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Images of Famous Dogs

with facts and years of popularity


All Dogs Famous 2016 to now

Sorted by Dog Name

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Andy; famous dog in comics, Mark Trail Andy; famous dog in comics, Pearl Before Swine Apollo and Zeus; famous dog in TV, Magnum-P.I. Arthur; famous dog in movie, Arthur the King Ava; famous dog in movie, The Noel Diary Axel; famous dog in comics, Fusco Brothers Böwser vön Überdog; famous dog in comics, The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama Bailey; famous dog in Harry Bliss Bailey; famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Pup Barfy; famous dog in comics, Family Circus Barney; famous dog in TV, Blue Peter Bars; famous dog in comics, Franka Bastian; famous dog in movie, Game Night Bear; famous dog in TV, Person of Interest Bella; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Way Home Bendico; famous dog in TV, The Leopard Bill; famous dog in comics, Boule et Bill Billy Beagle; famous dog in TV, Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Bingo; famous dog in ads, Cracker Jacks Bingo; famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear Bingo and Rolly; famous dog in TV, Puppy Dog Pals Binky Barnes; famous dog in TV, Arthur Birba; famous dog in movie, The Truffle Hunters Biscuit; famous dog in book, Biscuit Storybook Collection Bitsy; famous dog in comics, Marvin Bitzer; famous dog in movie, TV, Shaun the Sheep Blu; famous dog in book, comics, Monica and Friends Bluey; famous dog in TV, Bluey Bobje; famous dog in comics, Berts Bobje Bolivar; famous dog in movie, book, comics, Donald Duck Boomer; famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe Bowser; famous dog in comics, Moose & Molly Bowser; famous dog in book, Woof Brandy; famous dog in TV, After Life Brian; famous dog in TV, Family Guy Buck; famous dog in movie, book, Call of the Wild Buckles; famous dog in comics, Buckles Buckley; famous dog in movie, Buckley's Chance Buddy; famous dog in TV, Doc Martin Buddy; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Purpose Bug; famous dog in movie, Strays Bullet; famous dog in TV, comics, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith Bumper; famous dog in comics, The Middletons Butch; famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Butch; famous dog in TV, The Rocketeer Cagney; famous dog in comics, Zack Hill Canturro; famous dog in comics, Gaturro Ceri; famous dog in TV, Llan-ar-goll-en Channing Tatum; famous dog in movie, Puppy Love Cheddar; famous dog in TV, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Chief Mutt; famous dog in comics, Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids Chinook; famous dog in movie, Hero Dog: The Journey Home Cinnamon; famous dog in TV, The Big Bang Theory Clifford; famous dog in book, TV, Clifford the Big Red Dog Cobb; famous dog in comics, Deflocked Daisy; famous dog in movie, comics, Blondie Dante; famous dog in movie, Coco Dawg; famous dog in comics, Hi and Lois Devil; famous dog in movie, comics, The Phantom Dinah; famous dog in movie, Mickey Mouse Diogee; famous dog in TV, Milo Murphy's Law Ditto; famous dog in comics, Monica & Friends Django; famous dog in TV, Your Honor Doc; famous dog in TV, Grey's Anatomy Dog Man; famous dog in book, Dog Man Dogbert; famous dog in comics, Dilbert Dogpool; famous dog in book, comics, Deadpool Corps Dogs of C-Kennel; famous dog in comics, Dogs of C-Kennel Doki; famous dog in TV, Doki Doug; famous dog in movie, The Mitchells vs. the Machines Duggee; famous dog in TV, Hey Duggee Duke; famous dog in movie, The Secret Lives of Pets Duncan; famous dog in comics, Raising Duncan Earl; famous dog in comics, Mutts Edgar; famous dog in comics, For Better or Worse Elmer; famous dog in movie, The More Love Grows Engels; famous dog in movie, Hail, Caesar! Enzo; famous dog in movie, book, The Art of Racing in the Rain Fang; famous dog in comics, The Duplex Fern Walters; famous dog in TV, Arthur Fifi; famous dog in comics, Jommeke Fluffa; famous dog in TV, Summerton Mill Fred Bassett; famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett Fuzz; famous dog in comics, Ziggy Gai Luron; famous dog in comics, Gai Luron Garbage; famous dog in TV, Dogs in Space Gnasher; famous dog in comics, Dennis the Menace and Gnasher Gnipper; famous dog in comics, Gnasher and Gnipper Gonker; famous dog in movie, Dog Gone Goodyear; famous dog in movie, Finch Grimm; famous dog in comics, Mother Goose and Grimm Gumbo; famous dog in comics, Adam@home Hacker T. Dog; famous dog in TV, Hacker T. Dog Hank; famous dog in Milwaukee Brewers Harry; famous dog in comics, Oor Wullie Honey; famous dog in TV, Housebroken Hope; famous dog in TV, Madam Secretary Hot Dog; famous dog in TV, comics, Archie Howard Huge; famous dog in comics, Howard Huge Hoze Hounds; famous dog in TV, Hoze Houndz Isis; famous dog in TV, Downton Abbey Islay; famous dog in TV, Victoria J.B.; famous dog in movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service Jake; famous dog in TV, Adventure Time Jason; famous dog in ads, Hush Puppies Jasper; famous dog in movie, book, Rebecca Jax; famous dog in movie, Lou Jim; famous dog in TV, Mike and Molly Jock; famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett Kewpie; famous dog in comics, Born Loser Koko; famous dog in comics, The Other Coast Krypto; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Superman Lado; famous dog in movie, TV, The Loud House Lily; famous dog in book, Lily and the Octopus Little Dog; famous dog in comics, Little Dog Lost Lockjaw; famous dog in comics, Fantastic Four Lotje; famous dog in comics, Jack, Jacky and the Juniors Louie; famous dog in comics, Overboard Lucky; famous dog in comics, Hawkeye Lulu; famous dog in movie, Dog Marmaduke; famous dog in movie, comics, Marmaduke Martin; famous dog in TV, Downward Dog Marvin; famous dog in movie, Paterson Max; famous dog in comics, Lola Max; famous dog in comics, Ben Max; famous dog in movie, The Secret Life of Pets Max; famous dog in movie, Show Dogs McTavish; famous dog in book, Good Dog McTavish Miguel; famous dog in TV, Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty Mike; famous dog in movie, comics, Ginger Meggs Minnie; famous dog in comics, Mike du Jour Minus; famous dog in TV, Poko Mo; famous dog in TV, Undateable Mortimer; famous dog in comics, Jump Start Mosé; famous dog in book, comics, Lupo Alberto Mr. Peanutbutter; famous dog in TV, BoJack Horseman Mystery; famous dog in movie, Vicky and her Mystery Nabuko Donosor; famous dog in comics, Urbanus Newshounds; famous dog in comics, Newshounds Nosonja; famous dog in book, comics, Alan Ford Number One; famous dog in TV, Star Trek: Picard Odie; famous dog in movie, comics, Garfield Otto; famous dog in comics, Beetle Bailey Ozzie; famous dog in movie, My Spy Pal; famous dog in TV, Arthur Pat; famous dog in TV, Pat the Dog Patrick; famous dog in movie, Patrick Paw Patrol; famous dog in TV, Paw Patrol Pearl; famous dog in movie, Spencer Confidential Peeves; famous dog in comics, Pet Peeves Pekkie; famous dog in comics, Jommeke Picpak; famous dog in comics, Picpak Dog Pluto; famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse Pluto; famous dog in movie, The Stray Poncho; famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe Pongping; famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear Pooch; famous dog in comics, Sinfest Poochie; famous dog in comics, Nancy Poopoo; famous dog in movie, Cat and Dog Poppy; famous dog in comics, Off the Leash Pretzel; famous dog in TV, In the Dark Puddles; famous dog in comics, Luann Pumpkin; famous dog in TV, The Gilded Age Reggie; famous dog in movie, Strays Rex; famous dog in movie, Megan Leavey Rex; famous dog in TV, Hudson & Rex  Rocket; famous dog in comics, Chacha Chaudhary Rocket; famous dog in ads, The Life is Good Company Rocky; famous dog in comics, Rocky Roger; famous dog in movie, Pets United Roger; famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs: Paws 3 Unite! Rollo; famous dog in TV, Outlander Roly; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Roscoe; famous dog in comics, Pickles Rover; famous dog in comics, Red and Rover Ruby; famous dog in movie, Rescued by Ruby Rufferto; famous dog in book, comics, Groo the Wanderer Ruppert; famous dog in comics, Deflocked Sakura; famous dog in comics, The Other Coast Sam; famous dog in comics, Family Circus Sam; famous dog in TV, comics, Sam & Max Sam and Brandy; famous dog in Dog Days Sandy; famous dog in movie, comics, Little Orphan Annie Santa's Little Helper; famous dog in TV, The Simpsons Satchel; famous dog in comics, Get Fuzzy Scooby-Doo; famous dog in movie, TV, Scooby-Doo Where Are You Scratch; famous dog in TV, Dot. Sensation; famous dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Shagg E. Dawg; famous dog in comics, Ask Shagg Sieg and Kleine; famous dog in comics, Gasoline Alley Simba; famous dog in movie, Oh My Dog Smirnov; famous dog in comics, Blacksad Snert; famous dog in comics, Hagar the Horrible Snoopy; famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Peanuts Sophie; famous dog in comics, Dog eat Doug Sparky; famous dog in TV, South Park Sparky; famous dog in TV, The Fairly OddParents Spencer; famous dog in comics, Best in Show Spike; famous dog in comics, Peanuts Spitsy; famous dog in comics, Big Nate Spots; famous dog in movie, Isle of Dogs Stella; famous dog in comics, Furbabies Stubby; famous dog in movie, Sgt._Stubby:_An_American_Hero Tag Barker; famous dog in book, TV, Go, Dog, Go Tazzie; famous dog in movie, Honest Thief Terence; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Tige; famous dog in TV, comics, ads, Buster Brown TNT; famous dog in comics, Rip Haywire Tobias; famous dog in comics, Spike and Suzy Tobias; famous dog in book, comics, Jommeke Toby; famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Journey Trouble; famous dog in movie, Trouble Tubby; famous dog in comics, Take It From The Tinkersons Wally; famous dog in comics, Drabble Watson; famous dog in book, comics, Kid Sherlock Weed; famous dog in book, TV, comics, Ginga Legend Weed Weederman; famous dog in comics, Mister Boffo Wellard; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Wesley; famous dog in movie, Who Gets the Dog Wiener-Dog; famous dog in movie, Wiener-Dog Willy; famous dog in TV, EastEnders Winoma; famous dog in movie, TV, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Woofster; famous dog in TV, Super Why Zuky; famous dog in comics, Beano 

