
Famous Ships and Boats

In history, movies, books, on exhibit

War ships, ship tragedies, steam ships, yachts, and more

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All Countries Ships and Boats A‑B


A. J. Goddard, famous ships 
A. J. Goddard — American paddle steamer
A Klondike Gold Rush era sternwheeler built for transporting men and supplies on the Upper Yukon River in Canada. She was not suited for the larger sections of the turbulent Yukon River, so instead she carried passengers and equipment across Lake LabergeLAUNCHED: 1898 FATE: Sank October 22, 1901.
Achille Lauro, famous ships (Another Achille Lauro)    
Achille Lauro — Dutch cruise ship
Hijacked in 1985 by 4 men representing the PLF; one passenger killed and thrown overboard. The affair was portray in a movie. On January 6, 1953, she collided in the Red Sea with MS Oranje, heading in the opposite direction.  LAUNCHED: 1947, July 18 FATE: Sank in the Indian Ocean on December 2, 1994 due to fire.
Admiral, SS, famous ships (Another Admiral, SS)    
Admiral, SS — American river steamboat (cruise ship; converted to diesel in 1974)
Was the largest river cruise ship in the world, sailing the Mississippi River from St. Louis. In 1979 she was converted to a land-based casino. She started out as the side-wheeled steel hulled steamboat, the Albatross, then became the Admiral in the 1940s.  LAUNCHED: 1907 FATE: Dismantled and sold for scrap in 2011.
Adriyatik, MS UND, famous ships (Another Adriyatik, MS UND)    
Adriyatik, MS UND — Turkish cargo ship
Cargo ship that caught fire off the coast of Istria, Croatia and burned for 2 days. She was sailing from Istanbul to Trieste carrying 200 trucks, nine tons of dangerous material, and 100-200 tons of ship fuel. In spite of fears, there was no environmental damage.  LAUNCHED: 2001, June 18 FATE: Being repaired.
Adventure Galley, famous ships 
Adventure Galley — English galley
Captain Kidd's flag ship. Because she had become worm-eaten and leaky, Kidd ordered her to be burnt.  LAUNCHED: 1695 FATE: Burnt and sunk at Saint Mary's Island in 1698.
AE1, HMAS, famous ships 
AE1, HMAS — Australia E-class submarine, British built
The first Royal Australian Navy submarine and the first allied vessel lost in World War I with a crew of 35. She was assigned to the capture of the German Pacific colony of New Guinea at the outbreak of the World War I.  LAUNCHED: 1913, May 18 FATE: Lost at sea September 14, 1914; her wreckage located at a depth of 300 meters off the Duke of York Islands.
Aeolus, famous ships 
Aeolus — British cruise ship; movie set creation
A mysterious ship in the British movie Triangle. The movie scenes include the exterior of the cruise liner which the director insisted on constructing to avoid shooting everything with green screens  LAUNCHED: 2009, movie release FATE: Inconclusive.

