle down in one place; by Jon Cleary

BREED: Australian Kelpie

YEARS: Book: 1952.

Movie: 1960.


famous dog in TV, Curb Your Enthusiasm

NAME: Oscar

Larry's dog in the TV series Curb Your Enthusiasm; about daily situations encountered by a writer of TV shows; starring Larry David.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 2000-.


famous dog in comics, Sheldon


Sheldon's dog in the web comics Sheldon; about an ordinary 10-year-old boy who is fabulously rich; created by Dave Kellett.


YEARS: Comic strip: 1998.


famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Milo and Otis

NAME: Otis

In the movie (Japanese) The Adventures of Milo and Otis; about the roving misadventures of a dog and a cat. The reworked English language version was released in 1989.


YEARS: Movie: 1986.


famous dog in movie, Son of the Mask

NAME: Otis

Tim's dog in the movie Son of the Mask; about a man who finds himself in a predicament when his dog stumbles upon the mask of Loki.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in comics, Beetle Bailey

NAME: Otto

In the comic strip Beetle Bailey; about the inept American soldiers stationed at Camp Swampy; created by Mort Walker.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1950- now.


famous dog in U.S. Postal Office

NAME: Owney

In advertisements for the U.S. Postal Office. (More about Owney.)

BREED: Mixed breed terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1888-1897.


famous dog in movie, Epic

NAME: Ozzie

Professor Bomba's one-eyed, three-legged dog in the animated movie Epic; about a 17 year-old girl who is shrunk and lost in a forest where a battle between the good and evil biota is taking place.


YEARS: Movie: 2013.


famous dog in movie, My Spy

NAME: Ozzie

Sophie's dog in the movie My Spy; about a tough CIA operative who finds himself manipulated by a precocious young girl during an undercover surveillance; starring Dave Bautista and Chloe Coleman.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in movie, Babe: Pig in the City


One of the talking animals in the movie Babe: Pig in the City; about Babe the pig who has to go to the big city to save the farm. (Also in the movie are dogs Nigel a Bulldog, Alan a Neapolitan Mastiff, Punk a Poodle, and Snoopy a Beagle.)

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, Clutch Gargo

NAME: Paddlefoot

Spinner's dog in the animated TV series Clutch Gargo; about a writer sent around the world on dangerous assignments accompanyed by his young ward and his dog; produced by Cambria Productions.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1959.


famous dog in comics, Tumbleweeds

NAME: Pajamas

Echo's lazy dog in the comic strip Tumbleweeds; a satirical look the Old West with the main character a laconic cowpoke who has no real ambition to do anything; created by writer-artist Tom K. Ryan.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965-2007.


famous dog in Lassie Come Home


Dog actor in many films such as the Lassie Come Home and in the television series Lassie with actor Tommy Retig. (More about Pal.)

BREED: Collie Rough

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1958.


famous dog in TV, Arthur

NAME: Pal (See also Binky Barnes, and Fren Walters)

In the animated TV series Arthur; an American and Canadian animated educational television series for children created by Cookie Jar Group.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1976- now.


famous dog in TV, Wind at my Back


The family dog in the TV series (Canadian) Wind at my Back; about a widow her children, their extended family, and friends as they attempt to survive and thrive during the 1930s; starring Shirley Douglas.

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2001.


famous dog in movie, High Sierra

NAME: Pard (See Pard in movie I Died a Thousand Times, 1955)

Roy's dog in the movie High Sierra about an ex-con who is hired by his old boss to help a group of inexperienced criminals to carry out a robbery; starring Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1941.


famous dog in movie, I Died A Thousand Times

NAME: Pard (See Pard in movie High Sierra, 1941)

Roy's dog in the movie I Died A Thousand Times,a remake of the 1941 movie, about an ex-con who helps a group of inexperienced criminals to carry out a robbery; starring Jack Palance and Shelly Winters

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1955.


famous dog in TV, Pat the Dog


Lola's dog in the computer-animated children's TV series Pat the Dog; about clever and brave dog who goes to any lengths to protect the ones he cares for; based on the computer game Space Dog by Sylvain Seynhaeve.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2017- now.


famous dog in comics, Mandy

NAME: Patch

Mandy's dog in the British girl's comic book series Mandy ; serialized stories mostly either comedic or about tragic heroines published weekly by D. C. Thomson & Co.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1967.


famous dog in comics, Gamin and Patches

NAME: Patches

Gamin's pet in the comic strip Gamin and Patches; about a boy and his dog; created by cartoonist Mort Walker.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1987-1988.


famous dog in movie, Rock-a-Doodle

NAME: Patou

The narrator character of the animated movie Rock-a-Doodle; about a little boy who learns that the crowing of Chanticleer, the rooster, did not make the sun rise, as everyone thought; voiced by Phil Harris.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 1992.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, A Dog of Flanders

NAME: Patrasche

Nello's companion in the Japanese animated TV series A Dog of Flanders and the movie version made in 1999, and earlier films; about a Flemish boy and his dog; based on the book by Marie Louise de la Ramée under the Japanese pseudonym Ouida.

BREED: Bouvier des Flandres

YEARS: Book: 1872.

TV series: 1975-1992.

Movies: 1935, 1960, 1997, 1999.


famous dog in movie, Patrick

NAME: Patrick

Sarah's dog in the movie Patrick; about a young woman whose life changes when her grandmother bequeaths her a spoiled Pug.


YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in movie, Storm in a Teacup

NAME: Patsy

Mrs. Hegarty's dog in the movie Storm in a Teacup; about a politician whose disregard for a dog is publicized by a reporter; starring Vivian Leigh and Rex Harrison.

BREED: English Sheepdog

YEARS: Movie: 1937.


famous dog in TV, Gilmore Girls

NAME: Paul Anka

Lorelai's dog in the TV series Gilmore Girls; about the talk-filled lives of a mother and her daughter; starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel.

BREED: Polish Lowland Sheepdog

YEARS: TV series: 2000-2007.


famous dog in TV, Paw Patrol

NAME: Paw Patrol (Including Marshall, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, Skye, and Everest)

A children's animated TV series Paw Patrol; about 7 pups each with a unique personality and skills and a tech-savvy boy working together on rescue missions to protect their city.

BREED: Various

YEARS: TV series: 2003- now.


famous dog in movie, Search for Santa Paws

NAME: Paws

A stuffed animal turned into a real pup for Santa in the movie Search for Santa Paws; about a dog and a group of magical talking dogs who help save St. Nick and show the world what Christmas is really all about.

BREED: fluffy puppy

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in TV, Longstreet


Mike's seeing-eye dog in the TV series Longstreet; about a blind insurance investigator solving crimes; starring James Franciscus.

BREED: German Shepherd


YEARS: TV series: 1971-1972.


famous dog in TV, Neighbors form Hell

NAME: Pazuzu

The family dog in the satirical animated TV series Neighbors form Hell; about a family of demons who move to Texas from Hell to destroy a drill that can dig to the Earth's core.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2010.


famous dog in comics, Beryl the Perl

NAME: Pearl

Beryl's dog in the comic strip Beryl the Perl; about a mischievous but also fun-loving and clumsy woman; created by David Law.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1953-2012.


famous dog in movie, Spencer Confidential

NAME: Pearl

Spencer's dog in the movie Spencer Confidential; an ex-cop teams up with his no-nonsense roommate to take down cop killing criminals; starring Mark Wahlberg and Winston Duke.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Sexton Blake

NAME: Pedro

Faithful companion of private detective Sexton Blake in the British TV series Sexton Blake, about a detective solving many kinds of mysteries.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Comic strips: 1939-1979.

Movies: 1930-1958.

TV: 1967-1971.


famous dog in comics, Pet Peeves

NAME: Peeves (a family inclucing dad CJ, mom Jasmine, daughter Sara and son Freddy)

A family of dogs in the comic strip Pet Peeves; about anthropomorphic dogs who capture situations of a typical human family; created by Dave London and Pete Chianca.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2016- now.


famous dog in movie, Breakfast for Two

NAME: Peewee

Mr. Blair's dog in the movie Breakfast for Two,about a Texas debutante who tries to reform a bankrupt playboy; starring Barbara Stanwyck.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1937.


famous dog in comics, Jommeke

NAME: Pekkie (See also Fifi and Tobias)

Jommeke's friend's black dog in the Flemish comic strip Jommeke; about a young boy who lives with his parents and loves adventure; created by Jef Nys.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Comic strip: 1955- now.


famous dog in movie, Year of the Dog

NAME: Pencil (See also Valentine)

Peggy's first dog in the movie Year of the Dog; about a secretary whose life changes in unexpected ways after her dog dies; starring Molly Shannon.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in movie, Skippy

NAME: Penny

Sooky's dog in the movie Skippy; about two boys who try to raise money to buy a dog license; starring Jackie Cooper. Skippy the character was based on Percy Crosby's Skippy comic strip.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1931.


famous dog in movie, Pocahontas

NAME: Percy

Ratcliffe's dog in the Disney animated movie Pocahontas; about an English soldier and the daughter of an Algonquin chief who share a romance when English colonists invade 17th century Virginia


YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in movie, One Hundred and One Dalmatians

NAME: Perdita and Pongo (Missus and Pongo in the book)

The mother and father dogs in the animated movie One Hundred and One Dalmatians; about the travails of two Dalmatians and their puppies; based on the novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in Alexander the Great

NAME: Peritas

Favorite dog of Alexander the Great who accompanied him during his military exploits. (More about Peritas.)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Dog: 4th century BC.


famous dog in President Theodore Roosevelt

NAME: Pete

Pet dog of President Theodore Roosevelt who ripped off the French ambassador’s pants. Also the president had a Chesapeake Retriever named Sailor Boy, a Manchester Terrier Black Jack (Jack), a mongrel Skip, and a Pekingese Manchu.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1907.


famous dog in movie, The Silent Call

NAME: Pete

Guy's dog in the movie The Silent Call; about a dog who is left behind and takes on 1,000-mile journey to rejoin the family in Los Angeles.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

/ Mastiff mix

YEARS: Movie: 1961.


famous dog in TV, Earthworm Jim

NAME: Peter Puppy

Jim's sidekick in the animated TV series Earthworm Jim; based on the video game series of the same name; ceated by Doug TenNapel and designed by David Perry.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1995-1996.

Video game: 1994.


famous dog in movie, Our Gang

NAME: Petey (Also known as Pete the Pup)

The kids' dog in the movies Our Gang; a series of American comedy short films about a group of poor neighborhood children and the adventures; also known as The Little Rascals or Hal Roach's Rascals.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: Movies: 1922-1938.


famous dog in book, TV, The Puppy's Further Adventures

NAME: Petey

A lonely orphan boy's dog in the animated TV series The Puppy's Further Adventures; based on a children's book The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy; written by Jane Thayer. (Also in the series are dogs Dolly, Duke, Dash, and Lucky.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1958.

TV series: 1983-1984.


famous dog in TV, The Little Rascals

NAME: Petey

The kids' dog in the animated TV series The Little Rascals; based upon the old live-action film about a scruffy bunch of kids and their dog; by Hanna-Barbera Productions and King World.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: TV series: 1982-1984.


famous dog in movie, book, Molly Moon

NAME: Petula

Molly's cute and lovable pet in the series of children's books Molly Moon; about a young girl who discovers she has many unusual powers; by Georgia Byng. Also as the movie Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism starring Raffey Cassidy.


YEARS: Book: 2002.

Movie: 2015.


famous dog in Helen Keller

NAME: Phiz (aka St. Thomas)

Pet of Helen Keller, a blind and deaf American author, political activist, and lecturer (June 27, 1880-June 1, 1968.) Later in life Miss Keller had a French Bull Terrier named Kaiser and an Akita named Kenzan-go, the first in the United States.

BREED: Boston Terrier

(some say it was a Pit Bull)

YEARS: Dog: 1900-1904.


famous dog in book, Ginger and Pickles

NAME: Pickles

Ginger's partner n the children's book Ginger and Pickles; about two shopkeepers who extend unlimited credit to their customers and end up going out of business; written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1909.


famous dog in movie, The Spy with a Cold Nose

NAME: Pickles

Hero in finding the soccer World Cup trophy and a character in the British movie The Spy with a Cold Nose; about a dog is fitted with a covert listening device then passed between agents of the Russian and British intelligence branches; starring Laurence Harvey. (More about Pickles fame.)

BREED: White Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1966.

Dog: 1962-1067.


famous dog in comics, Picpak Dog

NAME: Picpak

A pink dog married to a blue cat webcomic strip Picpak Dog; about a dog who loves meeting people, watching TV, and sleeping; by Kim Belding.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007- now.


famous dog in movie, Designing Women

NAME: Pierrot

Lori's dog in the movie Designing Women; about a sportswriter and a fashion-designer who marry after a whirlwind romance and discover they have little in common; starring Gregory Peck and Lauraen Bacall.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 1957.


famous dog in TV, comics, Spiff and Hercules

NAME: Pif (Spiff in English)

In the French comic strip and animated TV series Spiff and Hercules (titled Pif et Hercule in French); about an anthropomorphic dog and cat in a love/hate relationship; created by José Cabrero Arnal

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1948-1970s.

Animated TV series: 1989.


famous dog in TV, Braceface

NAME: Pigger (See also Samson)

One of Sharon's pets in the Canadian animated TV series Braceface; about a junior high school student with braces that get in her way of leading a normal teenage life.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2004.


famous dog in movie, Doggie B

NAME: Pijo

A dancing dog in the movie Doggie B; about woman whose dog who helps his owner and her dog-dancing uncle fulfill their dreams.

BREED: Bichon

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, Jane Eyre

NAME: Pilot

Mr. Rochester's dog in the TV series (British) Jane Eyre; about a young governess who falls in love with her brooding and complex master; based upon the book by Charlotte Bronte. In the book the dog is a Newfoundland; in other films other kinds of dogs.

BREED: Landseer Newfoundland

(Irish Wolfhound in some portrayals)

YEARS: Book: 1847.

TV series: 2006.

Movies: 1914-2011.


famous dog in movie, Rachel and the Stranger

NAME: Pilot

Young Davey's dog in the movie Rachel and the Stranger; about a widowed farmer who takes an indentured servant as his new wife, but the arrival of an old friend complicates things; starring Robert Mitchum, William Holden, and Loretta Young.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1948.


famous dog in movie, The Retrievers

NAME: Pilot

The Lowry family dog in the movies The Retrievers; about a mother dog who tries to retriever her puppies that were given away at birth. (Also in the movie are the pups Chewy, Bandit, Georgia, Mr. Dumas, Wanderer and Milk Shake.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in TV, comics, Pimpa

NAME: Pimpa

In the Italian comic strip and animated TV series Pimpa; about a talking dog who lives in a magical world where everything is animated; created by Francesco Tullio Altan.

BREED: Generic

white with red spots

YEARS: Comic strip: 1975-1995.