The number of All Dogs Famous 2016 to now is 224

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famous dog in comics, Mark Trail

NAME: Andy

Mark's faithful dog in the comic strip Mark Trail; about an outdoor magazine writer whose assignments lead him into danger and adventure; created by Ed Dodd.

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Comic strip: 1946- now.


famous dog in comics, Pearl Before Swine

NAME: Andy

A dog chained to a post in the comic strip Pearl Before Swine; about the daily lives of a group of suburban anthropomorphic animals; written and illustrated by Stephen Pastis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2001-now.


famous dog in TV, Magnum-P.I.

NAME: Apollo and Zeus

Guard dogs of the estate called Robin's Nest in the TV series Magnum-P.I.; about a private detective who lives on the estate; starring Tom Selleck and John Hillerman in the original series; Jay Hernandez and Perdita Weeks in the later series.

BREED: Doberman Pinschers

YEARS: TV series: 1980-1988, 2018-2021.


famous dog in movie, Arthur the King

NAME: Arthur

Mikel's dog in the movie Arthur the King; about a captain of an adventure racing team that befriends a wounded stray dog who accompanies the team on an endurance race through the Dominican Republic; starring Mark Wahlberg.

BREED: Mongrel

YEARS: Movie: 2024.


famous dog in movie, The Noel Diary


Jake's dog in the rom-com movie The Noel Diary; about a man who returns home to settle his estranged mother's estate and discovers a diary that holds mysterious secrets.

BREED: Australian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in comics, Fusco Brothers

NAME: Axel

The brothers' dog in the comic strip Fusco Brothers; created by J.C. Duffy.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in comics, The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama

NAME: Böwser vön Überdog

A villain in the web comic strip The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama; about "a high-flying llama, a sword-swinging cat, and a rocket as loyal as a cowboy hero's horse". (Also in the comic is Jetpack Dog and Camwyn Godfrey.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007- now.


famous dog in Harry Bliss

NAME: Bailey

Dog appearing regularly in the cartoon by Harry Bliss; an American cartoonist and illustrator who has illustrated many books and produced hundreds of cartoons and covers for The New Yorker. His single-panel comic titled Bliss is syndicated through Tribune Content Agency.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Cartoon: 2005.


famous dog in movie, The Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Pup

NAME: Bailey

In the movie The Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Pup; about a family who moves to a new home and mistakenly leaves their puppy behind.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2010, 2017.


famous dog in comics, Family Circus

NAME: Barfy

The first family dog in the comic strip Family Circus; about a typical American family; created by Bil Keene.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 1960- now.


famous dog in TV, Blue Peter

NAME: Barney

Blue Peter's dog in the British TV series for children Blue Peter where the presenters show the viewers how to make things, how to care for your pet and other features. Blue's prior dogs were Petra, Patch, Shep, Goldie, Bonnie, Mabel, Lucy and Meg.

BREED: Irish Setter

(Dachshund cross)

YEARS: TV series: 1958- now.


famous dog in comics, Franka

NAME: Bars

Franka's dog in the Dutch comic strip Franka; about a strong female Dutch sleuth who solves mysteries in exotic locales; created by Henk Kuijpers.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1970- now.


famous dog in movie, Game Night

NAME: Bastian

Gary's dog in the movie Game Night; about a group of friends whose regular game night turns into a tangled real-life mystery when the boastful brother of one of them is kidnapped by thugs; starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams.

BREED: West Highland White Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in TV, Person of Interest

NAME: Bear

Reese's dog in the TV series Person of Interest; about a former CIA agent who is recruited by an reclusive billionaire to prevent violent crimes.

BREED: Belgian Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 2011-2016.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Way Home

NAME: Bella

Lucas's dog in the book and movie A Dog's Way Home, about a dog who treks 400 miles to return to her former home; the movie stars Ashley Judd, and is based on the book by Bruce Cameron.

BREED: Pit Bull


YEARS: Book: 2018.

Movie: 2019.


famous dog in TV, The Leopard

NAME: Bendico

The Prince's faithful dog in the TV series The Leopard; about Prince of Salina and his family in nineteenth century Sicily that is undergoing a historic social upheaval. Bendico provides a constant throughout the story, marking the passage of time and the changes that occur within the Salina family.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2025.


famous dog in comics, Boule et Bill

NAME: Bill

Boule's dog in the Belgian comic strip Boule et Bill; about a typical family and their cocker spaniel; created by Jean Roba in collaboration with Maurice Rosy. From 1961 to 1965, the strip appeared as a British comic strip It's A Dog's Life with Boule's name was changed to Pete and Bill's to Larry.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1959- now.


famous dog in TV, Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures

NAME: Billy Beagle

The announcer in the children's animated TV series Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures; about the Sensational Six (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto) as they race around their town of Adventures; originally titled Mickey and the Roadster Racers; voiced by Jay Leno; produced by Disney Television Animation.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: TV series: 2017.


famous dog in ads, Cracker Jacks

NAME: Bingo

In advertisements for Cracker Jacks, a U.S. brand of snack consisting of caramel-coated popcorn and peanuts.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Ads: 1918- 2021.


famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear

NAME: Bingo

One of Rupert's friends in the British comic strip Rupert Bear; about a bear who lives with his parents in a fictional idyllic English village with several anthropomorphic animals friends; created by Mary Tourtel and since 1935 written by others. (See also Pong Ping)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1920- now.


famous dog in TV, Puppy Dog Pals

NAME: Bingo and Rolly (Bingo on the right)

Bob's dogs in the children's animated TV series Puppy Dog Pals; about two puppies who have fun in when their owner leaves home; created by Harlan Williams.(Also in the show are many other dogs)


YEARS: TV series: 2017- now.


famous dog in TV, Arthur

NAME: Binky Barnes (See also Fern Walters and Pal)

One of the characters in the animated TV series Arthur; about an 8-year-old boy an anthropomorphic aardvark his friends and family; created by Cookie Jar Group.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1976-2022.


famous dog in movie, The Truffle Hunters

NAME: Birba

Aurelio's dog in the documentary movie The Truffle Hunters, about a handful of men, seventy or eighty years old, hunt for the rare and expensive white Alba truffle.

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in book, Biscuit Storybook Collection

NAME: Biscuit

A puppy in the children's book series, including Biscuit Storybook Collection. The books, published over recent years, are easy reading for youngsters; written by Alyssa Satin Capucilli and illustrated by Pat Schories.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Book: 1999- 2019.


famous dog in comics, Marvin

NAME: Bitsy

The family dog in the comic strip Marvin (later call Marvin & Family); about a young baby boy named Marvin and his father and mother; created by Tom Armstrong.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1982- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Shaun the Sheep

NAME: Bitzer

Shaun's friend in the British animated TV series and animated movie Shaun the Sheep; about an anthromophic sheep and farm associates; created by Nick Park. (Also in the series is dog Slip.)

BREED: Sheep Dog

YEARS: TV series: 2007- now.