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African Queen, famous ships (Another African Queen)    
African Queen — American steamboat
Boat used in the 1951 movie The African Queen, an adventure set during World War I, starring Humprey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn. From 1912 to 1968, she shuttled cargo and passengers across Lake Albert in Africa. The steam engine in the movie was a prop and its original diesel engine was hidden under crates of gin and other cargo.  LAUNCHED: 1912 FATE: Refurbished to service as a tourist boat in Key Largo, Florida.
Alabama, CSS, famous ships 
Alabama, CSS — American Confederate screw sloop-of-war
A successful commerce raider that attacked Union merchant and naval ships during the American Civil War. She boarded nearly 450 vessels and captured or burned 65 Union merchant ships.  LAUNCHED: 1862, July 18 FATE: Sunk in June 1864 by USS Kearsarge at the Battle of Cherbourg.
Albacore, USS, famous ships 
Albacore, USS — American submarine
Research submarine that pioneered the teardrop hull of modern submarines. For more than two decades she provided the US Navy information and experience in making submarines faster, quieter, safer and more agile.  LAUNCHED: 1953, August 18 FATE: Decommissioned December 9, 1972. When being towed to a permanent display site in April 1984, she became stuck in the mud of Portsmouth Harbor. In 1985, she was dedicated there as a memorial.
Albert M. Boe, famous ships (Another Albert M. Boe)    
Albert M. Boe — American liberty ship
Last Liberty ship built. Though currently landlocked, she is still in use as the home of Trident Seafoods. The ship was withdrawn from the reserve fleet on 19 August 1964 and converted for use as the fish cannery ship Star of KodiakLAUNCHED: 1945, September 18 FATE: Converted to a fish cannery ship in 1964.
Alligator, famous ships 
Alligator — American submarine
First U.S. Navy submarine. The first American submarine, called Turtle (1776), never served in the U.S. Navy. The first commissioned U.S. submarine was the USS Holland in 1862.  LAUNCHED: 1862, May 18 FATE: Sank in bad weather off Cape Hatteras April 2, 1863.
Alvin, DSV, famous ships (Another Alvin, DSV)    
Alvin, DSV — American research vessel; submersible
First Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) able to dive to 4,500 meters or 14,800 feet. She was lost October of 1968 when she accidentally sank in 1500 meters of water, but was recovered in August of 1969 and refurbished.  LAUNCHED: 1964, June 18 FATE: Still in service.
America, famous ships 
America — American racing yacht; schooner
Won the Royal Yacht Squadron's 53 mile regatta around the Isle of Wight, August 22, 1851. The international sailing trophy, America's Cup, is named after her.  During the American Civil War, she served in the Union blockading squadron off Charleston, then after the war as a training ship at the Naval AcademyLAUNCHED: 1851, May 18 FATE: In disrepair, her remains were burned in 1945 at Annapolis.
American Queen, famous ships 
American Queen — American river paddle steamboat; stern-wheeler
Largest steamboat ever built, as of 2012. In 2012 she participated for the first time in the Great Steamboat Race and came in second.  LAUNCHED: 1995 FATE: Still in operation on the Mississippi River.




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Amethyst, HMS, famous ships 
Amethyst, HMS — British modified Black Swan class sloop
Subject of the 1957 movie Yangtse Incident, an actual event in April of 1949 during the Chinese Civil War. In the movie, she played herself. During World War II, she was deployed mostly on anti-submarine patrols and escort duties.  LAUNCHED: 1943, May 18 FATE: Scrapped January 19, 1957.
Ancon, SS, famous ships 
Ancon, SS — American steamship
First ship to officially transit the Panama Canal on August, 15 1914. (Sister ship Cristobal made the first unofficial transit on August 3, 1914). She was acquired by the US Navy from the US Army for troop transport just after the end of World War I.  LAUNCHED: 1902 FATE: As the USS Ancon (ID-1467), she was decommissioned on July 25, 1919.
Andrea Doria, SS, famous ships (Another Andrea Doria, SS)    
Andrea Doria, SS — Italian ocean liner
Collided with the MS Stockholm in the Atlantic and sank; 52 people died. Of all Italy's ships at the time, she was the largest, fastest and supposedly safest. She was the last major transatlantic passenger ship to sink.  LAUNCHED: 1953, January 18 FATE: Sank July 26, 1956.
Andrea Gail, famous ships 
Andrea Gail — American fishing vessel
Lost at sea off the coast of Massachusetts with six crew during The Perfect Storm of 1991. The tragedy was the basis of the 1997 book by Sebastian Junger and the 2000 movie The Perfect StormLAUNCHED: 1978 FATE: Lost at sea October 28, 1991.
Antonia Graza, famous ships 
Antonia Graza — Italian ocean liner
A fictional ship in the movie Ghost Ship. The plot follows a salvage crew that discovers a long-lost passenger ship floating lifeless in a remote region of the Bering Sea... and horrors abound.  LAUNCHED: 1962, first scene takes place in May FATE: Last scene takes place in 1966.
Archimedes, SS, famous ships 
Archimedes, SS — British steamship
First ship propelled by a screw drive. The advantages over side paddlewheel propulsion persuaded the Royal Navy to build the steam sloop-of-war HMS Rattler, the first British warship to adopt a screw propeller.  LAUNCHED: 1839, October 18 FATE: Sank in the Meuse River during a storm on March 1, 1864.
Argo, famous ships 
Argo — Greek galley, legendary
The ship on which Jason and the Argonauts are said to have sailed from Iolcos to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Legend has it that the Argo was built by the shipwright Argus, and its crew were specially protected by the goddess HeraLAUNCHED: 1300, BC, perhaps FATE: Unknown.
Argonaut, famous ships 
Argonaut — American cabin cruiser
The vessel used in the American TV series Sea Hunt, starring Lloyd Bridges about a free-lance scuba diver, airing 1958-1961. Several cabin cruisers were utilized in filming. One notable model was the Trojan Express custom built by Trojan Yachts in 1960.  LAUNCHED: 1958 FATE: Inconclusive.