Animated TV series: 1980s.


famous dog in TV, Phineas and Ferb

NAME: Pinky

Isabella's dog in the animated TV series Phineas and Ferb; about two step-brothers who find inventive things to do on each day of their summer vacation; produced by Disney Television Animation.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: TV series: 2007-.


famous dog in comics, Pip, Squeak and Wilfred

NAME: Pip (The one on the right)

The assumed father role in the in the British comic strip Pip, Squeak and Wilfred; about an orphaned family of animals who were looked after by a housemaid in a family house on the edge of London; conceived by Bertram Lamb and published in the Daily Mirror.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1919-1956.


famous dog in TV, Come Outside

NAME: Pippin

Auntie Mabel's dog in the TV series (British) Come Outside; a show about how something is made or how everyday objects and systems work; created by the BBC.

BREED: Terrier

mix descended from Benji

YEARS: TV series: 1993-1997.


famous dog in movie, A Millions Ways to Die in the West

NAME: Plugger

Anna's companion in the movie A Millions Ways to Die in the West; a rambling comedy in the American West; starring Charlize Theron, Seth MacFarlane, and other name actors.

BREED: Border Collie


YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse

NAME: Pluto (See also Fifi)

Cartoon dog in the animated movies and several animated TV series appearing as the pet of Mickey Mouse; by Walt Disney. (More about Pluto.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1931- now.

TV series: 1999- now.


famous dog in movie, The Stray

NAME: Pluto

The Davis family adopted dog in the movie The Stray; about a young family who come upon a dog that seems to be miraculous.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2017.


famous dog in movie, Wonder Boys


The Gaskill's dog in the movie Wonder Boys; about an English Professor who tries to deal with the various problems that his friends and associates involve him in; starring Michael Douglas and Tobey Maguire.

BREED: Pit Bull Terrier, American

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in book, The Poky Little Puppy

NAME: Poky (Actually The Poky Little Puppy)

One of the family dogs in the children's book The Poky Little Puppy; about a litter of pups one of which avoids mischief because he is in his own world; written by Janette Sebring Lowrey.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1942, 1970.


famous dog in comics, Pugad Baboy

NAME: Polgas

Sungcals' anthropomorphic family dog in the Filipino comic strip Pugad Baboy; featuring the traditional and stereotypical Filipino family life.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1988-2013.


famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe

NAME: Poncho (See also Boomer)

Chazz's dog in the comic strip Pooch Cafe; about the humorous antics of a self-serving squirrel-fearing food-obsessed mutt; created by Paul Gilligan. (Also in the comic are dogs Hudson, Droolia, Gus, Beaumont and Poo Poo.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in movie, 101 Dalmatians

NAME: Pongo and Perdy

The Dearly's dogs in the movie 101 Dalmatians; about two Dalmatians and their 15 puppies; based on the story by Dodie Smith; starring Glenn Close and Jeff Daniels.

BREED: Dalmatians

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear

NAME: Pongping

One of Rupert's friends in the British comic strip Rupert Bear; about a bear who lives with his parents in a fictional idyllic English village with several anthropomorphic animals friends; created by Mary Tourtel and since 1935 written by others. (See also Bingo.)

BREED: Pekingese

YEARS: Comic strip: 1920- now.


famous dog in comics, Guru Guru Pon-chan

NAME: Ponta Koizumi

In the Japanese comic strip (manga) Guru Guru Pon-chan; about a puppy who turns into a human and falls in love with a girl in his school; created by Satomi Ikezawa.

BREED: Labrador

YEARS: Comic strip: 1998-2000.


famous dog in comics, Sinfest

NAME: Pooch

A stereotypical cheerful dog in the comic strip and website Sinfest which deals with human nature often in parody; created by Tatsuya Ishida.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Nancy

NAME: Poochie (original called Woofy in 1933, then Poochie in 2018)

Nancy's dog in the comic strip Nancy; about a typical and somewhat mischievous eight-year-old girl and her friends; created by Ernie Bushmiller.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1933- now.


famous dog in TV, Poochini’s Yard

NAME: Poochini

In the children's animated TV series Poochini’s Yard; about a dog who runs away from home after its rich owner dies and is eventually adopted by an American family.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2000-2003.


famous dog in movie, Anastasia

NAME: Pooka

The stray dog found by Anastasia in the animated movie Anastasia; loosely based on an urban legend that the youngest daughter of the last monarch of Imperial Russia survived assassination; by Fox Animation Studios.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in movie, Cat and Dog

NAME: Poopoo

A stray dog in the movie Cat and Dog; about a cat and a dog who escape their cages in the airport and their owners work together

BREED: Beagle, possibly

YEARS: Movie: 2024.


famous dog in movie, Mars Attacks!

NAME: Poppy

Nathalie Lake's dog in the movie Mars Attacks!; about Martians who surround the planet with an armada of flying saucers; starring Jack Nicholson and Glenn Close. The dog actually belonged to director Tim Burton. (Also in the movie is dog Rusty.)

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in movie, Easy Virtue

NAME: Poppy

The famiy's annoying, barking dog in the movie Easy Virtue; about a glamorous American widow trying to fit in with her husband's old English manored family; based upon the play by Noël Coward; starring Jessica Biel and Colin Firth.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in comics, Off the Leash

NAME: Poppy (stand-in for many dogs)

Ordinary dogs in the comic strip Off the Leash; about all kinds of dogs and their thoughts and conversations in various hilarious situations; created by Rupert Fawcett.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2012-2023.


famous dog in TV, Doug

NAME: Porkchop

Doug's dog in the animated TV series Doug; about Doug Funnie and his family created by Jim Jinkins for Nickelodeon. The return series was later produced by Disney Studios.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1991-1994, 1996-1999.


famous dog in movie, Enemy of the State

NAME: Porsche

The Reynolds family dog in the movie Enemy of the State; about a lawyer who accidentally receives key evidence to a crime and is pursued by a crooked politician's ruffians; starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, Star Trek Enterprise

NAME: Porthos

Captain Jonathan Archer's pet in the TV series Star Trek Enterprise; about the crew and their adventures on a new space ship that can travel at Warp V in the year 2151.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2005.


famous dog in movie, Finding Neverland

NAME: Porthos

Sir James Matthew Barrie's dog in the movie Finding Neverland; about J.M. Barrie's friendship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan; starring Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet.

BREED: Great Pyrenees

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in TV, Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone

NAME: Potsworth

A neighborhood dog in the animated TV series Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone; about a dog and four kids who patrol in dreamland where they have special powers.

BREED: English Springer Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 1990.


famous dog in TV, Chicago Fire

NAME: Pouch

The team'd dog in the TV series Chicago Fire; about the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2012.


famous dog in TV, The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show

NAME: Precious Pup

Granny Sweet's dog in the animated TV series The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show; about a kindly old woman with a passion for motorcycles and her affectionate pet who sometimes terrorizes the neighborhood. (Aired as a segment on The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1965-1967.


famous dog in TV, In the Dark

NAME: Pretzel

Murphy's guide-dog in the limited TV series In the Dark; about a blind woman who resolves to solve the murder of her friend; from The CW Television Network.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2019.


famous dog in movie, The Case of the Howling Dog

NAME: Prince

Clinton Foley's dog in the movie The Case of the Howling Dog; about lawyer Perry Mason who is hired to make a will but ends up solving a murder; starring Warren William and Mary Astor.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1934.


famous dog in movie, The Falcon in Danger

NAME: Prince

Mr. Palmer's dog in the 3rd movie of the Falcon series The Falcon in Danger; about an amateur detective (known as the Falcon) who investigates and discovers a plot against the government after two industrialists and $100,000 disappear from an airplane while the plane is in the air; starring Tom Conway

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1943.


famous dog in movie, Death of a Champion

NAME: Prince Dansker

The champion in the movie Death of a Champion; about a pitchman who fancies himself as an amateur detective and starts nosing around into the mystery of dog deaths.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1939.


famous dog in movie, book, Bridge to Terbithia

NAME: Prince Terrien (Referred to as P.T.)

The dog that Jess gave Leslie in the book and the movie Bridge to Terbithia; about a young boy whose life is changed after meeting a new friend; by Katherine Paterson

BREED: Terrier mix

YEARS: Book: 1977.

Movie: 2007.


famous dog in comics, Luann

NAME: Puddles

Luann's dog in the comic strip Luann; about a teenager dealing with school and family and friends; created by Greg Evans.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1985- now.


famous dog in comics, Little Eva

NAME: Puddy

Eva's dog in the comic book series Little Eva; about a high-spirited little girl with a vivid imagination and a mischievous streak; published by St. John Publications. Some books were in 3d

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1952.


famous dog in movie, Terrytoons character

NAME: Puddy the Pup

A white dog with a black ear in the various animated movies as a Terrytoons character.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1935-1942.


famous dog in movie, Betty Boop

NAME: Pudgy (See also Bimbo)

Betty's companion in the animated movie about Betty Boop, about a curvaceous Jazz age flapper; created by Max Fleischer.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie cartoon: 1930s.


famous dog in TV, Ashleigh and Pudsey

NAME: Pudsey

Ashleigh's dog in the TV team Ashleigh and Pudsey made famous on Britain's Got Talent, 2012. Ashleigh said her other dog, Sully, would take Pudsey's place.

BREED: Mixed breed

(part Border Collie, Bichon Frise and Chinese Crested Dog)

YEARS: Dog: 2005-2017.

TV fame: 2012.


famous dog in TV, Proud Family

NAME: Puff

The family dog in the animated TV series Proud Family; about a 14 year-old and her wacky family and friends; created by Bruce W. Smith.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2005.


famous dog in movie, Something About Mary

NAME: Puffy

Magda's dog in the movie Something About Mary; about a guy who meets a girl from high school where his prior date with her was a embarrassing disaster; starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz.

BREED: Border Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in TV, The Gilded Age

NAME: Pumpkin

Aunt Ada's dog in the TV limited series The Gilded Age; set in 1890s New York City, the story follows the clashes between an old money family and a new-money family.

BREED: King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 2022, 2023.


famous dog in comics, Pup Parade

NAME: Pup Parade dogs (Also known as The Bash Street Pups)

In the British comic strip Pup Parade; centred around The Bash Street Kids' dogs and their many adventures; drawn by Gordon Bell and part of the Beano comic enterprise.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1967-2003.


famous dog in TV, Strawberry Shortcake

NAME: Pupcake

Strawberry's energetic pup in the animated TV series Strawberry Shortcake; about a little girl and her friends and pets. The Strawberry Shortcake brand began from greeting cards, toys and other merchandise owned by American Greetings.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series appearance: 2004.


famous dog in movie, Santa Buddies

NAME: Puppy Paws (See also Santa Paws)

Son of Santa Paws in the movie Santa Buddies; the fourth installment of the Air Buddies spin-off series. (Also in the movie are dogs Budderball, Rosebud, Mudbud, Buddha, and B-Dawg.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in TV, The Blobs

NAME: Puppy Purple

One of the blobs in the children's animated TV series The Blobs; about a community of colorful paint-splash characters who live in Paintbox Land; produced by Siriol Animation; based on the books by publisher DC Thomson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1998.


famous dog in President John F. Kennedy

NAME: Pushinka

Pet of President John F. Kennedy, a gift to daughter Caroline as a sign of friendship and a peace offering from Soviet Premier Khrushchev. The dog was the puppy of a Russian space dog Strelka and she and Kennedy's other dog Charlie had four pups together. Also there were six other dogs.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1961-1963.


famous dog in movie, TV, Honey I Shrunk the Kids

NAME: Quark

Wayne's dog in the movie and the TV series Honey I Shrunk the Kids; about an inventor who accidentally shrinks and his neighbor's kids whose voices can only be heard by the dog.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

in the movie, Border Terrier in the TV series

YEARS: Movie: 1989.

TV series 1997-2000.


famous dog in TV, The X Files

NAME: Queequeg

Agent Scully's dog in the TV series (science fiction) The X Files; about FBI agents investigating weird events.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: TV series: 1993-2002.

Appearance: episodes 53, 60, 70.


famous dog in movie, Quigley

NAME: Quigley

The reincarnation of Archie in the movie Quigley; about a guy who dies and comes back as a dog to make up for his mistakes; starring Gary Busey.

BREED: Pomeranian

YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in movie, Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog

NAME: Quill

Mitsuru Watanabe's guide dog in the Japanese movie Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog; about a grumpy old blind man who reluctantly takes on a guide dog; starring Kaoru Kobayashi.

BREED: Labrador Retriever, Yellow

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in book, Rab and his Friends


James Noble's dog in the short story Rab and his Friends; based on a true incident about a dog and his relationship with an Edinburgh doctor and one of the doctor's patients in the 1830s; written by Scottish physician John Brown.

BREED: Mastiff

YEARS: Book: 1858.


famous dog in movie, Out of the Blue

NAME: Rabelais (Played by Flame)

Neighbor David's dog in the movie comedy Out of the Blue; about the supposed death of a woman and the turmoil it causes; starring George Brent and Virginia Mayo.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1947.


famous dog in book, comics, Supreme

NAME: Radar

A super-powered dog in the comic book series Supreme; about a fictional superhero; created by Rob Liefield for Image Comics.

BREED: Dalmatian possibly

YEARS: Comic book: 1996-1997.


famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield

NAME: Raffles (See also Daisy, Rover, and Eddie)

A friend of Rover's in the animated movie Rover Dangerfield; about a showgirl's dog who gets abducted and ends up working on a farm; by Hyperion Pictures.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in book, TV, The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy

NAME: Raggedy Dog (Also known as Raggedy Arthur)

One of the stuffed dolls who come to life in Marcella's bedroom, in the animated TV series The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy; based on the books by Johnny Gruelle; including several about the dog, such as Raggedy Dog to the Rescue.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1988.

TV series: 1988-1990.


famous dog in World War I

NAME: Rags

Dog serving with the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I who became the mascot of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division

BREED: Mixed terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1916-1936.


famous dog in TV, Spin City

NAME: Rags

Carter's suicidal dog in the TV series Spin City; about the Deputy-Mayor of New York City and his staff of half-wits who must constantly save the Mayor from embarrassment and the media; originally starring Michael J. Fox.


YEARS: TV series: 1996-2002.


famous dog in movie, Fog Over Frisco

NAME: Ragsy

Val's dog in the movie Fog Over Frisco; about two half-sisters from a respected San Francisco family whose life styles diverge as one of them takes up with criminals. (Great shots of San Francisco in 1934.)

BREED: Terrier mix

YEARS: Movie: 1934.


famous dog in movie, Cool Dog

NAME: Rainy

Jimmy's pet in the movie Cool Dog; about a dog who is left behind when a family moves, then finds his way home in New York City.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in TV, The Secret Files of the Spy Dogs

NAME: Ralph

A high-ranking spy dog in the animated TV series The Secret Files of the Spy Dogs; about a secret organization of dogs that are dedicated to protecting their world; by Saban Entertainment. (Also in the series is terrier Mitzy and several other dogs.)


YEARS: TV series: 1998-1999.


famous dog in TV, Lazer Tag Academy

NAME: Ralphie

Jaren's dog in the animated TV series Lazer Tag Academy; about a girl who travels back in time from the year 3010 to the 1980s to help her ancestors; inspired by Worlds of Wonder's Lazer Tag; created by Ruby-Spears Productions.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: TV series: 1986-1987.


famous dog in movie, Mannequin

NAME: Rambo

Captain Maxwell's dog in the movie Mannequin; about an underemployed artist who gets a job as a department-store window dresser and falls in love with a mannequin that comes to life; starring Andrew McCarthy and Kim Cattrall.