Movie: 2015.


famous dog in book, comics, Monica and Friends

NAME: Blu (See also Ditto)

Franklin's pet in the Brazilian comic book series Monica and Friends (previously Monica's Gang); about the adventures of Monica and her many friends; created by Mauricio de Sousa. (Also in the comic are dogs Fluffy {Floquinho}, Duke {Duque}, and Rufus {Rúfius}.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1959-now.


famous dog in TV, Bluey

NAME: Bluey (Bluey is in front with his family)

Member of the Heeler family of dogs in the Australian animated TV series for preschoolers Bluey; about an anthropomorphic 6-year-old Blue Heeler puppy who lives with his family and has adventures with other dogs;

BREED: Australian Cattle Dog

(nicknamed a "Red Heeler" or "Blue Heeler")

YEARS: TV series: 2018- now.


famous dog in comics, Berts Bobje

NAME: Bobje

Bert's dog in the Belgian comic strip Berts Bobje which appeared exclusively in the French magazine HUMO; about an anthropomorphic dog with a human face often seen doing things only humans can; created by Kamagurka.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1991- now.


famous dog in movie, book, comics, Donald Duck

NAME: Bolivar

In the animated movies and comic strip Donald Duck; by Walt Disney. (More about Bolivar.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Movies: 1938- now.

Comic books: 1938- now.


famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe

NAME: Boomer (See also Poncho)

Poncho's friend in the comic strip Pooch Cafe; about the humorous antics of a self-serving, squirrel-fearing, food-obsessed, toilet-drinking mutt; created by Paul Gilligan. (Also in the comic are dogs Hudson, Droolia, Gus, Beaumont and Poo Poo.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Moose & Molly

NAME: Bowser

The Miller's pets in the comic strip Moose & Molly; about the daily life of a loafer and his wife; created by Bob Weber. (Also in the comic is dog Butch.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965-2020.


famous dog in book, Woof

NAME: Bowser

Birdie's dog in the book series beginning with Woof; about a young girl and her dog solving mysteries; written by Peter Abrahams under the alias Spencer Quinn.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Books: 2015-2017.


famous dog in TV, After Life

NAME: Brandy

Tony's dog in the British TV series After Life; after his wife dies, a newspaper writer's nice-guy persona changes into an impulsive, cavalier character; starring Ricky Gervais.

BREED: German Shepard

YEARS: TV series: 2019-2022.


famous dog in TV, Family Guy

NAME: Brian (See also Vinny)

The family dog in the animated TV series Family Guy; about the Griffins a dysfunctional family; created by Seth MacFarlane. (Also in the series is dog Jasper.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1999-2002, 2005- now.


famous dog in movie, book, Call of the Wild

NAME: Buck

In the book and in the several movies such as Call of the Wild; about a previously domesticated dog who ends up serving as a sled dog in the Yukon; written by Jack London. (2020 movie titled The Call of the Wild).

BREED: St. Bernard mix

YEARS: Book: 1903.

Movies: 1923, 1935, 1972, 1997, 2020.


famous dog in comics, Buckles

NAME: Buckles

A guileless and innocent dog in the comic strip Buckles; created by David Gilbert. (Also in the comic strip is a crippled dog, Lester, and a street dog, Rusty.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1996-2021.


famous dog in movie, Buckley's Chance

NAME: Buckley

Ridley's dog in the 2021 Australian/Canadian movie Buckley's Chance; about an American boy in lost in the outback of Australia who befriends a dingo; starring Bill Nighy and Milan Burch as Ridley.

BREED: Dingo

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in TV, Doc Martin

NAME: Buddy

Dog owned by Martin and his wife in the British TV series Doc Martin; about the people of a sleepy Cornish village and its humorless medical doctor; starring Martin Clunes. (Also in the series is dog Bob)

BREED: Westie-Jack Russell cross

YEARS: TV series: 2004-2022.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Purpose

NAME: Buddy (First named Bailey, then Ellie, then Tino, then Waffles, finally Buddy)

Ethan's dog in the movie A Dog's Purpose starring Dennis Quaid; about one endearing dog's search for his purpose over the course of several lives; based on the book by W. Bruce Cameron. (In the book, originally the dog was a mixed breed as Toby, then a Golden Retriever as Bailey, then a German Shepard as Ellie, before ending up as Buddy). (See the book sequel A Dog's Journey and movie.)

BREED: Golden Retriever

and other breeds in the movie

YEARS: Book: 2010, 2012.

Movie: 2017, 2019.


famous dog in movie, Strays

NAME: Bug (see also Reggie)

A stray mutt in the movie Strays; about an dog abandoned by his lowlife owner who falls in with a fast-talking, foul-mouthed mutt and his gang of strays; starring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx.

BREED: Boston Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in TV, comics, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

NAME: Bullet

Snuffy's dog in the comic strip and animated TV series Barney Google and Snuffy Smith; created by cartoonist Billy DeBeck.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1919- now.

TV series: 1963.


famous dog in comics, The Middletons

NAME: Bumper

The family dog in the comic strip The Middletons; about a white suburban American family and their neighbors; create by Ralph Dunagin and Dana Summers. (Also in the strip is dog Rusty.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

NAME: Butch

Pluto's arch nemesis in the animated movies and the animated TV series Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; by Walt Disney. (And in other venues.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Movie shorts: 1940-1947.

TV series: 1954, 2001-2017, 2006-2012.


famous dog in TV, The Rocketeer

NAME: Butch

Kit's dog in the animated TV series The Rocketeer; about a 7-year-old who learns she is to become the next Rocketeer, a jet pack-wearing superhero who can fly; debuted on Disney Channel.

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: TV series: 2019.


famous dog in comics, Zack Hill

NAME: Cagney

Zack's pet in the comic strip Zack Hill; about a young boy who lives with his widowed mother in a boardinghouse; created by John Deering and John Newcombe.

BREED: Boston Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 2003- now.


famous dog in comics, Gaturro

NAME: Canturro

A character in the Argentine comic strip Gaturro; about a cat who lives with his human owners but finds adventure roaming rooftops of the neighborhood; created by Cristian Dzwonik, better known as "Nik". (Also a movie, Caturro: The Movie.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1996-now.


famous dog in TV, Llan-ar-goll-en

NAME: Ceri

Prys' dog friend in the Welsh live action/animated children's television series Llan-ar-goll-en; about the small, crazy village of Llan-ar-goll-en, Wales, where things are known to go missing all the time; created by Siwan Jobbins.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2013-2016.


famous dog in movie, Puppy Love

NAME: Channing Tatum

Nicole's dog in the rom-com movie Puppy Love, about a couple who find love when there pets show the way. (Also in the movie is dog Cloe.)

BREED: Unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in TV, Brooklyn Nine-Nine

NAME: Cheddar

Kevin's dog in the TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine; about a team of detectives headed by the serious and intellectual captain in a Brooklyn Police Department.

BREED: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

YEARS: TV series: 2013-2021.


famous dog in comics, Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids

NAME: Chief Mutt

A character in the comic strip Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids; a strip that features logic puzzles and an anthropomorphic fox detective who constantly matches wits with a variety of criminals; created by Bob Weber Jr.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic Strip: 1987-now.


famous dog in movie, Hero Dog: The Journey Home

NAME: Chinook

Royce's guide dog in the movie Hero Dog: The Journey Home; about a man who is blind trying to get home to his family after surviving a shipwreck; starring Steve Byers.

BREED: Alaskan Malamute

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in TV, The Big Bang Theory

NAME: Cinnamon

Raj's dog in the TV series The Big Bang Theory; about four geeks and a girl in humorous situations.

BREED: Yorkshire Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2019.


famous dog in book, TV, Clifford the Big Red Dog

NAME: Clifford (See also Cleo)

Emily's dog in the children book series and animated TV series Clifford the Big Red Dog; about a big dog that gets in constant trouble; written by Norman Bridwell. (Also in the series are dogs Mimi, T-Bone, Hamburger, K.C., Artie, Jorge and Mac.)

BREED: Bloodhound


YEARS: Book: 1963.

TV series: 2000-2003, 2019-now.


famous dog in comics, Deflocked

NAME: Cobb (See also Ruppert, his brother)

The elder dog brother in the comic strip Deflocked; about the relationship of a wayward sheep with two dogs and their adopted young boy; written by Jeff Corriveau.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip:2006- now.


famous dog in movie, comics, Blondie

NAME: Daisy

The family dog in the comic strip and the movie Blondie; about the Bumsteads, Dagwood and Blondie and their two children; created by Chic Young.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1930- now.

Movies: 1938-1950.


famous dog in movie, Coco

NAME: Dante

Miguel's companion in the animated movie Coco; about a young boy who sets out on a journey to discover a dark family secret; released by Disney Pictures.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2017.


famous dog in comics, Hi and Lois

NAME: Dawg

The family dog in the comic strip Hi and Lois; about about a suburban family; by Dik Browne and Mort Walker.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1954- now.


famous dog in movie, comics, The Phantom

NAME: Devil

The Phantom's dog in the comic strip and the movie serial The Phantom; about a masked crimefighter based upon the comics; created by Lee Falk. In the series the dog is played by Ace the Wonder Dog.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Comics: 1936- now.