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Argus, HMS, famous ships 
Argus, HMS — British aircraft carrier
First Aircraft carrier to have a full flight deck and a lift. She was built from the incomplete Italian ocean liner Conte Rosso and served extensively in both world wars.  LAUNCHED: 1917, December 18 FATE: Scrapped December 1946.
Ariel, famous ships 
Ariel — English clipper ship
Famous for almost winning The Great Tea Race of 1866, an unofficial race between Fuzhou, China and London. On September 6, 1866, the Taeping docked twenty minutes ahead of Ariel.  LAUNCHED: 1865 FATE: Went missing in early 1872.
Arizona, USS, famous ships (Another Arizona, USS)    
Arizona, USS — American battleship
The sunken ship lies in Pearl Harbor with a memorial above it honoring the lost of 1177 crew. The sunken ship continues to leak about a quart of oil per day into the harbor.  LAUNCHED: 1915, June 18 FATE: Sunk during the December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
Ark Royal, HMS, famous ships (Another Ark Royal, HMS)    
Ark Royal, HMS — English galleon
English flagship that fought against the Spanish Armada. During the reign of James VI and I, she was renamed Anne Royal. Several British aircraft carriers have been named Ark RoyalLAUNCHED: 1587 FATE: Accidentally sunk in April of 1636; raised and broken up in 1638.
Artemis, famous ships 
Artemis — American sloop
The ship on which Claire and Jamie Fraser travel across the Atlantic in pursuit of the Bruja as seen in season 3 of the TV series Outlander. The ship was never in the water. Green screen was used to fill in ocean background.  LAUNCHED: 2017, for the TV series FATE: inconclusive.
Arthur Foss, famous ships (Another Arthur Foss)    
Arthur Foss — American tugboat
One of the oldest wooden-hulled tugboats afloat in the United States. She was cast by MGM to play in the 1933 movie Tugboat AnnieLAUNCHED: 1887 FATE: Renovated and on display at Seattle's South Lake Union Park.
Asgard, famous ships (Another Asgard)    
Asgard — British yacht
She is most noted for her use in the Howth gun-running of 1914. She was used for sail training by the Irish Navy in the 1960s and as the national sail training vessel from 1969 to 1974.  LAUNCHED: 1905 FATE: The restored Asgard is on permanent display in Collins Barracks, Dublin.
Association, HMS, famous ships 
Association, HMS — British second-rate ship of the line
After serving with distinction at the capture of Gibraltar, she ended up lost in a storm and wrecked with 3 other ships with the loss of nearly 2,000 lives. The rediscovery of the Association and so many historical artefacts led to legislation such as the Protection of Wrecks Act to preserve British historic wreck sites.  LAUNCHED: 1697 FATE: Wrecked of the Isles of Scilly October 22, 1707.