BREED: English Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 1987.


famous dog in book, A Dog About Town

NAME: Randolph

Harry's poetry-loving dog in the book A Dog About Town. Like most Manhattan dogs Randolph spends his days sifting through a world of scents and his owner's neuroses; written by J.F. Englert.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Book: 2007.


famous dog in book, TV, comics, Lucky Luke

NAME: Rantanplan

A prison guard dog in the French-Belgian comic book series and the animated TV series Lucky Luke; about a cowboy known to "shoot faster than his shadow"; created by Maurice De Bevere. (More about Rantanplan.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic book appearance: 1960-1987.

TV series: 2006.


famous dog in movie, The Gay Dog

NAME: Raving Beauty

Jim Gray's dog in the British movie The Gay Dog; about an owner of a racing greyhound who bets against his own dog; starring Wilfred Pickles and Petula Clark

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Movie: 1954.


famous dog in TV, The Adventures of Champion

NAME: Rebel

Ricky's dog in the TV series The Adventures of Champion; about a wild stallion who befriends a twelve year-old boy in the American Southwest in the 1880s.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1955-1956.


famous dog in TV, The Waltons

NAME: Reckless

The Walton's pet in the TV series The Waltons; about a family in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II; starring Richard Thomas.

BREED: Golden Labrador

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1981.


famous dog in movie, Red


Avery's dog in the movie Red; about one man's revenge after his beloved dog dies in an attempted robbery.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in movie, book, Red Dog

NAME: Red Dog (Originally named Tally Ho)

The dog who unites the people of Dampier, Western Australia, in the movie Red Dog; based on the book Red Dog written by Louis de Bernières which was based upon a real life dog called Red Dog.

BREED: Kelpie-Cattle Dog mix

YEARS: Dog: 1971-1979.

Book: 1993.

Movie: 2011.


famous dog in TV, Ruff and Reddy

NAME: Reddy

A stupid dog in the animated TV series Ruff and Reddy; about the adventures of a smart cat and a not-so-smart dog; by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1957-1960.


famous dog in TV, Jesse Stone: No Remorse

NAME: Reggie

Jesse's dog in the TV show Jesse Stone: No Remorse; one of several stories based upon Robert B. Parker’s novels about Jesse Stone a former policeman.

BREED: Irish Setter

YEARS: TV show: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Strays

NAME: Reggie (see also Bug)

Doug's dog in the movie Strays; about an dog abandoned by his lowlife owner who falls in with a fast-talking, foul-mouthed mutt and his gang of strays; starring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx.

BREED: Border Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, Woman on the Run

NAME: Rembrandt

Eleanor's dog in the movie Woman on the Run; about a woman, whose husband has witnessed a murder and runs off; she tries to find him while trying to elude the police; starring Ann Sheridan.

BREED: Border Collie


YEARS: Movie: 1950.


famous dog in TV, The Ren and Stimpy Show

NAME: Ren (Also known as "Ren" Höek)

A psychotic dog in the animated TV series The Ren and Stimpy Show; about the adventures of the dog and a good-natured dimwitted cat; created by John Kricfalusi. (Also appearing are Bulldog Phil, Scottish Terrier Wackym, and Jasper the Dog.)

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: TV series: 1991-1996.


famous dog in book, Renni der Retter: Das Leben eines Kriegshundes

NAME: Renni (From cover of 1941 Swiss edition)

A military working dog in the German book Renni der Retter: Das Leben eines Kriegshundes, (Renni the Rescuer: A Dog of the Battlefield), a fictional account of a dog raised and trained for war; written by Felix Salten. The English translation of the book differs from the original.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1940, 1941.


famous dog in movie, Top Dog

NAME: Reno

Jake's partner in the movie Top Dog; about a cop and his dog who go after a Neo-Nazi group; starring Chuck Norris.

BREED: Briard

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in President Ronald Reagan


Pet of President Ronald Reagan. The president also had an older dog a Bouvier des Flandres named Lucky had grown too large and had to be moved to Reagan's Rancho del Cielo estate in California; Golden Retriever Victory, Irish Setter Peggy, Siberian Husky Taca, and Belgian Sheepdog Fuzzy.

BREED: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: Dog: 1984-1998.


famous dog in TV, Inspector Rex


A cadaver dog in the TV series (Austrian-made) Inspector Rex; about a team of German policemen and their dog solving crimes. (The Austrian title was Kommissar Rex; the Italian title was Il commissario Rex.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1994-2004.


famous dog in movie, Cybermutt


Nino's dog in the movie for TV Cybermutt; about a dog that is badly injured during his act of heroism rebuilt with super powers.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2002.


famous dog in movie, Megan Leavey


Megan's dog in the movie Megan Leavey (also known as Rex); about a US Marine corporal who served as a Military Police K9 handler; starring Kate Mara.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2017.


famous dog in TV, Hudson & Rex


Charlie's dog in the Canadian TV series Hudson & Rex ; about a detective and his dog who, with keen nose and ears, is instrumental in solving crimes.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 2019.


famous dog in comics, Rex The Wonder Dog

NAME: Rex the Wonder Dog

A super-dog in the comic book series Rex The Wonder Dog; about a dog who receives an injection of a special serum that gives him with great strength speed and intelligence great for fighting evil; by DC Comics.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Comic: 1952-1959.


famous dog in movie, Best in Show

NAME: Rhapsody in White (See also Beatrice, Miss Agness, Hubert, and Winky)

Sherri Ann and Leslie Ward Cabot's dog in the movie Best in Show; about five dogs and their owners at the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show held in Philadelphia.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in TV, The Houndcats

NAME: Rhubarb (See also Mussel Mutt and Ding Dong)

A do-it-all scientist who is capable of inventing just about anything in the animated TV series The Houndcats; loosely based on the series Mission: Impossible; produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1972-1973.


famous dog in comics, Ribbon and Hayward

NAME: Ribbon and Hayward (Ribbon left, Hayard right)

Two dogs with a relationship in the comic strip Ribbon and Hayward; about the owners of a self-centered posh canine style and her neighbor's dog, a complete slob who lived in a garbage-strewn hovel; by Steve Carpenter and Ed Wallerstien.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1982-1985.


famous dog in book, Henry Higgins

NAME: Ribsy

Henry's dog in the book series about Henry Higgins; about a young boy's adventures in Portland, Oregon in the 1950s; written by Beverly Cleary.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1950.


famous dog in book, Surfing Dogs

NAME: Ricochet

One of the original Surfing Dogs that started the dog surfing circuit. She also helps people with disabilities through surfing and community outreach; raised and trained by Judy Fridono. Also Ricochet has been the subject of several books and media appearances.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Dog: 2008-?.

Book: 2014.


famous dog in TV, Tractor Tom

NAME: Riff

A dog who likes to round-up animals in the British animated TV series Tractor Tom; about Tractor Tom and his human animal and vehicle friends at both work and play.

BREED: Australian Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 2003-2004.


famous dog in movie, Ernest Scared Stupid

NAME: Rimshot

Ernest's dog in the movie Ernest Scared Stupid; a horror comedy about a screwball who unleashes an ugly troll that plots to turn children into wooden dolls; starring Jim Varney.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1991.


famous dog in World War I

NAME: Rin Tin Tin

A frightened pup found by an American soldier in France during World War I and ended up in Los Angeles where he starred in silent films and became a famous dog actor. He was named for a French child's toy. (More about Rin Tin Tin.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1918-1932.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin

NAME: Rin Tin Tin

In the movies and the TV series The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin; about a orphan boy and his dog being raised by the soldiers at a U.S. Cavalry post.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movies: 1922-1931.

TV series: 1954-1959.


famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company

NAME: Rita (See also Dodger, Einstein, Francis, Georgette and Tito)

A member of Fagin's gang in the animated movie Oliver & Company; a dog story based on the book Oliver Twist by English author Charles Dickens; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Saluki

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in comics, Rivets

NAME: Rivets

Family dog in the comic strip Rivets; created by George Sixta. The comic first appeared in The Saturday Evening Post in 1944 and was syndicated from 1953 to 1985.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1944-1985.


famous dog in TV, Road Rovers

NAME: Road Rovers (Including Hunter, Colleen, Blitz, Exile, Shag, and Muzzle)

Dogs with super abilities in the animated TV series Road Rovers; about a team of five super-powered crime-fighting anthropomorphic dogs known as "cano-sapiens"; by Warner Bros.

BREED: Golden Retriever

(Hunter), Rough Collie (Colleen), Doberman (Blitz), Siberian Husky (Exile), Sheepdog (Shag), Rotweiler (Muzzle)

YEARS: TV series: 1996-1997.


famous dog in President Calvin Coolidge

NAME: Rob Roy

Pet of President Calvin Coolidge. Also the President had Collie Prudence Prim, Wirehair Fox Terrier Peter Pan and 8 othere dogs.

BREED: Collie White

YEARS: Dog: 1923-1929.


famous dog in movie, Open Season 2

NAME: Roberto (See also Mr. Weenie, Fifi, Rufus, and Charlene)

Fifi's companion in the animated movie Open Season 2; about a rag-tag army of animals against the hunters.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in movie, The Drop

NAME: Rocco

Bob's adopted dog in the movie The Drop; about a bartender who finds himself at the center of a robbery gone awry; starring Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace.

BREED: Pit Bull


YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in movie, Git!

NAME: Rock

Deke's dog in the movie Git!; about a orphan boy who finds friendship with a dog that others think can't be tamed.

BREED: English Setter

YEARS: Movie: 1965.


famous dog in comics, Chacha Chaudhary

NAME: Rocket (also known as Raaket)

Chacha Chaudhary's dog in the Indian comic strip Chacha Chaudhary; about frail, extremely intelligent old man, his wife, a giant called Sabu, and dog in a small Indian village; from Diamond Comics.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1971- now.


famous dog in ads, The Life is Good Company

NAME: Rocket

In advertisements for The Life is Good Company, a New England-based apparel and accessories wholesaler retailer and lifestyle brand.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Ads: 1994- now.


famous dog in book, How Rocket Learned to Read

NAME: Rocket

A playful dog in the children's book How Rocket Learned to Read; in which a tiny yellow bird teaches the dog how to read; by Tad Hills. Other books include Rocket Writes a Story and Rocket's Mighty Words

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Look Who's Talking Now

NAME: Rocks (Rocks on the left, Daphne on the right) (See also Daphne)

One of the talking dogs in the movie Look Who's Talking Now; about a street-wise cross breed and a spoiled pedegree poodle who have to deal with human problems; starring John Travolta and Kirstie Alley.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in comics, Rocky

NAME: Rocky

In the Swedish comic strip Rocky; about on an anthropomorphic dog and his friends in their everyday life in Stockholm; created by Martin Kellerman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1998- now.


famous dog in movie, It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog

NAME: Rodney

Julia's well-trained dog in the movie It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog; about a reporter whose life becomes complicated when he meets up with a woman in a tavern; starring Carole Landis.

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Movie: 1946.


famous dog in comics, Trudy

NAME: Rodney

The family dog in the comic strip Trudy; about a homemaker who finds time to manage the house, her husband, their children and pets; create by Jerry Marcus.

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1963-2005.


famous dog in book, TV, The Durrells

NAME: Roger

Gerry's dog in the book and the British TV series The Durrells (also known as The Durrells in Corfu on American television); about a English family trying to survive on the Greek island of Corfu in the late 1930s; based on Gerald Durrell's three autobiographical books. The story was also told in a 2005 TV film, My Family and Other Animals.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Books: 1956, 1969, 1978.

TV film: 2005.

TV series: 2016.


famous dog in TV, Bobby's World

NAME: Roger

The family dog in the animated TV series Bobby's World; about the daily life of Bobby and his very overactive imagination; create and voiced by Howie Mandel.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1990-1998.


famous dog in movie, Pets United

NAME: Roger

One of the pack leaders in the animated movie Pets United; about a group of spoiled pets who join forces to save their city from its evil mayor and his robot army. (Other dogs in the movie are Ronaldo, Walter, and Joy)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2019.


famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs: Paws 3 Unite!

NAME: Roger

A risk assessment analyst in the movie Cats & Dogs: Paws 3 Unite!; about a dog and cat who must rein in a villain cockatoo who plans to destroy the ten-year truce between cats and dogs.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in TV, Outlander

NAME: Rollo (appearing in season 4)

Ian's dog in the lengthy historical TV series Outlander; about a married former World War II military nurse in Scotland who, in 1945, finds herself transported back to 1743 where she encounters a dashing Highland warrior; starring Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan; based on series of novels by Diana Gabaldon.

BREED: Northern Inuit

YEARS: TV series: 2014.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Roly (See also Terence, Wellard, and Willy)

Sharon's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about the people of a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London Borough. (More about Roly.)

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in movie, Island of the Blue Dolphins

NAME: Rontu

Karana's adopted dog in the movie Island of the Blue Dolphins; about a young Native American girl swims back to her abandoned home island to be with her brother; starring Celia Kaye.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1964.


famous dog in TV, Roobarb

NAME: Roobarb

In the British animated TV series for children Roobarb; about a green dog whose adventures are usually snarled by a cynical pink cat; created by Grange Calveley for the BBC.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1974.


famous dog in comics, Pickles

NAME: Roscoe

Earl and Opal's dog in the comic strip Pickles; about a retired couple in their seventies; created by Brian Crane.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1990- now.


famous dog in comics, Bloom County

NAME: Rosebud

The world's last basselop in the comic strip Bloom County; about events in politics and culture as viewed by people of a fanciful small town in Middle America; created by Berkeley Breathed.

BREED: Basselope

(a cross between a basset hound and an antelope)

YEARS: Comic strip: 1980-1989.


famous dog in TV, Rosie & Ruff in Puppydog Tales

NAME: Rosie and Ruff

Canine buddies in the British animated TV series Rosie & Ruff in Puppydog Tales; about the happy mischief of four dogs; created by Hilary Hayton. (Also in the series are dogs Scratch and Sniff.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1992.


famous dog in TV, Dog City

NAME: Rosie O'Grady (See also Ace Hart and Eliot Shag)

Ace's love interest in the animated TV series Dog City with puppetry; created by Jim Henson. (Also in the series are dogs Ace Yu, Bubba, Bugsy, Colleen, Frisky, Mac, Mad Dog, Miss Belle, Rowlf, Scruffy and others.)

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1995.


famous dog in movie, Rescued by Rover

NAME: Rover

The dog who leads its master to his kidnapped baby in the movie Rescued by Rover; a British silent short; directed by Hepworth who had his family dog Blair in the starring role. As a result, the name became a household name and Blair is considered the first dog film star.

BREED: Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1905.


famous dog in movie, Rover Dangerfield

NAME: Rover (See also Daisy, Raffles, and Eddie)

Connie's dog in the animated movie Rover Dangerfield; about a showgirl's dog who gets abducted and ends up working on a farm; by Hyperion Pictures.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in comics, Red and Rover

NAME: Rover

Red's loyal companion in the comic strip Red and Rover; about a boy and his dog; created by Brian Basset.

BREED: Labrador Retriever


YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in book, Rover Red Charlie

NAME: Rover Red Charlie

The survivors in the book series Rover Red Charlie; about three canine companions against the backdrop of Armageddon; by Garth Ennis.