Movie serial: 1943.


famous dog in movie, Mickey Mouse

NAME: Dinah

Pluto's girlfriend in the animated movies about Mickey Mouse; produced by Walt Disney.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 1942- now.


famous dog in TV, Milo Murphy's Law

NAME: Diogee

Milo's dog in the animated TV series Milo Murphy's Law; about a boy who has bad luck, being a descendant of the creator of Murphy's Law, but overcomes his misfortunes by his talents; appearing on Disney XD.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2016-2019.


famous dog in comics, Monica & Friends

NAME: Ditto (See also Blu)

Monica's pet in the Brazialian comic strip Monica & Friends; about the adventures of Monica and her many friends; created by Mauricio di Sousa. (Also in the comic are dogs Fluffy {Floquinho}, Duke {Duque}, and Rufus {Rúfius}.)

BREED: King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1959- now.


famous dog in TV, Your Honor

NAME: Django

Dog belonging to Michael Desiato and his son Your Honor; about a judge who tries to cover up his son's hit-and run-accident; starring Bryan Cranston.

BREED: chocolate lab/hound mix

YEARS: TV series: 2020-2023.


famous dog in TV, Grey's Anatomy


Canine companion in the TV series Grey's Anatomy; about the lives of surgical interns and residents as they gradually evolve into seasoned doctors.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2005- now.


famous dog in book, Dog Man

NAME: Dog Man

Part-dog, part-man police officer in the book series Dog Man; about a part-dog, part-man police officer who protects the city against rotten robots, catty criminals and other evils; created by Dav Pilkey.

BREED: Generic

(part-dog, part-man)

YEARS: Books: 2016-2024.


famous dog in comics, Dilbert

NAME: Dogbert

Dilbert's dog in the comic strip Dilbert; about an engineer in a typical office; created by Scott Adams.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Deadpool Corps

NAME: Dogpool

Obelix's dog in the comic books Deadpool Corps; about the exploits of a village in ancient Gaul; published by Marvel Comics.


YEARS: Comic books: 2010- now.


famous dog in comics, Dogs of C-Kennel

NAME: Dogs of C-Kennel (Including Iggy, Kenny, Oliver, Tucker, and Willy)

In the comic strip Dogs of C-Kennel; created and written by Mick Mastroianni and illustrated by Mason Mastroianni.

BREED: Chihuahua

Husky, Great Dane, Schnauzer, and Pit Bull

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007- now.


famous dog in TV, Doki

NAME: Doki

A curious dog in the Canadian children's animated TV series Doki; about animal friends who are members of the Worldwide Expedition Club; produced by Portfolio Entertainment

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2013-2019.


famous dog in movie, The Mitchells vs. the Machines

NAME: Doug Dog character based upon the actual pug Doug.

The family dog in the animated movie The Mitchells vs. the Machines about a quirky and dysfunctional family's road trip that is upended when they find themselves in the middle of the robot apocalypse.


YEARS: Actual dog: 2012.

Animated movie: 2021.


famous dog in TV, Hey Duggee

NAME: Duggee

Leader of the squirrel club in the British preschool animated TV series Hey Duggee; each episode shows the squirrels completing an activity or adventure relating to a badge; created by Grant Orchard.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2014- now.


famous dog in movie, The Secret Lives of Pets

NAME: Duke

Max's cohort in the animated movie The Secret Lives of Pets; about a dog whose leisure life is turned upside down when his owner brings home an unkempt mongrel. (Also in the film are dogs Mel, Buddy, and Gidget.)

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in comics, Raising Duncan

NAME: Duncan

Big Daddy's dog in the comic strip Raising Duncan; a semi-autobiographical look at the life of the comic's creator, Chris Browne.

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Comic Strip: 2000-2005.

Returned on the Internet for GoComics: 2005-now.


famous dog in comics, Mutts

NAME: Earl

In the comic strip Mutts; about the day-to-day adventures of a dog and his cat associate named Mooch; created by Patrick McDonnell. (Also in the comic strip are dogs Woofie and Guard Dog.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1994- now.


famous dog in comics, For Better or Worse

NAME: Edgar (See also Farley)

The second family dog in the comic strip For Better or Worse; about a regular Canadian family; created by Lynn Johnston. Since 2008, the strip continues as reruns. Edgar appears in 1995 after first dog Farley died.

BREED: English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1979- now.

Dog: 1995.


famous dog in movie, The More Love Grows

NAME: Elmer

Helen's dog in the Hallmark movie The More Love Grows, about a woman who discovers happiness thanks to a stray dog and a helpful vet.

BREED: unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, Hail, Caesar!

NAME: Engels

Gurney's dog in the movie Hail, Caesar!; a fictional take on the real-life fixer Eddie Mannix who works in the Hollywood movie industry in the 1950s; starring among others George Clooney.

BREED: Maltese


YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, book, The Art of Racing in the Rain

NAME: Enzo

Denny's dog in the movie The Art of Racing in the Rain; about a race car driver and his dog who believes in the Mongolian legend that a dog who is prepared will be reincarnated in his next life as a human; based on the book by Garth Stein.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

Terrier mix

YEARS: Book: 2008.

Movie: 2019.


famous dog in comics, The Duplex

NAME: Fang

Eno's dog in the comic strip The Duplex; about an overweight unemployed bachelor and his dog; created by Glenn McCoy.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1993- now.


famous dog in TV, Arthur

NAME: Fern Walters (See also Binky, Barnes, and Pal)

One of Arthur's classmates in the animated TV series Arthur; about an eight-year-old male anthropomorphic aardvark; an American and Canadian educational TV series for children created by Cookie Jar Group.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1996-2022.


famous dog in comics, Jommeke

NAME: Fifi (See also Pekkie and Tobias)

The huge dog of the Countess Elodie from Stiepelteen in the Flemish comic strip Jommeke; about a young boy who lives with his parents and loves adventure; created by Jef Nys

BREED: Large white dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1955- now.


famous dog in TV, Summerton Mill

NAME: Fluffa

Dan's companion in the British animated TV series for children Summerton Mill; about a beautiful valley where when the rains turns the old waterwheel a little bit of magic takes place; created by Pete Bryden and Ed Cookson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2005- now.


famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett

NAME: Fred Bassett (See also Jock)

In the comic strip Fred Bassett; about a snobbish dog who appreciates the finer qualities of life; created by Scottish cartoonist Alex Graham.

BREED: Bassett Hound

YEARS: Comic strip: 1963- now.


famous dog in comics, Ziggy

NAME: Fuzz

Ziggy's dog in the comic strip Ziggy; featuring a small bald trouserless barefoot character with a large nose who seems to have no friends other than a menagerie of pets; created by Tom Wilson.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1969- now.


famous dog in comics, Gai Luron

NAME: Gai Luron

An anthropomorphic dog in the French comic strip Gai Luron; about an apathetic dog and his fox-friend reading their fan mail usually written by the same reader, a little boy. (Also in the comic is his girl friend Belle-Lurette.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965- now.


famous dog in TV, Dogs in Space

NAME: Garbage

Captain of the ship in the animated action-adventure streaming television series Dogs in Space; about a fleet of genetically enhanced dogs exploring the galaxy in search of a new planet to call home. Also in the crew are Stella (a Sheltie), Nomi (a Shih tzu), Ed (a Jack Russell terrier), Chonies (a Chihuahua), Loaf (a Bulldog), Kira (a Husky), Duchess (a St. Bernard), Pepper (a Labrador Retriever).

BREED: Corgi

YEARS: TV series: 2021-2022.


famous dog in comics, Dennis the Menace and Gnasher

NAME: Gnasher (See also Gnipper)

Dennis' dog in the British comic strip Dennis the Menace and Gnasher; about a boy and his dog who cause problems for everyone; originally appearing in the British comic book The Beano; published by D. C. Thomson & Co. (More about Gnasher and Gnipper.)

BREED: Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound

YEARS: Comic strip appearance: 1974- now.


famous dog in comics, Gnasher and Gnipper

NAME: Gnipper (See also Gnasher)

Gnasher's son in the British comic strip Gnasher and Gnipper; about a boy and his dog who cause problems for everyone; appearing in the British comic book The Beano published by D. C. Thomson & Co. (More about Gnasher and Gnipper.)

BREED: Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound

YEARS: Comic strip appearance: 2011- now.


famous dog in movie, Dog Gone

NAME: Gonker

Fielding's dog in the movie Dog Gone; about a father and son who repair their relationship during a trek on the Appalachian trail to find a lost dog. Based on the book Dog Gone by Pauls Toutonghi, which was based on a true story.

BREED: Yellow Labrador

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, Finch

NAME: Goodyear

Finch's dog in the movie Finch; a man on a journey to find a new home for his dog and his newly created robot; starring Tom Hanks.

BREED: Irish Terrier mix

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in comics, Mother Goose and Grimm

NAME: Grimm

A talking dog owned by Mother Goose in the comic strip Mother Goose and Grimm which includes both one-day gags and week-long storylines involving the main characters; created by Mike Peters.