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Atlantic, RMS, famous ships 
Atlantic, RMS — English ocean liner with sails and steam
One of the deadliest civilian maritime disaster in history killing 535 people. The greatest disaster for the White Star Line prior to the loss of Titanic 39 years later.  LAUNCHED: 1871, June 18 FATE: Ran onto rocks and sank off the coast of Nova Scotia April 1, 1873.
Atlantis, famous ships 
Atlantis — German auxillary cruiser or commerce raider
She had the longest raiding career of any German commerce raider in either world war and was second only to Pinguin in tonnage destroyed. She began her career as the cargo ship Goldenfels. In late 1939 she was requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine and converted into a warship.  LAUNCHED: 1937, Converted in 1939 FATE: Sunk by a British ship November 22, 1941.
Australia II, famous ships 
Australia II — Australian racing yacht
First winning challenge to the New York Yacht Club's 132 year hold on the America's Cup during the 1983 America's Cup Race. The legality of her winged keel, which gave her advantage in maneuverability and heeling moment, was challenged by the NYYC but upheld.  LAUNCHED: 1982 FATE: On display at the Western Australian Maritime Museum in Fremantle.
Azzam, famous ships (Another Azzam)    
Azzam — Emirati luxury yacht, 180 meters (590 ft) in length; German built
As of 2019, the world's largest private yacht with extravagant features and accommodations. At an estimated cost of US $605,000,000, she has a top speed of over 32 knots and carries a submarine and a missile defense system.  LAUNCHED: 2013, April 18 FATE: At sea, but not for charter.
B-39, famous ships 
B-39 — Russian foxtrot-class submarine
The Soviet Navy's largest non-nuclear submarines.. In 2012, she was used as a prop in the movie Phantom. Another B-39 is rusting in England (see Black Widow).  LAUNCHED: 1967, April 18 FATE: Decommissioned April 1994; now a museum ship at the Maritime Museum of San Diego, California.
Balao, USS, famous ships 
Balao, USS — American submarine
Featured as the "pink submarine" in the 1959 movie Operation Petticoat, co-starring with Cary Grant and Tony Curtis. She served ten patrols in World War II, then in training exercises afterwards. Her conning tower and periscope are on display at the U.S.Navy Museum in Washington, D.C.  LAUNCHED: 1942, October 18 FATE: Sunk as a target off Florida on September 6, 1963.
Ballantrae, USS, famous ships 
Ballantrae, USS — American Town-class destroyer
A fictional ship in the movie Gift Horse on a one-way mission in World War II to destroy a German-held dry dock in France; based on HMS Campbeltown and the St Nazaire Raid. The USS Twiggs was turned over to the Royal Navy in 1940 to become HMS Leamington. From 1944-1949, she served under the Russian flag, then was returned to Great Britain in 1950 where she appeared in the movie.  LAUNCHED: 1951, movie release; USS Twiggs launched September 1918 FATE: After appearing in the movie, she was scrapped at Newport, Wales in 1951.
Batavia, famous ships 
Batavia — Dutch galeon
The original ship was made famous by the mutiny and massacre of over 125 crew and passengers. The replica was built with traditional materials using the tools and methods as in the original Batavia's construction.  LAUNCHED: 1628, original ship; replica completed 1995 FATE: Wrecked on Houtman Abrolhos in June 1629; replica is on exhibit at Lelystad, Netherlands.