BREED: Bassethound, Irish Setter, Border Collie

YEARS: Book: 2014.


famous dog in movie, Summer of the Monkeys

NAME: Rowdy

Jay's companion in the movie Summer of the Monkeys; about a boy who hopes to buy a horse with the reward for returning lost circus chimps but inevitably befriends the chimps and can't bear to part with them.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1998.


famous dog in movie, book, The Plague Dogs

NAME: Rowf (See also Snitter)

In the animated movie The Plague Dogs; about the escape of two dogs from a research station; based on the book The Plague Dogs; written by Richard Adams.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1977.

Movie: 1982.


famous dog in movie, TV, ads, The Muppet Show

NAME: Rowlf the Dog (See also Muppy and Baskerville)

In several animated movies and the puppet TV series The Muppet Show; a puppet dog originally created by Jim Henson for advertisements for Purina Dog Chow. Also on The Jimmy Dean Show and Sesame Street. (More about Rowlf. Also in the show was Miss Piggy's dog Foo-Foo.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Ads: 1962.

Movies: 1979, 2011.

The Jimmy Dean Show: 1963-1966.

TV series: 1976-1981, 2015.


famous dog in TV, Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy


Ricky's dog in the animated TV series Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy; about the world's biggest child film star who doesn't let celebrity fame go to his head.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2009.


famous dog in movie, Rescued by Ruby

NAME: Ruby

Dan's dog in the American Netflix biographical drama movie Rescued by Ruby; about a state trooper who has dreams of joining an elite K-9 unit a with clever but willful shelter dog; starring Grant Gustin.

BREED: Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in TV, Rude Dog and the Dweebs

NAME: Rude Dog

Owner of an auto shop in the animated TV series Rude Dog and the Dweebs; originally for Sun Sportswear ads in the 1980s. (Also in the series are dogs Tweak, Caboose, Reggie, Snatch, Winston, Gloria, and Kibble.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1989.


famous dog in TV, Katts and Dog

NAME: Rudy (Named Rinty in the United States and France)

Officer Hank Katts' canine partner in the TV series (Canadian and French produced) Katts and Dog; about a cop and his dog who fight crime. In the U.S. the series was known as Rin Tin Tin: K-9 Cop and in France as Rintintin Junior.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 1988-1993.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Dennis the Menace

NAME: Ruff

The family dog in the comic strip, the movie, the TV series, and animated TV series Dennis the Menace; about a boy who causes problems for everyone; created by Hank Ketcham.

BREED: Briard

YEARS: Comic strip: 1951-.

TV series: 1959-1963, 1986-1988.

Movie: 1987, 1993, 1998 .


famous dog in TV, FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman

NAME: Ruff Ruffman

Host in the animated TV game show FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman on PBS during the PBS Kids GO! block of educational programming; created by Kate Taylor.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2006-2010.


famous dog in book, comics, Groo the Wanderer

NAME: Rufferto

Groo's inseparable companion in the comic book series Groo the Wanderer; about an incompetent large-nosed barbarian and his faithful dog; created by Sergio Aragonés.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1981- now.


famous dog in TV, Timmy Time

NAME: Ruffy

A energetic puppy in the British Children's animated TV series Timmy Time; about a boy and his friends who have to learn to share, make friends and accept their mistakes; a spin-off from the Shaun the Sheep; created by Aardman Animations.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2009-2012.


famous dog in movie, Fluke

NAME: Rufus (See also Fluke)

Fluke's friend in the movie Fluke; about a workaholic who dies in an auto accident and comes back to life as a dog; based on the book by James Herbert.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in movie, Open Season 2

NAME: Rufus (See also Mr. Weeni, Roberto, Fifi, and Charlene)

Charlene's boyfriend in the animated movie Open Season 2; about a rag-tag army of animals against the hunters.

BREED: Fox Terrier Wired

YEARS: Movie: 2006.


famous dog in TV, DinoSquad

NAME: Rump

The squad's pet in the animated TV series DinoSquad; about five teenagers who have the power to turn into a dinosaurs using this power to fight a villain.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2007-2008.


famous dog in TV, Animaniacs

NAME: Runt

A loyal but stupid dog in the animated TV series Animaniacs; an ensemble cast of off-the-wall Warner Brothers characters, appearing in a wide variety of roles.

BREED: Generic, large

YEARS: TV series: 1994-1998.


famous dog in comics, Deflocked

NAME: Ruppert (See also Cobb, his brother)

The younger dog brother in the comic strip Deflocked; about the relationship of a wayward sheep with two dogs and their adopted young boy; written by Jeff Corriveau.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2006- now.


famous dog in movie, For the Love of Rusty

NAME: Rusty

Danny's companion in the movie For the Love of Rusty; the third of eight movies about a dog and his young companion played by actor Ted Donaldson. (More on Rusty's films.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1947.


famous dog in movie, Rusty: The Great Rescue

NAME: Rusty

The family dog in the movie Rusty: The Great Rescue; about a courageous canine who protects his family from bad guys; starring Hal Holbrook and Rue McClanahan. (Released with the title Rusty: A Dog's Tale.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in movie, Home on the Range

NAME: Rusty

The sheriff and Buck's best friend in the animated movie Home on the Range; about a mismatched trio of dairy cows who must capture an infamous cattle rustler for his bounty; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2004.


famous dog in movie, The Conjuring

NAME: Sadie

The Perron family dog in the movie The Conjuring; about a family who move into a haunted house.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2013.


famous dog in comics, The Other Coast

NAME: Sakura (See also Koko)

One of the family dogs in the comic strip The Other Coast; created by Adrian Raeside.

BREED: Papillon

YEARS: Comic strip: 2001- now.


famous dog in movie, It Happened on Fifth Avenue

NAME: Sam (Also known as Sammy)

Mr. McKeever's dog in the movie It Happened on Fifth Avenue; about a homeless man who lives in a mansion while the owner has gone south for the winter; and who shares the place with others, including eventually the original residents.

BREED: Parson Russell Terrier, Rough


YEARS: Movie: 1947.


famous dog in movie, Hondo


Hondo's dog in the movie Hondo; about a U.S. cavalry scout who discovers a woman and her son living in the midst of warring Apaches and he becomes their protector; starring John Wayne and Geraldine Page.

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1953.


famous dog in comics, Family Circus

NAME: Sam (See also Barfly)

The second family dog in the comic strip Family Circus; about a typical American family; created by Bil Keene.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1960- now.


famous dog in TV, comics, Sam & Max

NAME: Sam (Of Sam & Max the Freelance Police)

A crime-stopper in comic book series Sam & Max; in the animated TV series The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police and video games originally created by Steve Purcell. (More about Sam & Max.)

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comics: 1987- now.

TV series: 1997-1998.

Video games: 1993-2010.


famous dog in Dog Days

NAME: Sam and Brandy

Elizabeth's dog and Jimmy's dog in the movie Dog Days; about a group of young people in Los Angeles whose lives become intertwined with the help of their canine companions. (Also in the movie are Labradoodle Charlie, Chihuahua Gertrude, and Pug Mabel)

BREED: Mixed breed

both Sam and Brandy

YEARS: Moive: 2018.


famous dog in movie, Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency

NAME: Sam Jr.

Sam's dog in the movie Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency; about a young boy who forms his own private detective agency to emulate his father.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in movie, A Sheep in the Deep

NAME: Sam Sheepdog

A dog guarding sheep in several animated movies such as A Sheep in the Deep; about a sheepdog who combats Ralph Wolf; by Merrie Melodies; voice by Mel Blanc. (More about Sam.)

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: Movies: 1953-1963.


famous dog in movie, book, I am Legend

NAME: Samantha (or Sam)

In the book and the movie I am Legend; a post-apocalyptic science fiction story with Will Smith as the lead in the movie; written by Francis Lawrence.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1954.

Movie: 2007.


famous dog in TV, Ox Tales

NAME: Sammy (Named Saffie in 2010 dub)

Ollie's most loyal pet in the Dutch animated TV series Ox Tales; about an anthropomorphic ox who works as a farmer; based upon the comic strip and comic books Boes

BREED: Generic hound

YEARS: Animated TV series: 1987-1988.

Dubbed release: 1989, 2010.


famous dog in movie, Mr. Destiny

NAME: Sammy

The Burrow's family dog in the movie Mr. Destiny; about a man who gets to see how his life might have been had he hit a home run in high school instead of striking out; starring Jim Belushi.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 199.


famous dog in movie, book, Everything Is Illuminated

NAME: Sammy Davis Jr. Jr.

A seeing-eye dog in the book and in the movie Everything Is Illuminated; about a Jewish American who tries to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II; by the writer Jonathan Safran Foer.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Book: 2002.

Movie: 2005.


famous dog in movie, TV, Samson en Gert

NAME: Samson

A talking dog in the TV series for children (Flemish-Belgian) Samson en Gert; a show characterized by a stream of running gags. Also in the movie (Flemish-Belgian) Hotel op Stelten (Madhouse Hotel.)

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: TV series: 1989-2008.

Movie: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Braceface

NAME: Samson (See also Pigger)

One of Sharon's pets in the Canadian animated TV series Braceface; about a junior high school student with braces that get in her way of leading a normal teenage life.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2004.


famous dog in movie, comics, Little Orphan Annie

NAME: Sandy

Annie's dog in comics Little Orphan Annie on radio, in the Broadway musical Annie, and in the movies (1982, 1999 and 2014); created by Harold Gray.

BREED: Airedale


YEARS: Radio: 1925-1942.

Comics: 1925- 2010.

Broadway stage: 1977-1983.

Movies: 1982, 1999, 2014.


famous dog in book, Santa Paws

NAME: Santa Paws

A dog that helps people in trouble in the book series Santa Paws; a series of nine books written by Ellen Emerson White under the alias Nicholas Edwards.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1996-2009.


famous dog in movie, Santa Buddies

NAME: Santa Paws (See also Puppy Paws)

Santa's dog in the movie Santa Buddies; the fourth installment of the Air Buddies spin-off series. (Also in the movie are dogs Budderball, Rosebud, Mudbud, Buddha, and B-Dawg.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in TV, The Simpsons

NAME: Santa's Little Helper

The family dog in the long-running animated TV series The Simpsons; about a disfunctional family and noted for its fast and subtle humor and ridiculous plots; created by Matt Groening.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1989- now.


famous dog in TV, comics, Jewelpet

NAME: Sapphie

Aoi's pet in the Japanese animated TV series and comic strip Jewelpet; about the magical world of Jewel Land where three magicians turned the Jewelpets into Jewel Charms.

BREED: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: Comics: 2009.

Animated TV series:2009-2013.


famous dog in comics, Get Fuzzy

NAME: Satchel

One of Rob's pets in the comic strip Get Fuzzy; about the adventures of an ad executive and his anthropomorphic dog and cat; created by Darby Conley.

BREED: Mixed breed.

Father was Labrador Retriever, his mother a Shar-Pei

YEARS: Comic strip: 1999- now.


famous dog in movie, Savage Sam

NAME: Savage Sam

Old Yeller's son in the movie Savage Sam; about the hound helping find children who were snatched by a band Apache; a sequel to Old Yeller: by Disney.

BREED: Bluetick Coonhound

YEARS: Movie: 1963.


famous dog in movie, comics, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure

NAME: Scamp (See also Lady, Tramp, Jock, and Trusty)

In the comic strip, then in the animated movie Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure. Originally the pup had his own comic strip and comic books beginning in the 1950s, then later showed up as the son of Lady and Tramp in the movie. (Also in the film are dogs Annette, Danielle, Colette, Buster, Ruby, Scratchy, Sparky, Francois, and Mitch.)

BREED: Cocker Spaniel


YEARS: Comic strip: 1955-1988.

Movie: 2001.


famous dog in book, The Secret Seven

NAME: Scamper

Janet and Peter's pet dog in the children's book series The Secret Seven; about a group of child detectives solving mysteries; created by Enid Blyton.

BREED: English Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Book: 1949-1963.


famous dog in TV, The Racoons

NAME: Schaeffer

In the TV series The Racoons; about a trio of raccoons fighting against the industrialist forces of a greedy aardvark millionaire; created by Kevin Gillis. (Also appearing is puppy Broo.)

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: TV series: 1985-1991.


famous dog in TV, That '70s Show

NAME: Schotzie

Kitty and Red's dog in the TV series That '70s Show; about the lives of a group of teenage friends dealing with the social issues of the 1970s such as feminism and sexual attitudes.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1998-2006.


famous dog in comics, Sweetie Pie

NAME: Schultz

Sweetie Pie's dog in the comic strip Sweetie Pie; about a typical kid who can be quite annoying to her parents and teacher; created by Nadine Seltzer.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1954-1967.


famous dog in movie, TV, Scooby-Doo Where Are You

NAME: Scooby-Doo (Formerly called Too Much)

Lifelong companion of Shaggy Rogers in the animated TV series Scooby-Doo Where Are You; about a big dog and several teenage humans; a Hanna Barbera production, originally created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: TV series: 1969-1991, 2001- now.

Live-action movie:2002, 2004.

Animated movie: 2020.



famous dog in movie, Scoot & Kassie's Christmas Adventure

NAME: Scoot

Kassie's dog in the movie for TV Scoot & Kassie's Christmas Adventure; about friends and a dog who organize a holiday fundraiser but must protect the cash from crooks.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2013.


famous dog in TV, Finley the Fire Engine

NAME: Scout

The firehouse dog in the children's books and the British animated TV series for children Finley the Fire Engine; about talking vehicles in a fictional town called Friendlyville; produced by Balley Beg animation studios.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: TV series: 2006- 2014.


famous dog in TV, Scooby-Doo

NAME: Scrappy-Doo

The nephew of cartoon star Scooby-Doo in the animated TV series Scooby-Doo; about a big dog and several teenage humans; a Hanna Barbera production, originally created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: TV series: 1979-2011.


famous dog in movie, A Dog's Life

NAME: Scraps

Charlie's dog in the movie (silent) A Dog's Life; about a dog who helps a tramp and a dance hall singer survive in the city; starring, written by, produced and directed by Charlie Chaplin.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1918.


famous dog in movie, Corpse Bride

NAME: Scraps

Victor's dog in the animated movie Corpse Bride; about a young man who is taken to the underworld and wed to a mysterious corpse while his real bride waits in the real world; a Tim Burton movie.

BREED: Skeleton Dog

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in TV, Dot.

NAME: Scratch

Dot's dog in the children's animated TV series Dot.; about the adventures an eight-year-old energetic girl who uses technology in solving problems; based on the book by Randi Zuckerberg.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2016-2018.


famous dog in TV, Scruff

NAME: Scruff

Peter's dog in the animated TV series Scruff; about a curious puppy living on a farm. Originally a Catalan and Spanish series created by Josep Vallverdú.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2000-2003.


famous dog in TV, Little Princess

NAME: Scruff

The princess's dog in the animated TV series Little Princess; about a little girl and her discovery of the world; based upon the series of books by Tony Ross.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2006-2011.


famous dog in TV, Bob the Builder

NAME: Scruffty

Bob's dog in the British animated TV series Bob the Builder; about a construction worker his friends and a gang of anthropomorphic work-vehicles.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1999.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

NAME: Scruffy

The Muir's dog in the TV series The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and in the movie The Ghost and Mrs. Muir; about a young widow who has a ghost friend; starring Hope Lange.