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1984- now.


famous dog in comics, Adam@home

NAME: Gumbo

The family dog in the comic strip Adam@home; about a stay-at-home consultant and his family; created by Brian Basset, (1984-2009); continued by Rob Harrell (2009-present). The dog was added to the strip in October, 2012.

BREED: Mixed breed


YEARS: Comic strip: 1984- now.


famous dog in TV, Hacker T. Dog

NAME: Hacker T. Dog

One of the presenters on British TV, Hacker T. Dog, normally portrayed as being in the CBBC Office with his best friend Iain Stirling. (More about Hacker T. Dog.)

BREED: Border Terrier

(Actually a puppet)

YEARS: TV series: 2009- now.


famous dog in Milwaukee Brewers

NAME: Hank

Unofficial mascot of the Milwaukee Brewers major league baseball team beginning in 2014. (More about Hank.)

BREED: Mixed breed

(perhaps part Bichon Frise)

YEARS: Dog: 2014- now.


famous dog in comics, Oor Wullie

NAME: Harry

Wullie's dog in the Scottish comic strip Oor Wullie; about a boy and his friends whose adventures often involve unrealistic get-rich-quick schemes that lead to mischief; created by R. D. Low and drawn by cartoonist Dudley D. Watkins until 1969; then by others.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip:1936-1969, 1989-1997, 2005- now.


famous dog in TV, Housebroken

NAME: Honey

An anthropomorphic dog in the animated TV series Housebroken; about a therapy dog who runs group sessions to help neighborhood animals manage their neuroses; starring Lisa Kudrow. (Also are dogs Elsa, a know-it-all Corgi Chief, a sloppy St. Bernard, and Diablo, an anxious Airedale Terrier.)

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 2021-2023.


famous dog in TV, Madam Secretary

NAME: Hope

The first family's dog in the TV series Madam Secretary; about a woman president facing tough decisions every day; starring Téa Leoni.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Dog in the TV series: 2019.


famous dog in TV, comics, Archie

NAME: Hot Dog

Jughead's dog in the comics Archie; a long running series about teenage friends (the dog first appeared in 1968); created by publisher/editor John L. Goldwater. Also an animated TV series The Archie Show"

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comics: 1968- now.

TV animation: 1968-1969.


famous dog in comics, Howard Huge

NAME: Howard Huge

A family dog in the comic strip Howard Huge; about a dog who, by his very size, gets in the way of his family... and sometimes himself; created by Bill Hoerst and now written by Bunny Hoerst. (Image reprinted courtesy of Bunny Hoest.)

BREED: St. Bernard

YEARS: Comic strip: 1981- now.


famous dog in TV, Hoze Houndz

NAME: Hoze Hounds (Including dogs Hozer, Squirt, Steamer, Fontaine, Crystal and Brooke)

Six fire dogs in the Canadian animated TV series Hoze Houndz; about the misadventures of a fire-fighting team.

BREED: Dalmatian

YEARS: TV series: 1999- now.


famous dog in TV, Downton Abbey

NAME: Isis

In the TV series (British) Downton Abbey; which depicts the lives of an aristocratic family and their servants in a well-appointed country estate during the post-Edwardian era. (Also before Isis was dog Pharoh, and after was dog Tiaa.)

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2010-2016.


famous dog in TV, Victoria

NAME: Islay (See also dog Dash)

Queen Victoria's dog in the second season of the TV series Victoria; about the early years of the Queen of England; starring Jenna Colmen. The series was shown a year later in the U.S.

BREED: Cairn Terrier

YEARS: TV series: 2015-2016.


famous dog in movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service

NAME: J.B. (short for Jack Bauer)

Eggsy's dog in the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service; about a spy organization who recruits a street kid and whose goal is to end a global threat from a twisted tech genius; starring Colin Firth, Michael Caine, and Samuel Jackson.


YEARS: Movie: 2014.


famous dog in TV, Adventure Time

NAME: Jake

Finn's dog in the animated TV series Adventure Time; about a 14-year-old boy and his dog with magical powers living in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo; created by Pendleton Ward.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2010-2018.

Limit TV series: 2020- now.


famous dog in ads, Hush Puppies

NAME: Jason

In advertisements for Hush Puppies, a brand of casual shoes by Wolverine Worldwide.

BREED: Basset Hound

YEARS: Ads: since 1985- now.

Dog: 1979-1990.


famous dog in movie, book, Rebecca

NAME: Jasper

Maxim de Winter's dog in the movie Rebecca; about a self-conscious bride who is tormented by the memory of her husband's dead first wife; starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and based on the book by Daphne du Maurier. Also a 2020 movie starring Lily James.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Book: 1938.

Movie: 1940, 2020.


famous dog in movie, Lou


Lou's dog in the Netflix movie Lou; about a mother who teams up with the mysterious woman next door to pursue the kidnapper of her child.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in TV, Mike and Molly


Peggy's dog in the TV series (sit-com) Mike and Molly; about a couple meet at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.

BREED: Brussels Griffon


YEARS: TV series: 2010-2016.


famous dog in comics, Fred Bassett

NAME: Jock (See also Fred)

Fred's companion in the comic strip Fred Bassett; created by Scottish cartoonist Alex Graham. (Also occasionally in the strip are dogs Yorky and Fifi.)

BREED: Scottish Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1963- now.


famous dog in comics, Born Loser

NAME: Kewpie

The family dog in the comic strip Born Loser; about a guy who can't get any breaks; created by Art Sansom and continued by his son Chip Sansom.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1965- now.


famous dog in comics, The Other Coast

NAME: Koko (See also Sakura)

One of the family dogs in the comic strip The Other Coast which satirizes life in the 21st century features environmental and animal rights issues; written by Adrian Raeside.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Comic strip: 2001- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Superman

NAME: Krypto

Superman's dog in the various comic books starring Superman; published by DC comics. (More about Krypto.)

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comics: 1955- now.

TV appearances: 1966-now.

Movies: 2010, 2018, 2022.


famous dog in movie, TV, The Loud House

NAME: Lado

The Casagrande family's pet dog in the animated TV series and graphic novels The Loud House; about the chaotic everyday life of the only boy in a family of eleven children; created Chris Savino. (A spin-off series The Casagrandes premiered in 2019.) (Many other dogs are in the series.)

BREED: English Mastiff

YEARS: TV series: 2016- now.

Movie: 2021.

Graphic novels: 2017- now.


famous dog in book, Lily and the Octopus

NAME: Lily

Rowley's dog in the book Lily and the Octopus; about paralegal screenwriter and his old dog with brain cancer; written by Steven Rowley.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Book: 2016.


famous dog in comics, Little Dog Lost

NAME: Little Dog

In the comic strip Little Dog Lost; about a dog that finds the adventure of the open road is addictive; by Steve Boreman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007-2016.


famous dog in comics, Fantastic Four

NAME: Lockjaw

An alien bulldog-like being in the comic series Fantastic Four; about super-powers on steroids. (More about Lockjaw.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic series: 1965- now.


famous dog in comics, Jack, Jacky and the Juniors

NAME: Lotje

Family pet in the Dutch comic strip Jack, Jacky and the Juniors ((Jan Jans en de Kinderen); about a family's situations; originally created by Jan Kraus.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1970- now.


famous dog in comics, Overboard

NAME: Louie

Captain Crow's pet in comic strip Overboard; about pirates anachronistically placed in modern times; created by Chip Dunham.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1990- now.


famous dog in comics, Hawkeye

NAME: Lucky

Barton's dog in the comic book series Hawkeye; about a superhero archer in many adventures with the Avengers.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1964- now.


famous dog in movie, Dog

NAME: Lulu

Briggs's former partner's dog in the movie Dog; about a former Army Ranger with his partner's dog who races down the west coast to get to a partner's funeral on time; starring Channing Tatum.

BREED: Belgian Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in movie, comics, Marmaduke

NAME: Marmaduke

The Winslow family dog in the comic strip and in the animated movie Marmaduke; about a big dog that gets into loads of trouble; comic by Brad Anderson. (Also in the movie are dogs Bosco, Giuseppe, Jezebel, Mazie, Thunder, Lightning, and Raisin.)

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: Comic strip: 1954- now.

Movie: 2010, 2022.


famous dog in TV, Downward Dog

NAME: Martin

Nan's dog in the TV series Downward Dog; about a recently unattached working woman who finds companionship with a philosophizing dog; starring Allison Tolman.

BREED: Coonhound


YEARS: TV series: 2017.


famous dog in movie, Paterson

NAME: Marvin

Paterson's dog in the movie Paterson; about a week in the mundane life of a bus driver and his wife; starring Adam Driver . The dog is played by Nellie.

BREED: Bulldog, English

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in comics, Lola


Lola's pet in the comic strip Lola; about a widow who, having moved in with her son and his family, reveals her independence and love of life; created by Todd Clark.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Ben


The Hatley pet in the comic strip Ben, about a recent retiree from Oshawa, Ontario, and his family.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 2009- now.


famous dog in movie, The Secret Life of Pets


Katie's dog in the animated movie The Secret Life of Pets; about a dog whose leisure life is turned upside down when his owner brings home an unkempt mongrel called Duke. (Also in the film are dogs Mel, Buddy, and Gidget.)