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Baychimo, SS, famous ships 
Baychimo, SS — German cargo ship, then British; steel-hulled
Known as a ghost ship and seen numerous times since, her last sighting in 1969. She was taken by Great Britain as part of Germany's WW I reparations and acquired by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1921.  LAUNCHED: 1914 FATE: Abandoned and lost along the Alaska coast in November, 1931.
Beagle, HMS, famous ships 
Beagle, HMS — English sloop, or brig-sloop, two-masted
She carried Charles Darwin on his historic expedition beginning in 1831. Robert FitzRoy was captain during the historic round-the-world trip. In 1845 the Beagle was refitted as a static coast guard watch vessel.  LAUNCHED: 1820, May 18 FATE: Sold for scrap in 1870.
Becuna, USS, famous ships 
Becuna, USS — American submarine
Designated a National Historic Landmark for her service in World War II, for which she earned four battle stars. She is credited with having sunk two Japanese tankers totaling 3,888 tons.  LAUNCHED: 1944, January 30 FATE: She serves as a museum ship at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Belfast, HMS, famous ships 
Belfast, HMS — British town-class cruiser
One of only three surviving bombardment ships which supported the D-Day Normandy Landings in 1944 of World War II, firing probably the first or second salvo. She spent 33 days in support of the D-Day landings and fired over 4,000 6-inch and 1,000 4-inch shells.  LAUNCHED: 1938, March 18 FATE: After much preservation work, she is on exhibit, located on the River Thames next to Tower Bridge at the Port of London.
Belinda, USS, famous ships 
Belinda, USS — American attack transport
The World War II ship in the 1956 movie Away All Boats.. She was portrayed by the USS Randall, an attack transport in service with the United States Navy from 1944 to 1956.  LAUNCHED: 1956 FATE: The actual ship, Randall, was scrapped in 1972.
Belle of Louisville, famous ships 
Belle of Louisville — American steamboat, paddle, stern-wheeler
Oldest continually operating river steamboat in the United States. She competes every year in the Kentucky Derby Festival event The Great Steamboat RaceLAUNCHED: 1914 FATE: Restored in 1964, still in use at Louisville, Kentucky.
Birkenhead, HMS, famous ships (Another Birkenhead, HMS)    
Birkenhead, HMS — British frigate, steamer
The protocol "women and children first" originated on this sinking ship. Only 193 of the 643 people on board survived. Over the years, numerous attempts have been made to salvage the gold thought on board.  LAUNCHED: 1845, December 18 FATE: Struck a hidden reef and sank February 26, 1852.
Birmingham, USS, famous ships 
Birmingham, USS — American scout cruiser, Chester-class
The first airplane takeoff from a ship in history in 1910. During World War I, she patrolled along the northeast U.S. coast until 14 June 1917 when she sailed from New York as part of the escort for the first US troop convoy to France.  LAUNCHED: 1907, May 29 FATE: Sold for scrap, 13 May 1930.




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Birthday Present, famous ships 
Birthday Present — American super-yacht
Super-yacht used int the movie Overboard. The custom motor yacht was actually the Aspen Alternative built in 2010 by Trinity Yachts  LAUNCHED: 2018, movie release; 2010 yacht built FATE: Inconclusive.
Bismarck, famous ships (Another Bismarck)    
Bismarck — German battleship
At the Battle of Denmark Straits, May, 1941, she sunk the British battlecruiser HMS Hood. Relentlessly pursued and sunk by the Royal Navy following Winston Churchill's order "Sink the Bismarck". She and her sister ship Tirpitz were the largest battleships ever built by any European country.  LAUNCHED: 1939, February 18 FATE: Sunk by British forces on May 27, 1941 in the North Atlantic.
Black Pearl, famous ships 
Black Pearl — American yacht
The world's largest sailing yacht capable of running carbon free. Her sails consist of freestanding rotating masts with rigid yards that acts as square rigs. She can accommodate 12 passengers and features an on-deck Jacuzzi, swimming platform, and a tender garage.  LAUNCHED: 2016 FATE: In service.
Black Widow, famous ships 
Black Widow — Russian foxtrot-class submarine
The rusting boat had been a museum ship for several years in the early 2000s at Folkestone in England. Submarine U-475 Black Widow was a Soviet Navy submarine of the late 20th century. She was sold by the Soviet Navy in 1998 and became a museum ship. Another Foxtrot B-39 is moored at San Diego as a museum ship (see B-39).  LAUNCHED: 1966, December 18 FATE: Decommissioned in 1994 and sold; she is in a state of disrepair awaiting restoration at River Medway.
Bluebird K7, famous ships (Another Bluebird K7)    
Bluebird K7 — British hydroplane, jet powered
Set seven world water speed records between 1955-1964, reaching 276.3 mph or 444.7 km/h. She was developed and piloted by Donald CampbellLAUNCHED: 1955 FATE: Flipped and disintegrated at high speed on Coniston Water January 4, 1967, killing Donald Campbell.
Bluenose, famous ships (Another Bluenose)    
Bluenose — Canadian schooner, fishing and racing
Featured on the Canadian dime and once on a Canadian 50 cent postage stamp (see "Another IMAGE") and appears on some Nova Scotia licence plates. During its racing career Bluenose was never beaten and held the International Fisherman's Trophy for 18 consecutive years.  LAUNCHED: 1921, March 18 FATE: Struck a coral reef and abandoned off Haiti on January 28, 1946.
Blyshawica, ORP, famous ships 
Blyshawica, ORP — Polish destroyer, Grom-class
She is the only Polish Navy ship to have been decorated with the Virtuti Militari, Poland's highest military order for gallantry. She is the oldest preserved destroyer in the world.  LAUNCHED: 1937, November 25 FATE: On display as a museum ship in Gdynia, Poland.
Boka Vanguard, famous ships 
Boka Vanguard — Netherlands heavy-lift ship
She is the largest semi-submersible heavy-lift ship ever built and is able to carry cargoes up to 110,000 tonnes. She is capable of lifting ships or rigs out of the water and placing them back into the water.  LAUNCHED: 2012, October 7 FATE: Still in service