BREED: Fox Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1947.

TV series: 1968-1970.


famous dog in movie, Toy Story

NAME: Scud (See also Buster)

Sid's dog in the animated movie Toy Story, and the sequels; about children's toys having an adventure.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in book, Scuppers The Sailor Dog

NAME: Scuppers

A dog who goes to sea and gets shipwrecked in the book Scuppers The Sailor Dog; written by Margaret Wise Brown.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1953 reprinted in 2001.


famous dog in comics, Gordo

NAME: Señor Dog

Gordo's dog in the comic strip Gordo; about a Mexican bean farmer who eventually travels throughout Mexico as a tour guide; created by Gus Arriola

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Comic strip: 1941-1985.


famous dog in Lewis and Clark

NAME: Seaman (Also known as Dog of Discovery)

The dog that accompanied Lewis and Clark on their expedition across America at the beginning of the 19th century. (Picture by Anne Mainman.)

BREED: Newfoundland

YEARS: Dog: perhaps 1804-1806.


famous dog in Presidential candidate in 2012, Mitt Romney

NAME: Seamus

Pet owned by Presidential candidate in 2012, Mitt Romney, known for the 1983 family vacation where Romney transported Seamus on the roof of an automobile for twelve hours.

BREED: Irish Setter

YEARS: Dog on car incident:1983.


famous dog in movie, book, Stone Fox

NAME: Searchlight (Morgan in the movie version)

Little Willy's dog in the book Stone Fox; about a boy who enters a dog sled race to win money to save his grandpa's farm; written by John Reynolds Gerdiner. Also made into the movie for TV.

BREED: Samoyed;

(Bearded Collie in the movie)

YEARS: Book: 1980.

Movie: 1987.


famous dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

NAME: Sensation

Representative dog image for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. A dog named Don which had won bench championships in England in 1875 and 1876, became the symbolic image for the Kennel Club because of the 1935 steel engraving of “Sensation” by artist J. Wellstood. From 1980-1982, a head study of the dog gained popularity. (More about Sensation.)

BREED: Pointer

YEARS: Dog: 1870s.

In Kennel catalog: 1936- now.


famous dog in book, TV, The Busy World of Richard Scarry

NAME: Sergeant Murphy (See also Billy Dog)

One of the characters in the children's books and animated TV series The Busy World of Richard Scarry; about anthropomorphic animals in the fictional city of Busytown; based on the books drawn and written by Richard Scarry.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Books: 1963.

TV series: 1994-1997.


famous dog in TV, Futurama

NAME: Seymour

Fry's 20th century dog in the animated TV series Futurama; about a 20th century pizza delivery boy who finds himself in the 31st century; created by Matt Groening.

BREED: Border Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2003.


famous dog in TV, The Centurions

NAME: Shadow

Jake Rockwell's dog in the animated TV series The Centurions; about an evil cyborg, his sidekicks and an army of drones who seek to conquer the Earth; produced by Ruby-Spears.

BREED: Generic large dog

YEARS: TV series: 1985-1987.


famous dog in movie, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

NAME: Shadow (Left in picture. See also Chance)

Jamie's dog in the movie Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey; a remake of the 1963 movie based on the book by Sheila Burnford titled The Incredible Journey. (In the earlier movie and book Shadow is Bodger a Bull Terrier. Also in the movie are dogs Riley and others.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in book, The Sorcerer in the North

NAME: Shadow

Trobar's dog in the book series The Sorcerer in the North; about two young adventurers in a fantasy world; written by John Flanagan.

BREED: Border Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 2006.


famous dog in comics, Ask Shagg

NAME: Shagg E. Dawg

In the comic strip Ask Shagg where a dog answers questions about animals that are sent in by readers; created by cartoonist Peter Guren.

BREED: Generic shaggy dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1980-2020.


famous dog in TV, Q. T. Hush

NAME: Shamus

One of Q.T.'s assistants in the animated TV series of 5 minute episodes Q. T. Hush; about a detective and animal his assistants; one of the first cartoons in color.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: TV series: 1960.


famous dog in movie, Radio Flyer

NAME: Shane

The family dog in the movie Radio Flyer; about two brothers who imagine that their Radio Flyer wagon can fly and that in it they can escape their tormenting stepfather; narrated by Tom Hanks.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1992.


famous dog in TV, Eek! The Cat

NAME: Sharky

Annabelle's pet guard dog in the animated TV series Eek! The Cat; about a purple cat whose motto is "it never hurts to help" an attitude that usually gets him into trouble.

BREED: Shark Dog

YEARS: TV series: 1992-1997.


famous dog in movie, Snow Buddies

NAME: Shasta

Adam's sled dog in the movie Snow Buddies; about young pups who accidentally get shipped to Alaska in an ice-cream truck. (Also in the movies are dogs B. Dawg, Budderball, Buddha, Mudbud, Rosebud, and Talon.)

BREED: Siberian Husky

(the other dogs are Golden Retrievers)

YEARS: Movies: 2008.


famous dog in movie, The Women

NAME: Sheba

The Haines family dog in the movie The Women; about several women and their marital problems. The movie in notable in the it has no male players and stars many known female actors of the time, including Norma Shearer.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1939.


famous dog in TV, Smallville

NAME: Shelby

A super dog who lost his super powers in the TV series Smallville; about the early years of Superman; starring Tom Welling.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2001-2011.


famous dog in movie, Wiener Dog Nationals

NAME: Shelly

The family dog in the movie Wiener Dog Nationals; a family who adopts a runt of a dachshund from a shelter enters it in the nation's greatest wiener dog race.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 2103.


famous dog in movie, My Dog Shep

NAME: Shep

Danny's dog in the movie My Dog Shep; about an unwanted orphan who decides to run away with his dog; starring Tom Neal.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1946.


famous dog in movie, The Painted Hills

NAME: Shep

Prospector Jonathan's faithful companion in the movie The Painted Hills; about a guy who strikes gold and whose greedy partner attempts to lay claim on the find; starring the dog Pal as Lassie.

BREED: Rough Collie

YEARS: Movie: 1951.


famous dog in TV, Horseland

NAME: Shep

Bailey's ranch dog in the animated TV series Horseland; about a group of young children at a riding school; created by Andy Heyward and developed by DIC Entertainment.

BREED: Collie Rough

YEARS: TV series: 2006-2009.


famous dog in movie, Sherlock: Undercover Dog

NAME: Sherlock

Billy's talking dog in the movie for TV Sherlock: Undercover Dog; about a boy and his detective dog who rescue a kidnapped detective and catch the bad guys.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1994.


famous dog in TV, Sherlock Hound

NAME: Sherlock Hound (Japanese: Taichiro Hirokawa; English: Larry Moss)

The genius sleuth in the Japanese animated TV series Sherlock Hound; based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. (Also in the series are John Watson and other dog characters.)

BREED: Hound

of some sort

YEARS: TV series: 1984-1985.


famous dog in movie, book, Shiloh

NAME: Shiloh

Marty's dog in the movie Shiloh and its sequels Shiloh Season and Saving Shiloh; about the adventures of a boy and his dog; starring Michael Moriarty and Blake Heron; based on the books by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 1997, 1999, 2006.

Book: 1991.


famous dog in comics, Gasoline Alley

NAME: Sieg and Kleine

Slim and Clovia's dogs in the comic strip Gasoline Alley; about an established family, and residents in the town of Gasoline Alley; created by Frank King. It is the longest-running current comic strip, second after The Katzenjammer Kids

BREED: Great Dane

and Doberman Doberman

YEARS: Comic strip: 1918- now.


famous dog in movie, Oh My Dog

NAME: Simba

Arjun's dog in the Indian children's movie Oh My Dog; a bout a young boy who rescues a blind Siberian Husky puppy and decides to train him for a competition with his father and grandfather.

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in TV, The Partridge Family

NAME: Simone

The family dog in the first season of the TV series The Partridge Family; about a widowed mother and her five children who embark on a music career; starring Shirley Jones and David Cassidy.

BREED: Bearded Collie

YEARS: TV series: 1970-1971.


famous dog in book, U.S. Coast Guard

NAME: Sinbad

The mascot of the U.S. Coast Guard and in the book written by George F. Foley Jr. Sinbad of the Coast Guard. (More about Sinbad.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1951.

Book: 1945.


famous dog in book, comics, Sinbad Again!

NAME: Sinbad

A boy's dog in the comic book Sinbad Again!; about about a dog, his young boy owner and the boy's grandmother; created by Edwina Dumm, creator of comic dog Tippie also.

BREED: Terrier

YEARS: Comic book: 1932.


famous dog in movie, 50/50

NAME: Skeletor

Adam's dog in the movie 50/50; about a young journalist's struggle with a rare cancer; starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen.

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Movie: 2011.


famous dog in comics, Kapitein Rob

NAME: Skip

Kapitein Rob's dog in the Dutch comic strip Kapitein Rob; about a sea captain who owns a sailing ship and a time machine which allows him to travel to previous centuries.

BREED: Samoyed

YEARS: Comic strip: 1945-1966.


famous dog in movie, book, My Dog Skip

NAME: Skip

Willie's childhood dog in the movie and book My Dog Skip; about a boy and his dog in a small sleepy Southern town; an autobiographical story by Willie Morris.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1995.

Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, Robinson Crusoe

NAME: Skipper

The captain's dog in the movie Robinson Crusoe; a loose adaptation of Daniel Defoe's classic novel; starring Pierce Brosnan.

BREED: Welsh Corgi

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in book, TV, Martha Speaks

NAME: Skits (See also Martha)

Helen's second dog in the book and animated TV series Martha Speaks; about a girl who feeds her dog alphabet soup that travels to the dog's brain; on PBS based on the 1992 book by Susam Meddaough.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1992.

TV series: 2008- 2014.


famous dog in movie, Toy Story

NAME: Slinky

Based on the passé springy toy in the animated movie Toy Story; a story about a bunch of kids' toys come to life; from The Walt Disney Studios.

BREED: Slinky toy

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in book, A Dog Named Slugger

NAME: Slugger

Leigh's service dog in the book A Dog Named Slugger; a true story about a young woman who finds confidence and happiness with a Labrador retriever by her side; written by Leigh Brill.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Book: 2010.


famous dog in Chilly Willy

NAME: Smedey

Adversary to Chilly Willy in the animated movie Chilly Willy; about a penguin and friends living in Alaska; created by Paul J. Smith for the Walter Lantz studio.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated series: 1953-2002.


famous dog in TV, Hazel

NAME: Smiley

The Baxter family dog in the TV series Hazel; about a competent take-charge live-in maid in the home of an attorney and his family; starring Shirley Booth.

BREED: Airedale Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1961-1966.


famous dog in comics, Blacksad

NAME: Smirnov

Police commissioner and friend of Blacksad in the comic series Blacksad; a black cat investigator solving crimes in an anthropomorphic world; created by Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Comic series: 2000- now.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Smoky

Dog who served as a in World War II in the South Pacific with the Air Force and flew 12 rescue and photo reconnaissance missions. (More about Smoky.)

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1943-1957.


famous dog in comics, Hagar the Horrible

NAME: Snert

Hagar's dog in comic strip Hagar the Horrible; about a shaggy scruffy overweight red-bearded Viking who regularly raids England; created by Dik Browne and now drawn by his son Chris Browne.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1973- now.


famous dog in comics, Sniffy

NAME: Sniffy (not Sniffy the Pup)

A dog in the comic strip Sniffy; about a gang of neighborhood dogs, including Sniffy (who was named after Fett's pet Beagle), his nephew Caesar, his pal Charley, and girl friend Queenie; created by George Fett.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1964-1973.


famous dog in book, comics, Sniffy the Pup

NAME: Sniffy the Pup

A playful and frolicking pup in the comic book series Sniffy the Pup; by Standard Comics.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1949-1953.


famous dog in movie, book, The Plague Dogs

NAME: Snitter (See also Rowf)

In the book The Plague Dogs; about the escape of two dogs from a research station; based on the book The Plague Dogs; written by Richard Adams.

BREED: Fox Terrier Smooth

YEARS: Book: 1977.

Movie: 1982.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Peanuts

NAME: Snoopy (See also Spike)

Charlie Brown's dog in comic strip Peanuts and in animated TV specials such as I want a Dog for Christmas by Charles Schulz. (More about Snoopy.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Comic strip: 1950- now.

TV specials: 1965-2011.

Movies: 1969, 1972, 1977, 1980.


famous dog in movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

NAME: Snots

Rocky and Ruby Sue's dog in the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation; about a family Christmas get-together that turns into a disaster; starring Chevy Chase.

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in movie, Snow Dogs

NAME: Snowdogs (Including Demon, Diesel, Duchess, Mac, Nana, Scooper, Sniff, and Yodel)

Dr. Brooks' dogs in the movie Snow Dogs; about a dentist who inherits a team of sled dogs and has to learn the sled-trade or lose his pack to a crusty mountain man; starring Cuba Gooding.

BREED: Siberian Huskies

except for Nana, a Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2002.


famous dog in movie, Nine Dog Christmas

NAME: Snowplow

The leader of the group in the animated movie Nine Dog Christmas; about nine homeless canines who take the place of Santa's sick reindeer. (Also in the movie are dogs Q-T, Frenchie, Tank, McGregor, Chester, Fetch and Cheech.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie:2004.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, comics, The Adventures of Tintin

NAME: Snowy

Tintin's dog in the Belgian comic book, the animated TV series, and the animated movie The Adventures of Tintin; about a reporter and his dog; created by Georges "Hergé" Remi. The earlier TV series was The Adventures of Tintin; the later series Hergé's Adventures of Tintin.

BREED: Wire Fox Terrier

YEARS: Comic books: 1929-1976.

TV series: 1959-1963, 1991-1992.

Movie: 2011.


famous dog in book, A Night in the Lonesome October

NAME: Snuff

Jack the Ripper's companion and narrator of the story in the book A Night in the Lonesome October; about a good dog and his master collecting the gruesome ingredients needed for an eerie rite; written by Roger Zelazny.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Book: 1933.


famous dog in TV, The Quick Draw McGraw Show

NAME: Snuffles (See also Doggie Daddy and Augie Doggie)

Quick Draw companion used to ferret out bad guys in the old WestIn the animated TV series The Quick Draw McGraw Show; by Hanna-Barbera. (More about Snuffles.)

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: TV series: 1959-1961.


famous dog in movie, Pal Joey

NAME: Snuffy

Joey's dog, a gift from Linda, in the movie Pal Joey; about a second-rate, womanizing singer who meets a naive chorus girl; starring Frank Sinatra and Kim Novak.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1957.


famous dog in first cloned dog

NAME: Snuppy

The first cloned dog, born in Korea thanks to researchers led by biomedical scientist Hwang Woo-Suk.... (More about Snuppy)

BREED: Afghan Hound

YEARS: Dog: 2005-2008.


famous dog in movie, Since You Went Away

NAME: Soda

The Hilton family dog in the movie Since You Went Away; about a wife whose husband goes to fight in World War II and how she and her daughters cope through the war years; starring Claudette Colbert, et. al.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 1944.


famous dog in movie, Due Date

NAME: Sonny

Ethan's dog in the movie Due Date; about a high-strung father-to-be who is forced to hitch a ride with an aspiring actor and his dog so he can see his child's birth; starring Robert Downey Jr.