BREED: Jack Russell Terrier

YEARS: Animated movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, Show Dogs


Police officer Frank's companion in the movie Show Dogs, about a macho police dog who goes undercover as a primped entant in a dog show to stop an animal-smuggling scheme; starring Will Arnett. (Also in the movie are dogs Daisy, Sprinkles, Karma, Philippe, and Dante.)

BREED: Rottweiler

YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in book, Good Dog McTavish

NAME: McTavish

The Peachey family dog in the children's book Good Dog McTavish; about a family in crisis because the mom has taken up yoga and a rescue dog with a plan to save the family; written by Meg Rosoff and illustrated by Grace Easton.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Book: 2017.


famous dog in TV, Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty

NAME: Miguel

Felicity's best friend in the children's animated TV series Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, or RBUK; about the mythical adventures of a magical cat (part rainbow, part butterfly, and part unicorn) and her friends; produced by American toy company Funrise.

BREED: Chihuahua

YEARS: TV series: 2019- now.


famous dog in movie, comics, Ginger Meggs

NAME: Mike

Ginger Meggs' dog in the Australian comic strip Ginger Meggs; about the escapades of a red-haired young boy; created by Jimmy Bancks and drawn by several cartoonist over the years. The strip remains the most widely syndicated Australian comic strip.

BREED: generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1921-2023.

Movie: 1982.


famous dog in comics, Mike du Jour

NAME: Minnie

Mike's companion in the comic strip Mike du Jour; an average guy dealing with the oddities of life; created by Mike Lester.

BREED: Basset Hound mix

YEARS: Comic strip: 2012- now.


famous dog in TV, Poko

NAME: Minus

Poko's dog in the Canadian children's animated TV series Poko; about a young boy with a magic finger, his pet dog and his toy monkey; by Halifax Film.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2003- now.


famous dog in TV, Undateable


Candice's dog in the TV series (sit-com) Undateable; about a 30-ish carefree single guy who is unable or unwilling to form a lasting commitment with a woman.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: TV series: 2014-2016.


famous dog in comics, Jump Start

NAME: Mortimer

The Cobb family dog in the comic strip Jump Start; about an average middle class couple, busy with work and raising a family revealing the humor of daily life; created by Robb Armstrong.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Comic strip: 1989- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Lupo Alberto

NAME: Mosé

An antagonist in the Italian comic book series Lupo Alberto; about a blue wolf whose antics are usually foiled by a sheepdog; created by Guido Silvestri.

BREED: Old English Sheepdog

YEARS: Comic books: 1974- now.


famous dog in TV, BoJack Horseman

NAME: Mr. Peanutbutter

BoJack's former sitcom rival and Diane's boyfriend in the animated TV series BoJack Horseman; about the star of a once hit television now washed up living in Hollywood and complaining about everything.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2014-2020.


famous dog in movie, Vicky and her Mystery

NAME: Mystery

Victoria's dog in the movie Vicky and her Mystery; about a 8 year old girl whose mother passed away finds solace in the adoption of a puppy.

BREED: unknown

YEARS: Movie: 2021.


famous dog in comics, Urbanus

NAME: Nabuko Donosor

Urbanus' dog in the Flemish comic strip Urbanus; loosely based on Flemish comedian and singer Urbanus who portrayed as an eleven to twelve-year old version of himself despite his full-grown beard.

BREED: Alien dog

but treated like a regular dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1982- 2022.


famous dog in comics, Newshounds

NAME: Newshounds (Including Kevin, Rochelle, Sam, Renata, and Wolfram)

The staff of news broadcasting company, KPET in the web comic strip Newshounds; drawn and written by Thomas K. Dye and hosted by online comics syndicate Keenspot.

BREED: Golden Retriever

Cocker Spaniel, Collie, Black Labrador, Noregian Elkhound, Malmute

YEARS: Comic strip: 1997- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Alan Ford

NAME: Nosonja

A character in the Italian comic book Alan Ford; a satirical take on classic secret agents laden with surreal and black humour; created by Max bunker and Robert Raiola.

BREED: Bloodhound

YEARS: Comic book: 1969- now.


famous dog in TV, Star Trek: Picard

NAME: Number One

Picarad's dog in the TV series Star Trek: Picard; the plot centers on Jean-Luc Picard who is deeply affected by the death of Data.

BREED: Pitbull

YEARS: TV series: 2020.


famous dog in movie, comics, Garfield

NAME: Odie

Garfield's canine pigeon in the comic strip Garfield and the movie Garfield: The Movie; about a fun-loving cat and a stupid dog; created by Jim Davis.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1978- now.

Movie: 2004.


famous dog in comics, Beetle Bailey

NAME: Otto

In the comic strip Beetle Bailey; about the inept American soldiers stationed at Camp Swampy; created by Mort Walker.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1950- now.


famous dog in movie, My Spy

NAME: Ozzie

Sophie's dog in the movie My Spy; about a tough CIA operative who finds himself manipulated by a precocious young girl during an undercover surveillance; starring Dave Bautista and Chloe Coleman.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in TV, Arthur

NAME: Pal (See also Binky Barnes, and Fren Walters)

In the animated TV series Arthur; an American and Canadian animated educational television series for children created by Cookie Jar Group.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1976- now.


famous dog in TV, Pat the Dog


Lola's dog in the computer-animated children's TV series Pat the Dog; about clever and brave dog who goes to any lengths to protect the ones he cares for; based on the computer game Space Dog by Sylvain Seynhaeve.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2017- now.


famous dog in movie, Patrick

NAME: Patrick

Sarah's dog in the movie Patrick; about a young woman whose life changes when her grandmother bequeaths her a spoiled Pug.


YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in TV, Paw Patrol

NAME: Paw Patrol (Including Marshall, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, Skye, and Everest)

A children's animated TV series Paw Patrol; about 7 pups each with a unique personality and skills and a tech-savvy boy working together on rescue missions to protect their city.

BREED: Various

YEARS: TV series: 2003- now.


famous dog in movie, Spencer Confidential

NAME: Pearl

Spencer's dog in the movie Spencer Confidential; an ex-cop teams up with his no-nonsense roommate to take down cop killing criminals; starring Mark Wahlberg and Winston Duke.

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in comics, Pet Peeves

NAME: Peeves (a family inclucing dad CJ, mom Jasmine, daughter Sara and son Freddy)

A family of dogs in the comic strip Pet Peeves; about anthropomorphic dogs who capture situations of a typical human family; created by Dave London and Pete Chianca.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2016- now.


famous dog in comics, Jommeke

NAME: Pekkie (See also Fifi and Tobias)

Jommeke's friend's black dog in the Flemish comic strip Jommeke; about a young boy who lives with his parents and loves adventure; created by Jef Nys.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Comic strip: 1955- now.


famous dog in comics, Picpak Dog

NAME: Picpak

A pink dog married to a blue cat webcomic strip Picpak Dog; about a dog who loves meeting people, watching TV, and sleeping; by Kim Belding.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2007- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Mickey Mouse

NAME: Pluto (See also Fifi)

Cartoon dog in the animated movies and several animated TV series appearing as the pet of Mickey Mouse; by Walt Disney. (More about Pluto.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movies: 1931- now.

TV series: 1999- now.


famous dog in movie, The Stray

NAME: Pluto

The Davis family adopted dog in the movie The Stray; about a young family who come upon a dog that seems to be miraculous.

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2017.


famous dog in comics, Pooch Cafe

NAME: Poncho (See also Boomer)

Chazz's dog in the comic strip Pooch Cafe; about the humorous antics of a self-serving squirrel-fearing food-obsessed mutt; created by Paul Gilligan. (Also in the comic are dogs Hudson, Droolia, Gus, Beaumont and Poo Poo.)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Rupert Bear

NAME: Pongping

One of Rupert's friends in the British comic strip Rupert Bear; about a bear who lives with his parents in a fictional idyllic English village with several anthropomorphic animals friends; created by Mary Tourtel and since 1935 written by others. (See also Bingo.)

BREED: Pekingese

YEARS: Comic strip: 1920- now.


famous dog in comics, Sinfest

NAME: Pooch

A stereotypical cheerful dog in the comic strip and website Sinfest which deals with human nature often in parody; created by Tatsuya Ishida.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Nancy

NAME: Poochie (original called Woofy in 1933, then Poochie in 2018)

Nancy's dog in the comic strip Nancy; about a typical and somewhat mischievous eight-year-old girl and her friends; created by Ernie Bushmiller.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1933- now.


famous dog in movie, Cat and Dog

NAME: Poopoo

A stray dog in the movie Cat and Dog; about a cat and a dog who escape their cages in the airport and their owners work together

BREED: Beagle, possibly

YEARS: Movie: 2024.


famous dog in comics, Off the Leash

NAME: Poppy (stand-in for many dogs)

Ordinary dogs in the comic strip Off the Leash; about all kinds of dogs and their thoughts and conversations in various hilarious situations; created by Rupert Fawcett.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2012-2023.


famous dog in TV, In the Dark

NAME: Pretzel

Murphy's guide-dog in the limited TV series In the Dark; about a blind woman who resolves to solve the murder of her friend; from The CW Television Network.