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Bonhomme Richard, USS, famous ships 
Bonhomme Richard, USS — American frigate
Warship commanded by John Paul Jones. She defeated HMS Serapis in the Battle of Flamborough HeadLAUNCHED: 1766 FATE: Sank in battle off the coast of Yorkshire September 25, 1779.
Boudeuse, famous ships (Another Boudeuse)    
Boudeuse — French frigate
First woman to circumnavigate the globe on board, Jeanne Baret, disguised as man. She is also famous as the exploration ship of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1766-1769. ("Another IMAGE" is the commemorative stamp issued.)  LAUNCHED: 1766, March 18 FATE: Broken up for firewood at Malta in early 1800.
Bounty (replica), famous ships (Another Bounty (replica))    
Bounty (replica) — Canadian collier, three-mast (American owned)
A reconstruction of the original 1787 Royal Navy ship built for the 1962 movie Mutiny on the Bounty. She also appeared in the 1989 movie Treasure Island and the 2006 and 2007 movies Pirates of the Caribbean. Over the years, she was also used for promotion, entertainment, and education.  LAUNCHED: 1960, August 18 FATE: Sank near North Carolina during Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012.
Bounty, HMS, famous ships 
Bounty, HMS — English collier, three-mast
Mutiny aboard ship, April 28, 1789, led by Fletcher Christian against Captain William Bligh. Its mission was to pick up breadfruit plants from Tahiti and transport them to the West Indies. The mutiny was dramatized in several books and moviesLAUNCHED: 1784 FATE: Was burned by the mutineers on January 23, 1790.
Bow Mariner, famous ships 
Bow Mariner — Norwegian tanker
She exploded and sank taking with her 21 of the 27 crew. At the time of the accident she was carrying 3.5 million gallons of industrial ethanol. She sank in 240 feet of water.  LAUNCHED: 1982 FATE: Sank off the coast of Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia February 28, 2004.
Bras d'Or, HMCS, famous ships 
Bras d'Or, HMCS — Canadian hydrofoil
The fastest unarmed warship in the world exceeding 63 knots (72 mph). As a project for the testing of anti-submarine warfare technology on an ocean-going hydrofoil, she was never fitted with equipment for warfare.  LAUNCHED: 1968, July 12 FATE: On display at the Musée Maritime du Québec.
Britannia, HMY, famous ships 
Britannia, HMY — British yacht
Former Royal Yacht of the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and where Prince Charles and Diana took their honeymoon. During her service as Royal Yacht conveying members of the Royal Family and various dignitaries, she steamed 1,087,623 nautical miles or 2,014,278 km.  LAUNCHED: 1953, April 18 FATE: Decommissioned December 11, 1997, now a museum ship at Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Britannic, HMHS, famous ships (Another Britannic, HMHS)    
Britannic, HMHS — British ocean liner
Largest ship lost during the World War I with the loss of 30 lives. Launched just before the start of the World War I, she was put to use as a hospital ship in 1915. With her loss, SS Bismarck was given to the White Star Line as part of post-war reparations.  LAUNCHED: 1914, February 18 FATE: Struck a mine and sank off the Greek island of Kea November 21, 1916.




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Buford, USAT, famous ships 
Buford, USAT — American cargo/passenger ship
Used to deport 249 non-citizens of the U.S. to Russia because of their alleged anarchist political beliefs; nicknamed the Soviet Ark.. In 1906, rescued over 600 passengers and crew from the SS Mongolia. In 1921, rescued 65 passengers and crew from the inferno of the Japanese steam freighter Tokuyo Maru. Used by Buster Keaton for his film The NavigatorLAUNCHED: 1890, August 29 FATE: Scrapped in late 1929.