BREED: French Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in movie, The Dogfather

NAME: Sonny

An adopted dog in the movie The Dogfather; about a dog who swallows a mafia don's ring and his best soldiers try and retrieve it.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in comics, Dog eat Doug

NAME: Sophie

Doug's canine friend in the comic strip Dog eat Doug; about a dog and a baby in a love-hate relationship; created by Brian Anderson.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 2004- now.


famous dog in book, TV, comics, Moomin

NAME: Sorry O-O

A melancholy and longing dog in the comic strip, TV series, and books about Moomin; a series of episodes with several eccentric and oddly-shaped characters, some of whom are related to each other; by Finnish author Tove Jansson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Books: 1945-1970.

Comic strip: 1945-1975.

TV series: 1959-1991.


famous dog in book, Sounder

NAME: Sounder (Also see movie version)

The family dog in the book Sounder; a sad tale of a poor black sharecropper's family and their dog; written by William H. Armstrong

BREED: Redbone Hound

and Bulldog mix

YEARS: Book: 1929.


famous dog in movie, TV, Sounder

NAME: Sounder (Also see book version)

The family dog in the movie Sounder and its 1976 sequel and the movie for TV by Disney Sounder; a coming-of-age story of a boy living in the Depression Era of the South; based upon the book by William H. Armstrong but more upbeat.

BREED: Redbone Hound

YEARS: Movies: 1972, 1976.

TV movie: 2003.


famous dog in comics, Smokey Stover

NAME: Sparky

Smokey's firehouse dog (sometimes called Sparks) in the comic strip Smokey Stover; about a foolish firefighter (often riding in his two-wheeled "Foomobile") and his family and friends; created by Bill Holman.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: Comic strip: 1935-1973.


famous dog in National Fire Protection Association

NAME: Sparky

Official advertisement mascot for National Fire Protection Association. The cartoon character has been promoted through comic books and a web site.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: Ad: since 1951.


famous dog in movie, Frankenweenie

NAME: Sparky

Victor's dog in the movie and animated movie remake Frankenweenie; about a boy who creates a machines that revives his dead dog. The 2012 was a remake of the earlier movie both directed by Tim Burton.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1984, 2012.


famous dog in movie, Michael

NAME: Sparky (The Wonder Dog)

Frank's dog in the movie Michael; about three tabloid reporters who find out the Archangel Michael is on vacation living with an old woman; starring John Travolta, Andie MacDowell and William Hurt.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in TV, South Park

NAME: Sparky

Stan's dog in the animated TV series South Park; about the bizarre adventures of four boys; created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The show is known for crude language and dark humor.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1997- now.


famous dog in TV, The Fairly OddParents

NAME: Sparky

Timmy's talking fairy dog in the animated TV series The Fairly OddParents; about the everyday adventures of Timmy Turner, a boy who is granted two fairy godparents; created by Butch Hartman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2001-2018.


famous dog in TV, The Drew Carey Show

NAME: Speedy

Drew's pet in the TV series The Drew Carey Show; about a guy and his friends in the everyday events of his supposedly normal life; starring Drew Carey. (Also in the series was Mimi's dog, Antonio, a Pug.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2003.


famous dog in comics, Best in Show

NAME: Spencer

A wily dog in the comic strip Best in Show; about a dog with a mind of his own; create by Phil Juliano.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 2004-2017.


famous dog in Tom and Jerry

NAME: Spike

The stern but occasionally dumb dog in animated movies Tom and Jerry; by Hanna-Barbera. (More about Spike.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Cartoons: 1942-2008.


famous dog in comics, Peanuts

NAME: Spike (See also Snoopy)

Snoopy's older brother in the comic strip Peanuts; by Charles Schulz. (More about Spike.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1950- now.


famous dog in movie, Looney Tunes

NAME: Spike (See also Chester)

Chester's cohort in the animated movies Looney Tunes; voiced by Mel Blanc, produced by Warner Bros.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movies: 1952-1996.


famous dog in Old Yeller

NAME: Spike

Rescued from a shelter by animal trainer Frank Weatherwax, the dog actor played many roles including Old Yeller; A Dog of Flanders and as Brown in the television series The Westerner. (More about Spike.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

and Mastiff mix

YEARS: Dog: probably 1954-?.


famous dog in TV, Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats

NAME: Spike

A neighbor's dog in the movie and TV series Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats; about a wisecracking trouble-making cat and associates; created by George Gately. The earlier 1980 TV series was known as Heathcliff.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1980-1982, 1984-1988.


famous dog in TV, Rugrats

NAME: Spike (See also Fifi)

Fifi's boyfriend in animated TV series Rugrats; about eight babies as well as two dogs and their day-to-day lives; on Nickelodeon Network.

BREED: Siberian Tiger Hound

YEARS: TV series: 1991-2005.


famous dog in movie, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

NAME: Spike

The ship's dog in the animated movie Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas; about the sailor of legend traveling to the end of the world to retrieve the Book of Peace and save the life of a prince; by Dreamworks.

BREED: Bull Mastiff


YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in movie, The Game Plan

NAME: Spike

Kingman's dog in the movie The Game Plan; about football player living the bachelor lifestyle who discovers that he has a 8-year-old daughter.

BREED: English Bulldog

YEARS: Movie : 2007.


famous dog in comics, Big Nate

NAME: Spitsy

Nate's dog in the comic strip Big Nate; about the adventures of a spirited and rebellious sixth-grader along with his best friends; created by Lincoln Peirce.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1991- now.


famous dog in book, Dick and Jane

NAME: Spot

A generic dog in the book Dick and Jane; about a generic boy and generic girl in a generic world; created by William S. Gray a children's reader series.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1936-1965.


famous dog in comics, The Timbertoes

NAME: Spot

A wooden dog in the comic strip The Timbertoes; about a wooden family; appearing in 1946 in the children's magazine Highlights for Children; created in 1936 by John Gee Curley.

BREED: Wooden character

YEARS: Comic: 1936- now.


famous dog in movie, Shaft in Africa

NAME: Spot

A dog that Shaft happens upon that he befriends in the movie Shaft in Africa; about a detective who is some how supposed to stop a human trafficking ring in Africa while people try to kill him for who knows why; starring Richard Roundtree.

BREED: Africanis

YEARS: Movie: 1973.


famous dog in movie, See Spot Run

NAME: Spot (Agent 11)

Murdoch's dog in the movie See Spot Run; about a mailman who takes in a stray dog, then learns it's a trained FBI canine escaped from witness protection.

BREED: Bullmastiff

YEARS: Movie: 2001.


famous dog in TV, Teacher's Pet

NAME: Spot Helperman

Leonard's dog in the animated TV series Teacher's Pet (also known as Disney's Teacher's Pet); about a 9-year-old boy whose mother is a teacher and whose dog dresses up as a bo; created by Gary Baseman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2000-2002.


famous dog in book, TV, Spot the Dog

NAME: Spot the Dog

The feature puppy in the children's book series Spot the Dog; written by Eric Hill and later a British animated TV series titled Spot.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Book: series 1980-1996.

TV series: 1986-2000.


famous dog in movie, Isle of Dogs

NAME: Spots

Atari's lost dog in the animatead movie Isle of Dogs; about a group of dogs are fed up with their isolated existence until a boy arrives at the island searching for his dog. (Also in the movie are dogs Chief, Rex, Boss, Duke, and King.).

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in TV, Fraggle Rock

NAME: Sprocket

Doc's dog in the children's live-action puppet TV series Fraggle Rock and the animated TV series; a high-energy raucous musical romp with "Muppet" characters called Fraggles; created by Jim Henson.

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: TV series: 1983-1987.

Animated TV series: 1987.


famous dog in ads, Budweiser

NAME: Spuds Mackenzie (Also known as Honey Tree Evil Eye)

In advertisements for Budweiser beer one of the Anheuser-Busch brands played by a dog named Honey Tree Evil Eye. (More about Spuds.)

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Ads: 1987-1989.

Dog: 1983-1993.


famous dog in TV, Happys Days

NAME: Spunky

Fonzarelli's pet in the TV series Happys Days; about a teenager and his family and friends including a high school dropout who would eventually become Richie's best friend; starring Ron Howard and Henry Winkler.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 1974-1984.


famous dog in TV, Rocko's Modern Life

NAME: Spunky

Rocko's dog in the animated TV series Rocko's Modern Life; about the surreal adventures of an anthropomorphic wallaby and his animal friends and faithful dog; created by Joe Murray. (More about Spunky.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2002.


famous dog in TV, Dog With a Blog

NAME: Stan

The family dog in the TV series Dog With a Blog; about a family whose dog can talk and has a blog where he discusses the household happenings.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2012-2015.


famous dog in TV, Modern Family

NAME: Stella

Jay's dog in the TV series Modern Family; about a non-traditional extended family dealing with modern suburban life.

BREED: French Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 2009-.


famous dog in book, Stella is a Star

NAME: Stella

A dog no one seems to like in the children's book Stella is a Star; about a dog who learns the lessons of self-acceptance, following her heart's desires and that it's okay just to be herself; written by Bernadette Peters and illustrated by Liz Murphy.

BREED: Pit Bull

YEARS: Book: 2010, 2015.


famous dog in comics, Furbabies

NAME: Stella

One of Kate's animal friends in the comic strip Furbabies; about an imaginative nine-year-old girl and her animal friends; also in the comic is Shawm, a Afghan hound.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Comic strip: 2023- now.


famous dog in book, Stickeen: An Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier

NAME: Stickeen (Illustration by Christopher Canyon)

John Muir's dog in the children's book Stickeen: An Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier; about a trip Muir took in Alaska (1880) with his dog and their outing together on a glacier, as told by Donnell Rubay.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 1897.


famous dog in TV, Mission Hill

NAME: Stogie

Andy's dog in the animated TV series Mission Hill (formerly known as The Downtowners,) about a young man who works in an ad agency; created by Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein;

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2002.


famous dog in book, comics, Green Lantern

NAME: Streak

Companion to the original Green Lantern in the comic book series Green Lantern; about a super hero who fought common criminals in New York City with the aid of his magic ring; published by DC Comics.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1948.


famous dog in TV, The Beagles

NAME: Stringer and Tubby

The singing duet in the animated TV series The Beagles; a take-off of the famous musical group The Beatles; produced by Total Television. (Also in the series is dog Scotty.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: TV series: 1966-1968.


famous dog in comics, Tiger

NAME: Stripe

Tiger's ever-present mutt in the comic strip Tiger; about a scrappy group of school-aged kids; created by cartoonist Bud Blake.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic stripe: 1965-2003.


famous dog in movie, White Fang

NAME: Strongheart (Born as Etzel von Oeringen)

Dog actor in the movies such as White Fang in 1925. (More about Strongheart.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1917-1929.

Movies: 1921-1927.


famous dog in comics, Tobias Seicherl

NAME: Struppi

Tobias' dog in the Viennese comic strip Tobias Seicherl; about a bourgeois man, often drunk, usually strolling the streets of Vienna with his cane, pipe and dog; created by Ladislaus Kmoch.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1930-1931, 1958-1961.


famous dog in movie, Sgt._Stubby:_An_American_Hero

NAME: Stubby

Robert Conroy's companion in the animated movie Sgt._Stubby:_An_American_Hero; about a stray dog who becomes a hero of the World War I; based on the real life of a dog named Stubby, the 1st dog promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the US Army and most decorated in American history. (More about Stubby.)

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1917-1926.

Movie: 2018.


famous dog in movie, They Shall Have Music

NAME: Sucker

Frankie's companion in the movie They Shall Have Music; about a run-away boy who ends up at a music school for poor children where he meets famous violinist Jascha Heifetz. Sucker is played by Zero, one of the first movie dogs.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1939.


famous dog in movie, Due Date

NAME: Sunny

Ethan's dog in the movie Due Date; about two guys on a wild road trip trying to get to a birthing; starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Galifianakis.

BREED: French Bulldog

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in TV, The Sooty Show

NAME: Sweep

A grey dog with a penchant for bones and sausages in the TV series for children (British) The Sooty Show; about a a bear a panda and a dog all hand puppets. (More about Sweep)... (Also in the series is dog Butch.)

BREED: Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 1955-1992.


famous dog in movie, book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

NAME: Sweetie

The family dog in the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days; based on the popular illustrated children's book series Diary of a Wimpy Kid; written by author and cartoonist Jeff Kinney.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 2009.

Movie: 2012.


famous dog in book, TV, Go, Dog, Go

NAME: Tag Barker

The main pooch in the children's TV series Go, Dog, Go; about the lifestyle of two young canines in their canine town of Pawston; also in the movie is Scooch Pooch as well as several other dogs; based on the 1961 children's book of the same name by P. D. Eastman.

BREED: Beagador

YEARS: TV series: 2021- now.

Book: 1961-1989.


famous dog in TV, The Adventures of Gulliver

NAME: Tagg

Gary's dog in the animated TV series The Adventures of Gulliver; about a boy and his dog on an island with little people; by Hanna-Barbera Productions.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1968-1969.


famous dog in TV, The Powderpuff Girls

NAME: Talking Dog

The girls' dog in the animated TV series The Powderpuff Girls; about three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers; created by animator Craig McCracken.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1998-2009.


famous dog in movie, Rabbit Hole


Danny's dog that he chased after into the street, in the movie Rabbit Hole, about a married couple who struggle to deal wth the death of their young son; starring Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2010.


famous dog in movie, Honest Thief

NAME: Tazzie

Agent Sean Meyers' dog in the movie Honest Thief; about a guy who, after a life of as a thief, falls in love and decides to turn himself in; starring Liam Neeson and Kate Walsh.

BREED: Mix breed

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in movie, The Extra Girl

NAME: Teddy

Sue's dog in the movie The Extra Girl; about a small town girl who goes to Hollywood to escape marriage expecting to greeted with open arms but finds disappointment; starring Mabel Normand.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Movie: 1923.


famous dog in comics, Tekko Taks

NAME: Tekko Taks

In the Dutch comic strip Tekko Taks; about a dog that finds himself in various situations.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1947-1950, 1982-1985.


famous dog in TV, Tequila and Bonetti

NAME: Tequila

One of Nico's new partners in the TV series Tequila and Bonetti; about a cop from New York who on is sent on reassignment to California where he has to readjust to the locale and his canine companion; starring Jack Scalia.

BREED: Mastiff French

(Dogue de Bordeaux)

YEARS: TV series: 1992.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Terence (See also Roly, Wellard, and Willy)

Janine's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about the people of a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London Borough.

BREED: Lhasa Apso

YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in TV, Airfwolf


Stringfellow's dog in the TV series Airfwolf; about a high-tech military helicopter, code named Airwolf, and its crew as they undertake various missions.

BREED: Bluestick Coonhound

YEARS: TV series: 1984-1987.


famous dog in movie, The Doberman Gang

NAME: The Doberman Gang

Robber dogs in the movie The Doberman Gang; about an ex-con and his friends who train dobermans to rob a bank. Two sequels followed: The Daring Dobermans in 1973 and The Amazing Dobermans in 1976. (In the movie are dogs Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie, Clyde, Dillinger, Ma Barker and Pretty Boy Floyd.)