BREED: Golden Retriever

YEARS: TV series: 2019.


famous dog in comics, Luann

NAME: Puddles

Luann's dog in the comic strip Luann; about a teenager dealing with school and family and friends; created by Greg Evans.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1985- now.


famous dog in TV, The Gilded Age

NAME: Pumpkin

Aunt Ada's dog in the TV limited series The Gilded Age; set in 1890s New York City, the story follows the clashes between an old money family and a new-money family.

BREED: King Charles Spaniel

YEARS: TV series: 2022, 2023.


famous dog in movie, Strays

NAME: Reggie (see also Bug)

Doug's dog in the movie Strays; about an dog abandoned by his lowlife owner who falls in with a fast-talking, foul-mouthed mutt and his gang of strays; starring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx.

BREED: Border Terrier

YEARS: Movie: 2023.


famous dog in movie, Megan Leavey


Megan's dog in the movie Megan Leavey (also known as Rex); about a US Marine corporal who served as a Military Police K9 handler; starring Kate Mara.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Movie: 2017.


famous dog in TV, Hudson & Rex


Charlie's dog in the Canadian TV series Hudson & Rex ; about a detective and his dog who, with keen nose and ears, is instrumental in solving crimes.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: TV series: 2019.


famous dog in comics, Chacha Chaudhary

NAME: Rocket (also known as Raaket)

Chacha Chaudhary's dog in the Indian comic strip Chacha Chaudhary; about frail, extremely intelligent old man, his wife, a giant called Sabu, and dog in a small Indian village; from Diamond Comics.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1971- now.


famous dog in ads, The Life is Good Company

NAME: Rocket

In advertisements for The Life is Good Company, a New England-based apparel and accessories wholesaler retailer and lifestyle brand.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Ads: 1994- now.


famous dog in comics, Rocky

NAME: Rocky

In the Swedish comic strip Rocky; about on an anthropomorphic dog and his friends in their everyday life in Stockholm; created by Martin Kellerman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1998- now.


famous dog in movie, Pets United

NAME: Roger

One of the pack leaders in the animated movie Pets United; about a group of spoiled pets who join forces to save their city from its evil mayor and his robot army. (Other dogs in the movie are Ronaldo, Walter, and Joy)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2019.


famous dog in movie, Cats & Dogs: Paws 3 Unite!

NAME: Roger

A risk assessment analyst in the movie Cats & Dogs: Paws 3 Unite!; about a dog and cat who must rein in a villain cockatoo who plans to destroy the ten-year truce between cats and dogs.

BREED: Border Collie

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in TV, Outlander

NAME: Rollo (appearing in season 4)

Ian's dog in the lengthy historical TV series Outlander; about a married former World War II military nurse in Scotland who, in 1945, finds herself transported back to 1743 where she encounters a dashing Highland warrior; starring Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan; based on series of novels by Diana Gabaldon.

BREED: Northern Inuit

YEARS: TV series: 2014.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Roly (See also Terence, Wellard, and Willy)

Sharon's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about the people of a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London Borough. (More about Roly.)

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in comics, Pickles

NAME: Roscoe

Earl and Opal's dog in the comic strip Pickles; about a retired couple in their seventies; created by Brian Crane.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1990- now.


famous dog in comics, Red and Rover

NAME: Rover

Red's loyal companion in the comic strip Red and Rover; about a boy and his dog; created by Brian Basset.

BREED: Labrador Retriever


YEARS: Comic strip: 2000- now.


famous dog in movie, Rescued by Ruby

NAME: Ruby

Dan's dog in the American Netflix biographical drama movie Rescued by Ruby; about a state trooper who has dreams of joining an elite K-9 unit a with clever but willful shelter dog; starring Grant Gustin.

BREED: Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in book, comics, Groo the Wanderer

NAME: Rufferto

Groo's inseparable companion in the comic book series Groo the Wanderer; about an incompetent large-nosed barbarian and his faithful dog; created by Sergio Aragonés.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic books: 1981- now.


famous dog in comics, Deflocked

NAME: Ruppert (See also Cobb, his brother)

The younger dog brother in the comic strip Deflocked; about the relationship of a wayward sheep with two dogs and their adopted young boy; written by Jeff Corriveau.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2006- now.


famous dog in comics, The Other Coast

NAME: Sakura (See also Koko)

One of the family dogs in the comic strip The Other Coast; created by Adrian Raeside.

BREED: Papillon

YEARS: Comic strip: 2001- now.


famous dog in comics, Family Circus

NAME: Sam (See also Barfly)

The second family dog in the comic strip Family Circus; about a typical American family; created by Bil Keene.

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comic strip: 1960- now.


famous dog in TV, comics, Sam & Max

NAME: Sam (Of Sam & Max the Freelance Police)

A crime-stopper in comic book series Sam & Max; in the animated TV series The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police and video games originally created by Steve Purcell. (More about Sam & Max.)

BREED: Cocker Spaniel

YEARS: Comics: 1987- now.

TV series: 1997-1998.

Video games: 1993-2010.


famous dog in Dog Days

NAME: Sam and Brandy

Elizabeth's dog and Jimmy's dog in the movie Dog Days; about a group of young people in Los Angeles whose lives become intertwined with the help of their canine companions. (Also in the movie are Labradoodle Charlie, Chihuahua Gertrude, and Pug Mabel)

BREED: Mixed breed

both Sam and Brandy

YEARS: Moive: 2018.


famous dog in movie, comics, Little Orphan Annie

NAME: Sandy

Annie's dog in comics Little Orphan Annie on radio, in the Broadway musical Annie, and in the movies (1982, 1999 and 2014); created by Harold Gray.

BREED: Airedale


YEARS: Radio: 1925-1942.

Comics: 1925- 2010.

Broadway stage: 1977-1983.

Movies: 1982, 1999, 2014.


famous dog in TV, The Simpsons

NAME: Santa's Little Helper

The family dog in the long-running animated TV series The Simpsons; about a disfunctional family and noted for its fast and subtle humor and ridiculous plots; created by Matt Groening.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1989- now.


famous dog in comics, Get Fuzzy

NAME: Satchel

One of Rob's pets in the comic strip Get Fuzzy; about the adventures of an ad executive and his anthropomorphic dog and cat; created by Darby Conley.

BREED: Mixed breed.

Father was Labrador Retriever, his mother a Shar-Pei

YEARS: Comic strip: 1999- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, Scooby-Doo Where Are You

NAME: Scooby-Doo (Formerly called Too Much)

Lifelong companion of Shaggy Rogers in the animated TV series Scooby-Doo Where Are You; about a big dog and several teenage humans; a Hanna Barbera production, originally created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears.

BREED: Great Dane

YEARS: TV series: 1969-1991, 2001- now.

Live-action movie:2002, 2004.

Animated movie: 2020.



famous dog in TV, Dot.

NAME: Scratch

Dot's dog in the children's animated TV series Dot.; about the adventures an eight-year-old energetic girl who uses technology in solving problems; based on the book by Randi Zuckerberg.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2016-2018.


famous dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

NAME: Sensation

Representative dog image for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. A dog named Don which had won bench championships in England in 1875 and 1876, became the symbolic image for the Kennel Club because of the 1935 steel engraving of “Sensation” by artist J. Wellstood. From 1980-1982, a head study of the dog gained popularity. (More about Sensation.)

BREED: Pointer

YEARS: Dog: 1870s.

In Kennel catalog: 1936- now.


famous dog in comics, Ask Shagg

NAME: Shagg E. Dawg

In the comic strip Ask Shagg where a dog answers questions about animals that are sent in by readers; created by cartoonist Peter Guren.

BREED: Generic shaggy dog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1980-2020.


famous dog in comics, Gasoline Alley

NAME: Sieg and Kleine

Slim and Clovia's dogs in the comic strip Gasoline Alley; about an established family, and residents in the town of Gasoline Alley; created by Frank King. It is the longest-running current comic strip, second after The Katzenjammer Kids

BREED: Great Dane

and Doberman Doberman

YEARS: Comic strip: 1918- now.


famous dog in movie, Oh My Dog

NAME: Simba

Arjun's dog in the Indian children's movie Oh My Dog; a bout a young boy who rescues a blind Siberian Husky puppy and decides to train him for a competition with his father and grandfather.

BREED: Siberian Husky

YEARS: Movie: 2022.


famous dog in comics, Blacksad

NAME: Smirnov

Police commissioner and friend of Blacksad in the comic series Blacksad; a black cat investigator solving crimes in an anthropomorphic world; created by Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido.