The number of All Countries Ships and Boats A‑B listed is 64

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Page  Ship Name    (Country and Type)
1.  Achille Lauro (Dutch cruise ship)
2.  African Queen (American steamboat)
3.  Amethyst, HMS (British modified Black Swan class sloop)
4.  Argus, HMS (British aircraft carrier)
5.  Atlantic, RMS (English ocean liner)
6.  Baychimo, SS (German cargo ship)
7.  Birthday Present (American super-yacht)
8.  Bonhomme Richard, USS (American frigate)

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  All Countries
    Ships and Boats A‑B

1.  Achille Lauro Dutch cruise ship
2.  Admiral, SS American river steamboat
3.  Adriyatik, MS UND Turkish cargo ship
4.  Adventure Galley English galley
5.  AE1, HMAS Australia E-class submarine
6.  Aeolus British cruise ship
7.  African Queen American steamboat
8.  Alabama, CSS American Confederate screw sloop-of-war
9.  Albacore, USS American submarine
10.  Albert M. Boe American liberty ship
11.  Alligator American submarine
12.  Alvin, DSV American research vessel
13.  America American racing yacht
14.  American Queen American river paddle steamboat
15.  Amethyst, HMS British modified Black Swan class sloop
16.  Ancon, SS American steamship
17.  Andrea Doria, SS Italian ocean liner
18.  Andrea Gail American fishing vessel
19.  Antonia Graza Italian ocean liner
20.  Archimedes, SS British steamship
21.  Argo Greek galley
22.  Argonaut American cabin cruiser
23.  Argus, HMS British aircraft carrier
24.  Ariel English clipper ship
25.  Arizona, USS American battleship
26.  Ark Royal, HMS English galleon
27.  Artemis American sloop
28.  Arthur Foss American tugboat
29.  Asgard British yacht
30.  Association, HMS British second-rate ship of the line
31.  Atlantic, RMS English ocean liner
32.  Atlantis German auxillary cruiser
33.  Australia II Australian racing yacht
34.  Azzam Emirati luxury yacht
35.  B-39 Russian foxtrot-class submarine
36.  Balao, USS American submarine
37.  Ballantrae, USS American Town-class destroyer
38.  Batavia Dutch galeon
39.  Baychimo, SS German cargo ship
40.  Beagle, HMS English sloop
41.  Becuna, USS American submarine
42.  Belfast, HMS British town-class cruiser
43.  Belinda, USS American attack transport
44.  Belle of Louisville American steamboat
45.  Birkenhead, HMS British frigate
46.  Birmingham, USS American scout cruiser
47.  Birthday Present American super-yacht
48.  Bismarck German battleship
49.  Black Pearl American yacht
50.  Black Widow Russian foxtrot-class submarine
51.  Bluebird K7 British hydroplane
52.  Bluenose Canadian schooner
53.  Blyshawica, ORP Polish destroyer
54.  Boka Vanguard Netherlands heavy-lift ship
55.  Bonhomme Richard, USS American frigate
56.  Boudeuse French frigate
57.  Bounty (replica) Canadian collier
58.  Bounty, HMS English collier
59.  Bow Mariner Norwegian tanker
60.  Bras d'Or, HMCS Canadian hydrofoil
61.  Britannia, HMY British yacht
62.  Britannic, HMHS British ocean liner
63.  Buford, USAT American cargo

About the Data

There are more than 400 ships in this database, but the initial list is only for famous ships names that begin with letters "A-B". For other listings, use the  country  and  type  tabs.

Touching (or cursor over) a ship image produces an enlargement. Touch anywhere else (or move the cursor off the image) to close the larger image. Touching (or clicking on) any underlined name will link to a page with more information.

Although submarines are usually called boats, they are grouped with ships here.

Most of the information comes from Wikipedia.





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 Commercial Names

 Place Names

 Street Names

 Sports Team Names


 You're Not Your Name

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