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Movie: 1972, 1976.


famous dog in TV, Family Dog

NAME: The Dog

The Binsford's pet in the animated TV series Family Dog; about an average suburban family as told through the eyes of their dog; created by Brad Bird.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1993.


famous dog in movie, The Mighty Celt

NAME: The Mighty Celt

Donal's favorite dog in the movie The Mighty Celt; about a 14-year old boy who works in a greyhound racing kennel, hoping to own one of the dogs.

BREED: Greyhound

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in movie, Bad Moon

NAME: Thor

The family dog in the movie Bad Moon; about a man dealing with a werewolf curse; based on the novel by Wayne Smith; starring Mariel Hemingway.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1996.


famous dog in TV, Party of Five

NAME: Thurber

The Salinger family dog in the TV series Party of Five; about 5 siblings whose parents were killed in an accident and how they cope.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1994-2000.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, Agaton Sax and the Bykoebing Village Festival

NAME: Tickie

Agaton's dog in the Swedish detective novels, animated TV series, and the animated movie Agaton Sax and the Bykoebing Village Festival (Agaton Sax och Byköpings gästabud); about an owner of a detective agency chasing two villains.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Books: 1955-1978.

Animated TV series: 1976.

Movie: 1976.



famous dog in TV, comics, ads, Buster Brown

NAME: Tige

In advertising and in the comic strip Buster Brown; about a mischievous young boy and his dog; created by Richard Felton Outcault and on radio and in the TV series. Adopted as mascot by Brown Shoe Company.

BREED: Pit Bull Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1901-1921.

Ads: 1904-now.

Radio: 1943-1954.

TV series: 1951-1953.


famous dog in TV, The Brady Bunch

NAME: Tiger (See Mop Top for the cartoon series dog)

The family dog in the TV series The Brady Bunch; about a blended family from two former marriages including three boys and three girls and the housekeeper; starring Robert Reed and Florence Henderson.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 1969-1974.


famous dog in book, TV, Kipper the Dog

NAME: Tiger (See also Kipper)

Kipper's friend in a series of children's books and in the animated TV series Kipper the Dog; about a mischievous and funny dog and his friends; written by Mick Inkpen.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: series 1992-2008.

TV series: 1999-2001.


famous dog in book, TV, The Famous Five

NAME: Timmy

The childrens' dog in the books, the TV series and animated TV series The Famous Five; a series of children's stories by Enid Blyton and later adapted for British TV in the late 1970s, then in the 1990s, then as an animated series.

BREED: Border Collie

in the TV series; mixed breed in the books

YEARS: Book: 1942-1963.

TV series: 1978-1979 1995-1997.

TV series: 2008.


famous dog in comics, Cap Stubbs and Tippie

NAME: Tippie

Cap's dog in the comic strip Cap Stubbs and Tippie; about the daily life of a boy and his dog (later renamed Tippie and Cap Stubbs); created and drawn by Edwina Dumm. The comic started out with the bulldog prior to 1930s, then a terrier. (Also a coloring book issued in 2014.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1918-1966.


famous dog in movie, Oliver & Company

NAME: Tito (See also Dodger, Einstein, Francis, Georgette, and Rita.)

A member of Fagin's gang in the animated movie Oliver & Company; a dog story based on the book Oliver Twist by English author Charles Dickens; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Movie: 1988.


famous dog in comics, Batman

NAME: Titus (See also Ace the Bat-hound)

Batman's later dog in the comic book series Batman. Titus was introduced in the Batman books as a German Shepard, taking the place of Ace the Bat-hound.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comics: 2012.


famous dog in comics, Rip Haywire


The family dog in the comic strip Rip Haywire; about a soldier of fortune who lives for danger, accompanied on adventures with his cowardly talking Collie dog TNT and his ex-girlfriend; written and illustrated by North Carolina artist Dan Thompson.

BREED: Collie

YEARS: Comic strip: 2009- now.


famous dog in comics, Spike and Suzy

NAME: Tobias

Dog adopted by Suzy in the Belgian comic strip Spike and Suzy (Suske en Wiske in Flemish); about two children and their friends and family with elements of comedy, fantasy, and science fiction.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1945- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Jommeke

NAME: Tobias (See also Fifi and Pekkie)

Dog of the Baron van Piependale in the 257th Flemish comic book of Jommeke; about a young boy who lives with his parents and loves adventure; created by Jef Nys

BREED: Fictional breed

with long ears and large feet

YEARS: Dog character: 2011.

Comic books: 1955- now.


famous dog in movie, The Great Mouse Detective

NAME: Toby

Basil's dog in the animated movie The Great Mouse Detective; a parody of Sherlock Holmes based on the children's book series Basil of Baker Street by Eve Titus; by Walt Disney.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Movie: 1986.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Journey

NAME: Toby (Originally named Buddy, then Molly, then Max, finally Toby.)

The narrator of the story in the book A Dog's Journey; about a dog's search for his purpose over the course of several lives; a sequel to A Dog's Purose by W. Bruce Cameron; also a movie. (The Buddy reincarnation derives from the earlier book.)

BREED: Beagle

(Originally a Black Labrador as Buddy, then a Cocker Spaniel as Molly, then a Poodle mix as Max, before ending up as Toby.)

YEARS: Book: 2012.

Movie: 2019.


famous dog in movie, book, The Phantom Tollbooth

NAME: Tock

Milo's companion in the animated movie The Phantom Tollbooth; about a boy and his dog who go from live-action to animation as his toy car transports them to the enchanted Kingdom of Wisdom and the cities of Digitopolis and Dictionopolis; based on the children's book by Norton Juster.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1961.

Movie: 1970.


famous dog in 1925 Serum Run to Nome

NAME: Togo

The lead dog in the famous 1925 Serum Run to Nome, also known as the "Great Race of Mercy." (More about Togo.)

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Dog: 1913-1929.

Famed run:1925.


famous dog in comics, Top Dog

NAME: Top Dog

Joey's friend in the comics Top Dog; about an intelligent talking dog and a human child who go on adventures involving spies, criminals and mad scientists; by Marvel Comics.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comics: 1985-1987.


famous dog in movie, book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

NAME: Toto

Dorothy's dog in the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; about a girl from Kansas and her dog who are off to see the wizard; written by L. Frank Baum; and in the movie The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1900.

Movie: 1939.


famous dog in TV, Tin Man

NAME: Toto

DG's companion (and former teacher) in the TV series Tin Man; about a small-town waitress who escapes death by entering the O.Z. (Outer Zone); starring Zooey Deschanel.

BREED: Border Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 2007.


famous dog in book, Towser Dog's Story

NAME: Towser

In the book Towser Dog's Story; by Amy Prentis part of a collection called "Aunt Amy's Animal Stories."

BREED: Collie Rough

YEARS: Book: 1906.


famous dog in book, TV, Towser

NAME: Towser

In the animated TV show Towser and in the book series, about a clever dog; created by writer and illustrator Tony Ross.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1984, 1985.

TV show: 1984.


famous dog in 9-11 attacks

NAME: Trakr

Rescue dog that discovered the last survivor of the 9-11 attacks in New York City in 2001. Later produced five cloned pups. (More about Trakr.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1994-2009.


famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp

NAME: Tramp (See also Lady, Scamp, Jock, and Trusty)

In the animated movie Lady and the Tramp; about an American Cocker Spaniel who lives with a refined upper middle-class family and a stray called Tramp; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Schnauzer


YEARS: Movie: 1955.


famous dog in TV, My Three Sons

NAME: Tramp

The family dog in the TV series My Three Sons; about a widower and aeronautical engineer raising his three sons and their dog; starring Fred MacMurray.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 1960-1972.


famous dog in TV, Superstretch and Microwoman

NAME: Trouble

The couple's dog in the animated TV series Superstretch and Microwoman; about a shape-shifting husband and wife crime-fighting team; one of the installments of Tarzan and the Super 7 a Saturday morning cartoon series produced by Filmation.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1978-1980.


famous dog in movie, Trouble

NAME: Trouble

Sarah Vanderwhoozie's dog in the animated movie Trouble, (retitled Dog Gone Trouble for Netflix); about a dog who is fought over to gain the inheritance of his late master. (Also in the movie is dog Rousey and several others)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2019, retitled in 2021.


famous dog in TV, George & Mildred

NAME: Truffles

Mildred's dog in the TV series (British) George & Mildred; a sitcom about an ill-matched married couple who move into a modern upmarket housing estate.

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1979.


famous dog in movie, Lady and the Tramp

NAME: Trusty (See also Lady, Tramp, Scamp, and Jock)

A friend of Lady in the animated movie Lady and the Tramp; about an American Cocker Spaniel who lives with a refined upper middle-class family and a stray called Tramp; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 1955.


famous dog in comics, Take It From The Tinkersons

NAME: Tubby

The family dog in the comic strip Take It From The Tinkersons; about a modern family facing the trials and troubles of daily life; created by Bill Bettwy.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2013- now.


famous dog in movie, Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery

NAME: Tucker

Mary's dog in the movie for TV Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery; about a cat and dog who solve a murder for their amatuer sleuth owner; starring Ricki Lake.

BREED: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in book, Until Tuesday

NAME: Tuesday

Luis's dog in the book Until Tuesday; about a veteran's struggles with PTSD, combat injuries, and his experiences with his service dog; written by Luis Carlos Montalvan.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Book: 2012.


famous dog in comics, Tuffy and his Magic Tail

NAME: Tuffy

Pet with in the British comic strip Tuffy and his Magic Tail; about a dog whose wagging tail results in magical things; by cartoonist Warden Arnold.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1939-1955.


famous dog in movie, book, My Dog Tulip

NAME: Tulip (Named Queenie in real-life and in the book)

Ackerley's dog in the book and animated movie My Dog Tulip; based on the memoirs of J. R. Ackerley; starring the voices of Christopher Plummer, Lynn Redgrave and Isabella Rossellini.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1956.

Movie: 2009.


famous dog in TV, Turbo Dogs

NAME: Turbodogs (Including Dash, Mags, Strut, Stinkbert, Clutch, and GT)

Six dogs friends in the animated TV series Turbo Dogs; about speedy canine friends who learn lessons in friendship, fair play, and teamwork. (Also in the series are dogs Cam, Ump, Five, Marlene, Zanner, Rock Rally, & others.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

(Clutch), Beagle (Dash), Bulldog (GT), Cocker Spaniel (Mags), Terrier (Stinkbert), Dachshund (Strut)

YEARS: TV series: 2008-2010.


famous dog in TV, Little Bear

NAME: Tutu

Granny's dog in the children's animated TV series Little Bear; about a curious grizzly bear cub who lives in the forest with his family and friends; based on the book series by Else Holmelund Minarik.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1995-2002.


famous dog in movie, Life is Ruff

NAME: Tyko

Calvin's dog on the movie for TV Life is Ruff; about a 13-year-old boy who adopts and trains a dog that proves to be more than anybody can handle.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

St. Bernard mix

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in TV, The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty

NAME: Tyrone

Waldo Kitty's antagonist in the animated TV series for children The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty; a parody of James Thurber's story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with anthropomorphic dogs and cats.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 1975.


famous dog in book, Sit, Ubu, Sit

NAME: Ubi (Ubi Roi)

Goldberg's Dog on TV promotional ads, and in the book Sit, Ubu, Sit; a book about an American writer and producer for television and film Gary David Goldberg best known for his work on Family Ties and Spin City. The closing tag for these Ubu Productions was a photograph of Ubu Roi with a frisbee in his mouth.

BREED: Black Labrador Retriever

YEARS: On screen: 1980s.

Book: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Underdog

NAME: Underdog (Also known as Shoeshine)

In the animated TV series Underdog; about a dog with super powers who always speaks in rhymes; voiced by Wally Cox. (Also in the series is dog Sweet Polly Purebred.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1964-1973.


famous dog in movie, Underdog

NAME: Underdog (Also known as Shoeshine)

In the movie Underdog; about a hound named Shoeshine who accidentally gains superpowers; based on the cartoon series of the same name. (Also in the movie are dogs Sweet Polly Purebred, Supershep the Bulldog, and Riff Raff.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in movie, Year of the Dog

NAME: Valentine (See also Pencil)

Peggy's second dog in the movie Year of the Dog; about a secretary whose life changes in unexpected ways after her dog dies; starring Molly Shannon.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2007.


famous dog in movie, As good As It Gets

NAME: Verdell

Simon's dog in the movie As good As It Gets; about a single mother, a misanthropic author, and a gay artist who form an unlikely friendship; starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.

BREED: Brussels Griffon

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in movie, The Burbs

NAME: Vince

The Peterson's dog in the movie The Burbs; about some suburban neighbors who are convinced that the new family on the block is a murderous Satanic family; starring Tom Hanks, Carrie Fisher among others. (Also in the movie is dog Queenie.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in TV, Lost

NAME: Vincent

Walt's dog in the TV series Lost; about airline passengers inexplicably stranded on a mystery island teeming with surprises.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2005-2010.


famous dog in TV, Family Guy

NAME: Vinny (See also Brian)

Brian's replacement in the animated TV series Family Guy; about the Griffins a dysfunctional family; created by Seth MacFarlane. (Also in the series is dog Jasper.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2003, 2005-.


famous dog in comics, Cathy

NAME: Vivian (See also Electra)

Irving's dog in the comic strip Cathy; about a woman and her struggles with food, love, mom, and work; by Cathy Guisewite.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1976-2010.


famous dog in movie, Dean Spanley


Dean's being before being reincarnated in the movie Dean Spanley; about a man who can't come to grips with the loss of his son; starring Peter O'Toole andSam Neill.

BREED: Welsh Springer Spaniel

YEARS: Movie: 2008.


famous dog in comics, Drabble

NAME: Wally

The family dog in the comic strip Drabble; created by Kevin Fagan.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1979- now.


famous dog in book, Walter the Farting Dog

NAME: Walter

The family dog in the children's book series Walter the Farting Dog; about a dog who has a gas problem that always turns out to not be a problem; written by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray, and illustrated by Audrey Colman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 2001-2007.


famous dog in book, comics, Kid Sherlock

NAME: Watson (John Watson)

Young Sherlock's canine companion in the comic book series Kid Sherlock; about a school boy and his dog who deal with bullies, track down lost toys, and other mysteries; written by Justin Phillips and Illustrated by Sean Miller and Leslay Atlansky.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic book series: 2017- now.


famous dog in book, TV, Hamish Macbeth

NAME: Wee Jock

Macbeth's dog in the TV series (British) Hamish Macbeth; about a man who keeps the peace in a small Scottish town without undue reliance on the letter of the law; loosely based on a series of mystery novels by M. C. Beaton.

BREED: West Highland White Terrier

YEARS: Book: 1985-2013.

TV series: 1995-1997.


famous dog in TV, Fluffy Gardens

NAME: Wee Reg

One of the characters in the children's animated TV series Fluffy Gardens in which each seven-minute episode tells the story of a different character. (Also in the series is George the Mean Yellow Dog.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2014.


famous dog in book, TV, comics, Ginga Legend Weed

NAME: Weed

Son of Gin in the Japanese comic book series and animated TV series Ginga Legend Weed; about a dog and his allies who journey throughout Japan aiding those in need;

BREED: Akita

YEARS: Comic book series: 1999- now.

