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Images of Famous Dogs

with facts and years of popularity


Real Life Dogs Famous from 1940 to 1959

Sorted by Breed

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Willie; famous dog in movie, George S. Patton Checkers; famous dog in President Richard Nixon Feller; famous dog in President Harry S Truman Pal; famous dog in Lassie Come Home Ace the Wonder Dog; famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Rusty Flame; famous dog in Rusty Chips; famous dog in World War II Just Nuisance; famous dog in Royal Navy Spike; famous dog in Old Yeller Higgins; famous dog in Benji Laika; famous dog in first dog in space Lampo; famous dog in book, Lampo, the Traveling Dog Sinbad; famous dog in book, U.S. Coast Guard Gander; famous dog in World War II Judy; famous dog in World War II Sensation; famous dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Fala; famous dog in President Franklin Roosevelt Bamse; famous dog in World War II Horrie; famous dog in World War II Heidi; famous dog in President Dwight D. Eisenhower Smoky; famous dog in World War II 

The number of Real-Life Dogs Famous from 1940 to 1959 is 21

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famous dog in movie, George S. Patton

NAME: Willie (formerly Punch; apparently the dog was not named after "William the Conqueror" as suggested in the movie Patton)

Companion pet for George S. Patton; the American general, devoted dog lover, acquired a terrier puppy in Europe during World War II. The dog folowed him around everywhere. The character Willie also appeared in the movie Patton.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1943-1955.

Movie: 1970.


famous dog in President Richard Nixon

NAME: Checkers

Pet dog of President Richard Nixon, famous because of the Checker's speech. Also the president had dogs Irish setter King Timahoe, Terrier Pasha and Poodle Vicki.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Dog: 1952-1964.


famous dog in President Harry S Truman

NAME: Feller

Pet dog of President Harry S Truman. Since no one in the White House wanted the puppy Truman decided to give him to the White House physician. There was also Irish Setter Mike.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel English

YEARS: Dog: 1947-1961.


famous dog in Lassie Come Home


Dog actor in many films such as the Lassie Come Home and in the television series Lassie with actor Tommy Retig. (More about Pal.)

BREED: Collie Rough

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1958.


famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Rusty

NAME: Ace the Wonder Dog

Dog actor in the movie The Adventures of Rusty and many others from 1938-1946 including the 1943 serial The Phantom. (More about Ace.)

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1947.

Movies: 1938-1946.


famous dog in Rusty

NAME: Flame

Dog actor in the series of 1940s movies about Rusty, gaining fame in the 1946 movie My Dog Shep and father of Golden Boy Jr. who played Rin Tin Tin II.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Dog: 1940s.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Chips

The most decorated war dog of World War II. Also in the movie Chips the War Dog.

BREED: German Shepherd

mix with Collie and Husky

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1946.


famous dog in Royal Navy

NAME: Just Nuisance

Only dog to be enlisted in the Royal Navy, serving at HMS Afrikander, a Royal Navy shore establishment in Simon's Town, South Africa where a statue honors him.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1944.


famous dog in Old Yeller

NAME: Spike

Rescued from a shelter by animal trainer Frank Weatherwax, the dog actor played many roles including Old Yeller; A Dog of Flanders and as Brown in the television series The Westerner. (More about Spike.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

and Mastiff mix

YEARS: Dog: probably 1954-?.


famous dog in Benji

NAME: Higgins (See also character Benji)

Dog actor known mainly for his role as Benji in films and as the uncredited dog who played the character of "Dog" on the television sitcom Petticoat Junction. (More about Higgins.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1954-1975.


famous dog in first dog in space

NAME: Laika

A Russian stray who became the first dog in space and who died within hours after launch. (More about Laika.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1954-1957.

Flight: 1957.


famous dog in book, Lampo, the Traveling Dog

NAME: Lampo

Elvio's dog in life and in the book Lampo, the Traveling Dog. The dog rode trains by himself to various parts of Italy and always returned. Station workers everywhere would tie rail ticket stubs to his collar showing where he'd been. His statue is at Campiglia Marittima Station.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1953-1961.

Book: 1963.


famous dog in book, U.S. Coast Guard

NAME: Sinbad

The mascot of the U.S. Coast Guard and in the book written by George F. Foley Jr. Sinbad of the Coast Guard. (More about Sinbad.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1951.

Book: 1945.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Gander (Originally called Pal)

A dog with the Royal Rifles a regiment of the Canadian Army during World War II who was killed saving the lives of several wounded Canadian soldiers in 1941. (More about Gander.)

BREED: Newfoundland

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1941.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Judy

Mascot of the Royal Navy in World War II, only dog to be taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese.... (More about Judy)

BREED: Pointer

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1950.


famous dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

NAME: Sensation

Representative dog image for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. A dog named Don which had won bench championships in England in 1875 and 1876, became the symbolic image for the Kennel Club because of the 1935 steel engraving of “Sensation” by artist J. Wellstood. From 1980-1982, a head study of the dog gained popularity. (More about Sensation.)

BREED: Pointer

YEARS: Dog: 1870s.

In Kennel catalog: 1936- now.


famous dog in President Franklin Roosevelt

NAME: Fala

Pet dog of President Franklin Roosevelt. The president also had dogs German Shepherd Major, Scottish Terrier Meggie, Llewellyn Setter Winks, English Sheepdog Tiny, Great Dane President and Bullmastiff Blaze. (More about Fala.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1940-1952.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Bamse

The heroic mascot during World War II of the Free Norwegian Forces. (More about Bamse.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Dog: 1937-1944.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Horrie (The Wog-Dog)

Mascot of the Second Australian Imperial Force in World War II acting as a guard dog and giving early warning of enemy aircraft. (More about Horrie.)

BREED: Terrier mix

YEARS: Dog: 1941-1942.


famous dog in President Dwight D. Eisenhower

NAME: Heidi

Pet of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

BREED: Weimaraner

YEARS: Dog: 1956-1966.


famous dog in World War II

NAME: Smoky

Dog who served as a in World War II in the South Pacific with the Air Force and flew 12 rescue and photo reconnaissance missions. (More about Smoky.)

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1943-1957.




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