BREED: German Shepherd

YEARS: Comic series: 2000- now.


famous dog in comics, Hagar the Horrible

NAME: Snert

Hagar's dog in comic strip Hagar the Horrible; about a shaggy scruffy overweight red-bearded Viking who regularly raids England; created by Dik Browne and now drawn by his son Chris Browne.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1973- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, comics, Peanuts

NAME: Snoopy (See also Spike)

Charlie Brown's dog in comic strip Peanuts and in animated TV specials such as I want a Dog for Christmas by Charles Schulz. (More about Snoopy.)

BREED: Beagle

YEARS: Comic strip: 1950- now.

TV specials: 1965-2011.

Movies: 1969, 1972, 1977, 1980.


famous dog in comics, Dog eat Doug

NAME: Sophie

Doug's canine friend in the comic strip Dog eat Doug; about a dog and a baby in a love-hate relationship; created by Brian Anderson.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 2004- now.


famous dog in TV, South Park

NAME: Sparky

Stan's dog in the animated TV series South Park; about the bizarre adventures of four boys; created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The show is known for crude language and dark humor.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 1997- now.


famous dog in TV, The Fairly OddParents

NAME: Sparky

Timmy's talking fairy dog in the animated TV series The Fairly OddParents; about the everyday adventures of Timmy Turner, a boy who is granted two fairy godparents; created by Butch Hartman.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2001-2018.


famous dog in comics, Best in Show

NAME: Spencer

A wily dog in the comic strip Best in Show; about a dog with a mind of his own; create by Phil Juliano.

BREED: Labrador Retriever

YEARS: Comic strip: 2004-2017.


famous dog in comics, Peanuts

NAME: Spike (See also Snoopy)

Snoopy's older brother in the comic strip Peanuts; by Charles Schulz. (More about Spike.)

BREED: Bulldog

YEARS: Comic strip: 1950- now.


famous dog in comics, Big Nate

NAME: Spitsy

Nate's dog in the comic strip Big Nate; about the adventures of a spirited and rebellious sixth-grader along with his best friends; created by Lincoln Peirce.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1991- now.


famous dog in movie, Isle of Dogs

NAME: Spots

Atari's lost dog in the animatead movie Isle of Dogs; about a group of dogs are fed up with their isolated existence until a boy arrives at the island searching for his dog. (Also in the movie are dogs Chief, Rex, Boss, Duke, and King.).

BREED: Mixed breed

YEARS: Movie: 2018.


famous dog in comics, Furbabies

NAME: Stella

One of Kate's animal friends in the comic strip Furbabies; about an imaginative nine-year-old girl and her animal friends; also in the comic is Shawm, a Afghan hound.

BREED: Poodle

YEARS: Comic strip: 2023- now.


famous dog in movie, Sgt._Stubby:_An_American_Hero

NAME: Stubby

Robert Conroy's companion in the animated movie Sgt._Stubby:_An_American_Hero; about a stray dog who becomes a hero of the World War I; based on the real life of a dog named Stubby, the 1st dog promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the US Army and most decorated in American history. (More about Stubby.)

BREED: Bull Terrier

YEARS: Dog: 1917-1926.

Movie: 2018.


famous dog in book, TV, Go, Dog, Go

NAME: Tag Barker

The main pooch in the children's TV series Go, Dog, Go; about the lifestyle of two young canines in their canine town of Pawston; also in the movie is Scooch Pooch as well as several other dogs; based on the 1961 children's book of the same name by P. D. Eastman.

BREED: Beagador

YEARS: TV series: 2021- now.

Book: 1961-1989.


famous dog in movie, Honest Thief

NAME: Tazzie

Agent Sean Meyers' dog in the movie Honest Thief; about a guy who, after a life of as a thief, falls in love and decides to turn himself in; starring Liam Neeson and Kate Walsh.

BREED: Mix breed

YEARS: Movie: 2020.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Terence (See also Roly, Wellard, and Willy)

Janine's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about the people of a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London Borough.

BREED: Lhasa Apso

YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in TV, comics, ads, Buster Brown

NAME: Tige

In advertising and in the comic strip Buster Brown; about a mischievous young boy and his dog; created by Richard Felton Outcault and on radio and in the TV series. Adopted as mascot by Brown Shoe Company.

BREED: Pit Bull Terrier

YEARS: Comic strip: 1901-1921.

Ads: 1904-now.

Radio: 1943-1954.

TV series: 1951-1953.


famous dog in comics, Rip Haywire


The family dog in the comic strip Rip Haywire; about a soldier of fortune who lives for danger, accompanied on adventures with his cowardly talking Collie dog TNT and his ex-girlfriend; written and illustrated by North Carolina artist Dan Thompson.

BREED: Collie

YEARS: Comic strip: 2009- now.


famous dog in comics, Spike and Suzy

NAME: Tobias

Dog adopted by Suzy in the Belgian comic strip Spike and Suzy (Suske en Wiske in Flemish); about two children and their friends and family with elements of comedy, fantasy, and science fiction.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1945- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Jommeke

NAME: Tobias (See also Fifi and Pekkie)

Dog of the Baron van Piependale in the 257th Flemish comic book of Jommeke; about a young boy who lives with his parents and loves adventure; created by Jef Nys

BREED: Fictional breed

with long ears and large feet

YEARS: Dog character: 2011.

Comic books: 1955- now.


famous dog in movie, book, A Dog's Journey

NAME: Toby (Originally named Buddy, then Molly, then Max, finally Toby.)

The narrator of the story in the book A Dog's Journey; about a dog's search for his purpose over the course of several lives; a sequel to A Dog's Purose by W. Bruce Cameron; also a movie. (The Buddy reincarnation derives from the earlier book.)

BREED: Beagle

(Originally a Black Labrador as Buddy, then a Cocker Spaniel as Molly, then a Poodle mix as Max, before ending up as Toby.)

YEARS: Book: 2012.

Movie: 2019.


famous dog in movie, Trouble

NAME: Trouble

Sarah Vanderwhoozie's dog in the animated movie Trouble, (retitled Dog Gone Trouble for Netflix); about a dog who is fought over to gain the inheritance of his late master. (Also in the movie is dog Rousey and several others)

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Movie: 2019, retitled in 2021.


famous dog in comics, Take It From The Tinkersons

NAME: Tubby

The family dog in the comic strip Take It From The Tinkersons; about a modern family facing the trials and troubles of daily life; created by Bill Bettwy.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 2013- now.


famous dog in comics, Drabble

NAME: Wally

The family dog in the comic strip Drabble; created by Kevin Fagan.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Comic strip: 1979- now.


famous dog in book, comics, Kid Sherlock

NAME: Watson (John Watson)

Young Sherlock's canine companion in the comic book series Kid Sherlock; about a school boy and his dog who deal with bullies, track down lost toys, and other mysteries; written by Justin Phillips and Illustrated by Sean Miller and Leslay Atlansky.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic book series: 2017- now.


famous dog in book, TV, comics, Ginga Legend Weed

NAME: Weed

Son of Gin in the Japanese comic book series and animated TV series Ginga Legend Weed; about a dog and his allies who journey throughout Japan aiding those in need;

BREED: Akita

YEARS: Comic book series: 1999- now.

Animated TV series: 2005-2006.


famous dog in comics, Mister Boffo

NAME: Weederman

Earl's dog in the comic strip Mister Boffo; about a balding big-nosed man married to a pretty blonde; by Joe Martin.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic strip: 1986- now.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Wellard (See also Terence, Roly, and Willy)

Robbie's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about a community in a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London borough.

BREED: Belgian Tervuren

YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in movie, Who Gets the Dog

NAME: Wesley

Olive and Cay's dog in the movie Who Gets the Dog; about a separated couple who wrangle over their dog; starring Alicia Silverstone.

BREED: Labador Retriever

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in movie, Wiener-Dog

NAME: Wiener-Dog

A dog owned by several people in the movie Wiener-Dog; a series of four short stories about a dog who goes from owner to owner for a mix of reasons; starring an ensemble cast including Danny DeVito.

BREED: Dachshund

YEARS: Movie: 2016.


famous dog in TV, EastEnders

NAME: Willy (See also Terence, Wellard, and Roly)

Ethel's dog in the TV series (British) EastEnders; about the people of a fictional Victorian square in a fictional London Borough.


YEARS: TV series: 1985- now.


famous dog in movie, TV, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

NAME: Winoma

A character in the animated TV series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic; about a studious unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle as her mentor Princess Celestia guides her to learn about friendship in the town of Ponyville; developed by Lauren Faust..

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Animated TV series: 2010-2019.

Animated movie: 2017.


famous dog in TV, Super Why

NAME: Woofster

Whyatt's dog in the animated TV series Super Why; a children's adventure series in which five Super Readers help preschoolers learn the fundamentals of reading; created by Angela C. Santomero.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: TV series: 2007-2012, 2015-2016.


famous dog in comics, Beano

NAME: Zuky

A character in the British children's comic strip magazine Beano; about a cat, Meeko, and dog, Zuky who fight like cat and dog usually for not good reason.

BREED: Generic

YEARS: Comic: 2010- now.




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