Animated TV series: 2005-2006.


famous dog in comics, Mister Boffo

NAME: Weederman

Earl's dog in the comic strip Mister Boffo; about a balding big-nosed man married to a pretty blonde; by Joe Martin.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1986- now.


famous dog in TV, Oswald

NAME: Weenie

Oswald's friend in the children's animated TV series Oswald; about an octopus in a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, mythological creatures and other odd characters.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series 2001-2003.


famous dog in TV, Norm

NAME: Weiner Dog

Norm's dog in the TV series Norm; about a former NHL hockey player banned from the league for gambling and tax evasion who must perform five years of community service as a social worker; starring Norm Macdonald. (Also known as The Norm Show.)

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2001.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Wellard (See also Terence, Roly, and Willy)

Robbie's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about a community in a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London borough.

BREED: Belgian Tervuren

YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in movie, Who Gets the Dog

NAME: Wesley

Olive and Cay's dog in the movie Who Gets the Dog; about a separated couple who wrangle over their dog; starring Alicia Silverstone.

BREED: Labador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in book, TV, What-A-Mess

NAME: What-A-Mess (Real name Prince Amir of Kinjan)

Title character in a series of British children books and animated TV series What-A-Mess; about an accident-prone puppy; created by Frank Muir.

BREED: Afghan Hound

YEARS: Book: series 1984-1981.

TV series: 1990 1995.


famous dog in book, paraplegic chihuahua on wheels

NAME: Wheely Willy

The paraplegic chihuahua on wheelsfrom Long Beach California who became a celebrity as the subject of two bestselling children's books How Willy Got His Wheels. (More about Wheely Willy.)

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: Dog: 1991-2009.

Book: 1998.


famous dog in TV, Clue Club

NAME: Whimper (See also Woofer)

The down-to-earth easy-going intelligent dog in the animated TV series Clue Club and appearing under the title Woofer & Wimper Dog Detectives; produced by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1977.


famous dog in movie, book, White Dog

NAME: White Dog (The dog is not called by name)

The dog Julie adopts in the movie White Dog; about a woman who finds out the dog has been trained to attack black people; starring Kristy McNichol and Paul Winfield; loosely based on Romain Gary's 1970 French novel, Chien Blanc

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1970.

Movie: 1982.


famous dog in movie, book, To Dance with the White Dog

NAME: White Dog

The dog that comes into Sam's life in the movie To Dance with the White Dog; about a old man whose wife has died and taken possession of a stray dog's body so she can keep an eye on her widowed husband; based upon the novel by Terry Kay.

BREED: Australian Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 1990.

Movie: 2002.


famous dog in movie, book, TV, White Fang

NAME: White Fang

A wolf-dog during the Klondike Gold Rush at the end of the 19th century in the book, the movie and the animated TV series White Fang; about a wild dog's journey to domestication; original story written by Jack London.

BREED: Wolf-dog Hybrid

YEARS: Book: 1906.

Movies: 1936, 1991, 1993, 1994.

TV series: 1993.


famous dog in movie, TV, Boston Blackie

NAME: Whitey

The flippant detective's dog in book, in movies and in the TV series Boston Blackie; about a reformed jewel thief who solves crimes; in the movies starring Chester Morris, and in the TV series Kent Taylor. The characters of the stories were created by author Jack Boyle in the early 1900s.

BREED: Black Terrier

YEARS: Short Stories: 1914-1920.

Movies: 1918-1949.

Radio: 1944-1950.

TV series: 1951-1953.


famous dog in movie, Wiener-Dog

NAME: Wiener-Dog

A dog owned by several people in the movie Wiener-Dog; a series of four short stories about a dog who goes from owner to owner for a mix of reasons; starring an ensemble cast including Danny DeVito.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Return of the Shaggy Dog

NAME: Wilby Daniels

The person turned into a dog in the movie for TV The Return of the Shaggy Dog; about a magical ring that turns a man into a sheepdog.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: TV movie: 1987.


famous dog in movie, It's a Dog's Life

NAME: Wildfire

The narrator in the movie It's a Dog's Life; about dog telling his life story from the streets of the Bowery to a life of luxury.(Also in the movie are dogs Jimmy Jock and Miss Ladyship)

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 1955.


famous dog in TV, Wilfred

NAME: Wilfred

Sarah's dog in the TV series Wilfred; a comedy about a depressed fellow who is the only one to hear the neighbor's dog talking. This Australian TV series was imported to the U.S.; starring Jason Gann as Wilfred and Elijah Wood.

BREED: Mixed breed

(or dog imposter)

YEARS: Australian TV series: 2007-2010.

US TV series: 2011-2013.


famous dog in TV, Bob and Margaret

NAME: William & Elizabeth

The couple's pet dogs in the Canadian/UK animated TV series Bob and Margaret; about a married English couple, a middle class 40-ish working couple with no children and two dogs; produced by Nelvana.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1998-2001.


famous dog in movie, George S. Patton

NAME: Willie (formerly Punch; apparently the dog was not named after "William the Conqueror" as suggested in the movie Patton)

Companion pet for George S. Patton; the American general, devoted dog lover, acquired a terrier puppy in Europe during World War II. The dog folowed him around everywhere. The character Willie also appeared in the movie Patton.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1943-1955.

Movie: 1970.


famous dog in book, TV, Whistle for Willie

NAME: Willie

Peter's dog in the children's book and animated TV series Whistle for Willie; about a boy who longs to whistle for his dog; written and illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Book: 1964.

TV series: 1984.


famous dog in TV, Sport Billy

NAME: Willy

Billy's loyal companion in the animated TV series Sport Billy; about a young boy who is from the planet Olympus which is populated by athletic god-like beings; by Filmation Associates.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1979.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Willy (See also Terence, Wellard, and Roly)

Ethel's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about the people of a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London Borough.


YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in movie, Best in Show

NAME: Winky (See also Beatrice, Miss Agness, Hubert, and Rhapsody in White)

Gerry and Cookie Fleck's dog and winner in the movie Best in Show; about five dogs and their owners at the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show held in Philadelphia.

BREED: Norwich Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2000.


famous dog in movie, book, Because of Winn-Dixie

NAME: Winn-Dixie

Opal's new-found friend in the book and in the movie Because of Winn-Dixie; about a mischievous dog who befriends a lonely young girl in a new town and helps her make new friends; starring AnnaSophia Robb and Jeff Daniels; written by Kate DiCamillo.

BREED: Picardy Shepherd

YEARS: Book: 2000.

Movie: 2005.


famous dog in movie, TV, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

NAME: Winoma

A character in the animated TV series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic; about a studious unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle as her mentor Princess Celestia guides her to learn about friendship in the town of Ponyville; developed by Lauren Faust..

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2010-2019.

Animated movie: 2017.


famous dog in TV, Hector Heathcote

NAME: Winston

Hector's dog in the TV animated series Hector Heathcote; about an 18-year-old orange-haired colonial patriot who often urns up as an unsung hero during various periods in American history

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1963-1964.


famous dog in comics, Winston

NAME: Winston

A family dog in the comic strip Winston; about dog, parodied after Winston Churchill living with a husband-and-wife couple and a cat; created by Jim Burnett and Johnny Sajem.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1985-1987.


famous dog in TV, Wishbone

NAME: Wishbone

A dog that daydreams in the TV series for children Wishbone; created by Rick Duffield for PBS.

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 1995-2001.


famous dog in Rip Van Winkle

NAME: Wolf

The old man's dog in the short story Rip Van Winkle; about a man who sleeps for 20 years; by Washington Irving.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Short story: 1819.


famous dog in movie, My Pal Wolf

NAME: Wolf

Gretchen's dog in the movie My Pal Wolf; about a little girl who finds an AWOL army dog, then struggles to keep him.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1944.


famous dog in TV, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

NAME: Wolf

Byron Sully's dog in the TV series Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman; about a doctor who travels west and adapts to her new life as a mother; starring Jane Seymour.

BREED: Alaskan Malamute

YEARS: TV series: 1993-1998.


famous dog in movie, Won Ton Ton - The Dog Who Saved Hollywood

NAME: Won Ton Ton

The ersatz Rin Tin Tin in the movie Won Ton Ton - The Dog Who Saved Hollywood; about a woman who goes to Hollywood in 1924 to become an actress but the dog that followed her becomes the star; starring Madeline Kahn.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 1976.


famous dog in book, TV, comics, Super Friends

NAME: Wonder Dog

One of the super-heros in the animated TV series Super Friends; by Hanna-Barbera; created by E. Nelson Bridwell. (More about Wonder Dog.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic books: 1976-1977.

TV series appearance: 2008.


famous dog in TV, Woof

NAME: Woof (As a human, Eric Banks)

In the British TV series Woof (also A Boy Called Woof); about the adventures of a boy who turns into a dog; the show aired in 9 series for 69 episodes; written by Richard Fegen and Andrew Norriss; based on the book by Allan Ahlberg.

BREED: Various dogs played the part

YEARS: TV series: 1989-1997.


famous dog in TV, Where’s Waldo

NAME: Woof

Waldo's dog in the animated TV series Where’s Waldo; about a boy and his dog who travel to distant lands solving mysteries and lending a helping hand wherever they can; created by Martin Handford.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1991-1992.


famous dog in TV, Winky Dink and You

NAME: Woofer

Winky's dog in the animated TV series Winky Dink and You; about a boy and his dog; created by Harry Prichett Sr. and Ed Wyckoff.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1953-1957.


famous dog in TV, Clue Club

NAME: Woofer (See also Whimper)

The bumbling dog in the animated TV series Clue Club and appearing under the title Woofer & Wimper Dog Detectives; produced by Hanna-Barbera.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1977.


famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Ociee Nash

NAME: Woofer

Ociee's dog in the movie The Adventures of Ociee Nash; about a 9-year-old girl who's father sends her to live with her straight-laced Aunt Mamie in North Carolina.

BREED: Mixed beed

YEARS: Movie: 2003.


famous dog in TV, Super Why

NAME: Woofster

Whyatt's dog in the animated TV series Super Why; a children's adventure series in which five Super Readers help preschoolers learn the fundamentals of reading; created by Angela C. Santomero.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2012, 2015-2016.


famous dog in TV, Jamie and the Magic Torch

NAME: Wordsworth

Jamie's dog in the British animated TV series Jamie and the Magic Torch; about young boy and his torch which, when shone on the floor, opens up a hole into a fun dimension called Cuckoo Land; created by Cosgrove Hall.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1976-1979.


famous dog in movie, An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

NAME: Wylie Burp

The wild west sheriff in the animated movie An American Tail: Fievel Goes West; about a family of mice who decide to move out west unaware they are falling into a trap perpetrated by a smooth talking cat; produced by Steven Spielberg with Wylie voiced by Jimmy Stewart.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Movie: 1991.


famous dog in TV, Suburgatory

NAME: Yakult

Dallas' dog in the TV series Suburgatory; about a single father and his daughter who have moved from Manhattan to the suburbs.

BREED: Cairn Terrier,


YEARS: TV series: 2011-2014.


famous dog in comics, Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew!

NAME: Yankee Poodle (aka Rova Barkitt)

From Follywood (a parody of Hollywood), in the DC Comics comic book Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew!; about a team of funny animal superheroes called the Zoo Crew.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Comics: 1982-1983, 2005.


famous dog in movie, Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog

NAME: Yellow

Angus' dog in the movie Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog; about a boy and his dog who become stranded when turbulent waters capsize their boat; starring Jesse Bradford.

BREED: Golden Labrador

YEARS: Movie: 1994.


famous dog in TV, Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey

NAME: Yippee, Yappee, Yahooey

The king's royal dogs in the animated TV series Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey; about 3 dogs that must always protect, serve and obey the King; a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1964.


famous dog in TV, Yogi Bear

NAME: Yowp

The sheriff's dog in the animated TV series Yogi Bear; about a amusing bear and his antics in Jellystone Park; by Hanna Barbera.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series appearance: 1959.


famous dog in TV, Mighty Man

NAME: Yukk!

Mighty Man's faithful sidekick in the animated TV series Mighty Man; about a millionaire and his ugly dog who fight crime by becoming very small.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1979-1980.


famous dog in TV, Ben 10: Omniverse


Member of Ben's team in the animated TV series Ben 10: Omniverse, about the adventures of teenager who wields an extremely powerful device that allows him to change into various aliens.

BREED: Anubian Baskurr

YEARS: TV series: 2012-2014.


famous dog in comics, Little Annie Rooney

NAME: Zero

Annie's dog in the comic strip Little Annie Rooney; about a young orphaned girl who traveled about with her dog in the 1920s; originated by King Features Syndicate.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1927-1966.


famous dog in movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas

NAME: Zero

Ghost dog in the animated movie The Nightmare Before Christmas; the classic Christmas story as interpreted by Tim Burton.

BREED: Ghost dog

YEARS: Movie: 1993.


famous dog in movie, Zeus and Roxanne

NAME: Zeus

Terry's dog in the movie Zeus and Roxanne; about the friendship between a dog and a dolphin and a marine biologist and the dog's owner; starring Steve Guttenberg and Kathleen Quinlan.

BREED: Portuguese Podengo

YEARS: Movie: 1997.


famous dog in movie, The Dog Who Saved Christmas

NAME: Zeus

An adopted family pet in the movie The Dog Who Saved Christmas; about a dog who can't bark but manages to save the family Christmas from burglars.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2009.


famous dog in movie, Last of the Dogmen


Lewis' faithful companion in the movie Last of the Dogmen; about a bounty hunter who is hired to track down three fugitives but when he finds them mysteriously murdered; starring Tom Berenger and Barbara Hershey.

BREED: Australian Cattle Dog

YEARS: Movie: 1995.


famous dog in movie, The Cave of the Yellow Dog

NAME: Zochor (Translated as Spot)

The dog Nansal found in the movie (Mongolian/German) The Cave of the Yellow Dog; about a little dog who saves the life of a boy whose family and mother finally see his good soul.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2005.


famous dog in TV, Littlest Pet Shop

NAME: Zoe Trent

John and Clarissa's dog in the children's animated TV series Littlest Pet Shop; about a girl who discovers that she alone can understand and talk to all of the pets and other animals in the pet shop.

BREED: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 2012-2014.


famous dog in movie, Zoltan Hound of Dracula

NAME: Zoltan

A vampire dog in the movie Zoltan Hound of Dracula; starring José Ferrer.

BREED: Doberman Pinscher

YEARS: Movie: 1978.


famous dog in movie, The Southerner

NAME: Zoonie

The Tucker family dog in the movie The Southerner; about a poor family of cotton pickers who decide to get their own land, but must struggle against nature; starring Zachary Scott.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 1945.


famous dog in heaviest dog

NAME: Zorba (Aicama Zorba of La-Susa)

Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the heaviest dog in the world at over 343 lbs (155 kg).

BREED: English Mastiff

YEARS: Dog: 1981-1989.


famous dog in movie, Pet Sematary

NAME: Zowie

Drew's dog in the movie Pet Sematary; about a young family with a terrible secret in the backyard; based on the book by Stephen King.

BREED: Mongrel

YEARS: Movie: 1989.


famous dog in comics, Beano

NAME: Zuky

A character in the British children's comic strip magazine Beano; about a cat, Meeko, and dog, Zuky who fight like cat and dog usually for not good reason.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic: 2010- now.




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